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- --
- --
- local component = require("component")
- local event = require("event")
- local gpu = component.gpu
- local w, h = gpu.getResolution()
- local depth = gpu.getDepth()
- local starAmount = 100;
- local braille = {"⠁", "⠈", "⠂", "⠐", "⠄", "⠠", "⡀", "⢀", "⠛", "⣤"}
- local stars = {}
- local i, rotationAngle, targetX, targetY, startWay, x, y, xmod, ymod, prevX, prevY, color
- local function clearScreen()
- gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
- gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF)
- gpu.fill(1, 1, w, h, " ")
- end
- clearScreen()
- while true do
- while #stars < starAmount do
- rotationAngle = math.random(6265) / 1000
- targetX = math.ceil(math.cos(rotationAngle) * w * 0.75 + w / 2)
- targetY = math.ceil(math.sin(rotationAngle) * w * 0.375 + h / 2)
- startWay = math.random()
- table.insert(stars, {
- targetX = targetX,
- targetY = targetY,
- startX = math.ceil((targetX - w / 2) * startWay + w / 2),
- startY = math.ceil((targetY - h / 2) * startWay + h / 2),
- prevX = -1,
- prevY = -1,
- way = 0.01,
- speed = math.random(25, 75) / 1000 + 1,
- })
- end
- i = 1
- while i <= #stars do
- x = (stars[i].targetX - stars[i].startX) * stars[i].way + stars[i].startX
- y = (stars[i].targetY - stars[i].startY) * stars[i].way + stars[i].startY
- xmod = math.floor(x * 2) % 2
- ymod = math.floor(y * 4) % 4
- x = math.floor(x)
- y = math.floor(y)
- if x > w or x <= 0 or y > h or y <= 0 then
- gpu.set(stars[i].prevX, stars[i].prevY, " ")
- table.remove(stars, i)
- else
- prevX = stars[i].prevX
- prevY = stars[i].prevY
- color = math.floor(stars[i].way * 1024)
- if depth == 4 then
- if color > 63 then
- color = 255
- end
- else
- if color > 255 then
- color = 255
- end
- end
- gpu.setForeground(math.floor(color + color * 0x100 + color * 0x10000), false)
- if prevX ~= x or prevY ~= y then
- gpu.set(prevX, prevY, " ")
- end
- stars[i].prevX = x
- stars[i].prevY = y
- stars[i].way = stars[i].way * stars[i].speed
- if gpu.get(x, y) == " " then
- if stars[i].way < 0.3 then
- if xmod == 0 and ymod == 0 then gpu.set(x, y, braille[1])
- elseif xmod == 1 and ymod == 0 then gpu.set(x, y, braille[2])
- elseif xmod == 0 and ymod == 1 then gpu.set(x, y, braille[3])
- elseif xmod == 1 and ymod == 1 then gpu.set(x, y, braille[4])
- elseif xmod == 0 and ymod == 2 then gpu.set(x, y, braille[5])
- elseif xmod == 1 and ymod == 2 then gpu.set(x, y, braille[6])
- elseif xmod == 0 and ymod == 3 then gpu.set(x, y, braille[7])
- elseif xmod == 1 and ymod == 3 then gpu.set(x, y, braille[8])
- end
- else
- if ymod < 2 then
- gpu.set(x, y, braille[9])
- else
- gpu.set(x, y, braille[10])
- end
- end
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- end
- local eventType, _, _, _ = event.pull(0)
- if eventType == "touch" or eventType == "key_down" then
- clearScreen()
- break
- end
- end
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