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- {rectangles}
- <!-- left formulas for the permutations -->
- <g transform="translate(124.5, 1030) scale(24, 24)">
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- <g transform="translate(51, 1008)">
- {pf}
- </g>
- <!-- small indices over the left matrix of permutations -->
- <g font-size="8px" transform="translate(222.5, 1018)">
- <text x="0" y="0">0</text><text x="15" y="0">1</text><text x="30" y="0">2</text><text x="45" y="0">3</text><text x="67" y="0">4</text><text x="82" y="0">5</text><text x="97" y="0">6</text><text x="112" y="0">7</text>
- </g>
- <!-- left matrix of permutations -->
- <g style="text-anchor: middle;" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="16px" transform="translate(225, 1048)">
- {pm}
- </g>
- <!-- right formulas for the inverse permutations -->
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- <g transform="translate(328.5, 1008)">
- {ipf}
- </g>
- <!-- right matrix of inverse permutations -->
- <g transform="translate(500, 1030) scale(24, 24)">
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- </g>
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- {ipm}
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- formula_svg_store = """<g>
- <g transform="translate(68, -830)">
- {letters}
- </g>
- {negators}
- </g>"""
- rectangle_svg_store = """<!-- RECTANGLE -->
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- <!-- background rectangle -->
- <rect width="200" height="400" style="fill: #{beige}; stroke: #999; stroke-width:1.5;" />
- <!-- binary matrix of the permutation -->
- <g transform="translate(10, 126) scale(8, 8)">
- <path fill="white" d="m0,0h8v3H0"/>
- <path fill="red" d="{pmat}"/>
- <rect x="0" y="0" width="8" height="3" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" fill="none"/>
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- <path stroke-dasharray=".1, 3.9" d="M-.05,1.5h8"/>
- </g>
- </g>
- <!-- binary matrix of the inverse permutation -->
- <g transform="translate(10, 286) scale(8, 8)">
- <path fill="white" d="m0,0h8v3H0"/>
- <path fill="red" d="{ipmat}"/>
- <rect x="0" y="0" width="8" height="3" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" fill="none"/>
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- </g>
- <!-- arrow cube -->
- <g transform="translate(85, 63) scale(38, 38)">
- <g style="stroke: black; stroke-width:.01px;">
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- {arrows}
- </g>
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- </g>
- <!-- number cube -->
- <g style="stroke:#000; stroke-width:.03px;" transform="translate(90, 238) scale(30, 30)">
- <g>
- <line x1="0" y1="3" x2="0" y2="1"/><line x1="1" y1="2" x2="1" y2="0"/><line x1="2" y1="3" x2="2" y2="1"/><line x1="3" y1="2" x2="3" y2="0"/><line x1="0" y1="3" x2="1" y2="2"/><line x1="0" y1="1" x2="1" y2="0"/><line x1="2" y1="3" x2="3" y2="2"/><line x1="2" y1="1" x2="3" y2="0"/><line x1="0" y1="3" x2="2" y2="3"/><line x1="0" y1="1" x2="2" y2="1"/><line x1="1" y1="2" x2="3" y2="2"/><line x1="1" y1="0" x2="3" y2="0"/>
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- <g style="fill: #{topgray}">
- <circle cx="0" cy="1" r=".4"/><circle cx="1" cy="2" r=".4"/><circle cx="2" cy="3" r=".4"/><circle cx="3" cy="0" r=".4"/>
- </g>
- </g>
- <!-- text -->
- <g style="text-anchor: middle;" font-family="sans-serif">
- <!-- small indices of the permutation -->
- <g font-size="8px" transform="translate(71, 22)">
- <text x="0" y="0">0</text><text x="15" y="0">1</text><text x="30" y="0">2</text><text x="45" y="0">3</text><text x="67" y="0">4</text><text x="82" y="0">5</text><text x="97" y="0">6</text><text x="112" y="0">7</text>
- </g>
- <!-- horizontal permutation -->
- <g font-size="16px" transform="translate(71, 42)">
- {pvect}
- </g>
- <!-- horizontal inverse permutation -->
- <g transform="translate(4, 359) scale(24)">
- <rect x="0" y="0" width="8" height="1" fill="#{bottomgray}"/>
- <rect x="1" y="0" width="2" height="1" fill="#{topgray}"/>
- <rect x="4" y="0" width="1" height="1" fill="#{topgray}"/>
- <rect x="7" y="0" width="1" height="1" fill="#{topgray}"/>
- <g stroke="black" stroke-width="1">
- <path stroke-dasharray=".03, .97" d="M0,.5h9"/>
- <path stroke-dasharray=".1, 3.9" d="M-.05,.5h9"/>
- </g>
- <rect x="0" y="0" width="8" height="1" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1" fill="none"/>
- </g>
- <g font-size="16px" transform="translate(16, 377)">
- {ipvect}
- </g>
- <!-- indices of the arrow cube -->
- <g font-size="10px" transform="translate(91, 190)">
- <text x="0" y="0">0</text>
- <text x="0" y="-76">1</text>
- <text x="76" y="0">4</text>
- <text x="76" y="-76">5</text>
- <g transform="translate(23.5, -31)">
- <text x="0" y="0">2</text>
- <text x="0" y="-76">3</text>
- <text x="76" y="0">6</text>
- <text x="76" y="-76">7</text>
- </g>
- </g>
- <!-- permuted cube numbers -->
- <g font-size="16px" transform="translate(90, 244)">
- {cubenums}
- </g>
- </g>
- <!-- formula for the permutation -->
- <g transform="translate(-39, 47) scale(.6)">
- {pform}
- </g>
- <!-- formula for the inverse permutation -->
- <g transform="translate(-90, 191)">
- {ipform}
- </g>
- <!-- circle with permutation ID -->
- <g transform="translate(34, 29)">
- {idcircle}
- </g>
- </g>"""
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