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- unit xprCompiler;
- {
- Author: Jarl K. Holta
- License: GNU Lesser GPL (
- }
- {$I}
- {$hints off}
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils, xprTypes, xprBytecode, xprErrors,
- Windows;
- type
- // static register-stack for performance and simplicty
- // in the future we might find this size to be limiting
- TRegister64k = array [0..$FFFF] of record
- case Byte of
- 1: (b: Boolean;);
- 2: (f: Double;);
- 3: (i: Int64; );
- 4: (r: array[0..7] of byte; );
- end;
- TStackPointer = array [0..$3FF] of SizeInt;
- TNativeCompiler = record
- Bytecode: TByteCode;
- FProgram: Pointer;
- FRegisters: TRegister64k;
- // stack pointer or a perhaps rather a register pointer
- // disallow inf recursion, limited to 1K atm.
- FSPStack: TStackPointer;
- FSPSize: Int32;
- FSP: ^SizeInt;
- function Get_MUL_Code(const Op: TInstruction): TBytes;
- function Get_EQ_Code(const Op: TInstruction): TBytes;
- function Get_LTE_Code(const Op: TInstruction): TBytes;
- function Get_ASGN_Code(const Op: TInstruction): TBytes;
- function Get_LADD_Code(const Op: TInstruction): TBytes;
- function Get_LSUB_Code(const Op: TInstruction): TBytes;
- procedure PrepRegisters();
- procedure LoadConstants(C: TConstantList);
- function MakeExecutable(Code: TBytes; Size: Int32): TInstruction;
- function Compile(BC: TByteCode): TByteCode;
- end;
- implementation
- uses
- Math;
- if Op.Args[1].Typ in XprFloatTypes then
- begin
- Result := GetCode(@f_stack_stack, @body)
- end else
- begin
- Result := GetCode(@i_stack_stack, @f_stack_stack)
- end
- }
- if Op.Args[1].Typ in XprFloatTypes then
- begin
- Result := GetCode(@f_stack_stack, @body)
- end else
- begin
- Result := GetCode(@i_stack_stack, @f_stack_stack)
- end
- }
- function GetCode(start, stop: Pointer): TBytes;
- var sz: SizeInt;
- begin
- sz := PtrUInt(stop) - PtrUInt(start);
- SetLength(Result, sz);
- Move(start^, Result[0], sz);
- end;
- function TNativeCompiler.Get_MUL_Code(const Op: TInstruction): TBytes;
- label i_stack_stack, f_stack_stack, body;
- begin
- goto body;
- i_stack_stack: FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[2].Arg].i := FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[0].Arg].i * FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[1].Arg].i;
- f_stack_stack: FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[2].Arg].f := FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[0].Arg].f * FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[1].Arg].f;
- // handle globals where stackptr is 0, not needed for limited test.
- body:
- end;
- function TNativeCompiler.Get_EQ_Code(const Op: TInstruction): TBytes;
- label i_stack_stack, f_stack_stack, body;
- begin
- goto body;
- i_stack_stack: FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[2].Arg].b := FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[0].Arg].i = FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[1].Arg].i;
- f_stack_stack: FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[2].Arg].b := FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[0].Arg].f = FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[1].Arg].f;
- // handle globals where stackptr is 0, not needed for limited test.
- body:
- end;
- function TNativeCompiler.Get_LTE_Code(const Op: TInstruction): TBytes;
- label i_stack_stack, f_stack_stack, body;
- begin
- goto body;
- i_stack_stack: FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[2].Arg].b := FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[0].Arg].i <= FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[1].Arg].i;
- f_stack_stack: FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[2].Arg].b := FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[0].Arg].f <= FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[1].Arg].f;
- // handle globals where stackptr is 0, not needed for limited test.
- body:
- end;
- function TNativeCompiler.Get_ASGN_Code(const Op: TInstruction): TBytes;
- label i_stack_stack, f_stack_stack, body;
- begin
- goto body;
- i_stack_stack: FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[0].Arg].i := FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[1].Arg].i;
- f_stack_stack: FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[0].Arg].f := FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[1].Arg].f;
- // handle globals where stackptr is 0, not needed for limited test.
- body:
- end;
- function TNativeCompiler.Get_LADD_Code(const Op: TInstruction): TBytes;
- label i_stack_stack, f_stack_stack, body;
- begin
- goto body;
- i_stack_stack: FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[0].Arg].i += FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[1].Arg].i;
- f_stack_stack: FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[0].Arg].f += FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[1].Arg].f;
- // handle globals where stackptr is 0, not needed for limited test.
- body:
- end;
- function TNativeCompiler.Get_LSUB_Code(const Op: TInstruction): TBytes;
- label i_stack_stack, f_stack_stack, body;
- begin
- goto body;
- i_stack_stack: FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[0].Arg].i -= FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[1].Arg].i;
- f_stack_stack: FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[0].Arg].f -= FRegisters[FSP^ + Op.Args[1].Arg].f;
- // handle globals where stackptr is 0, not needed for limited test.
- body:
- end;
- procedure TNativeCompiler.PrepRegisters();
- begin
- FillByte(Self.FRegisters, Length(FRegisters)*SizeOf(Int64), 0);
- end;
- procedure TNativeCompiler.LoadConstants(C: TConstantList);
- var i,j,n: Int32;
- begin
- for i:=0 to C.High() do
- Self.FRegisters[i].r := C.Data[i].raw;
- // offset to a point after consts (and maybe globals in future)!
- n := C.High()+1;
- with Self.Bytecode do
- for i:=0 to Code.High do
- for j:=0 to High(Code.Data[i].Args) do
- if Code.Data[i].Args[j].Pos = EMemPos.mpUnalloc then
- Code.Data[i].Args[j].Arg += n;
- end;
- function TNativeCompiler.MakeExecutable(Code: TBytes; Size: Int32): TInstruction;
- var ptr: PBYTE; i: Int32;
- begin
- Code[Size] := $c3; // ret signal, may need to handle prologue
- ptr := VirtualAlloc(nil, Size+1, $00002000 or $00001000, $40);
- for i:=0 to Size do ptr^ := Code[i];
- Result.Code := EByteCode.bcINVOKEX;
- Result.nArgs:= 1;
- Result.Args[0].Arg:=PtrUInt(ptr);
- Result.Args[0].Pos:=EMemPos.mpRaw;
- Result.Args[0].Typ:=EExpressBaseType.xtPointer;
- end;
- function TNativeCompiler.Compile(BC: TByteCode): TByteCode;
- type
- TJumpLocation = record From, Goal, NewGoal, NewFrom: Int32; end;
- var
- i,j: Int32;
- jumps: array of TJumpLocation;
- jmp: TJumpLocation;
- compiled, code: TBytes;
- compiledTop: Int32;
- instruction: TInstruction;
- procedure AddJump(const From, Goal: PtrUInt);
- begin
- SetLength(jumps, Length(jumps)+1);
- jumps[High(jumps)].From := From;
- jumps[High(jumps)].Goal := Goal;
- jumps[High(jumps)].NewGoal := $FFFFFF;
- jumps[High(jumps)].NewFrom := $FFFFFF;
- end;
- var
- raw: TBytes;
- isPlatform: Boolean;
- begin
- Self.Bytecode := BC;
- Self.Bytecode.Code.Free();
- //1. init stack!
- Self.PrepRegisters();
- //2. move all constants into the stack:
- Self.LoadConstants(BC.Constants);
- for i:=0 to bc.Code.High do
- begin
- if[i].Code = bcRELJMP then AddJump(i,[i].Args[0].Arg);
- if[i].Code = bcJZ then AddJump(i,[i].Args[1].Arg);
- if[i].Code = bcJNZ then AddJump(i,[i].Args[1].Arg);
- end;
- SetLength(compiled, 1024);
- compiledTop := -1;
- Self.Bytecode.Init();
- for i:=0 to bc.Code.High do
- begin
- isPlatform := False;
- // patch location
- for j:=0 to High(jumps) do
- begin
- isPlatform := jumps[j].Goal = i;
- if isPlatform then break;
- end;
- // some jumps are actually landing zones, and we can't land inside compiled code!
- // so we break up the compiled code!
- if isPlatform then
- begin
- if compiledTop <> -1 then
- begin
- instruction := Self.MakeExecutable(Compiled, compiledTop+1);
- Self.Bytecode.Code.Add(instruction);
- compiledTop := -1;
- end;
- end;
- // guarded opcodes essentially, these will flow interpreted for now
- if (bc.Code.Data[i].Code in [bcJZ, bcJNZ, bcRELJMP, RETURN]) then
- begin
- if compiledTop <> -1 then
- begin
- instruction := Self.MakeExecutable(Compiled, compiledTop+1);
- Self.Bytecode.Code.Add(instruction);
- compiledTop := -1;
- end;
- instruction :=[i];
- Self.Bytecode.Code.Add(instruction);
- // patch location
- for j:=0 to High(jumps) do
- if jumps[j].From = i then
- jumps[j].NewFrom := Bytecode.Code.High();
- end
- else
- begin
- case bc.Code.Data[i].Code of
- bcASGN: code := Get_ASGN_Code([i]);
- bcLADD: code := Get_LADD_Code([i]);
- bcLSUB: code := Get_LSUB_Code([i]);
- bcLTE: code := Get_LTE_Code([i]);
- bcEQ: code := Get_EQ_Code ([i]);
- bcMUL: code := Get_MUL_Code([i]);
- end;
- if Length(code) > Length(compiled)-(compiledTop+10) then
- SetLength(compiled, Length(compiled) + Length(code));
- Move(code[0], compiled[compiledTop+1], Length(code));
- compiledTop += Length(code);
- //add code to the final compiled .. compiled.Extend(code)
- end;
- for j:=0 to High(jumps) do
- if jumps[j].Goal = i then
- jumps[j].NewGoal := Bytecode.Code.High()+1;
- end;
- // patch jumps
- for i:=0 to Self.Bytecode.Code.High do
- if (Self.Bytecode.Code.Data[i].Code in [bcJZ, bcJNZ, bcRELJMP]) then
- begin
- for j:=0 to High(jumps) do
- begin
- if jumps[j].NewFrom = i then
- begin
- if[i].Code = bcRELJMP then[i].Args[0].Arg := jumps[j].NewGoal - i;
- if[i].Code = bcJZ then[i].args[1].Arg := jumps[j].NewGoal;
- if[i].Code = bcJNZ then[i].args[1].Arg := jumps[j].NewGoal;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end.
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