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it unlocks many cool features!
- org 7c00h
- use16
- debut:
- mov si, message
- call print
- jmp $
- print:
- include "./video.asm"
- ; include "./color.asm"
- ; t720x400
- g640x480
- red
- .loop:
- lodsb
- cmp al, 00h
- jz .done
- call print_char
- jmp .loop
- .done:
- ret
- print_char:
- mov ah, 00eh ; write charcter and advance cursor
- int 010h
- ret
- ; jmp $
- ; include "./stoschar.asm"
- message:
- db 'Hello, World!', 00h
- ; stoschar 048h, 065h, 06ch, 06ch, 06fh, 0afh, 00h
- fin:
- cli
- hlt
- times 510-($-$$) db 0
- dw 0aa55h
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