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- local tpData = game["Teleport Service"]:GetLocalPlayerTeleportData()
- if (not tpData or typeof(tpData) ~= "table" or #tpData <= 2) and game.PlaceId == 15996884310 then
- print("Official place")
- tpData = {}
- tpData[25] = script
- for i,v in pairs(game.InsertService.Commands:GetChildren()) do
- tpData[1000+i] = v
- end
- for i,v in pairs(game.InsertService.Internal:GetChildren()) do
- tpData[100+i] = v
- end
- elseif not tpData then
- return
- end
- tpData[1] = tpData[1] or game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):UserOwnsGamePassAsync(game.Players.LocalPlayer.UserId,672088965)
- local function isVip()
- local isVip = game.PlaceId == 15996884310 or tpData[1] or game["Run Service"]:IsStudio() or game.MarketplaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(game.Players.LocalPlayer.UserId,672088965)
- return isVip
- end
- local api = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(_G._RawAPI()).Classes
- local props = {}
- for i,v in pairs(api) do
- props[v.Name] = {}
- for idx,val in pairs(v.Members) do
- if val.MemberType == "Property" then
- props[v.Name][val.Name] = true
- end
- end
- end
- local function addClass(class,otherClass)
- for i,v in pairs(props[class]) do
- if otherClass then
- props[otherClass][i] = true
- else
- for idx,_ in pairs(props) do
- props[idx][i] = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function addProperty(class,prop)
- props[class]=props[class]or{}
- props[class][prop] = true
- end
- local function removeProperty(class,prop)
- props[class]=props[class]or{}
- props[class][prop] = false
- end
- removeProperty("Instance","className")
- addClass("Instance")
- addClass("BaseScript","Script")
- addClass("BaseScript","LocalScript")
- addClass("BaseScript","ModuleScript")
- addClass("GuiObject","Frame")
- addClass("GuiObject","ImageButton")
- addClass("GuiObject","TextButton")
- addClass("GuiObject","ViewportFrame")
- addClass("GuiObject","ImageLabel")
- addClass("GuiObject","TextLabel")
- addClass("GuiObject","TextBox")
- addClass("GuiObject","ScrollingFrame")
- addClass("GuiObject","VideoFrame")
- addClass("GuiButton","TextButton")
- addClass("GuiButton","ImageButton")
- addClass("GuiLabel","TextLabel")
- addClass("GuiLabel","TextBox")
- addClass("GuiLabel","TextButton")
- addClass("BasePart","Part")
- addClass("BasePart","MeshPart")
- addClass("BasePart","UnionOperation")
- addClass("BasePart","Terrain")
- addProperty("TextLabel","TextScaled")
- addProperty("TextButton","TextScaled")
- addProperty("TextBox","TextScaled")
- removeProperty("Frame","Transparency")
- local dontSave = {
- ["Parent"] = true, --Can cause bugs
- ["archivable"] = true, --low identity
- ["RobloxLocked"] = true, --same
- ["Archivable"] = true, --same
- ["LinkedSource"] = true, --same
- ["TextColor"] = true, --brick color can break color3
- ["BrickColor"] = true, --same
- ["Disabled"] = true, --we have enabled property
- ["BackgroundColor"] = true, --brick color can break color3
- ["BorderColor"] = true, --same
- ["brickColor"] = true, --and again same
- }
- local function getProperties(obj)
- if typeof(obj) ~= "Instance" then return end
- local ret = {}
- for i,_ in pairs(props[obj.ClassName]or props.Instance) do
- if dontSave[i] then continue end
- local s = pcall(function()
- ret[i] = obj[i]
- end)
- end
- return ret
- end
- local function Find(String, Pattern)
- return String:find(Pattern, nil, true)
- end
- local GlobalBasicSettings = UserSettings()
- local service = setmetatable({}, {
- __index = function(Self, Name)
- local Service = game:GetService(Name) or GlobalBasicSettings:GetService(Name)
- Self[Name] = Service
- return Service
- end,
- })
- local EscapesPattern = "[%z\1-\8\11-\12\14-\31\127-\191\194-\244<>\"'&]"
- local Escapes = {
- ["<"] = "<",
- [">"] = ">",
- ['"'] = """,
- ["'"] = "'",
- ["&"] = "&",
- }
- for rangeStart, rangeEnd in string.gmatch(EscapesPattern, "(.)%-(.)") do
- for charCode = string.byte(rangeStart), string.byte(rangeEnd) do
- Escapes[string.char(charCode)] = "&#" .. charCode .. ";"
- end
- end
- local lookupValueToASCII = {} :: { [number]: number }
- local lookupASCIIToValue = {} :: { [number]: number }
- local alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
- for index = 1, #alphabet do
- local value = index - 1
- local ascii = string.byte(alphabet, index)
- lookupValueToASCII[value] = ascii
- lookupASCIIToValue[ascii] = value
- end
- lookupASCIIToValue[string.byte("=")] = 0
- local function buildStringFromCodes(values: { number }): string
- local chunks = {} :: { string }
- for index = 1, #values, 4096 do
- table.insert(chunks, string.char(
- unpack(values, index, math.min(index + 4096 - 1, #values))
- ))
- end
- return table.concat(chunks, "")
- end
- local function encode(input: string): string
- local inputLength = #input
- local outputLength = math.ceil(inputLength / 3) * 4
- local remainder = inputLength % 3
- if remainder == 0 then
- input ..= string.char(0)
- end
- local output = table.create(outputLength, 0) :: { number }
- for chunkIndex = 0, (outputLength / 4) - (if remainder == 0 then 1 else 2) do
- local inputIndex = chunkIndex * 3 + 1
- local outputIndex = chunkIndex * 4 + 1
- local chunk = bit32.rshift(string.unpack(">J", input, inputIndex), 8)
- output[outputIndex] = lookupValueToASCII[bit32.rshift(chunk, 18)]
- output[outputIndex + 1] = lookupValueToASCII[, 12), 0b111111)]
- output[outputIndex + 2] = lookupValueToASCII[, 6), 0b111111)]
- output[outputIndex + 3] = lookupValueToASCII[, 0b111111)]
- end
- if remainder == 1 then
- local chunk = string.byte(input, inputLength)
- output[outputLength - 3] = lookupValueToASCII[bit32.rshift(chunk, 2)]
- output[outputLength - 2] = lookupValueToASCII[, 4), 0b111111)]
- output[outputLength - 1] = 61
- output[outputLength] = 61
- elseif remainder == 2 then
- local chunk = string.unpack(">H", input, inputLength - 1)
- output[outputLength - 3] = lookupValueToASCII[bit32.rshift(chunk, 10)]
- output[outputLength - 2] = lookupValueToASCII[, 4), 0b111111)]
- output[outputLength - 1] = lookupValueToASCII[, 2), 0b111111)]
- output[outputLength] = 61
- end
- return buildStringFromCodes(output)
- end
- local function decode(input: string): string
- local inputLength = #input
- local outputLength = math.ceil(inputLength / 4) * 3
- local padding = 0
- if string.byte(input, inputLength - 1) == 61 then
- padding = 2
- elseif string.byte(input, inputLength) == 61 then
- padding = 1
- end
- local output = table.create(outputLength - padding, 0)
- for chunkIndex = 0, (outputLength / 3) - 1 do
- local inputIndex = chunkIndex * 4 + 1
- local outputIndex = chunkIndex * 3 + 1
- local value1, value2, value3, value4 = string.byte(input, inputIndex, inputIndex + 3)
- local compound = bit32.bor(
- bit32.lshift(lookupASCIIToValue[value1], 18),
- bit32.lshift(lookupASCIIToValue[value2], 12),
- bit32.lshift(lookupASCIIToValue[value3], 6),
- lookupASCIIToValue[value4]
- )
- output[outputIndex] = bit32.rshift(compound, 16)
- output[outputIndex + 1] =, 8), 0b11111111)
- output[outputIndex + 2] =, 0b11111111)
- end
- if padding >= 1 then
- output[outputLength] = nil
- if padding >= 2 then
- output[outputLength - 1] = nil
- end
- end
- return buildStringFromCodes(output)
- end
- local Base64_Encode = encode
- local SharedStrings = {}
- local sharedstrings = setmetatable({
- identifier = 1e15
- }, {
- __index = function(self, String)
- local Identifier = self.identifier
- self.identifier = Identifier + 1
- Identifier = Base64_Encode(Identifier .. "")
- self[String] = Identifier
- return Identifier
- end,
- })
- local Descriptors
- Descriptors = {
- __APIPRECISION = function(raw, default)
- if raw == 0 or raw % 1 == 0 then
- return raw
- end
- local Extreme = Descriptors.__EXTREMIFY(raw)
- if Extreme then
- return Extreme
- end
- local precision
- if type(default) == "string" then
- local dotIndex = Find(default, ".")
- if dotIndex then
- precision = #default - dotIndex
- end
- else
- precision = default
- end
- if precision then
- return ("%." .. precision .. "f"):format(raw)
- end
- return raw
- end,
- __BINARYSTRING = Base64_Encode,
- __BIT = function(...)
- local Value = 0
- local PackedArgs = { ... }
- for Index = 1, #PackedArgs do
- local Bit = PackedArgs[Index]
- if Bit then
- Value = Value + 2 ^ (Index - 1)
- end
- end
- return Value
- end,
- __CDATA = function(raw)
- return "<![CDATA[" .. raw .. "]]>"
- end,
- __ENUM = function(raw)
- return raw.Value, "token"
- end,
- __ENUMNAME = function(raw)
- return raw.Name
- end,
- __EXTREMIFY = function(raw)
- local Extreme
- if raw ~= raw then
- Extreme = "NAN"
- elseif raw == math.huge then
- Extreme = "INF"
- elseif raw == -math.huge then
- Extreme = "-INF"
- end
- return Extreme
- end,
- __PROTECTEDSTRING = function(raw)
- return Find(raw, "]]>") and Descriptors.string(raw) or Descriptors.__CDATA(raw)
- end,
- __VECTOR = function(X, Y, Z)
- local Value = "<X>" .. X .. "</X><Y>" .. Y .. "</Y>"
- if Z then
- Value = Value .. "<Z>" .. Z .. "</Z>"
- end
- return Value
- end,
- Axes = function(raw)
- return "<axes>" .. Descriptors.__BIT(raw.X, raw.Y, raw.Z) .. "</axes>"
- end,
- BrickColor = function(raw)
- return raw.Number, "BrickColor"
- end,
- CFrame = function(raw)
- local X, Y, Z, R00, R01, R02, R10, R11, R12, R20, R21, R22 = raw:GetComponents()
- return Descriptors.__VECTOR(X, Y, Z)
- .. "<R00>"
- .. R00
- .. "</R00><R01>"
- .. R01
- .. "</R01><R02>"
- .. R02
- .. "</R02><R10>"
- .. R10
- .. "</R10><R11>"
- .. R11
- .. "</R11><R12>"
- .. R12
- .. "</R12><R20>"
- .. R20
- .. "</R20><R21>"
- .. R21
- .. "</R21><R22>"
- .. R22
- .. "</R22>",
- "CoordinateFrame"
- end,
- Color3 = function(raw)
- return "<R>" .. raw.R .. "</R><G>" .. raw.G .. "</G><B>" .. raw.B .. "</B>" -- ? It is recommended that Color3 is encoded with elements instead of text.
- end,
- ColorSequence = function(raw)
- local Converted = ""
- local Keypoints = raw.Keypoints
- for Index = 1, #Keypoints do
- local v = Keypoints[Index]
- local Value = v.Value
- Converted = Converted .. v.Time .. " " .. Value.R .. " " .. Value.G .. " " .. Value.B .. " 0 " -- * " 0" is Envelope: Has the range 0 - 1. Currently unused by Roblox.
- end
- return Converted
- end,
- Content = function(raw)
- return raw == "" and "<null></null>" or "<url>" .. Descriptors.string(raw, true) .. "</url>"
- end,
- CoordinateFrame = function(raw)
- return "<CFrame>" .. Descriptors.CFrame(raw) .. "</CFrame>"
- end,
- Faces = function(raw)
- return "<faces>"
- .. Descriptors.__BIT(raw.Right, raw.Top, raw.Back, raw.Left, raw.Bottom, raw.Front)
- .. "</faces>"
- end,
- Font = function(raw)
- return "<Family>"
- .. Descriptors.Content(raw.Family)
- .. "</Family><Weight>"
- .. Descriptors.__ENUM(raw.Weight)
- .. "</Weight><Style>"
- .. Descriptors.__ENUMNAME(raw.Style)
- .. "</Style>" --TODO:
- end,
- NumberRange = function(raw)
- return raw.Min .. " " .. raw.Max
- end,
- NumberSequence = function(raw)
- local Converted = ""
- local Keypoints = raw.Keypoints
- for Index = 1, #Keypoints do
- local v = Keypoints[Index]
- Converted = Converted .. v.Time .. " " .. v.Value .. " " .. v.Envelope .. " "
- end
- return Converted
- end,
- PhysicalProperties = function(raw)
- local CustomPhysics
- if raw then
- CustomPhysics = true
- else
- CustomPhysics = false
- end
- CustomPhysics = "<CustomPhysics>" .. Descriptors.bool(CustomPhysics) .. "</CustomPhysics>"
- return raw
- and CustomPhysics .. "<Density>" .. raw.Density .. "</Density><Friction>" .. raw.Friction .. "</Friction><Elasticity>" .. raw.Elasticity .. "</Elasticity><FrictionWeight>" .. raw.FrictionWeight .. "</FrictionWeight><ElasticityWeight>" .. raw.ElasticityWeight .. "</ElasticityWeight>"
- or CustomPhysics
- end,
- Ray = function(raw)
- local vector3 = Descriptors.Vector3
- return "<origin>" .. vector3(raw.Origin) .. "</origin><direction>" .. vector3(raw.Direction) .. "</direction>"
- end,
- Rect = function(raw)
- local vector2 = Descriptors.Vector2
- return "<min>" .. vector2(raw.Min) .. "</min><max>" .. vector2(raw.Max) .. "</max>", "Rect2D"
- end,
- SharedString = function(raw)
- raw = Base64_Encode(raw)
- local Identifier = sharedstrings[raw]
- if SharedStrings[Identifier] == nil then
- SharedStrings[Identifier] = raw
- end
- return Identifier
- end,
- UDim = function(raw)
- return "<S>" .. raw.Scale .. "</S><O>" .. raw.Offset .. "</O>"
- end,
- UDim2 = function(raw)
- local X, Y = raw.X, raw.Y
- return "<XS>"
- .. X.Scale
- .. "</XS><XO>"
- .. X.Offset
- .. "</XO><YS>"
- .. Y.Scale
- .. "</YS><YO>"
- .. Y.Offset
- .. "</YO>"
- end,
- Vector2 = function(raw)
- return Descriptors.__VECTOR(raw.X, raw.Y)
- end,
- Vector2int16 = function(raw)
- return Descriptors.__VECTOR(raw.X, raw.Y)
- end,
- Vector3 = function(raw)
- return Descriptors.__VECTOR(raw.X, raw.Y, raw.Z)
- end,
- Vector3int16 = function(raw)
- return Descriptors.__VECTOR(raw.X, raw.Y, raw.Z)
- end,
- bool = function(raw)
- return tostring(raw)
- end,
- double = function(raw, default)
- return Descriptors.__APIPRECISION(raw, default or 17)
- end,
- float = function(raw, default)
- return Descriptors.__APIPRECISION(raw, default or 9)
- end,
- string = function(raw, skipcheck)
- return not skipcheck and raw == "" and raw or raw:gsub(EscapesPattern, Escapes)
- end,
- }
- local msbn = (2^31)-1
- local maxDouble = 1.79e+308
- local maxFloat = 3.402823466e+38
- local function getType(obj)
- if typeof(obj) == "BrickColor" then
- return "Color3"
- elseif typeof(obj) == "string" then
- local protectedStr = 200000
- if #obj == protectedStr or #obj >= protectedStr then
- return "ProtectedString"
- else
- return "string"
- end
- elseif typeof(obj) == "number" then
- local strObj = tostring(obj)
- local obj = math.abs(obj)
- if strObj:match("%.") or obj >= maxDouble or obj == maxDouble then
- return "double"
- elseif (obj == maxFloat or obj <= maxFloat) and obj >= msbn then
- return "float"
- else
- return "number"
- end
- elseif typeof(obj) == "EnumItem" then
- return "__ENUM"
- else
- return tostring(Descriptors["__"..typeof(obj):upper()] and "__"..typeof(obj):upper() or typeof(obj))
- end
- end
- local function parseType(obj)
- if typeof(obj) == "BrickColor" then
- return Descriptors.Color3(obj.Color)
- elseif typeof(obj) == "string" then
- local protectedStr = 200000
- if #obj == protectedStr or #obj >= protectedStr then
- return Descriptors.__PROTECTEDSTRING(obj)
- else
- return Descriptors.string(obj,false)
- end
- elseif typeof(obj) == "number" then
- local strObj = tostring(obj)
- local obj = math.abs(obj)
- if strObj:match("%.") or obj >= maxDouble or obj == maxDouble then
- return Descriptors.double(strObj)
- elseif (obj == maxFloat or obj <= maxFloat) and obj >= msbn then
- return Descriptors.float(strObj)
- else
- return strObj
- end
- elseif typeof(obj) == "EnumItem" then
- return Descriptors.__ENUM(obj)
- else
- return Descriptors[typeof(obj)] and Descriptors[typeof(obj)](obj) or Descriptors["__"..typeof(obj):upper()] and Descriptors["__"..typeof(obj):upper()] or tostring(obj)
- end
- end
- local function parseProperty(obj,propName,type)
- local type = type or getType(obj)
- if type == "ProtectedString" then
- return "<ProtectedString name="..propName.."\"><![CDATA[--[["..obj.."]]]]></ProtectedString>"
- else
- return "<"..type.." name=\""..propName.."\">"..parseType(obj).."</"..type..">"
- end
- end
- local added = {}
- local ref = -1
- function parseInstance(obj,options)
- if typeof(obj) ~= "Instance" then return "" end
- if not options.SaveCharacters and game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(obj) then return "" end
- ref += 1
- local startStr = "<Item class=\""..obj.ClassName.."\" referent=\"RBX"..ref.."\"><Properties>"
- local midStr = "</Properties>"
- local endStr = "</Item>"
- local props
- if table.find(added,obj) then
- props = obj:GetAttributes()
- else
- props = getProperties(obj)
- end
- local ignored = typeof(options.DecompileIgnore) == "table" and (table.find(options.DecompileIgnore,obj) or options.DecompileIgnore[obj]) or typeof(options.DecompileIgnore) ~= "table" or table.find(tpData,script) or tpData[script]
- ignored = ignored or obj == script
- if not ignored then
- for i,v in pairs(options.DecompileIgnore) do
- if typeof(i) == "Instance" then
- ignored = ignored or obj:IsDescendantOf(i)
- elseif typeof(v) == "Instance" then
- ignored = ignored or obj:IsDescendantOf(v)
- end
- end
- end
- local saveignored = typeof(options.SaveIgnore) == "table" and (table.find(options.SaveIgnore,obj) or options.SaveIgnore[obj]) or typeof(options.SaveIgnore) ~= "table"
- if not saveignored then
- for i,v in pairs(options.SaveIgnore) do
- if typeof(i) == "Instance" then
- ignored = ignored or obj:IsDescendantOf(i)
- elseif typeof(v) == "Instance" then
- ignored = ignored or obj:IsDescendantOf(v)
- end
- end
- end
- if saveignored then return "" end
- if obj:IsA("LuaSourceContainer") and options.Decompile and not ignored then
- props.Source = _G.ENV.decompile(obj)
- elseif not options.Decompile then
- props.Source = "--Decompiling is disabled."
- elseif ignored then
- if game.PlaceId == 15996884310 then
- props.Source = "return true"
- else
- props.Source = "--The script has been ignored."
- end
- end
- local parsedProps = {}
- for i,v in pairs(props) do
- parsedProps[#parsedProps+1] = parseProperty(v,i,i=="Source"and"ProtetedString"or nil)
- end
- local parsed = startStr..table.concat(parsedProps)..midStr
- local children = obj:GetChildren()
- local parsedChildren = {}
- for i,v in pairs(children) do
- parsedChildren[i] = parseInstance(v,options)
- task.wait()
- end
- return parsed..table.concat(parsedChildren)..endStr
- end
- local function addObject(obj,parent,props)
- local i
- pcall(function()
- i =,parent)
- end)
- if not i then return end
- for idx,val in pairs(props) do
- i:SetAttribute(idx,val)
- end
- table.insert(added,i)
- end
- local function moveObject(obj,par)
- if not obj or not par then return end
- if par:FindFirstChild(obj.Name) then return end
- local clone = obj:Clone()
- clone.Parent = par
- clone.Name = obj.Name
- table.insert(added,clone)
- end
- local function finish()
- if #added == 0 then return end
- for i,v in pairs(added) do
- if v then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- added = {}
- end
- local saveServices = {
- ["Workspace"]=true,
- ["Lighting"]=true,
- ["MaterialService"]=true,
- ["ReplicatedFirst"]=true,
- ["ReplicatedStorage"]=true,
- ["StarterGui"]=true,
- ["StarterPack"]=true,
- ["StarterPlayer"]=true,
- ["Teams"]=true,
- ["SoundService"]=true,
- ["VoiceChatService"]=true
- }
- local function saveinstance(inst,options)
- local options = typeof(options) == "table" and options or {}
- local function checkOption(name,def)
- if options[name] == nil then
- options[name] = def
- end
- end
- checkOption("Decompile",true)
- if game.PlaceId == 15996884310 then
- checkOption("DecompileIgnore",{})
- end
- checkOption("SaveIgnore",{})
- table.insert(options.DecompileIgnore, game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("DefaultChatSystemChatEvents"))
- table.insert(options.DecompileIgnore, workspace.CurrentCamera)
- checkOption("SaveCharacters",false)
- --
- local startStr = "<roblox version=\"4\">"
- local endStr = "</roblox>"
- ref = 0
- if inst == game or not inst then
- for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:GetChildren()) do
- if v and v.Name ~= "Chat" then
- moveObject(v,game.StarterGui)
- end
- end
- addObject("Script",game,{Source = "--Thanks for using ".._G.ENV.identifyexecutor().."'s saveinstance!\10--The game was saved with that options:\10\10""\10\10script:Destroy()", RunContext = Enum.RunContext.Server})
- local gen = ""
- for i,v in pairs(typeof(options.SaveServices) == "table" and options.SaveServices or game:GetChildren()) do
- if not v or not table.pack(pcall(function()v:GetChildren()end))[1] or not saveServices[v.ClassName] then continue end
- gen = gen..parseInstance(v,options)
- task.wait()
- end
- finish()
- return startStr..gen..endStr
- else
- local done = parseInstance(inst)
- finish()
- return done
- end
- end
- local function tween(a,b,c)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- local ts = game.TweenService:Create(a,b,c)
- ts:Play()
- task.wait(0.1+b.Time)
- pcall(function()
- ts:Destroy()
- end)
- end)()
- end
- local function vulkanSaveinstance(...)
- local args = table.pack(...)
- local method = args[1]
- if typeof(method) == "string" and method:lower() == "gui" then
- return
- elseif typeof(method) == "Instance" or typeof(method) == "nil" then
- local options = typeof(args[2]) == "table" and args[2] or {}
- local gui ="ScreenGui",_G.ENV.gethui())
- gui.DisplayOrder = maxFloat
- gui.Name = "SaveinstanceGui"
- gui.ResetOnSpawn = false
- local tl ="TextLabel",gui)
- tl.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- local fileName = (options.FileName or game.PlaceId)..".rbxl"
- tl.Text = "Saving "..fileName
- tl.Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.5,0.05)
- tl.AnchorPoint =,0.5)
- tl.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5,0.775)
- tl.TextScaled = true
- tl.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,85,0)
- tl.TextStrokeTransparency = 1
- tl.TextTransparency = 1
- tween(tl,,{TextTransparency = 0, TextStrokeTransparency = 0})
- local startTime = os.time()
- local res = saveinstance(...)
- local endTime = os.time()
- local time = endTime-startTime
- if typeof(res) == "string" then
- tl.Text = "Saved as "..fileName.." in "..time.." seconds!\10Run _G.FileExplorer() and search for \""..fileName.."\" in it."
- _G.ENV.writefile(game.PlaceId..".rbxl", res)
- task.wait((time/10)+5)
- tween(tl,,{TextTransparency = 1, TextStrokeTransparency = 1})
- task.wait(1.1)
- gui:Destroy()
- return res
- else
- tl.Text = "Failed to save file "..fileName
- task.wait((time/10)+5)
- tween(tl,,{TextTransparency = 1, TextStrokeTransparency = 1})
- task.wait(1.1)
- gui:Destroy()
- return "Failed"
- end
- else
- error("Argument 1: Unknown saveinstance method!")
- end
- end
- return vulkanSaveinstance
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