
magento fzf codebase ideas app

Nov 20th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. ff
  2. fd
  3. fzfg
  4. fzf with preview
  5. on success clipboard
  6. on success ahk script /wget hook http go
  7. gs
  8. stack overflow magento stack exchange
  9. google
  10. search usage codebase git
  11. open code base
  12. commands
  13. n98
  14. commonly reffered to terms: magento checkout, quote, cart, customer... etc..
  15. scripts/permissions/reindex/regen/upgrade/
  16. cache
  17. regenerate
  18. module enable
  19. ahk http go phpstorm open
  20. open file on github
  21. jump
  22. history
  23. git rollback
  24. open notes / snippets
  25. clipboard
  26. ahk win activate
  27. scratchpad
  28. n98 search through commands
  29. list of interfaces
  30. list of repositories
  31. list of magento modules
  32. list of xml defaults
  33. list of urns
  34. list of virtual types/actual filenames
  35. search through snippets phpstorm unpack
  36. cgp
  37. image cgp trace
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