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- /*
- *
- The right way to do this is to measure the speed of each wheel and use a PID library (
- to set the PWM output to each motor in order to obtain a commanded motor speed.
- This is a nice way to do it because you can change the setpoints at will to change the speed or to steer (use different commands).
- The trick is not to think of it as synchronizing the motors so much as it is setting them both to a commanded speed.
- That means each motor is its own separate unit, with its own PID loop.
- You then synchronize the motors by sending them the same command.
- This gives you the option to send them different commands, for things like steering or compensating for mismatched wheels.
- For each motor, the first thing to do is measure the speed.
- You can do this by measuring the time between encoder counts and dividing the amount of distance covered in a single count by the time difference.
- Now, you have the actual speed and you have the desired speed.
- Subtract that actual speed from the desired speed; this gives you the error.
- The error value is the input to the PID loop.
- The output from the PID loop, once it's correctly tuned, is the PWM value to write to the output for that motor.
- The link I provided has a lot more information on how to set up and tune PID loops. It's pretty good; you should read it.
- As already mentioned, PID is what you want.
- In addition, you want to command a position, not a speed.
- As a loose PID will normally suffer from some velocity following error.
- If you find it difficult to tune and/or are going slowly, drop the D and just do PI.
- */
- int E1 = 5; //Right Motor Power
- int E2 = 6; //Left Motor Power
- int M1 = 4; //Right Motor Direction
- int M2 = 7; //Left Motor Direction
- const byte encoder0pinA = 2; //Interrupt 0
- const byte encoder0pinB = 12;
- const byte encoder1pinA = 3; //Interrupt 1
- const byte encoder1pinB = 13;
- byte overflow;
- byte encoder0PinALast;
- byte encoder1PinALast;
- int duration0;//Encoder0 number of pulses
- int duration00;
- int duration1;//Encoder1 number of pulses
- int duration11;
- boolean Direction0;
- boolean Direction1;
- int SetPoint = 0; // 0 would be straight ahead
- double Kp = 25; // needs tunning
- int error = 0;
- int speed = 100; // set the speed of which the vechicle should move
- int output = 0;
- void setup()
- {
- pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
- Serial.begin(9600);//Initialize the serial port
- EncoderInit();//Initialize the module
- timer_init();
- }
- void loop()
- {
- // Serial.print("Left Pulse:");
- // Serial.println(duration00);
- // Serial.print("Right Pulse:");
- // Serial.println(duration11);
- Preg(duration0, duration1); //Go Forward
- digitalWrite(M1,LOW);
- digitalWrite(M2,LOW);
- delay(2500);
- Preg(duration0, duration1); //Go Backward
- digitalWrite(M1,HIGH);
- digitalWrite(M2,HIGH);
- delay(2500);
- digitalWrite(E1,LOW); //STOP!!!!!!
- digitalWrite(E2,LOW);
- delay(2500);
- }
- ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect)
- {
- overflow++;
- if(overflow>=10)
- {
- duration00=duration0;
- duration0=0;
- duration11=duration1;
- duration1=0;
- overflow=0;
- }
- }
- void Preg(int SpeedL, int SpeedR)
- {
- noInterrupts(); // Disable interrupts, no need to slow down the P regulator
- error = ((SpeedL-SpeedR)-SetPoint);
- output = (Kp*error);
- if(error >= 0) // its turning left of the setpoint, reduce E1 (right motor)
- {
- analogWrite(E2, speed);
- analogWrite(E1, (speed-output)); // Subtract the error value multiplied by Kp from E1
- }
- if(error < 0) // turning right of our setpoint, reduce E0
- {
- analogWrite(E2, (speed+output)); // This time we add the error since its negative
- analogWrite(E1, speed);
- }
- interrupts(); //Enable interrupts again
- }
- void timer_init(void)
- {
- TIMSK1 |= (1<<TOIE1); // Enable Timer1 overflow interrupt at 16MHz = 16 000 000 / 2^16 = 244Hz
- }
- void EncoderInit()
- {
- Direction0 = true;
- Direction1 = true;
- pinMode(encoder0pinB,INPUT);
- attachInterrupt(0, wheelSpeed0, CHANGE);
- pinMode(encoder1pinB,INPUT);
- attachInterrupt(1, wheelSpeed1, CHANGE);
- }
- void wheelSpeed0()
- {
- //Encoder 0 Code
- int Lstate = digitalRead(encoder0pinA);
- if((encoder0PinALast == LOW) && Lstate==HIGH)
- {
- int val0 = digitalRead(encoder0pinB);
- if(val0 == LOW && Direction0)
- {
- Direction0 = false; //Reverse
- }
- else if(val0 == HIGH && !Direction0)
- {
- Direction0 = true; //Forward
- }
- }
- encoder0PinALast = Lstate;
- if(!Direction0) duration0++;
- else duration0++;
- }
- void wheelSpeed1()
- {
- //Encoder 1 Code
- int Lstate1 = digitalRead(encoder1pinA);
- if((encoder1PinALast == LOW) && Lstate1==HIGH)
- {
- int val1 = digitalRead(encoder1pinB);
- if(val1 == LOW && Direction1)
- {
- Direction1 = false; //Reverse
- }
- else if(val1 == HIGH && !Direction1)
- {
- Direction1 = true; //Forward
- }
- }
- encoder1PinALast = Lstate1;
- if(!Direction1) duration1++;
- else duration1++;
- }
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