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- - Beast Coast Chems -
- - E-MAIL -
- BeastCoastCh[email protected]
- **Nitraz and bromonordiazepam** back in stock** updated bromonordiazepam prices today will update nitraz prices in the morning**
- Most chems are ordered in European countries in very rare Euro countries and about 6 chems come from China. This is for trained scientific researchers only all proper lab gear, disposal of sample, and every law must be followed. NOT FOR HUMAN OR ANIMAL INGESTION OR TESTING!
- Orders paid before 1am est. (so if you’re ordering on a Monday pay Monday night even though it would be technically Tuesday your order will ship either 9am or 230PM Tuesday so technically it’s same day shipping off by 2 hours lol next day depending on my schedule but **orders ALWAYS ship next day** (I have to wake up at 5am) and once paid orders and proof of payment is shown, your order will be processed and payment will be CONFIRMED with our certified handlers ready to ship.
- All prices are negotiable over $400. $400 also gets **everyone** express $40 shipping. Now if I give you a $50 discount and that totals less than $400 you would have to pay for express shipping (or you could refuse it). E-Mail me for Bulk orders besides clon/flam as I strongly doubt I’ll be able to get anymore. Depending on who you are, how often you order, how long you’ve been a customer, and how much you spend within 1 single order depends on how much room is available for negotiation. Tracking will be provided. All chems come from out of country with a few being sourced in very rare European countries. You’ll notice the difference in quality believe
- ———————————— ———————————————————————————————————————————————
- FXE:
- pure crystallized form can be researched anyway you’d like.
- $40/G
- $105/3G
- $150/5G
- $45/G
- $115/3g
- 200/5g
- For scientific research only
- - Benzo Powders -
- Clonazolam Powder low on stock
- $220/g
- 31. If you need more ask about pricing might be the last batch I get. Maximum 5g per buyer. Warning extremely potent
- All items on this list have been tested for purity and any hazardous materials. With that said we take pride knowing we sell clean potent products to our scientific researchers just remember the chems themselves can be hazardous if not studied correctly. This item and all items on this list beginning to end is for scientific research purposes only. Clam/flam will most likely not be restocked after supply runs out unless I can pull off a Hail Mary. Purity 95.2% we recommend extreme caution when handling and all scientific research clothing be worn. We also recommend researching low dose solutions if you’re putting powder and VMD’ing
- - Flualprazolam Powder -
- $ 180/G
- $530/3G
- $800/5G (near extinct chem still offering big discounts!
- - Flubromazolam Powder -
- $220/1G
- $640/3G
- 950/5G
- (sry again near extinct chem took off as much as possible
- Prices are negotiable after 2g’s maximum 4g’s per buyer same warning applies to flubromazolam.
- 38. Please understand Clonazolam and Flubromazolam are almost extinct in this field. The same would be for flualprazolam, but thakfully I just re-ordered and had a good stock before ordering.
- Prices on these near extinct chems for more then 2 grams depends on how often you ordered in the past, how much you’re ordering that day, and how much you spend/are spending along with how long you been a customer. Of course I’m still selling at as much of a discount i can. I’m willing to work with my customers on single and TOTAL chems combined when purchasing/offering discounts 🙏
- - Common Benzo Powders -
- Flubrotizolam Powder
- $110/1g
- $315/3g
- $600/5g
- Bromazolam powder (Not that pink adulterated crap)
- $120/1g
- $340/3g
- $580/5g
- Rilmzafone Powder
- $110/1g
- $320/3g
- $580/5g
- Flubromazepam Powder (Top seller for reg. benzos)
- $130/1g
- $370/3g
- $675/5g
- Pyrazolam Power (Top seller Euro sourced)
- $150/1g
- $430/3g
- $775/5g
- (not that fake garbage a lot of scientific sellers have, best pyraz on the market!)
- Fluclotizolam Powder
- $110/1G
- $329/3G
- $520/5G
- Benzo Solutions High dose Concentrations (do not buy these unless you’re research own
- 1. Clonazolam 5mg/30ml $200 2.
- 2. Flubromazolam 5mg/30ml $220 3.
- 3. Flubrotizolam 10mg/30ml $120
- 4. Flubromazepam 15mg/30ml $140
- 5.Bromazolam 10mg/30ml $100
- 6. Fluclotizolam 8ml/30ml $70 Benzo Solutions These are regular benzo solutions with much less strength. Because I have industrial machines and don’t rarely have to use a heat bath as that’s what the $2000 machines are for these are your typical bottles in typical concentrations you’d see any vendor Carry my list just has a lot of options
- Clonazolam 0.5mg/30ml $75 might never have it again
- Flubromazolam 0.5mg/30ml $75 again might never have again
- Flualprazolam 0.5mg/30ml Thankfully I stocked up plenty on flu
- Flubrotizolam 4mg/ml $45 Bromonordiazepam 3mg/ml $45 Fluclotizolam 0.5mg/ml $50
- Flubromazepam 8mg/30ml $55
- - Ordering Instructions -
- - We mail EVERYDAY Mon-Sat -
- Regular Priority Shipping is $10. Express is $40
- - How To Order -
- To finalize an order please EMAIL us your order in this format
- A. 2 Bottles (or 2G’s) of ultra concentrated clonazolam = $440
- B. 1 Gram of FXE = $45
- C. Shipping = $10
- Total $495.
- (Just a side note our powders are all the same purity I didn’t want to confuse anyone with my example as were able to make ultra concentrated bottles using the proper chemistry, chems, and machinery.) WE NEVER CUT OR DILUTE OUR PRODUCTS AND ALWAYS TEST FOR SAFETY and impurities BEFORE PUTTING A CHEM ON THE MENU. IF I GOT SOLD FLAM INSTEAD OF NITRAZOLAM THAT WOULD BE A PROBLEM. If we ever got sold bunk nitraz like 70% of vendors did pyraz we wouldn’t sell it or we wouldn’t put it out.
- Again orders placed by 2:30-2:35 will go out that day or as soon as the post office is open at 8:30am. Orders not paid by 8 hours will unfortunately be cancelled.
- So add prices and whatever shipping into the equation. Once bt is sent we place empty bottles or empty powder bags with name of chef into an open box and move it to the side once proof of payment is made and order is confirmed we remove the empties refill with the chems and quadruple check the order and print out an invoice. package is then shipped ASAP. please make sure to write down the proper address. I’ve got Put out over 8,000 orders in my time being an analytical research seller never had a package seized. If so I will reship in full as long as the correct address was given.
- Have an amazing day and happy researching
- -Owner Beast Coast Chems
- Email BeastCoastCh[email protected]
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