
Doumi - 67

Dec 2nd, 2019
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(DISCLAIMER: App Translations so not everything is accurate)

Doumi ~ Thanks to 'Hiraiw' &

Notable Characters:

Name (Nickname) Situation / Job Relationship
Jae Wook (MC) Office Worker Single
Jeong Seol-Hee (FMC) Mascot & Doumi Single
Seo Joo-Heon (Seo) Chief of MC's section Single
Cho Kwang-ki (Joe) Team Leader Single
Yoo-Won Parlor Massage Single
Kwon Yongdae (Pimp) Owner of the Karaoke Single
Lee Pil Sung (Killer) Murderer Singe

Chapter - 67

Pimp's Bedroom Pimp

He's waking up with a start.. He asks himself what kind of fucking nightmare it was.. He looks at his right hand and curses himself for being such a sissy and wearing a 'pink mitten'.. He starts to shout about being such a pussy and why he's still making this nightmare. He curses FMC for haunting him even in his dream and how he purposely took a few days off on this weekend to not see FMC.. (It's been 3 consecutive nights that he dreams of FMC)

He asks himself if the pity he felt for FMC grew so much inside his heart that it was transformed into love.. He stands up while making an angry and resolute face.. He says how he can't do this anymore and won't stand it..

MC narrates how the decision Pimp made that day changed greatly the direction of FMC's life.


Amusement Park FMC x Coworker

FMC is passing an announce about the depart of the next wagon (3 min and 30 sec..), coworker tells her how he'll take care of the next one and leaves the room.
Coworker is greeting the customers saying how he'll take care of them, one of them asks him if it's safe because it snowed yesterday, he comforts her saying how he checked all rails this morning and there is no problem.

Dude tells them how it's safe if the temperature isn't lower that minus 3 degree Celsius.. FMC thinks how her coworker is way better than her at handling the customers even if it's only been a year since he's working here.

She's thinking about her future and wonders what will happen to her if she leaves her two job.. Her cellphone is ringing, she picks it up and see how it's Pimp..

Amusement Park FMC x Pimp

FMC picks up the call and asks him what he wants, he asks her what she's doing right now.. SHe says how she's working and wonders why he's asking this.. He tells her how he dreamed of her last night so he wanted to call her, she's surprised about this and asks him what kind of dream it was.

Pimp recalls his humiliation (wearing pink mittens) and says how it was a nightmare and not a dream.. She makes fun of him about this and tells him how her train is ready and she has to hang up.. She tells to the customers how the exit is on their left and to not forget their belongings..

Pimp is still surprised because he called FMC and how now that he heard her voice he think even more to this shameful dream.. He says how he needs to see her to be sure of this 'feeling'.

Pimp's Car Pimp x PT

(TLN: She's one of his worker.. She was introduced in the chapter - 36 and was one of the two women Pimp fucked during the threesome, after the first time he went to FMC's house, it's been a long time.. lol)

Pimp is shouting because the traffic is pissing him off.. PT asks him if he falls in love with her and if it's the reason why he asked her to come. HE tells her to stop dreaming and how he invited because he can't go alone inside an amusement park.
So she'll accompany him today but he promises how the next time he'll come to this place it'll be with his girlfriend / woman.

She is laughing and make fun of him.. How he can be so sure to be with only one woman because he seemed to like having two women taking care of him.. More meh chat and Pimp tells her how FMC is working here, PT is surprised about this..

Amusement Park FMC x Coworker

Coworker tells her how the next train will be full of 24 people.. She looks at him while saying how it's already 3 o'clock and they should do their shift A <=> B.. (A duty = Train Operation + Safety Check ; B duty = Ticket Inspection + Entry Guest)

She leaves the room and a kid is happy to see how it's now a woman who will take care of them, the dad tells him how they are taking their shift..
She says the same kind of speech of previous coworker + ticket inspection but there is a flagrant lack of motivation.. The customer are complaining about FMC's expression and how her lack of enthusiasm is unprofessional..

They keep complaining about FMC and comparing her to her coworker.. FMC doesn't care and keep working without showing any expression in front of their complaints

Amusement Park Pimp x PT

Pimp is bitching about how long it'll be before taking the rides.. PT tells him how it's normal and they can't complain about this, Pimp keeps complaining about how it'll be awfully long and how they're trolling them by only putting one ride at disposition. PT tells him how they should grab something to eat and search for something else to do.

He tells her how a man must do a roller coaster and he didn't come her to have a walk and do woman's stuff (Author is destroying his character on purpose now) PT tells him how they can wait but they'll have to wait 2 hours before taking the ride and how it's impossible to wait with him being so angered and how they'll freeze to death by waiting here and how they should do something else.

Pimp refuses saying how they must this attraction! More meh talk then PT hugs his arm while asking if FMC is working at this attraction. He looks away with a slight blush saying how she's right but he doesn't have any relation with FMC, he's just a roller coaster's enthusiast..
She keeps teasing him and asks if he came just to see FMC.. He becomes angry and tells her to close her bitchy mouth.. They keep arguing for a while.. Pimp threatens her to bring her only fat and ugly men for the rest of her life as customers if she doesn't shut her big mouth.. Meh fight..

2 hours later

Amusement Park Pimp x PT x FMC

FMC keeps working without putting any effort.. Pimp tells her how she isn't paying attention to her customers at the Amusement Park like at the Karaoke and starts to laugh. She looks at them and she's surprised to see PT being with Pimp here.

She asks him why they're here so suddenly, he tells her how just wanted to have fun with PT today and acts like a bad customer telling her to open the door and to take care of her gusts.. She tells him how he asked her recently where she was working and if he's coming her on purpose. He's even more angry now that she knows he came on purpose and tells her to shut up and to open the door quickly..

PT looks at FMC and puts an act too.. FMC is startled by their strong reaction and wonders what's going on.

MC narrates how both FMC and Pimp never expected that those next three minutes will greatly change their lives..

To be continued..
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