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- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- # Tests the SapConnectPlugin
- # Add the path to TWiki lib, and further paths if required by your installation
- push @INC, qw|
- /srv/www/vhosts/
- |;
- }
- # --- Testing the SapConnectPlugin
- use TWiki::Plugins::SapConnectPlugin;
- use Test::More tests => 26;
- init_tests();
- # Test API function
- is( get_data_from_sap( type => 'transports', dest => 'D12' ),
- '',
- 'get_data_from_sap() URL with no id is built properly' );
- is( get_data_from_sap( type => 'transport', id => 'D12K123456' ),
- '',
- 'get_data_from_sap() URL with id is built properly' );
- is( get_data_from_sap( type => 'transports', args => { list_scope => 'light' } ),
- '',
- 'get_data_from_sap() URL with extra parameters is built properly' );
- # Test request URL properly produced
- is( incl_from_sap( 'docu', {_DEFAULT => 'FU.Z_TEST', dest => 'D12'}),
- '',
- 'incl_from_sap([docu]) generating the correct URL' );
- is( (incl_from_sap( 'code', {_DEFAULT => 'FU.Z_TEST'})=~ /<pre>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/pre>/ )[0],
- '',
- 'incl_from_sap([code]) generating the correct URL' );
- is( incl_from_sap( 'addi', {_DEFAULT => 'TRANSPORT.D12K165202'}),
- '',
- 'incl_from_sap([addi]) generating the correct URL' );
- is( url_for_sap( 'docu', { _DEFAULT => 'CL.ZCL_TEST',
- expand => 'true' } ),
- '',
- 'url_for_sap() generates URL to special TWiki topic' );
- # enrich URL from TWiki tag args
- is( test_enrich_url({ expand => 'true',
- _DEFAULT => 'RE.ZZ_TEST' })->query_param('expand'),
- 'X',
- 'enrich_url_from_tag_args() maps true values to X' );
- is( test_enrich_url({ expand => 'false',
- _DEFAULT => 'RE.ZZ_TEST' })->query_param('expand'),
- ' ',
- 'enrich_url_from_tag_args() maps false values to space' );
- is( test_enrich_url({ level => 3,
- _DEFAULT => 'RE.ZZ_TEST' })->query_param('level'),
- '3',
- 'enrich_url_from_tag_args() maps level value' );
- is( test_enrich_url({ _DEFAULT => 'RE.ZZ_TEST' })->path,
- '/docu',
- 'enrich_url_from_tag_args([docu]) sets path extension "docu"' );
- is( test_enrich_url({ _DEFAULT => 'RE.ZZ_TEST' })->query_param('id'),
- 'enrich_url_from_tag_args([docu]) sets ID parameter from default argument' );
- is( test_enrich_url({ _DEFAULT => 'TRANSPORT.D12K104256'},'addi')->path,
- '/transport',
- 'enrich_url_from_tag_args([addi]) fills path extension from first part of default argument' );
- is( test_enrich_url({ _DEFAULT => 'TRANSPORT.D12K104256' },'addi')->query_param('id'),
- 'D12K104256',
- 'enrich_url_from_tag_args([addi]) sets ID parameter from 2nd part of default argument' );
- sub test_enrich_url {
- my $url = URI->new( '' );
- my $args = shift;
- my $type = shift || 'docu';
- enrich_url_from_tag_args( $url, $type, $args);
- return $url;
- }
- # get URL function
- isa_ok( get_url_from_dest(), 'URI',
- 'get_url_from_dest() passes URI object');
- like( get_url_from_dest(), qr/d11/,
- 'get_url_from_dest() uses default dest if none passed');
- is( get_url_from_dest('D12'), '',
- 'get_url_from_dest() passes complete URL');
- like( get_url_from_dest('d11'), qr/d11/,'get_url_from_dest() accepts lowercase destinations' );
- fails( get_url_from_dest, 'D99',
- 'get_url_from_dest() raises exception for unknown destinations');
- for (qw/
- fu.z_convert_itf
- /) {
- passes( \&check_docu_key, $_, "is_docu_key() accepts syntactically correct arguments");
- }
- for (qw/
- RE
- Something
- /) {
- fails( \&check_docu_key, $_, "is_docu_key() refuses syntactically incorrect arguments");
- }
- sub fails {
- my $testname = pop @_;
- ok( died( @_ ), $testname );
- }
- sub passes {
- my $testname = pop @_;
- ok( !died( @_ ), $testname );
- }
- sub died {
- my ($f,@args) = @_;
- eval {
- &$f(@args);
- };
- return !!$@;
- }
- sub init_tests {
- no warnings 'once';
- # initialize some variables
- %TWiki::Plugins::SapConnectPlugin::sapDest = ( D11 => "",
- D12 => "" );
- $TWiki::Plugins::SapConnectPlugin::defaultDest = "D11";
- $TWiki::Plugins::SapConnectPlugin::sapPath = "/sap/bc/twiki/";
- $TWiki::Plugins::SapConnectPlugin::scheme = "http";
- no warnings;
- *TWiki::Plugins::SapConnectPlugin::get_request = sub { return shift };
- *TWiki::Plugins::SapConnectPlugin::get_topic_url_for_link = sub { return URI->new( '' . ucfirst lc shift ); };
- # For better readability of the tests: Import these methods into own namespace
- import_methods_under_test(qw|
- incl_from_sap
- url_for_sap
- check_docu_key
- enrich_url_from_tag_args
- get_url_from_dest
- get_data_from_sap
- |);
- }
- sub import_methods_under_test {
- for (@_) {
- *{$_} = \*{"TWiki::Plugins::SapConnectPlugin::$_"};
- }
- }
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