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- -- vim: syntax=lua
- -- luacheck: globals loadRemote getRemote fs loadstring peripheral
- local versionTag = "v1.2.1"
- local args = {...}
- local layoutMode = args[1] == "--layout" or args[1] == "-l"
- local successTools = {}
- local function xenon()
- local util = (function()
- if util then return util end
- local util = {}
- function util.toListName(modid, damage, pred)
- return modid .. "::" .. damage .. "::" .. pred
- end
- function util.fromListName(lName)
- return lName:match("^(.-)::")
- end
- function util.wrappedWrite(surf, text, x, y, width, color, align, lineHeight)
- lineHeight = lineHeight or 1
- local lines = {""}
- text = tostring(text)
- local stX, stY = x, y + math.floor((lineHeight - 1) / 2)
- for word in text:gmatch("%S+") do
- if x + #word > stX + width and x ~= stX then
- x = stX
- y = y + lineHeight
- lines[#lines] = lines[#lines]:sub(1, -2)
- lines[#lines + 1] = ""
- end
- lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. word .. " "
- x = x + #word + 1
- end
- lines[#lines] = lines[#lines]:sub(1, -2)
- if surf then
- for i = 1, #lines do
- if align == "right" then
- surf:drawString(lines[i], stX + width - #lines[i], stY + (i - 1)*lineHeight, nil, color)
- elseif align == "center" then
- surf:drawString(lines[i], stX + math.floor((width - #lines[i]) / 2), stY + (i - 1)*lineHeight, nil, color)
- elseif align == "justify" and i ~= #lines then
- local lineStr = lines[i]
- local requiredExtra = width - #(lineStr:gsub("%s", ""))
- local finalStr = ""
- local _, wordCount = lineStr:gsub("%S+", "")
- if wordCount == 1 then
- finalStr = lineStr:gsub("%s", "")
- else
- local spacePerInstance = math.floor(requiredExtra / (wordCount - 1))
- local overflowAmount = requiredExtra - (spacePerInstance * (wordCount - 1))
- local wordI = 0
- for word in lineStr:gmatch("%S+") do
- wordI = wordI + 1
- local padding = spacePerInstance
- if wordI == wordCount then
- padding = 0
- elseif overflowAmount > 0 then
- padding = padding + 1
- overflowAmount = overflowAmount - 1
- end
- finalStr = finalStr .. word .. (" "):rep(padding)
- end
- end
- surf:drawString(finalStr, stX, stY + (i - 1)*lineHeight, nil, color)
- else -- left
- surf:drawString(lines[i], stX, stY + (i - 1)*lineHeight, nil, color)
- end
- end
- end
- return y + math.ceil((lineHeight - 1) / 2) + 1
- end
- function util.parseOrdinalStyle(resolver, styles, styleName)
- local ordinals = {}
- for ordinal in (styles[styleName] or "0"):gmatch("%S+") do
- ordinals[#ordinals + 1] = ordinal
- end
- if styles[styleName .. "-top"] then ordinals[1] = styles[styleName .. "-top"] end
- if styles[styleName .. "-right"] then ordinals[2] = styles[styleName .. "-right"] end
- if styles[styleName .. "-bottom"] then ordinals[3] = styles[styleName .. "-bottom"] end
- if styles[styleName .. "-left"] then ordinals[4] = styles[styleName .. "-left"] end
- local top = resolver({}, "number", ordinals[1])
- local right = resolver({}, "number", ordinals[2] or ordinals[1])
- local bottom = resolver({}, "number", ordinals[3] or ordinals[1])
- local left = resolver({}, "number", ordinals[4] or ordinals[2] or ordinals[1])
- return top, right, bottom, left
- end
- function util.deepClone(table, cache)
- cache = cache or {}
- local t = {}
- cache[table] = t
- for k, v in pairs(table) do
- if type(v) == "table" then
- if cache[v] then
- t[k] = cache[v]
- else
- t[k] = util.deepClone(v, cache)
- end
- else
- t[k] = v
- end
- end
- return t
- end
- function util.round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
- local mult = 10^(numDecimalPlaces or 0)
- return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
- end
- function util.matchPredicate(predicate, tab)
- if not tab then
- return false
- end
- for k, v in pairs(predicate) do
- local kType = type(k)
- if kType ~= "number" then
- if not tab[k] then
- return false
- end
- end
- if type(v) == "table" then
- return util.matchPredicate(v, tab[k])
- else
- if kType == "number" then
- local found = false
- for i = 1, #tab do
- if tab[k] == v then
- found = true
- break
- end
- end
- return found
- else
- if tab[k] ~= v then
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function util.equals(val1, val2)
- local typeV = type(val1)
- if typeV ~= type(val2) then
- return false
- end
- if typeV ~= "table" then
- return val1 == val2
- end
- local lengthV1 = 0
- for k, v in pairs(val1) do
- lengthV1 = lengthV1 + 1
- if not util.equals(v, val2[k]) then
- return false
- end
- end
- local lengthV2 = 0
- for _ in pairs(val2) do
- lengthV2 = lengthV2 + 1
- end
- return lengthV1 == lengthV2
- end
- return util end)()
- -- Load local config
- local configHandle ="config.lua", "r")
- if not configHandle then
- configHandle =".config", "r")
- if not configHandle then
- error("No config file found at '.config', please create one")
- end
- end
- local config
- local configData = configHandle.readAll()
- if not configData:match("^return") then
- configData = "return " .. configData
- end
- local configFunc, err = loadstring(configData)
- if not configFunc then
- error("Invalid config: Line " .. (err:match(":(%d+:.+)") or err))
- else
- config = configFunc()
- end
- configHandle.close()
- if not (turtle or layoutMode or config.outChest) then
- error("Xenon must run on a turtle")
- end
- local transformedItems = {}
- local predicateCache = {}
- local predicateIDCounter = 0
- for i = 1, #config.items do local item = config.items[i] -- do
- if item.predicate then
- for predicateID = 1, #predicateCache do
- local predicate = predicateCache[predicateID]
- if util.equals(predicate, item.predicate) then
- item.predicateID = predicateID
- end
- end
- if not item.predicateID then
- predicateIDCounter = predicateIDCounter + 1
- item.predicateID = predicateIDCounter
- predicateCache[predicateIDCounter] = item.predicate
- end
- end
- transformedItems[util.toListName(item.modid, item.damage or 0, item.predicateID or 0)] = item
- end
- --== Load required libs / files ==--
- local surface = (function()
- if surface then return surface end
- local surface = { } do
- --[[
- Surface 2
- The MIT License (MIT)
- Copyright (c) 2017 CrazedProgrammer
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and
- associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
- including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
- and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
- so, subject to the following conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
- substantial portions of the Software.
- ]]
- local surf = { }
- = surf
- local table_concat, math_floor, math_atan2 = table.concat, math.floor, math.atan2
- local _cc_color_to_hex, _cc_hex_to_color = { }, { }
- for i = 0, 15 do
- _cc_color_to_hex[2 ^ i] = string.format("%01x", i)
- _cc_hex_to_color[string.format("%01x", i)] = 2 ^ i
- end
- local _chars = { }
- for i = 0, 255 do
- _chars[i] = string.char(i)
- end
- local _numstr = { }
- for i = 0, 1023 do
- _numstr[i] = tostring(i)
- end
- local _eprc, _esin, _ecos = 20, { }, { }
- for i = 0, _eprc - 1 do
- _esin[i + 1] = (1 - math.sin(i / _eprc * math.pi * 2)) / 2
- _ecos[i + 1] = (1 + math.cos(i / _eprc * math.pi * 2)) / 2
- end
- local _steps, _palette, _rgbpal, _palr, _palg, _palb = 16
- local function calcStack(stack, width, height)
- local ox, oy, cx, cy, cwidth, cheight = 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height
- for i = 1, #stack do
- ox = ox + stack[i].ox
- oy = oy + stack[i].oy
- cx = cx + stack[i].x
- cy = cy + stack[i].y
- cwidth = stack[i].width
- cheight = stack[i].height
- end
- return ox, oy, cx, cy, cwidth, cheight
- end
- local function clipRect(x, y, width, height, cx, cy, cwidth, cheight)
- if x < cx then
- width = width + x - cx
- x = cx
- end
- if y < cy then
- height = height + y - cy
- y = cy
- end
- if x + width > cx + cwidth then
- width = cwidth + cx - x
- end
- if y + height > cy + cheight then
- height = cheight + cy - y
- end
- return x, y, width, height
- end
- function surface.create(width, height, b, t, c)
- local surface = setmetatable({ }, {__index =})
- surface.width = width
- surface.height = height
- surface.buffer = { }
- surface.overwrite = false
- surface.stack = { }
- surface.ox, surface.oy,,, surface.cwidth, surface.cheight = calcStack(surface.stack, width, height)
- -- force array indeces instead of hashed indices
- local buffer = surface.buffer
- for i = 1, width * height * 3, 3 do
- buffer[i] = b or false
- buffer[i + 1] = t or false
- buffer[i + 2] = c or false
- end
- buffer[width * height * 3 + 1] = false
- if not b then
- for i = 1, width * height * 3, 3 do
- buffer[i] = b
- end
- end
- if not t then
- for i = 2, width * height * 3, 3 do
- buffer[i] = t
- end
- end
- if not c then
- for i = 3, width * height * 3, 3 do
- buffer[i] = c
- end
- end
- return surface
- end
- function surface.getPlatformOutput(output)
- output = output or (term or gpu or (love and or io)
- if output.blit and output.setCursorPos then
- return "cc", output, output.getSize()
- elseif output.write and output.setCursorPos and output.setTextColor and output.setBackgroundColor then
- return "cc-old", output, output.getSize()
- elseif output.blitPixels then
- return "riko-4", output, 320, 200
- elseif output.points and output.setColor then
- return "love2d", output, output.getWidth(), output.getHeight()
- elseif output.drawPixel then
- return "redirection", output, 64, 64
- elseif output.setForeground and output.setBackground and output.set then
- return "oc", output, output.getResolution()
- elseif output.write then
- return "ansi", output, (os.getenv and (os.getenv("COLUMNS"))) or 80, (os.getenv and (os.getenv("LINES"))) or 43
- else
- error("unsupported platform/output object")
- end
- end
- function surf:output(output, x, y, sx, sy, swidth, sheight)
- local platform, output, owidth, oheight = surface.getPlatformOutput(output)
- x = x or 0
- y = y or 0
- sx = sx or 0
- sy = sy or 0
- swidth = swidth or self.width
- sheight = sheight or self.height
- sx, sy, swidth, sheight = clipRect(sx, sy, swidth, sheight, 0, 0, self.width, self.height)
- local buffer = self.buffer
- local bwidth = self.width
- local xoffset, yoffset, idx
- if platform == "cc" then
- -- CC
- local str, text, back = { }, { }, { }
- for j = 0, sheight - 1 do
- yoffset = (j + sy) * bwidth + sx
- for i = 0, swidth - 1 do
- xoffset = (yoffset + i) * 3
- idx = i + 1
- str[idx] = buffer[xoffset + 3] or " "
- text[idx] = _cc_color_to_hex[buffer[xoffset + 2] or 1]
- back[idx] = _cc_color_to_hex[buffer[xoffset + 1] or 32768]
- end
- output.setCursorPos(x + 1, y + j + 1)
- output.blit(table_concat(str), table_concat(text), table_concat(back))
- end
- elseif platform == "cc-old" then
- -- CC pre-1.76
- local str, b, t, pb, pt = { }
- for j = 0, sheight - 1 do
- output.setCursorPos(x + 1, y + j + 1)
- yoffset = (j + sy) * bwidth + sx
- for i = 0, swidth - 1 do
- xoffset = (yoffset + i) * 3
- pb = buffer[xoffset + 1] or 32768
- pt = buffer[xoffset + 2] or 1
- if pb ~= b then
- if #str ~= 0 then
- output.write(table_concat(str))
- str = { }
- end
- b = pb
- output.setBackgroundColor(b)
- end
- if pt ~= t then
- if #str ~= 0 then
- output.write(table_concat(str))
- str = { }
- end
- t = pt
- output.setTextColor(t)
- end
- str[#str + 1] = buffer[xoffset + 3] or " "
- end
- output.write(table_concat(str))
- str = { }
- end
- elseif platform == "riko-4" then
- -- Riko 4
- local pixels = { }
- for j = 0, sheight - 1 do
- yoffset = (j + sy) * bwidth + sx
- for i = 0, swidth - 1 do
- pixels[j * swidth + i + 1] = buffer[(yoffset + i) * 3 + 1] or 0
- end
- end
- output.blitPixels(x, y, swidth, sheight, pixels)
- elseif platform == "love2d" then
- -- Love2D
- local pos, r, g, b, pr, pg, pb = { }
- for j = 0, sheight - 1 do
- yoffset = (j + sy) * bwidth + sx
- for i = 0, swidth - 1 do
- xoffset = (yoffset + i) * 3
- pr = buffer[xoffset + 1]
- pg = buffer[xoffset + 2]
- pb = buffer[xoffset + 3]
- if pr ~= r or pg ~= g or pb ~= b then
- if #pos ~= 0 then
- output.setColor((r or 0) * 255, (g or 0) * 255, (b or 0) * 255, (r or g or b) and 255 or 0)
- output.points(pos)
- end
- r, g, b = pr, pg, pb
- pos = { }
- end
- pos[#pos + 1] = i + x + 1
- pos[#pos + 1] = j + y + 1
- end
- end
- output.setColor((r or 0) * 255, (g or 0) * 255, (b or 0) * 255, (r or g or b) and 255 or 0)
- output.points(pos)
- elseif platform == "redirection" then
- -- Redirection arcade (gpu)
- -- todo: add image:write support for extra performance
- local px = output.drawPixel
- for j = 0, sheight - 1 do
- for i = 0, swidth - 1 do
- px(x + i, y + j, buffer[((j + sy) * bwidth + (i + sx)) * 3 + 1] or 0)
- end
- end
- elseif platform == "oc" then
- -- OpenComputers
- local str, lx, b, t, pb, pt = { }
- for j = 0, sheight - 1 do
- lx = x
- yoffset = (j + sy) * bwidth + sx
- for i = 0, swidth - 1 do
- xoffset = (yoffset + i) * 3
- pb = buffer[xoffset + 1] or 0x000000
- pt = buffer[xoffset + 2] or 0xFFFFFF
- if pb ~= b then
- if #str ~= 0 then
- output.set(lx + 1, j + y + 1, table_concat(str))
- lx = i + x
- str = { }
- end
- b = pb
- output.setBackground(b)
- end
- if pt ~= t then
- if #str ~= 0 then
- output.set(lx + 1, j + y + 1, table_concat(str))
- lx = i + x
- str = { }
- end
- t = pt
- output.setForeground(t)
- end
- str[#str + 1] = buffer[xoffset + 3] or " "
- end
- output.set(lx + 1, j + y + 1, table_concat(str))
- str = { }
- end
- elseif platform == "ansi" then
- -- ANSI terminal
- local str, b, t, pb, pt = { }
- for j = 0, sheight - 1 do
- str[#str + 1] = "\x1b[".._numstr[y + j + 1]..";".._numstr[x + 1].."H"
- yoffset = (j + sy) * bwidth + sx
- for i = 0, swidth - 1 do
- xoffset = (yoffset + i) * 3
- pb = buffer[xoffset + 1] or 0
- pt = buffer[xoffset + 2] or 7
- if pb ~= b then
- b = pb
- if b < 8 then
- str[#str + 1] = "\x1b[".._numstr[40 + b].."m"
- elseif b < 16 then
- str[#str + 1] = "\x1b[".._numstr[92 + b].."m"
- elseif b < 232 then
- str[#str + 1] = "\x1b[48;2;".._numstr[math_floor((b - 16) / 36 * 85 / 2)]..";".._numstr[math_floor((b - 16) / 6 % 6 * 85 / 2)]..";".._numstr[math_floor((b - 16) % 6 * 85 / 2)].."m"
- else
- local gr = _numstr[b * 10 - 2312]
- str[#str + 1] = "\x1b[48;2;"";"";""m"
- end
- end
- if pt ~= t then
- t = pt
- if t < 8 then
- str[#str + 1] = "\x1b[".._numstr[30 + t].."m"
- elseif t < 16 then
- str[#str + 1] = "\x1b[".._numstr[82 + t].."m"
- elseif t < 232 then
- str[#str + 1] = "\x1b[38;2;".._numstr[math_floor((t - 16) / 36 * 85 / 2)]..";".._numstr[math_floor((t - 16) / 6 % 6 * 85 / 2)]..";".._numstr[math_floor((t - 16) % 6 * 85 / 2)].."m"
- else
- local gr = _numstr[t * 10 - 2312]
- str[#str + 1] = "\x1b[38;2;"";"";""m"
- end
- end
- str[#str + 1] = buffer[xoffset + 3] or " "
- end
- end
- output.write(table_concat(str))
- end
- end
- function surf:push(x, y, width, height, nooffset)
- x, y = x + self.ox, y + self.oy
- local ox, oy = nooffset and self.ox or x, nooffset and self.oy or y
- x, y, width, height = clipRect(x, y, width, height,,, self.cwidth, self.cheight)
- self.stack[#self.stack + 1] = {ox = ox - self.ox, oy = oy - self.oy, x = x -, y = y -, width = width, height = height}
- self.ox, self.oy,,, self.cwidth, self.cheight = calcStack(self.stack, self.width, self.height)
- end
- function surf:pop()
- if #self.stack == 0 then
- error("no stencil to pop")
- end
- self.stack[#self.stack] = nil
- self.ox, self.oy,,, self.cwidth, self.cheight = calcStack(self.stack, self.width, self.height)
- end
- function surf:copy()
- local surface = setmetatable({ }, {__index =})
- for k, v in pairs(self) do
- surface[k] = v
- end
- surface.buffer = { }
- for i = 1, self.width * self.height * 3 + 1 do
- surface.buffer[i] = false
- end
- for i = 1, self.width * self.height * 3 do
- surface.buffer[i] = self.buffer[i]
- end
- surface.stack = { }
- for i = 1, #self.stack do
- surface.stack[i] = self.stack[i]
- end
- return surface
- end
- function surf:clear(b, t, c)
- local xoffset, yoffset
- for j = 0, self.cheight - 1 do
- yoffset = (j + * self.width +
- for i = 0, self.cwidth - 1 do
- xoffset = (yoffset + i) * 3
- self.buffer[xoffset + 1] = b
- self.buffer[xoffset + 2] = t
- self.buffer[xoffset + 3] = c
- end
- end
- end
- function surf:drawPixel(x, y, b, t, c)
- x, y = x + self.ox, y + self.oy
- local idx
- if x >= and x < + self.cwidth and y >= and y < + self.cheight then
- idx = (y * self.width + x) * 3
- if b or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[idx + 1] = b
- end
- if t or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[idx + 2] = t
- end
- if c or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[idx + 3] = c
- end
- end
- end
- function surf:drawString(str, x, y, b, t)
- x, y = x + self.ox, y + self.oy
- local sx = x
- local insidey = y >= and y < + self.cheight
- local idx
- local lowerxlim =
- local upperxlim = + self.cwidth
- local writeb = b or self.overwrite
- local writet = t or self.overwrite
- for i = 1, #str do
- local c = str:sub(i, i)
- if c == "\n" then
- x = sx
- y = y + 1
- if insidey then
- if y >= + self.cheight then
- return
- end
- else
- insidey = y >=
- end
- else
- idx = (y * self.width + x) * 3
- if x >= lowerxlim and x < upperxlim and insidey then
- if writeb then
- self.buffer[idx + 1] = b
- end
- if writet then
- self.buffer[idx + 2] = t
- end
- self.buffer[idx + 3] = c
- end
- x = x + 1
- end
- end
- end
- -- You can remove any of these components
- function surface.load(strpath, isstr)
- local data = strpath
- if not isstr then
- local handle =, "rb")
- if not handle then return end
- local chars = { }
- local byte = handle:read(1)
- if type(byte) == "number" then -- cc doesn't conform to standards
- while byte do
- chars[#chars + 1] = _chars[byte]
- byte = handle:read(1)
- end
- else
- while byte do
- chars[#chars + 1] = byte
- byte = handle:read(1)
- end
- end
- handle:close()
- data = table_concat(chars)
- end
- if data:sub(1, 3) == "RIF" then
- -- Riko 4 image format
- local width, height = data:byte(4) * 256 + data:byte(5), data:byte(6) * 256 + data:byte(7)
- local surf = surface.create(width, height)
- local buffer = surf.buffer
- local upper, byte = 8, false
- local byte = data:byte(index)
- for j = 0, height - 1 do
- for i = 0, height - 1 do
- if not upper then
- buffer[(j * width + i) * 3 + 1] = math_floor(byte / 16)
- else
- buffer[(j * width + i) * 3 + 1] = byte % 16
- index = index + 1
- data = data:byte(index)
- end
- upper = not upper
- end
- end
- return surf
- elseif data:sub(1, 2) == "BM" then
- -- BMP format
- local width = data:byte(0x13) + data:byte(0x14) * 256
- local height = data:byte(0x17) + data:byte(0x18) * 256
- if data:byte(0xF) ~= 0x28 or data:byte(0x1B) ~= 1 or data:byte(0x1D) ~= 0x18 then
- error("unsupported bmp format, only uncompressed 24-bit rgb is supported.")
- end
- local offset, linesize = 0x36, math.ceil((width * 3) / 4) * 4
- local surf = surface.create(width, height)
- local buffer = surf.buffer
- for j = 0, height - 1 do
- for i = 0, width - 1 do
- buffer[(j * width + i) * 3 + 1] = data:byte((height - j - 1) * linesize + i * 3 + offset + 3) / 255
- buffer[(j * width + i) * 3 + 2] = data:byte((height - j - 1) * linesize + i * 3 + offset + 2) / 255
- buffer[(j * width + i) * 3 + 3] = data:byte((height - j - 1) * linesize + i * 3 + offset + 1) / 255
- end
- end
- return surf
- elseif data:find("\30") then
- -- NFT format
- local width, height, lwidth = 0, 1, 0
- for i = 1, #data do
- if data:byte(i) == 10 then -- newline
- height = height + 1
- if lwidth > width then
- width = lwidth
- end
- lwidth = 0
- elseif data:byte(i) == 30 or data:byte(i) == 31 then -- color control
- lwidth = lwidth - 1
- elseif data:byte(i) ~= 13 then -- not carriage return
- lwidth = lwidth + 1
- end
- end
- if data:byte(#data) == 10 then
- height = height - 1
- end
- local surf = surface.create(width, height)
- local buffer = surf.buffer
- local index, x, y, b, t = 1, 0, 0
- while index <= #data do
- if data:byte(index) == 10 then
- x, y = 0, y + 1
- elseif data:byte(index) == 30 then
- index = index + 1
- b = _cc_hex_to_color[data:sub(index, index)]
- elseif data:byte(index) == 31 then
- index = index + 1
- t = _cc_hex_to_color[data:sub(index, index)]
- elseif data:byte(index) ~= 13 then
- buffer[(y * width + x) * 3 + 1] = b
- buffer[(y * width + x) * 3 + 2] = t
- if b or t then
- buffer[(y * width + x) * 3 + 3] = data:sub(index, index)
- elseif data:sub(index, index) ~= " " then
- buffer[(y * width + x) * 3 + 3] = data:sub(index, index)
- end
- x = x + 1
- end
- index = index + 1
- end
- return surf
- else
- -- NFP format
- local width, height, lwidth = 0, 1, 0
- for i = 1, #data do
- if data:byte(i) == 10 then -- newline
- height = height + 1
- if lwidth > width then
- width = lwidth
- end
- lwidth = 0
- elseif data:byte(i) ~= 13 then -- not carriage return
- lwidth = lwidth + 1
- end
- end
- if data:byte(#data) == 10 then
- height = height - 1
- end
- local surf = surface.create(width, height)
- local buffer = surf.buffer
- local x, y = 0, 0
- for i = 1, #data do
- if data:byte(i) == 10 then
- x, y = 0, y + 1
- elseif data:byte(i) ~= 13 then
- buffer[(y * width + x) * 3 + 1] = _cc_hex_to_color[data:sub(i, i)]
- x = x + 1
- end
- end
- return surf
- end
- end
- function surf:save(file, format)
- format = format or "nfp"
- local data = { }
- if format == "nfp" then
- for j = 0, self.height - 1 do
- for i = 0, self.width - 1 do
- data[#data + 1] = _cc_color_to_hex[self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 1]] or " "
- end
- data[#data + 1] = "\n"
- end
- elseif format == "nft" then
- for j = 0, self.height - 1 do
- local b, t, pb, pt
- for i = 0, self.width - 1 do
- pb = self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 1]
- pt = self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 2]
- if pb ~= b then
- data[#data + 1] = "\30"..(_cc_color_to_hex[pb] or " ")
- b = pb
- end
- if pt ~= t then
- data[#data + 1] = "\31"..(_cc_color_to_hex[pt] or " ")
- t = pt
- end
- data[#data + 1] = self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 3] or " "
- end
- data[#data + 1] = "\n"
- end
- elseif format == "rif" then
- data[1] = "RIF"
- data[2] = string.char(math_floor(self.width / 256), self.width % 256)
- data[3] = string.char(math_floor(self.height / 256), self.height % 256)
- local byte, upper, c = 0, false
- for j = 0, self.width - 1 do
- for i = 0, self.height - 1 do
- c = self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 1] or 0
- if not upper then
- byte = c * 16
- else
- byte = byte + c
- data[#data + 1] = string.char(byte)
- end
- upper = not upper
- end
- end
- if upper then
- data[#data + 1] = string.char(byte)
- end
- elseif format == "bmp" then
- data[1] = "BM"
- data[2] = string.char(0, 0, 0, 0) -- file size, change later
- data[3] = string.char(0, 0, 0, 0, 0x36, 0, 0, 0, 0x28, 0, 0, 0)
- data[4] = string.char(self.width % 256, math_floor(self.width / 256), 0, 0)
- data[5] = string.char(self.height % 256, math_floor(self.height / 256), 0, 0)
- data[6] = string.char(1, 0, 0x18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- data[7] = string.char(0, 0, 0, 0) -- pixel data size, change later
- data[8] = string.char(0x13, 0x0B, 0, 0, 0x13, 0x0B, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- local padchars = math.ceil((self.width * 3) / 4) * 4 - self.width * 3
- for j = self.height - 1, 0, -1 do
- for i = 0, self.width - 1 do
- data[#data + 1] = string.char((self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 1] or 0) * 255)
- data[#data + 1] = string.char((self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 2] or 0) * 255)
- data[#data + 1] = string.char((self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 3] or 0) * 255)
- end
- data[#data + 1] = ("\0"):rep(padchars)
- end
- local size = #table_concat(data)
- data[2] = string.char(size % 256, math_floor(size / 256) % 256, math_floor(size / 65536), 0)
- size = size - 54
- data[7] = string.char(size % 256, math_floor(size / 256) % 256, math_floor(size / 65536), 0)
- else
- error("format not supported")
- end
- data = table_concat(data)
- if file then
- local handle =, "wb")
- for i = 1, #data do
- handle:write(data:byte(i))
- end
- handle:close()
- end
- return data
- end
- function surf:drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, b, t, c)
- if x1 == x2 then
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = x1 + self.ox, y1 + self.oy, x2 + self.ox, y2 + self.oy
- if x1 < or x1 >= + self.cwidth then return end
- if y2 < y1 then
- local temp = y1
- y1 = y2
- y2 = temp
- end
- if y1 < then y1 = end
- if y2 >= + self.cheight then y2 = + self.cheight - 1 end
- if b or self.overwrite then
- for j = y1, y2 do
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + x1) * 3 + 1] = b
- end
- end
- if t or self.overwrite then
- for j = y1, y2 do
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + x1) * 3 + 2] = t
- end
- end
- if c or self.overwrite then
- for j = y1, y2 do
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + x1) * 3 + 3] = c
- end
- end
- elseif y1 == y2 then
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = x1 + self.ox, y1 + self.oy, x2 + self.ox, y2 + self.oy
- if y1 < or y1 >= + self.cheight then return end
- if x2 < x1 then
- local temp = x1
- x1 = x2
- x2 = temp
- end
- if x1 < then x1 = end
- if x2 >= + self.cwidth then x2 = + self.cwidth - 1 end
- if b or self.overwrite then
- for i = x1, x2 do
- self.buffer[(y1 * self.width + i) * 3 + 1] = b
- end
- end
- if t or self.overwrite then
- for i = x1, x2 do
- self.buffer[(y1 * self.width + i) * 3 + 2] = t
- end
- end
- if c or self.overwrite then
- for i = x1, x2 do
- self.buffer[(y1 * self.width + i) * 3 + 3] = c
- end
- end
- else
- local delta_x = x2 - x1
- local ix = delta_x > 0 and 1 or -1
- delta_x = 2 * math.abs(delta_x)
- local delta_y = y2 - y1
- local iy = delta_y > 0 and 1 or -1
- delta_y = 2 * math.abs(delta_y)
- self:drawPixel(x1, y1, b, t, c)
- if delta_x >= delta_y then
- local error = delta_y - delta_x / 2
- while x1 ~= x2 do
- if (error >= 0) and ((error ~= 0) or (ix > 0)) then
- error = error - delta_x
- y1 = y1 + iy
- end
- error = error + delta_y
- x1 = x1 + ix
- self:drawPixel(x1, y1, b, t, c)
- end
- else
- local error = delta_x - delta_y / 2
- while y1 ~= y2 do
- if (error >= 0) and ((error ~= 0) or (iy > 0)) then
- error = error - delta_y
- x1 = x1 + ix
- end
- error = error + delta_x
- y1 = y1 + iy
- self:drawPixel(x1, y1, b, t, c)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function surf:drawRect(x, y, width, height, b, t, c)
- self:drawLine(x, y, x + width - 1, y, b, t, c)
- self:drawLine(x, y, x, y + height - 1, b, t, c)
- self:drawLine(x + width - 1, y, x + width - 1, y + height - 1, b, t, c)
- self:drawLine(x, y + height - 1, x + width - 1, y + height - 1, b, t, c)
- end
- function surf:fillRect(x, y, width, height, b, t, c)
- x, y, width, height = clipRect(x + self.ox, y + self.oy, width, height,,, self.cwidth, self.cheight)
- if b or self.overwrite then
- for j = 0, height - 1 do
- for i = 0, width - 1 do
- self.buffer[((j + y) * self.width + i + x) * 3 + 1] = b
- end
- end
- end
- if t or self.overwrite then
- for j = 0, height - 1 do
- for i = 0, width - 1 do
- self.buffer[((j + y) * self.width + i + x) * 3 + 2] = t
- end
- end
- end
- if c or self.overwrite then
- for j = 0, height - 1 do
- for i = 0, width - 1 do
- self.buffer[((j + y) * self.width + i + x) * 3 + 3] = c
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function surf:drawTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, b, t, c)
- self:drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, b, t, c)
- self:drawLine(x2, y2, x3, y3, b, t, c)
- self:drawLine(x3, y3, x1, y1, b, t, c)
- end
- function surf:fillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, b, t, c)
- if y1 > y2 then
- local tempx, tempy = x1, y1
- x1, y1 = x2, y2
- x2, y2 = tempx, tempy
- end
- if y1 > y3 then
- local tempx, tempy = x1, y1
- x1, y1 = x3, y3
- x3, y3 = tempx, tempy
- end
- if y2 > y3 then
- local tempx, tempy = x2, y2
- x2, y2 = x3, y3
- x3, y3 = tempx, tempy
- end
- if y1 == y2 and x1 > x2 then
- local temp = x1
- x1 = x2
- x2 = temp
- end
- if y2 == y3 and x2 > x3 then
- local temp = x2
- x2 = x3
- x3 = temp
- end
- local x4, y4
- if x1 <= x2 then
- x4 = x1 + (y2 - y1) / (y3 - y1) * (x3 - x1)
- y4 = y2
- local tempx, tempy = x2, y2
- x2, y2 = x4, y4
- x4, y4 = tempx, tempy
- else
- x4 = x1 + (y2 - y1) / (y3 - y1) * (x3 - x1)
- y4 = y2
- end
- local finvslope1 = (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)
- local finvslope2 = (x4 - x1) / (y4 - y1)
- local linvslope1 = (x3 - x2) / (y3 - y2)
- local linvslope2 = (x3 - x4) / (y3 - y4)
- local xstart, xend, dxstart, dxend
- for y = math.ceil(y1 + 0.5) - 0.5, math.floor(y3 - 0.5) + 0.5, 1 do
- if y <= y2 then -- first half
- xstart = x1 + finvslope1 * (y - y1)
- xend = x1 + finvslope2 * (y - y1)
- else -- second half
- xstart = x3 - linvslope1 * (y3 - y)
- xend = x3 - linvslope2 * (y3 - y)
- end
- dxstart, dxend = math.ceil(xstart - 0.5), math.floor(xend - 0.5)
- if dxstart <= dxend then
- self:drawLine(dxstart, y - 0.5, dxend, y - 0.5, b, t, c)
- end
- end
- end
- function surf:drawEllipse(x, y, width, height, b, t, c)
- for i = 0, _eprc - 1 do
- self:drawLine(math_floor(x + _ecos[i + 1] * (width - 1) + 0.5), math_floor(y + _esin[i + 1] * (height - 1) + 0.5), math_floor(x + _ecos[(i + 1) % _eprc + 1] * (width - 1) + 0.5), math_floor(y + _esin[(i + 1) % _eprc + 1] * (height - 1) + 0.5), b, t, c)
- end
- end
- function surf:fillEllipse(x, y, width, height, b, t, c)
- x, y = x + self.ox, y + self.oy
- local sx, sy
- for j = 0, height - 1 do
- for i = 0, width - 1 do
- sx, sy = i + x, j + y
- if ((i + 0.5) / width * 2 - 1) ^ 2 + ((j + 0.5) / height * 2 - 1) ^ 2 <= 1 and sx >= and sx < + self.cwidth and sy >= and sy < + self.cheight then
- if b or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[(sy * self.width + sx) * 3 + 1] = b
- end
- if t or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[(sy * self.width + sx) * 3 + 2] = t
- end
- if c or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[(sy * self.width + sx) * 3 + 3] = c
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function surf:drawArc(x, y, width, height, fromangle, toangle, b, t, c)
- if fromangle > toangle then
- local temp = fromangle
- fromangle = toangle
- temp = toangle
- end
- fromangle = math_floor(fromangle / math.pi / 2 * _eprc + 0.5)
- toangle = math_floor(toangle / math.pi / 2 * _eprc + 0.5) - 1
- for j = fromangle, toangle do
- local i = j % _eprc
- self:drawLine(math_floor(x + _ecos[i + 1] * (width - 1) + 0.5), math_floor(y + _esin[i + 1] * (height - 1) + 0.5), math_floor(x + _ecos[(i + 1) % _eprc + 1] * (width - 1) + 0.5), math_floor(y + _esin[(i + 1) % _eprc + 1] * (height - 1) + 0.5), b, t, c)
- end
- end
- function surf:fillArc(x, y, width, height, fromangle, toangle, b, t, c)
- x, y = x + self.ox, y + self.oy
- if fromangle > toangle then
- local temp = fromangle
- fromangle = toangle
- temp = toangle
- end
- local diff = toangle - fromangle
- fromangle = fromangle % (math.pi * 2)
- local fx, fy, sx, sy, dir
- for j = 0, height - 1 do
- for i = 0, width - 1 do
- fx, fy = (i + 0.5) / width * 2 - 1, (j + 0.5) / height * 2 - 1
- sx, sy = i + x, j + y
- dir = math_atan2(-fy, fx) % (math.pi * 2)
- if fx ^ 2 + fy ^ 2 <= 1 and ((dir >= fromangle and dir - fromangle <= diff) or (dir <= (fromangle + diff) % (math.pi * 2))) and sx >= and sx < + self.cwidth and sy >= and sy < + self.cheight then
- if b or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[(sy * self.width + sx) * 3 + 1] = b
- end
- if t or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[(sy * self.width + sx) * 3 + 2] = t
- end
- if c or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[(sy * self.width + sx) * 3 + 3] = c
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function surf:drawSurface(surf2, x, y, width, height, sx, sy, swidth, sheight)
- x, y, width, height, sx, sy, swidth, sheight = x + self.ox, y + self.oy, width or surf2.width, height or surf2.height, sx or 0, sy or 0, swidth or surf2.width, sheight or surf2.height
- if width == swidth and height == sheight then
- local nx, ny
- nx, ny, width, height = clipRect(x, y, width, height,,, self.cwidth, self.cheight)
- swidth, sheight = width, height
- if nx > x then
- sx = sx + nx - x
- x = nx
- end
- if ny > y then
- sy = sy + ny - y
- y = ny
- end
- nx, ny, swidth, sheight = clipRect(sx, sy, swidth, sheight, 0, 0, surf2.width, surf2.height)
- width, height = swidth, sheight
- if nx > sx then
- x = x + nx - sx
- sx = nx
- end
- if ny > sy then
- y = y + ny - sy
- sy = ny
- end
- local b, t, c
- for j = 0, height - 1 do
- for i = 0, width - 1 do
- b = surf2.buffer[((j + sy) * surf2.width + i + sx) * 3 + 1]
- t = surf2.buffer[((j + sy) * surf2.width + i + sx) * 3 + 2]
- c = surf2.buffer[((j + sy) * surf2.width + i + sx) * 3 + 3]
- if b or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[((j + y) * self.width + i + x) * 3 + 1] = b
- end
- if t or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[((j + y) * self.width + i + x) * 3 + 2] = t
- end
- if c or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[((j + y) * self.width + i + x) * 3 + 3] = c
- end
- end
- end
- else
- local hmirror, vmirror = false, false
- if width < 0 then
- hmirror = true
- x = x + width
- end
- if height < 0 then
- vmirror = true
- y = y + height
- end
- if swidth < 0 then
- hmirror = not hmirror
- sx = sx + swidth
- end
- if sheight < 0 then
- vmirror = not vmirror
- sy = sy + sheight
- end
- width, height, swidth, sheight = math.abs(width), math.abs(height), math.abs(swidth), math.abs(sheight)
- local xscale, yscale, px, py, ssx, ssy, b, t, c = swidth / width, sheight / height
- for j = 0, height - 1 do
- for i = 0, width - 1 do
- px, py = math_floor((i + 0.5) * xscale), math_floor((j + 0.5) * yscale)
- if hmirror then
- ssx = x + width - i - 1
- else
- ssx = i + x
- end
- if vmirror then
- ssy = y + height - j - 1
- else
- ssy = j + y
- end
- if ssx >= and ssx < + self.cwidth and ssy >= and ssy < + self.cheight and px >= 0 and px < surf2.width and py >= 0 and py < surf2.height then
- b = surf2.buffer[(py * surf2.width + px) * 3 + 1]
- t = surf2.buffer[(py * surf2.width + px) * 3 + 2]
- c = surf2.buffer[(py * surf2.width + px) * 3 + 3]
- if b or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[(ssy * self.width + ssx) * 3 + 1] = b
- end
- if t or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[(ssy * self.width + ssx) * 3 + 2] = t
- end
- if c or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[(ssy * self.width + ssx) * 3 + 3] = c
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function surf:drawSurfaceRotated(surf2, x, y, ox, oy, angle)
- local sin, cos, sx, sy, px, py = math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle)
- for j = math.floor(-surf2.height * 0.75), math.ceil(surf2.height * 0.75) do
- for i = math.floor(-surf2.width * 0.75), math.ceil(surf2.width * 0.75) do
- sx, sy, px, py = x + i, y + j, math_floor(cos * (i + 0.5) - sin * (j + 0.5) + ox), math_floor(sin * (i + 0.5) + cos * (j + 0.5) + oy)
- if sx >= and sx < + self.cwidth and sy >= and sy < + self.cheight and px >= 0 and px < surf2.width and py >= 0 and py < surf2.height then
- b = surf2.buffer[(py * surf2.width + px) * 3 + 1]
- t = surf2.buffer[(py * surf2.width + px) * 3 + 2]
- c = surf2.buffer[(py * surf2.width + px) * 3 + 3]
- if b or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[(sy * self.width + sx) * 3 + 1] = b
- end
- if t or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[(sy * self.width + sx) * 3 + 2] = t
- end
- if c or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[(sy * self.width + sx) * 3 + 3] = c
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function surf:drawSurfacesInterlaced(surfs, x, y, step)
- x, y, step = x + self.ox, y + self.oy, step or 0
- local width, height = surfs[1].width, surfs[1].height
- for i = 2, #surfs do
- if surfs[i].width ~= width or surfs[i].height ~= height then
- error("surfaces should be the same size")
- end
- end
- local sx, sy, swidth, sheight, index, b, t, c = clipRect(x, y, width, height,,, self.cwidth, self.cheight)
- for j = sy, sy + sheight - 1 do
- for i = sx, sx + swidth - 1 do
- index = (i + j + step) % #surfs + 1
- b = surfs[index].buffer[((j - sy) * surfs[index].width + i - sx) * 3 + 1]
- t = surfs[index].buffer[((j - sy) * surfs[index].width + i - sx) * 3 + 2]
- c = surfs[index].buffer[((j - sy) * surfs[index].width + i - sx) * 3 + 3]
- if b or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 1] = b
- end
- if t or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 2] = t
- end
- if c or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 3] = c
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function surf:drawSurfaceSmall(surf2, x, y)
- x, y = x + self.ox, y + self.oy
- if surf2.width % 2 ~= 0 or surf2.height % 3 ~= 0 then
- error("surface width must be a multiple of 2 and surface height a multiple of 3")
- end
- local sub, char, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 = 32768
- for j = 0, surf2.height / 3 - 1 do
- for i = 0, surf2.width / 2 - 1 do
- if i + x >= and i + x < + self.cwidth and j + y >= and j + y < + self.cheight then
- char, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 = 0,
- surf2.buffer[((j * 3) * surf2.width + i * 2) * 3 + 1],
- surf2.buffer[((j * 3) * surf2.width + i * 2 + 1) * 3 + 1],
- surf2.buffer[((j * 3 + 1) * surf2.width + i * 2) * 3 + 1],
- surf2.buffer[((j * 3 + 1) * surf2.width + i * 2 + 1) * 3 + 1],
- surf2.buffer[((j * 3 + 2) * surf2.width + i * 2) * 3 + 1],
- surf2.buffer[((j * 3 + 2) * surf2.width + i * 2 + 1) * 3 + 1]
- if c1 ~= c6 then
- sub = c1
- char = 1
- end
- if c2 ~= c6 then
- sub = c2
- char = char + 2
- end
- if c3 ~= c6 then
- sub = c3
- char = char + 4
- end
- if c4 ~= c6 then
- sub = c4
- char = char + 8
- end
- if c5 ~= c6 then
- sub = c5
- char = char + 16
- end
- self.buffer[((j + y) * self.width + i + x) * 3 + 1] = c6
- self.buffer[((j + y) * self.width + i + x) * 3 + 2] = sub
- self.buffer[((j + y) * self.width + i + x) * 3 + 3] = _chars[128 + char]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function surf:flip(horizontal, vertical)
- local ox, oy, nx, ny, tb, tt, tc
- if horizontal then
- for i = 0, math.ceil(self.cwidth / 2) - 1 do
- for j = 0, self.cheight - 1 do
- ox, oy, nx, ny = i +, j +, + self.cwidth - i - 1, j +
- tb = self.buffer[(oy * self.width + ox) * 3 + 1]
- tt = self.buffer[(oy * self.width + ox) * 3 + 2]
- tc = self.buffer[(oy * self.width + ox) * 3 + 3]
- self.buffer[(oy * self.width + ox) * 3 + 1] = self.buffer[(ny * self.width + nx) * 3 + 1]
- self.buffer[(oy * self.width + ox) * 3 + 2] = self.buffer[(ny * self.width + nx) * 3 + 2]
- self.buffer[(oy * self.width + ox) * 3 + 3] = self.buffer[(ny * self.width + nx) * 3 + 3]
- self.buffer[(ny * self.width + nx) * 3 + 1] = tb
- self.buffer[(ny * self.width + nx) * 3 + 2] = tt
- self.buffer[(ny * self.width + nx) * 3 + 3] = tc
- end
- end
- end
- if vertical then
- for j = 0, math.ceil(self.cheight / 2) - 1 do
- for i = 0, self.cwidth - 1 do
- ox, oy, nx, ny = i +, j +, i +, + self.cheight - j - 1
- tb = self.buffer[(oy * self.width + ox) * 3 + 1]
- tt = self.buffer[(oy * self.width + ox) * 3 + 2]
- tc = self.buffer[(oy * self.width + ox) * 3 + 3]
- self.buffer[(oy * self.width + ox) * 3 + 1] = self.buffer[(ny * self.width + nx) * 3 + 1]
- self.buffer[(oy * self.width + ox) * 3 + 2] = self.buffer[(ny * self.width + nx) * 3 + 2]
- self.buffer[(oy * self.width + ox) * 3 + 3] = self.buffer[(ny * self.width + nx) * 3 + 3]
- self.buffer[(ny * self.width + nx) * 3 + 1] = tb
- self.buffer[(ny * self.width + nx) * 3 + 2] = tt
- self.buffer[(ny * self.width + nx) * 3 + 3] = tc
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function surf:shift(x, y, b, t, c)
- local hdir, vdir = x < 0, y < 0
- local xstart, xend =, + self.cwidth - 1
- local ystart, yend =, + self.cheight - 1
- local nx, ny
- for j = vdir and ystart or yend, vdir and yend or ystart, vdir and 1 or -1 do
- for i = hdir and xstart or xend, hdir and xend or xstart, hdir and 1 or -1 do
- nx, ny = i - x, j - y
- if nx >= 0 and nx < self.width and ny >= 0 and ny < self.height then
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 1] = self.buffer[(ny * self.width + nx) * 3 + 1]
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 2] = self.buffer[(ny * self.width + nx) * 3 + 2]
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 3] = self.buffer[(ny * self.width + nx) * 3 + 3]
- else
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 1] = b
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 2] = t
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 3] = c
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function surf:map(colors)
- local c
- for j =, + self.cheight - 1 do
- for i =, + self.cwidth - 1 do
- c = colors[self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 1]]
- if c or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 1] = c
- end
- end
- end
- end
- surface.palette = { }
- = {[1]="F0F0F0",[2]="F2B233",[4]="E57FD8",[8]="99B2F2",[16]="DEDE6C",[32]="7FCC19",[64]="F2B2CC",[128]="4C4C4C",[256]="999999",[512]="4C99B2",[1024]="B266E5",[2048]="3366CC",[4096]="7F664C",[8192]="57A64E",[16384]="CC4C4C",[32768]="191919"}
- surface.palette.riko4 = {"181818","1D2B52","7E2553","008651","AB5136","5F564F","7D7F82","FF004C","FFA300","FFF023","00E755","29ADFF","82769C","FF77A9","FECCA9","ECECEC"}
- surface.palette.redirection = {[0]="040404",[1]="FFFFFF"}
- local function setPalette(palette)
- if palette == _palette then return end
- _palette = palette
- _rgbpal, _palr, _palg, _palb = { }, { }, { }, { }
- local indices = { }
- for k, v in pairs(_palette) do
- if type(v) == "string" then
- _palr[k] = tonumber(v:sub(1, 2), 16) / 255
- _palg[k] = tonumber(v:sub(3, 4), 16) / 255
- _palb[k] = tonumber(v:sub(5, 6), 16) / 255
- elseif type(v) == "number" then
- _palr[k] = math.floor(v / 65536) / 255
- _palg[k] = (math.floor(v / 256) % 256) / 255
- _palb[k] = (v % 256) / 255
- end
- indices[#indices + 1] = k
- end
- local pr, pg, pb, dist, d, id
- for i = 0, _steps - 1 do
- for j = 0, _steps - 1 do
- for k = 0, _steps - 1 do
- pr = (i + 0.5) / _steps
- pg = (j + 0.5) / _steps
- pb = (k + 0.5) / _steps
- dist = 1e10
- for l = 1, #indices do
- d = (pr - _palr[indices[l]]) ^ 2 + (pg - _palg[indices[l]]) ^ 2 + (pb - _palb[indices[l]]) ^ 2
- if d < dist then
- dist = d
- id = l
- end
- end
- _rgbpal[i * _steps * _steps + j * _steps + k + 1] = indices[id]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function surf:toRGB(palette)
- setPalette(palette)
- local c
- for j = 0, self.height - 1 do
- for i = 0, self.width - 1 do
- c = self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 1]
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 1] = _palr[c]
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 2] = _palg[c]
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 3] = _palb[c]
- end
- end
- end
- function surf:toPalette(palette, dither)
- setPalette(palette)
- local scale, r, g, b, nr, ng, nb, c, dr, dg, db = _steps - 1
- for j = 0, self.height - 1 do
- for i = 0, self.width - 1 do
- r = self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 1]
- g = self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 2]
- b = self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 3]
- r = (r > 1) and 1 or r
- r = (r < 0) and 0 or r
- g = (g > 1) and 1 or g
- g = (g < 0) and 0 or g
- b = (b > 1) and 1 or b
- b = (b < 0) and 0 or b
- nr = (r == 1) and scale or math_floor(r * _steps)
- ng = (g == 1) and scale or math_floor(g * _steps)
- nb = (b == 1) and scale or math_floor(b * _steps)
- c = _rgbpal[nr * _steps * _steps + ng * _steps + nb + 1]
- if dither then
- dr = (r - _palr[c]) / 16
- dg = (g - _palg[c]) / 16
- db = (b - _palb[c]) / 16
- if i < self.width - 1 then
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i + 1) * 3 + 1] = self.buffer[(j * self.width + i + 1) * 3 + 1] + dr * 7
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i + 1) * 3 + 2] = self.buffer[(j * self.width + i + 1) * 3 + 2] + dg * 7
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i + 1) * 3 + 3] = self.buffer[(j * self.width + i + 1) * 3 + 3] + db * 7
- end
- if j < self.height - 1 then
- if i > 0 then
- self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i - 1) * 3 + 1] = self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i - 1) * 3 + 1] + dr * 3
- self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i - 1) * 3 + 2] = self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i - 1) * 3 + 2] + dg * 3
- self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i - 1) * 3 + 3] = self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i - 1) * 3 + 3] + db * 3
- end
- self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i) * 3 + 1] = self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i) * 3 + 1] + dr * 5
- self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i) * 3 + 2] = self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i) * 3 + 2] + dg * 5
- self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i) * 3 + 3] = self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i) * 3 + 3] + db * 5
- if i < self.width - 1 then
- self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i + 1) * 3 + 1] = self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i + 1) * 3 + 1] + dr * 1
- self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i + 1) * 3 + 2] = self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i + 1) * 3 + 2] + dg * 1
- self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i + 1) * 3 + 3] = self.buffer[((j + 1) * self.width + i + 1) * 3 + 3] + db * 1
- end
- end
- end
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 1] = c
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 2] = nil
- self.buffer[(j * self.width + i) * 3 + 3] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- function surface.loadFont(surf)
- local font = {width = surf.width, height = surf.height - 1}
- font.buffer = { }
- font.indices = {0}
- font.widths = { }
- local startc, hitc, curc = surf.buffer[((surf.height - 1) * surf.width) * 3 + 1]
- for i = 0, surf.width - 1 do
- curc = surf.buffer[((surf.height - 1) * surf.width + i) * 3 + 1]
- if curc ~= startc then
- hitc = curc
- break
- end
- end
- for j = 0, surf.height - 2 do
- for i = 0, surf.width - 1 do
- font.buffer[j * font.width + i + 1] = surf.buffer[(j * surf.width + i) * 3 + 1] == hitc
- end
- end
- local curchar = 1
- for i = 0, surf.width - 1 do
- if surf.buffer[((surf.height - 1) * surf.width + i) * 3 + 1] == hitc then
- font.widths[curchar] = i - font.indices[curchar]
- curchar = curchar + 1
- font.indices[curchar] = i + 1
- end
- end
- font.widths[curchar] = font.width - font.indices[curchar]
- return font
- end
- function surface.getTextSize(str, font)
- local cx, cy, maxx = 0, 0, 0
- local ox, char = cx
- for i = 1, #str do
- char = str:byte(i) - 31
- if char + 31 == 10 then -- newline
- cx = ox
- cy = cy + font.height + 1
- elseif font.indices[char] then
- cx = cx + font.widths[char] + 1
- else
- cx = cx + font.widths[1]
- end
- if cx > maxx then
- maxx = cx
- end
- end
- return maxx - 1, cy + font.height
- end
- function surf:drawText(str, font, x, y, b, t, c)
- local cx, cy = x + self.ox, y + self.oy
- local ox, char, idx = cx
- for i = 1, #str do
- char = str:byte(i) - 31
- if char + 31 == 10 then -- newline
- cx = ox
- cy = cy + font.height + 1
- elseif font.indices[char] then
- for i = 0, font.widths[char] - 1 do
- for j = 0, font.height - 1 do
- x, y = cx + i, cy + j
- if font.buffer[j * font.width + i + font.indices[char] + 1] then
- if x >= and x < + self.cwidth and y >= and y < + self.cheight then
- idx = (y * self.width + x) * 3
- if b or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[idx + 1] = b
- end
- if t or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[idx + 2] = t
- end
- if c or self.overwrite then
- self.buffer[idx + 3] = c
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- cx = cx + font.widths[char] + 1
- else
- cx = cx + font.widths[1]
- end
- end
- end
- local smap = { }
- surface.smap = smap
- function surface.loadSpriteMap(surf, spwidth, spheight, sprites)
- if surf.width % spwidth ~= 0 or surf.height % spheight ~= 0 then
- error("sprite width/height does not match smap width/height")
- end
- local smap = setmetatable({ }, {__index = surface.smap})
- = surf
- smap.spwidth = spwidth
- smap.spheight = spheight
- smap.sprites = sprites or ((surf.width / spwidth) * (surf.height / spheight))
- smap.perline = surf.width / spwidth
- return smap
- end
- function smap:pos(index, scale)
- if index < 0 or index >= self.sprites then
- error("sprite index out of bounds")
- end
- return (index % self.perline) * self.spwidth, math.floor(index / self.perline) * self.spheight
- end
- function smap:sprite(index, x, y, width, height)
- local sx, sy = self:pos(index)
- return, x, y, width or self.spwidth, height or self.spheight, sx, sy, self.spwidth, self.spheight
- end
- end return surface
- end)()
- local fontData = (function()
- if fontData then return fontData end
- return [[
- 0 0 0 0 0 0000 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 00 0 0000 000 0000 00 00 00 000 00 000 00 000 0000 0000 000 0 0 000 000 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 000 00 000 000 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 000 0 000 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 00
- 0 0 0 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 000 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 000 000 000 00 0 00 0 0 00 0 00 0 000 00 000 000 0 00 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0
- 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 000 0 00 000 0 0 0 00 0 0000 000 0 0 0 000 000 0 00 0000 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 000 0 0 000 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 000 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 000 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0
- 0 0 0 0000 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 000 0000 00 0 000 00 0 00 000 0 0 00 0 0 000 00 000 0000 0 00 0 0 000 00 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 000 0000 000 0 000 0000 000 000 000 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 000 000 0 000 0 000 00 0 0 0 0 0 0000 00 0 00
- 0 000 00 0 0 0
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]] end)()
- local font = surface.loadFont(surface.load(fontData, true))
- local wapi = (function()
- if wapi then return wapi end
- local jua = nil
- local idPatt = "#R%d+"
- if not ((socket and socket.websocket) or http.websocketAsync) then
- error("You do not have CC:Tweaked/CCTweaks installed or you are not on the latest version.")
- end
- local newws = socket and socket.websocket or http.websocketAsync
- local async
- if socket and socket.websocket then
- async = false
- else
- async = true
- end
- local callbackRegistry = {}
- wsRegistry = {}
- local function gfind(str, patt)
- local t = {}
- for found in str:gmatch(patt) do
- table.insert(t, found)
- end
- if #t > 0 then
- return t
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- local function findID(url)
- local found = gfind(url, idPatt)
- return tonumber(found[#found]:sub(found[#found]:find("%d+")))
- end
- local function newID()
- return #callbackRegistry + 1
- end
- local function trimID(url)
- local found = gfind(url, idPatt)
- local s, e = url:find(found[#found])
- return url:sub(1, s-1)
- end
- function open(callback, url, headers)
- local id
- if async then
- id = newID()
- end
- local newUrl
- if async then
- newUrl = url .. "#R" .. id
- newws(newUrl, headers)
- else
- if headers then
- error("Websocket headers not supported under CCTweaks")
- end
- local ws = newws(url)
- ws.send = ws.write
- id =
- wsRegistry[id] = ws
- end
- callbackRegistry[id] = callback
- return id
- end
- function init(jua)
- jua = jua
- if async then
- jua.on("websocket_success", function(event, url, handle)
- local id = findID(url)
- if type(callbackRegistry[id]) == "table" and callbackRegistry[id].success then
- callbackRegistry[id].success(findID(url), handle)
- end
- end)
- jua.on("websocket_failure", function(event, url)
- local id = findID(url)
- if type(callbackRegistry[id]) == "table" and callbackRegistry[id].failure then
- callbackRegistry[id].failure(findID(url))
- end
- table.remove(callbackRegistry, id)
- end)
- jua.on("websocket_message", function(event, url, data)
- local id = findID(url)
- if type(callbackRegistry[id]) == "table" and callbackRegistry[id].message then
- callbackRegistry[id].message(findID(url), data)
- end
- end)
- jua.on("websocket_closed", function(event, url)
- local id = findID(url)
- if type(callbackRegistry[id]) == "table" and callbackRegistry[id].closed then
- callbackRegistry[id].closed(findID(url))
- end
- table.remove(callbackRegistry, id)
- end)
- else
- jua.on("socket_connect", function(event, id)
- if type(callbackRegistry[id]) == "table" and callbackRegistry[id].success then
- callbackRegistry[id].success(id, wsRegistry[id])
- end
- end)
- jua.on("socket_error", function(event, id, msg)
- if type(callbackRegistry[id]) == "table" and callbackRegistry[id].failure then
- callbackRegistry[id].failure(id, msg)
- end
- table.remove(callbackRegistry, id)
- end)
- jua.on("socket_message", function(event, id)
- if type(callbackRegistry[id]) == "table" and callbackRegistry[id].message then
- local data = wsRegistry[id].read()
- callbackRegistry[id].message(id, data)
- end
- end)
- jua.on("socket_closed", function(event, id)
- if type(callbackRegistry[id]) == "table" and callbackRegistry[id].closed then
- callbackRegistry[id].closed(id)
- end
- table.remove(callbackRegistry, id)
- end)
- end
- end
- return {
- open = open,
- init = init
- }
- end)()
- local rapi = (function()
- if rapi then return rapi end
- local jua = nil
- local idPatt = "#R%d+"
- local callbackRegistry = {}
- local function gfind(str, patt)
- local t = {}
- for found in str:gmatch(patt) do
- table.insert(t, found)
- end
- if #t > 0 then
- return t
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- local function findID(url)
- local found = gfind(url, idPatt)
- if not found then
- return -1
- end
- return tonumber(found[#found]:sub(found[#found]:find("%d+")))
- end
- local function newID()
- return #callbackRegistry + 1
- end
- local function trimID(url)
- local found = gfind(url, idPatt)
- local s, e = url:find(found[#found])
- return url:sub(1, s-1)
- end
- function request(callback, url, headers, postData)
- local id = newID()
- local newUrl = url .. "#R" .. id
- http.request(newUrl, postData, headers)
- callbackRegistry[id] = callback
- end
- function init(jua)
- jua = jua
- jua.on("http_success", function(event, url, handle)
- local id = findID(url)
- if callbackRegistry[id] then
- if type(callbackRegistry[id]) == "table" and callbackRegistry[id].success then
- callbackRegistry[id].success(true, trimID(url), handle)
- else
- callbackRegistry[id](true, trimID(url), handle)
- end
- table.remove(callbackRegistry, id)
- end
- end)
- jua.on("http_failure", function(event, url, handle)
- local id = findID(url)
- if callbackRegistry[id] then
- if type(callbackRegistry[id]) == "table" and callbackRegistry[id].failure then
- callbackRegistry[id].failure(false, trimID(url), handle)
- else
- callbackRegistry[id](false, trimID(url), handle)
- end
- table.remove(callbackRegistry, id)
- end
- end)
- end
- return {
- request = request,
- init = init
- }
- end)()
- local kapi = (function()
- if kapi then return kapi end
- local w
- local r
- local jua
- local json
- local await
- local endpoint = ""
- local wsEndpoint = "ws://"..endpoint
- local httpEndpoint = "http://"..endpoint
- local function asserttype(var, name, vartype, optional)
- if not (type(var) == vartype or optional and type(var) == "nil") then
- error(name..": expected "..vartype.." got "..type(var), 3)
- end
- end
- function init(juai, jsoni, wi, ri)
- asserttype(juai, "jua", "table")
- asserttype(jsoni, "json", "table")
- asserttype(wi, "w", "table", true)
- asserttype(ri, "r", "table")
- jua = juai
- await = juai.await
- json = jsoni
- w = wi
- r = ri
- end
- local function prints(...)
- local objs = {...}
- for i, obj in ipairs(objs) do
- print(textutils.serialize(obj))
- end
- end
- local function url(call)
- return
- end
- local function api_request(cb, api, data)
- local success, url, handle = await(r.request, url(api), {["Content-Type"]="application/json"}, data and json.encode(data))
- if success then
- cb(success, json.decode(handle.readAll()))
- handle.close()
- else
- cb(success)
- end
- end
- local function authorize_websocket(cb, privatekey)
- asserttype(cb, "callback", "function")
- asserttype(privatekey, "privatekey", "string", true)
- api_request(function(success, data)
- cb(success, data and data.url:gsub("wss:", "ws:"))
- end, "/ws/start", {
- privatekey = privatekey
- })
- end
- function address(cb, address)
- asserttype(cb, "callback", "function")
- asserttype(address, "address", "string")
- api_request(function(success, data)
- data.address.address = address
- cb(success, data.address)
- end, "/addresses/"..address)
- end
- function addressTransactions(cb, address, limit, offset)
- asserttype(cb, "callback", "function")
- asserttype(address, "address", "string")
- asserttype(limit, "limit", "number", true)
- asserttype(offset, "offset", "number", true)
- api_request(function(success, data)
- cb(success, data.transactions)
- end, "/addresses/"..address.."/transactions?limit="..(limit or 50).."&offset="..(offset or 0))
- end
- function addressNames(cb, address)
- asserttype(cb, "callback", "function")
- asserttype(address, "address", "string")
- api_request(function(success, data)
- cb(success, data.names)
- end, "/addresses/"..address.."/names")
- end
- function addresses(cb, limit, offset)
- asserttype(cb, "callback", "function")
- asserttype(limit, "limit", "number", true)
- asserttype(offset, "offset", "number", true)
- api_request(function(success, data)
- cb(success, data.addresses)
- end, "/addresses?limit="..(limit or 50).."&offset="..(offset or 0))
- end
- function rich(cb, limit, offset)
- asserttype(cb, "callback", "function")
- asserttype(limit, "limit", "number", true)
- asserttype(offset, "offset", "number", true)
- api_request(function(success, data)
- cb(success, data.addresses)
- end, "/addresses/rich?limit="..(limit or 50).."&offset="..(offset or 0))
- end
- function transactions(cb, limit, offset)
- asserttype(cb, "callback", "function")
- asserttype(limit, "limit", "number", true)
- asserttype(offset, "offset", "number", true)
- api_request(function(success, data)
- cb(success, data.transactions)
- end, "/transactions?limit="..(limit or 50).."&offset="..(offset or 0))
- end
- function latestTransactions(cb, limit, offset)
- asserttype(cb, "callback", "function")
- asserttype(limit, "limit", "number", true)
- asserttype(offset, "offset", "number", true)
- api_request(function(success, data)
- cb(success, data.transactions)
- end, "/transactions/latest?limit="..(limit or 50).."&offset="..(offset or 0))
- end
- function transaction(cb, txid)
- asserttype(cb, "callback", "function")
- asserttype(txid, "txid", "number")
- api_request(function(success, data)
- cb(success, data.transaction)
- end, "/transactions/"..txid)
- end
- function makeTransaction(cb, privatekey, to, amount, metadata)
- asserttype(cb, "callback", "function")
- asserttype(privatekey, "privatekey", "string")
- asserttype(to, "to", "string")
- asserttype(amount, "amount", "number")
- asserttype(metadata, "metadata", "string", true)
- api_request(function(success, data)
- cb(success, data.transaction)
- end, "/transactions", {
- privatekey = privatekey,
- to = to,
- amount = amount,
- metadata = metadata
- })
- end
- local wsEventNameLookup = {
- blocks = "block",
- ownBlocks = "block",
- transactions = "transaction",
- ownTransactions = "transaction",
- names = "name",
- ownNames = "name",
- ownWebhooks = "webhook",
- motd = "motd"
- }
- local wsEvents = {}
- local wsReqID = 0
- local wsReqRegistry = {}
- local wsEvtRegistry = {}
- local wsHandleRegistry = {}
- local function newWsID()
- local id = wsReqID
- wsReqID = wsReqID + 1
- return id
- end
- local function registerEvent(id, event, callback)
- if wsEvtRegistry[id] == nil then
- wsEvtRegistry[id] = {}
- end
- if wsEvtRegistry[id][event] == nil then
- wsEvtRegistry[id][event] = {}
- end
- table.insert(wsEvtRegistry[id][event], callback)
- end
- local function registerRequest(id, reqid, callback)
- if wsReqRegistry[id] == nil then
- wsReqRegistry[id] = {}
- end
- wsReqRegistry[id][reqid] = callback
- end
- local function discoverEvents(id, event)
- local evs = {}
- for k,v in pairs(wsEvtRegistry[id]) do
- if k == event or string.match(k, event) or event == "*" then
- for i,v2 in ipairs(v) do
- table.insert(evs, v2)
- end
- end
- end
- return evs
- end
- wsEvents.success = function(id, handle)
- -- fire success event
- wsHandleRegistry[id] = handle
- if wsEvtRegistry[id] then
- local evs = discoverEvents(id, "success")
- for i, v in ipairs(evs) do
- v(id, handle)
- end
- end
- end
- wsEvents.failure = function(id)
- -- fire failure event
- if wsEvtRegistry[id] then
- local evs = discoverEvents(id, "failure")
- for i, v in ipairs(evs) do
- v(id)
- end
- end
- end
- wsEvents.message = function(id, data)
- local data = json.decode(data)
- --print("msg:"..tostring(data.ok)..":"..tostring(data.type)..":"..tostring(
- --prints(data)
- -- handle events and responses
- if wsReqRegistry[id] and wsReqRegistry[id][tonumber(] then
- wsReqRegistry[id][tonumber(](data)
- elseif wsEvtRegistry[id] then
- local evs = discoverEvents(id, data.type)
- for i, v in ipairs(evs) do
- v(data)
- end
- if data.event then
- local evs = discoverEvents(id, data.event)
- for i, v in ipairs(evs) do
- v(data)
- end
- end
- local evs2 = discoverEvents(id, "message")
- for i, v in ipairs(evs2) do
- v(id, data)
- end
- end
- end
- wsEvents.closed = function(id)
- -- fire closed event
- if wsEvtRegistry[id] then
- local evs = discoverEvents(id, "closed")
- for i, v in ipairs(evs) do
- v(id)
- end
- end
- end
- local function wsRequest(cb, id, type, data)
- local reqID = newWsID()
- registerRequest(id, reqID, function(data)
- cb(data)
- end)
- = tostring(reqID)
- data.type = type
- wsHandleRegistry[id].send(json.encode(data))
- end
- local function barebonesMixinHandle(id, handle)
- handle.on = function(event, cb)
- registerEvent(id, event, cb)
- end
- return handle
- end
- local function mixinHandle(id, handle)
- handle.subscribe = function(cb, event, eventcb)
- local data = await(wsRequest, id, "subscribe", {
- event = event
- })
- registerEvent(id, wsEventNameLookup[event], eventcb)
- cb(data.ok, data)
- end
- return barebonesMixinHandle(id, handle)
- end
- function connect(cb, privatekey, preconnect)
- asserttype(cb, "callback", "function")
- asserttype(privatekey, "privatekey", "string", true)
- asserttype(preconnect, "preconnect", "function", true)
- local url
- if privatekey then
- local success, auth = await(authorize_websocket, privatekey)
- url = success and auth or wsEndpoint
- end
- local id =, url)
- if preconnect then
- preconnect(id, barebonesMixinHandle(id, {}))
- end
- registerEvent(id, "success", function(id, handle)
- cb(true, mixinHandle(id, handle))
- end)
- registerEvent(id, "failure", function(id)
- cb(false)
- end)
- end
- local domainMatch = "^([%l%d%-%_]*)@?([%l%d%-]+).kst$"
- local commonMetaMatch = "^(.+)=(.+)$"
- function parseMeta(meta)
- asserttype(meta, "meta", "string")
- local tbl = {meta={}}
- for m in meta:gmatch("[^;]+") do
- if m:match(domainMatch) then
- -- print("Matched domain")
- local p1, p2 = m:match("([%l%d-_]*)@"), m:match("@?([%l%d-]+).kst")
- = p1
- tbl.domain = p2
- elseif m:match(commonMetaMatch) then
- -- print("Matched common meta")
- local p1, p2 = m:match(commonMetaMatch)
- tbl.meta[p1] = p2
- else
- -- print("Unmatched standard meta")
- table.insert(tbl.meta, m)
- end
- -- print(m)
- end
- -- print(textutils.serialize(tbl))
- return tbl
- end
- local g = string.gsub
- sha256 = loadstring(g(g(g(g(g(g(g(g('Sa=XbandSb=XbxWSc=XlshiftSd=unpackSe=2^32SYf(g,h)Si=g/2^hSj=i%1Ui-j+j*eVSYk(l,m)Sn=l/2^mUn-n%1VSo={0x6a09e667Tbb67ae85T3c6ef372Ta54ff53aT510e527fT9b05688cT1f83d9abT5be0cd19}Sp={0x428a2f98T71374491Tb5c0fbcfTe9b5dba5T3956c25bT59f111f1T923f82a4Tab1c5ed5Td807aa98T12835b01T243185beT550c7dc3T72be5d74T80deb1feT9bdc06a7Tc19bf174Te49b69c1Tefbe4786T0fc19dc6T240ca1ccT2de92c6fT4a7484aaT5cb0a9dcT76f988daT983e5152Ta831c66dTb00327c8Tbf597fc7Tc6e00bf3Td5a79147T06ca6351T14292967T27b70a85T2e1b2138T4d2c6dfcT53380d13T650a7354T766a0abbT81c2c92eT92722c85Ta2bfe8a1Ta81a664bTc24b8b70Tc76c51a3Td192e819Td6990624Tf40e3585T106aa070T19a4c116T1e376c08T2748774cT34b0bcb5T391c0cb3T4ed8aa4aT5b9cca4fT682e6ff3T748f82eeT78a5636fT84c87814T8cc70208T90befffaTa4506cebTbef9a3f7Tc67178f2}SYq(r,q)if e-1-r[1]<q then r[2]=r[2]+1;r[1]=q-(e-1-r[1])-1 else r[1]=r[1]+qVUrVSYs(t)Su=#t;t[#t+1]=0x80;while#t%64~=56Zt[#t+1]=0VSv=q({0,0},u*8)fWw=2,1,-1Zt[#t+1]=a(k(a(v[w]TFF000000),24)TFF)t[#t+1]=a(k(a(v[w]TFF0000),16)TFF)t[#t+1]=a(k(a(v[w]TFF00),8)TFF)t[#t+1]=a(v[w]TFF)VUtVSYx(y,w)Uc(y[w]W0,24)+c(y[w+1]W0,16)+c(y[w+2]W0,8)+(y[w+3]W0)VSYz(t,w,A)SB={}fWC=1,16ZB[C]=x(t,w+(C-1)*4)VfWC=17,64ZSD=B[C-15]SE=b(b(f(B[C-15],7),f(B[C-15],18)),k(B[C-15],3))SF=b(b(f(B[C-2],17),f(B[C-2],19)),k(B[C-2],10))B[C]=(B[C-16]+E+B[C-7]+F)%eVSG,h,H,I,J,j,K,L=d(A)fWC=1,64ZSM=b(b(f(J,6),f(J,11)),f(J,25))SN=b(a(J,j),a(Xbnot(J),K))SO=(L+M+N+p[C]+B[C])%eSP=b(b(f(G,2),f(G,13)),f(G,22))SQ=b(b(a(G,h),a(G,H)),a(h,H))SR=(P+Q)%e;L,K,j,J,I,H,h,G=K,j,J,(I+O)%e,H,h,G,(O+R)%eVA[1]=(A[1]+G)%e;A[2]=(A[2]+h)%e;A[3]=(A[3]+H)%e;A[4]=(A[4]+I)%e;A[5]=(A[5]+J)%e;A[6]=(A[6]+j)%e;A[7]=(A[7]+K)%e;A[8]=(A[8]+L)%eUAVUY(t)t=t W""t=type(t)=="string"and{t:byte(1,-1)}Wt;t=s(t)SA={d(o)}fWw=1,#t,64ZA=z(t,w,A)VU("%08x"):rep(8):format(d(A))V',"S"," local "),"T",",0x"),"U"," return "),"V"," end "),"W","or "),"X","bit32."),"Y","function "),"Z"," do "))()
- function makeaddressbyte(byte)
- local byte = 48 + math.floor(byte / 7)
- return string.char(byte + 39 > 122 and 101 or byte > 57 and byte + 39 or byte)
- end
- function makev2address(key)
- local protein = {}
- local stick = sha256(sha256(key))
- local n = 0
- local link = 0
- local v2 = "k"
- repeat
- if n < 9 then protein[n] = string.sub(stick,0,2)
- stick = sha256(sha256(stick)) end
- n = n + 1
- until n == 9
- n = 0
- repeat
- link = tonumber(string.sub(stick,1+(2*n),2+(2*n)),16) % 9
- if string.len(protein[link]) ~= 0 then
- v2 = v2 .. makeaddressbyte(tonumber(protein[link],16))
- protein[link] = ''
- n = n + 1
- else
- stick = sha256(stick)
- end
- until n == 9
- return v2
- end
- function toKristWalletFormat(passphrase)
- return sha256("KRISTWALLET"..passphrase).."-000"
- end
- return {
- init = init,
- address = address,
- addressTransactions = addressTransactions,
- addressNames = addressNames,
- addresses = addresses,
- rich = rich,
- transactions = transactions,
- latestTransactions = latestTransactions,
- transaction = transaction,
- makeTransaction = makeTransaction,
- connect = connect,
- parseMeta = parseMeta,
- sha256 = sha256,
- makeaddressbyte = makeaddressbyte,
- makev2address = makev2address,
- toKristWalletFormat = toKristWalletFormat
- }
- end)()
- local jua = (function()
- if jua then return jua end
- local juaVersion = "0.0"
- juaRunning = false
- eventRegistry = {}
- timedRegistry = {}
- local function registerEvent(event, callback)
- if eventRegistry[event] == nil then
- eventRegistry[event] = {}
- end
- table.insert(eventRegistry[event], callback)
- end
- local function registerTimed(time, repeating, callback)
- if repeating then
- callback(true)
- end
- table.insert(timedRegistry, {
- time = time,
- repeating = repeating,
- callback = callback,
- timer = os.startTimer(time)
- })
- end
- local function discoverEvents(event)
- local evs = {}
- for k,v in pairs(eventRegistry) do
- if k == event or string.match(k, event) or event == "*" then
- for i,v2 in ipairs(v) do
- table.insert(evs, v2)
- end
- end
- end
- return evs
- end
- function on(event, callback)
- registerEvent(event, callback)
- end
- function setInterval(callback, time)
- registerTimed(time, true, callback)
- end
- function setTimeout(callback, time)
- registerTimed(time, false, callback)
- end
- function tick()
- local eargs = {os.pullEventRaw()}
- local event = eargs[1]
- if eventRegistry[event] == nil then
- eventRegistry[event] = {}
- else
- local evs = discoverEvents(event)
- for i, v in ipairs(evs) do
- v(unpack(eargs))
- end
- end
- if event == "timer" then
- local timer = eargs[2]
- for i = #timedRegistry, 1, -1 do
- local v = timedRegistry[i]
- if v.timer == timer then
- v.callback(not v.repeating or nil)
- if v.repeating then
- v.timer = os.startTimer(v.time)
- else
- table.remove(timedRegistry, i)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function run()
- os.queueEvent("init")
- juaRunning = true
- while juaRunning do
- tick()
- end
- end
- function go(func)
- on("init", func)
- run()
- end
- function stop()
- juaRunning = false
- end
- function await(func, ...)
- local args = {...}
- local out
- local finished
- func(function(...)
- out = {...}
- finished = true
- end, unpack(args))
- while not finished do tick() end
- return unpack(out)
- end
- return {
- on = on,
- setInterval = setInterval,
- setTimeout = setTimeout,
- tick = tick,
- run = run,
- go = go,
- stop = stop,
- await = await
- }
- end)()
- local logger = (function()
- if logger then return logger end
- local logger = {}
- local slackURL = config.slackURL
- local discordURL = config.discordURL
- local slackName = config.slackName
- local discordName = config.discordName
- local externName
- local function time()
- return os.epoch("utc")
- end
- function logger.init(prints, tExternName, noColor)
- logger.printf = prints and print or function() end
- logger.handle ="/log", "a")
- logger.color = not noColor
- externName = tExternName or os.getComputerLabel() or "Computer - " .. os.getComputerID()
- end
- function logger.log(text)
- if logger.color then
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- end
- logger.printf(text)
- logger.handle.write(text .. "\n")
- logger.handle.flush()
- end
- function, externRelay, quiet)
- if logger.color then
- term.setTextColor(colors.gray)
- end
- logger.printf("[" .. time() .. "] [INFO] " .. text)
- if not quiet then
- logger.handle.write("[" .. time() .. "] [INFO] " .. text .. "\n")
- logger.handle.flush()
- end
- if externRelay == "important" then
- logger.externMention(text)
- elseif externRelay then
- logger.externInfo(text)
- end
- end
- function logger.warn(text, externRelay, quiet)
- if logger.color then
- term.setTextColor(colors.yellow)
- end
- logger.printf("[" .. time() .. "] [WARN] " .. text)
- if not quiet then
- logger.handle.write("[" .. time() .. "] [WARN] " .. text .. "\n")
- logger.handle.flush()
- end
- if externRelay then
- logger.externMention(text)
- end
- end
- function logger.error(text, externRelay, quiet)
- if logger.color then
- term.setTextColor(
- end
- logger.printf("[" .. time() .. "] [ERROR] " .. text)
- if not quiet then
- logger.handle.write("[" .. time() .. "] [ERROR] " .. text .. "\n")
- logger.handle.flush()
- end
- if externRelay then
- logger.externMention(text)
- end
- end
- function logger.externInfo(text)
- if slackURL then
-, textutils.serializeJSON({username = externName, text = text}), {["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0"})
- end
- if discordURL then
-, textutils.serializeJSON({username = externName, content = text}), {["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0"})
- end
- end
- function logger.externMention(text)
- if slackURL then
- if slackName then
-, textutils.serializeJSON({username = externName, text = "<@" .. slackName .. "> " .. text}), {["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0"})
- else
-, textutils.serializeJSON({username = externName, text = "<@" .. slackName .. "> " .. text}), {["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0"})
- end
- end
- if discordURL then
- if discordName then
-, textutils.serializeJSON({username = externName, content = "<@" .. discordName .. "> " .. text}), {["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0"})
- else
-, textutils.serializeJSON({username = externName, content = text}), {["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0"})
- end
- end
- end
- function logger.close()
- logger.handle.close()
- end
- return logger
- end)()
- logger.init(true, config.title, not term.isColor())
- successTools.logger = logger
- local json = (function()
- if json then return json end
- local json = {}
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ utils
- local controls = {["\n"]="\\n", ["\r"]="\\r", ["\t"]="\\t", ["\b"]="\\b", ["\f"]="\\f", ["\""]="\\\"", ["\\"]="\\\\"}
- local function isArray(t)
- local max = 0
- for k,v in pairs(t) do
- if type(k) ~= "number" then
- return false
- elseif k > max then
- max = k
- end
- end
- return max == #t
- end
- local whites = {['\n']=true; ['\r']=true; ['\t']=true; [' ']=true; [',']=true; [':']=true}
- local function removeWhite(str)
- while whites[str:sub(1, 1)] do
- str = str:sub(2)
- end
- return str
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ encoding
- local function encodeCommon(val, pretty, tabLevel, tTracking)
- local str = ""
- -- Tabbing util
- local function tab(s)
- str = str .. ("\t"):rep(tabLevel) .. s
- end
- local function arrEncoding(val, bracket, closeBracket, iterator, loopFunc)
- str = str .. bracket
- if pretty then
- str = str .. "\n"
- tabLevel = tabLevel + 1
- end
- for k,v in iterator(val) do
- tab("")
- loopFunc(k,v)
- str = str .. ","
- if pretty then str = str .. "\n" end
- end
- if pretty then
- tabLevel = tabLevel - 1
- end
- if str:sub(-2) == ",\n" then
- str = str:sub(1, -3) .. "\n"
- elseif str:sub(-1) == "," then
- str = str:sub(1, -2)
- end
- tab(closeBracket)
- end
- -- Table encoding
- if type(val) == "table" then
- assert(not tTracking[val], "Cannot encode a table holding itself recursively")
- tTracking[val] = true
- if isArray(val) then
- arrEncoding(val, "[", "]", ipairs, function(k,v)
- str = str .. encodeCommon(v, pretty, tabLevel, tTracking)
- end)
- else
- arrEncoding(val, "{", "}", pairs, function(k,v)
- assert(type(k) == "string", "JSON object keys must be strings", 2)
- str = str .. encodeCommon(k, pretty, tabLevel, tTracking)
- str = str .. (pretty and ": " or ":") .. encodeCommon(v, pretty, tabLevel, tTracking)
- end)
- end
- -- String encoding
- elseif type(val) == "string" then
- str = '"' .. val:gsub("[%c\"\\]", controls) .. '"'
- -- Number encoding
- elseif type(val) == "number" or type(val) == "boolean" then
- str = tostring(val)
- else
- error("JSON only supports arrays, objects, numbers, booleans, and strings", 2)
- end
- return str
- end
- function json.encode(val)
- return encodeCommon(val, false, 0, {})
- end
- function json.encodePretty(val)
- return encodeCommon(val, true, 0, {})
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ decoding
- local decodeControls = {}
- for k,v in pairs(controls) do
- decodeControls[v] = k
- end
- function json.parseBoolean(str)
- if str:sub(1, 4) == "true" then
- return true, removeWhite(str:sub(5))
- else
- return false, removeWhite(str:sub(6))
- end
- end
- function json.parseNull(str)
- return nil, removeWhite(str:sub(5))
- end
- local numChars = {['e']=true; ['E']=true; ['+']=true; ['-']=true; ['.']=true}
- function json.parseNumber(str)
- local i = 1
- while numChars[str:sub(i, i)] or tonumber(str:sub(i, i)) do
- i = i + 1
- end
- local val = tonumber(str:sub(1, i - 1))
- str = removeWhite(str:sub(i))
- return val, str
- end
- function json.parseString(str)
- str = str:sub(2)
- local s = ""
- while str:sub(1,1) ~= "\"" do
- local next = str:sub(1,1)
- str = str:sub(2)
- assert(next ~= "\n", "Unclosed string")
- if next == "\\" then
- local escape = str:sub(1,1)
- str = str:sub(2)
- next = assert(decodeControls[next..escape], "Invalid escape character")
- end
- s = s .. next
- end
- return s, removeWhite(str:sub(2))
- end
- function json.parseArray(str)
- str = removeWhite(str:sub(2))
- local val = {}
- local i = 1
- while str:sub(1, 1) ~= "]" do
- local v = nil
- v, str = json.parseValue(str)
- val[i] = v
- i = i + 1
- str = removeWhite(str)
- end
- str = removeWhite(str:sub(2))
- return val, str
- end
- function json.parseObject(str)
- str = removeWhite(str:sub(2))
- local val = {}
- while str:sub(1, 1) ~= "}" do
- local k, v = nil, nil
- k, v, str = json.parseMember(str)
- val[k] = v
- str = removeWhite(str)
- end
- str = removeWhite(str:sub(2))
- return val, str
- end
- function json.parseMember(str)
- local k = nil
- k, str = json.parseValue(str)
- local val = nil
- val, str = json.parseValue(str)
- return k, val, str
- end
- function json.parseValue(str)
- local fchar = str:sub(1, 1)
- if fchar == "{" then
- return json.parseObject(str)
- elseif fchar == "[" then
- return json.parseArray(str)
- elseif tonumber(fchar) ~= nil or numChars[fchar] then
- return json.parseNumber(str)
- elseif str:sub(1, 4) == "true" or str:sub(1, 5) == "false" then
- return json.parseBoolean(str)
- elseif fchar == "\"" then
- return json.parseString(str)
- elseif str:sub(1, 4) == "null" then
- return json.parseNull(str)
- end
- return nil
- end
- function json.decode(str)
- str = removeWhite(str)
- t = json.parseValue(str)
- return t
- end
- function json.decodeFromFile(path)
- local file = assert(, "r"))
- local decoded = json.decode(file.readAll())
- file.close()
- return decoded
- end
- return json
- end)()
- local ghURL = ""
- if config.checkForUpdates ~= false then
- rapi.request(function(success, url, handle)
- if success then
- if url == ghURL then
- local releaseData = handle.readAll()
- handle.close()
- local release = json.decode(releaseData)
- if release.tag_name ~= versionTag then
- logger.warn("Version mismatch, latest release is "
- .. release.tag_name .. ", but running version is " .. versionTag)
- if release.tag_name:match("v(%d+)") ~= versionTag:match("v(%d+)") then
- logger.warn("Latest version has a major version seperation gap, it may not be safe to update. Review the changelog for more details.")
- end
- end
- end
- else
- if url == ghURL then
- logger.warn("Unable to fetch release data")
- end
- end
- end, ghURL)
- end
- --== Initialize Renderer ==--
- local defaultLayout =
- [[
- <body>
- <header>My Shop</header>
- <aside>Welcome! To make a purchase, use /pay to send the exact amount
- of Krist to the respective address. Excess Krist will be refunded.</aside>
- <table class="stock-table">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th class="stock">Stock</th>
- <th class="name">Item Name</th>
- <th class="price">Price</th>
- <th class="addy">Address</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr id="row-template">
- <td id="stock"></td>
- <td id="name"></td>
- <td class="price-container"><span id="price"></span>kst/i</td>
- <!-- <td id="price-per-stack"></td> -->
- <!-- <td id="addy"></td> -->
- <td id="addy-full"></td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <details>By @Incin</details>
- </body>
- ]]
- local defaultStyles =
- [[
- /* Think of this file as your reference:
- Everything that can be customized is in here
- And everything that is not in here, cannot be customized */
- colors {
- --white: #F0F0F0;
- --orange: #F2B233;
- --magenta: #E57FD8;
- --lightBlue: #99B2F2;
- --yellow: #DEDE6C;
- --lime: #7FCC19;
- --pink: #F2B2CC;
- --gray: #4C4C4C;
- --lightGray: #999999;
- --cyan: #4C99B2;
- --purple: #B266E5;
- --blue: #3366CC;
- --brown: #7F664C;
- --green: #57A64E;
- --red: #CC4C4C;
- --black: #191919;
- }
- * {
- display: block;
- }
- body {
- background-color: lightBlue;
- }
- header {
- position: relative;
- /* content: "My Shop"; */
- /* background: url(myLogo.nfp); */
- /* background-position: center; */
- /* Content and Background (Images) are mutually exclusive, with content taking precedence if both are present */
- background-color: blue;
- width: 100%;
- padding: 1px;
- color: white;
- text-align: left;
- font-size: 2em; /* Either 1em or 2em, no other sizes are currently supported */
- }
- aside {
- position: absolute;
- right: 0;
- /* Since `top` (and bottom) are omitted here, it will be positioned relative to the last positioned element,
- which is exactly where we want it to be.. */
- width: 30px;
- height: 100rem; /* In Xenon CSS, rem doesn't stand for Root Em, it stands for Remaining space, so this is 100% of the remaining space */
- text-align: left;
- padding: 1px;
- background-color: cyan;
- color: white;
- }
- table {
- position: relative;
- background-color: lightBlue;
- width: calc(100% - 30px);
- height: calc(100rem - 2px); /* See note under aside height */
- }
- td {
- color: white;
- padding: 0 1px 0 0;
- }
- .stock {
- color: white;
- text-align: right;
- width: 7px;
- }
- .stock.low {
- color: yellow;
- }
- .stock.critical {
- color: red;
- }
- .name {
- flex: 1; /* tr elements implicitly have flex-box like behavior, it is the only element that (currently) supports this feature */
- }
- .price-container, .price {
- text-align: right;
- width: 10px;
- }
- .addy-full, .addy {
- color: white;
- width: 15px;
- }
- th {
- color: blue;
- padding: 1px 1px 1px 0;
- }
- /* This is a pretty unreliable rule, just saves a few chars */
- /* If you plan on changing the structure, you will most likely need to change this */
- th:nth-child(2n + 1) {
- text-align: right;
- }
- details {
- position: absolute;
- left: 0;
- bottom: 0;
- background-color: transparent;
- color: white;
- width: calc(100% - 30px);
- height: 1px;
- }
- ]]
- local userLayout = or "layout.html", "r")
- local userStyles = or "styles.css", "r")
- local layout, styles = defaultLayout, defaultStyles
- if userLayout then
- layout = userLayout.readAll()
- userLayout.close()
- end
- if userStyles then
- styles = userStyles.readAll()
- userStyles.close()
- end
- local renderer = (function()
- if renderer then return renderer end
- local renderer = {}
- renderer.model = {}
- renderer.styles = { {}, {} }
- local xmlutils = (function()
- if xmlutils then return xmlutils end
- local xmlutils = {}
- ["\\a"] = "\a", ["\\b"] = "\b", ["\\f"] = "\f", ["\\n"] = "\n", ["\\r"] = "\r",
- ["\\t"] = "\t", ["\\v"] = "\v", ["\\\\"] = "\\",
- }
- local function consumeWhitespace(wBuffer)
- local nPos = wBuffer:find("%S")
- return wBuffer:sub(nPos or #wBuffer + 1)
- end
- function xmlutils.parse(buffer)
- local tagStack = {children = {}}
- local parsePoint = tagStack
- local next = buffer:find("%<%!%-%-")
- while next do
- local endComment = buffer:find("%-%-%>", next + 4)
- buffer = buffer:sub(1, next - 1) .. buffer:sub(endComment + 3)
- next = buffer:find("%<%!%-%-")
- end
- local ntWhite = buffer:find("%S")
- while ntWhite do
- buffer = buffer:sub(ntWhite)
- local nxtLoc, _, capt = buffer:find("(%<%/?)%s*[a-zA-Z0-9_%:]+")
- if nxtLoc ~= 1 and buffer:sub(1,3) ~= "<![" then
- --Text node probably
- if nxtLoc ~= buffer:find("%<") then
- -- Syntax error
- error("Unexpected character")
- end
- local cnt = buffer:sub(1, nxtLoc - 1)
- cnt = cnt:gsub("% %;", " ")
- parsePoint.children[#parsePoint.children + 1] = {type = "text", content = cnt, parent = parsePoint}
- buffer = buffer:sub(nxtLoc)
- elseif nxtLoc == 1 and capt == "</" then
- -- Closing tag
- local _, endC, closingName = buffer:find("%<%/%s*([a-zA-Z0-9%_%-%:]+)")
- if closingName == then
- -- All good!
- parsePoint = parsePoint.parent
- local _, endTagPos = buffer:find("%s*>")
- if not endTagPos then
- -- Improperly terminated terminating tag... how?
- error("Improperly terminated terminating tag...")
- end
- buffer = buffer:sub(endTagPos + 1)
- else
- -- BAD! Someone forgot to close their tag, gonna be strict and throw
- -- TODO?: Add stack unwind to attempt to still parse?
- error("Unterminated '" .. tostring( .. "' tag")
- end
- else
- -- Proper node
- if buffer:sub(1, 9) == "<![CDATA[" then
- parsePoint.children[#parsePoint.children + 1] = {type = "cdata", parent = parsePoint}
- local ctepos = buffer:find("%]%]%>")
- if not ctepos then
- -- Syntax error
- error("Unterminated CDATA")
- end
- parsePoint.children[#parsePoint.children].content = buffer:sub(10, ctepos - 1)
- buffer = buffer:sub(ctepos + 3)
- else
- parsePoint.children[#parsePoint.children + 1] = {type = "normal", children = {}, properties = {}, parent = parsePoint}
- parsePoint = parsePoint.children[#parsePoint.children]
- local _, eTp, tagName = buffer:find("%<%s*([a-zA-Z0-9%_%-%:]+)")
- = tagName
- buffer = buffer:sub(eTp + 1)
- local sp, ep
- repeat
- buffer = consumeWhitespace(buffer)
- local nChar, eChar, propName = buffer:find("([a-zA-Z0-9%_%-%:]+)")
- if nChar == 1 then
- local nextNtWhite = buffer:find("%S", eChar + 1)
- if not nextNtWhite then
- error("Unexpected EOF")
- end
- buffer = buffer:sub(nextNtWhite)
- buffer = consumeWhitespace(buffer)
- local eqP = buffer:find("%=")
- if eqP ~= 1 then
- error("Expected '='")
- end
- buffer = buffer:sub(eqP + 1)
- local nextNtWhite, _, propMatch = buffer:find("(%S)")
- if tonumber(propMatch) then
- -- Gon be a num
- local _, endNP, wholeNum = buffer:find("([0-9%.]+)")
- if tonumber(wholeNum) then
-[propName] = tonumber(wholeNum)
- else
- error("Unfinished number")
- end
- buffer = buffer:sub(endNP + 1)
- elseif propMatch == "\"" or propMatch == "'" then
- -- Gon be a string
- buffer = buffer:sub(nextNtWhite)
- local terminationPt = buffer:find("[^%\\]%" .. propMatch) + 1
- local buildStr = buffer:sub(2, terminationPt - 1)
- local repPl, _, repMatch = buildStr:find("(%\\.)")
- while repMatch do
- local replS = INVERSE_ESCAPE_MAP[repMatch] or repMatch:sub(2)
- buildStr = buildStr:sub(1, repPl - 1) .. replS .. buildStr:sub(repPl + 2)
- repPl, _, repMatch = buildStr:find("(%\\.)")
- end
-[propName] = buildStr
- buffer = buffer:sub(terminationPt + 1)
- else
- error("Unexpected property, expected number or string")
- end
- end
- sp, ep = buffer:find("%s*%/?>")
- if not sp then
- error("Unterminated tag")
- end
- until sp == 1
- local selfTerm = buffer:sub(ep - 1, ep - 1)
- if selfTerm == "/" then
- -- Self terminating tag
- parsePoint = parsePoint.parent
- end
- buffer = buffer:sub(ep + 1)
- end
- end
- ntWhite = buffer:find("%S")
- end
- return tagStack
- end
- local prettyXML
- do
- local ESCAPE_MAP = {
- ["\a"] = "\\a", ["\b"] = "\\b", ["\f"] = "\\f", ["\n"] = "\\n", ["\r"] = "\\r",
- ["\t"] = "\\t", ["\v"] = "\\v", ["\\"] = "\\\\",
- }
- local function escape(s)
- s = s:gsub("([%c\\])", ESCAPE_MAP)
- local dq = s:find("\"")
- if dq then
- return s:gsub("\"", "\\\"")
- else
- return s
- end
- end
- local root = false
- prettyXML = function(parsedXML, spPos)
- spPos = spPos or 0
- local amRoot
- if root then
- amRoot = false
- else
- amRoot = true
- root = true
- end
- local str = ""
- local newFlag = false
- for i = 1, #parsedXML.children do
- local elm = parsedXML.children[i]
- if elm.type == "normal" then
- str = str .. (" "):rep(spPos) .. "<" ..
- for k, v in pairs( do
- str = str .. " " .. k .. "="
- if type(v) == "number" then
- str = str .. v
- else
- str = str .. "\"" .. escape(v) .. "\""
- end
- end
- if elm.children and #elm.children ~= 0 then
- str = str .. ">\n"
- local ret, fl = prettyXML(elm, spPos + 2)
- if fl then
- str = str:sub(1, #str - 1) .. ret
- else
- str = str .. ret
- end
- str = str .. (fl and "" or (" "):rep(spPos)) .. "</" .. .. ">\n"
- else
- str = str .. "></" .. .. ">\n"
- end
- elseif elm.type == "cdata" then
- str = str .. (" "):rep(spPos) .. "<![CDATA[" .. elm.content .. "]]>\n"
- elseif elm.type == "text" then
- if #parsedXML.children == 1 then
- str = elm.content
- newFlag = true
- else
- str = str .. (" "):rep(spPos) .. elm.content .. "\n"
- end
- end
- end
- if amRoot then
- root = false
- return str
- else
- return str, newFlag
- end
- end
- end
- xmlutils.pretty = prettyXML
- return xmlutils
- end)()
- local css = (function()
- if css then return css end
- -- CSS Parser
- local function trim(str)
- return str:match("%s*(.+)"):reverse():match("%s*(.+)"):reverse()
- end
- return function(toParse)
- local ruleset = {}
- local order = {}
- local next = toParse:find("%/%*")
- while next do
- local endComment = toParse:find("%*%/", next + 2)
- toParse = toParse:sub(1, next - 1) .. toParse:sub(endComment + 2)
- next = toParse:find("%/%*")
- end
- for IRules in toParse:gmatch("%s*([^{}]+%s-%b{})") do
- local applicatorStr = IRules:match("^[^{}]+")
- local applicators = {}
- for applicator in applicatorStr:gmatch("[^,]+") do
- applicators[#applicators + 1] = #ruleset + 1
- ruleset[#ruleset + 1] = {trim(applicator), {}}
- end
- local contents = IRules:match("%b{}"):sub(2, -2)
- for rule in contents:gmatch("[^%;]+") do
- local name = rule:match("^%s-([^%s%:]+)")
- if name then
- local rest = rule:match("%:%s*(.+)"):reverse():match("%s*(.+)"):reverse()
- for i = 1, #applicators do local applicator = applicators[i] -- do
- ruleset[applicator][2][#ruleset[applicator][2] + 1] = {name, rest}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return ruleset
- end
- end)()
- -- Components
- local components = (function()
- if components then return components end
- local tableComponent = (function()
- if tableComponent then return tableComponent end
- local tableComponent = {}
- local function makeTextEl(content, parent)
- return {
- type = "text",
- content = ( or "")
- .. content ..
- ( or ""),
- parent = parent
- }
- end
- local function addClass(node, class)
- local prop =
- local cc = prop.class or ""
- if #cc > 0 then
- local stM, enM = cc:find(class)
- if (not stM) or cc:sub(stM - 1, enM + 1):match("%S+") ~= class then
- prop.class = cc .. " " .. class
- end
- else
- prop.class = class
- end
- end
- function, renderer)
- local t = { node = node, renderer = renderer }
- local rtemp = renderer.querySelector("#row-template")
- if #rtemp > 0 then
- local row = rtemp[1]
- for i = 1, #row.parent.children do
- if row.parent.children[i] == row then
- row.parent.children[i] = nil
- end
- end
- = nil
- t.rowTemplate = row
- end
- local tel = renderer.querySelector("th", node)
- for i = 1, #tel do local th = tel[i] -- do
- th.adapter =
- end
- return setmetatable(t, { __index = tableComponent })
- end
- function tableComponent:render(surf, position, styles, resolver)
- if styles["background-color"] then
- local c = resolver({}, "color", styles["background-color"])
- if c > 0 then
- surf:fillRect(position.left,, position.width, position.height, c)
- end
- end
- local rows = self.renderer.querySelector("tr", self.node)
- local flowY =
- for i = 1, #rows do local row = rows[i] -- do
- local flowX = position.left
- local maxH = 0
- local flexTot = 0
- local remWidth = position.width
- local widths = {}
- local topRowMargin,
- rightRowMargin,
- bottomRowMargin,
- leftRowMargin = util.parseOrdinalStyle(resolver, row.styles, "margin")
- flowX = flowX + leftRowMargin
- remWidth = remWidth - rightRowMargin
- flowY = flowY + topRowMargin
- for j = 1, #row.children do
- local td = row.children[j]
- if td.styles.width then
- local w = resolver({width = position.width, flowW = remWidth}, "width", td.styles.width)
- remWidth = remWidth - w
- widths[j] = w
- else
- flexTot = flexTot + (tonumber(td.styles.flex) or 1)
- end
- end
- for j = 1, #row.children do
- local td = row.children[j]
- if row.styles["line-height"] and not td.styles["line-height"] then
- td.styles["line-height"] = row.styles["line-height"]
- end
- local height = tonumber(td.adapter:resolveHeight(td.styles, { width = 10 }, resolver):sub(1, -3))
- local width
- if widths[j] then
- width = math.floor(widths[j])
- else
- width = math.floor(remWidth * ((tonumber(td.styles.flex) or 1) / flexTot))
- end
- local topMargin,
- rightMargin,
- bottomMargin,
- leftMargin = util.parseOrdinalStyle(resolver, td.styles, "margin")
- flowX = flowX + leftMargin
- flowY = flowY + topMargin
- td.adapter:render(surf, {
- left = flowX,
- top = flowY,
- width = width,
- height = height
- }, td.styles, resolver)
- maxH = math.max(maxH, height + bottomMargin)
- flowX = flowX + width + rightMargin
- end
- if row.styles["background-color"] then
- local c = resolver({}, "color", row.styles["background-color"])
- if c > 0 then
- surf:fillRect(position.left, flowY, position.width, maxH, c)
- end
- end
- flowY = flowY + maxH + bottomRowMargin
- end
- end
- function tableComponent:updateData(data)
- = data
- -- New data so create and restyle it
- local body = self.renderer.querySelector("tbody", self.node)[1]
- if self.rowTemplate then
- local newChildren = {}
- local sortedList = {}
- for k, _ in pairs(data) do
- sortedList[#sortedList + 1] = k
- end
- table.sort(sortedList, function(str1, str2)
- local cOrder1 = transformedItems[str1].order
- local cOrder2 = transformedItems[str2].order
- if (cOrder1 or cOrder2) and (cOrder1 ~= cOrder2) then
- return (cOrder1 or math.huge) < (cOrder2 or math.huge)
- end
- str1 = transformedItems[str1].disp
- str2 = transformedItems[str2].disp
- local i = 0
- local c1, c2
- repeat
- i = i + 1
- c1 = str1:sub(i, i):lower()
- c2 = str2:sub(i, i):lower()
- until i == #str1 or i == #str2 or c1 ~= c2
- return c1:byte() < c2:byte()
- end)
- for sI = 1, #sortedList do
- local k = sortedList[sI]
- local v = tostring(data[sortedList[sI]])
- local skeleton = util.deepClone(self.rowTemplate)
- skeleton.parent = body
- local tel = self.renderer.querySelector("td", skeleton)
- for i = 1, #tel do local td = tel[i] -- do
- td.adapter =
- end
- local stock = self.renderer.querySelector("#stock", skeleton)[1]
- local name = self.renderer.querySelector("#name", skeleton)[1]
- local price = self.renderer.querySelector("#price", skeleton)[1]
- local pricePerStack = self.renderer.querySelector("#price-per-stack", skeleton)[1]
- local addy = self.renderer.querySelector("#addy", skeleton)[1]
- local addyFull = self.renderer.querySelector("#addy-full", skeleton)[1]
- if stock then
- stock.children = { makeTextEl(v, stock) }
- addClass(stock, "stock")
- v = tonumber(v)
- if v < (transformedItems[k].critical or config.criticalStock or 10) then
- addClass(stock, "critical")
- elseif v < (transformedItems[k].low or config.lowStock or 50) then
- addClass(stock, "low")
- end
- end
- if name then
- name.children = { makeTextEl(transformedItems[k].disp or k, name) }
- addClass(name, "name")
- end
- if price then
- price.children = { makeTextEl(transformedItems[k].price, price) }
- addClass(price, "price")
- end
- if pricePerStack then
- pricePerStack.children = { makeTextEl(util.round(60 / transformedItems[k].price, 2), pricePerStack) }
- addClass(pricePerStack, "price-per-stack")
- end
- if addy then
- addy.children = { makeTextEl(transformedItems[k].addy, addy) }
- addClass(addy, "addy")
- end
- if addyFull then
- addyFull.children = { makeTextEl(transformedItems[k].addy .. "@" .. .. ".kst", addyFull) }
- addClass(addyFull, "addy-full")
- end
- newChildren[#newChildren + 1] = skeleton
- end
- body.children = newChildren
- end
- self.renderer.processStyles()
- end
- return tableComponent end)()
- local basicComponent = (function()
- if basicComponent then return basicComponent end
- local basicTextComponent = {}
- local function calcWidth(text)
- if #text == 0 then return 0 end
- local w = -1
- for i = 1, #text do
- w = w + font.widths[string.byte(text:sub(i, i)) - 31] + 1
- end
- return w
- end
- local function calcSizeBig(text)
- return math.ceil(calcWidth(text) / 2) * 2, math.ceil(font.height / 3) * 3
- end
- local function writeBig(surf, text, x, y, col, bg, align, width)
- local sw, sh = calcSizeBig(text)
- local tempSurf = surface.create(sw, sh, bg)
- tempSurf:drawText(text, font, 0, 0, col, bg, bg)
- if align == "left" then
- surf:drawSurfaceSmall(tempSurf, x, y)
- elseif align == "center" then
- surf:drawSurfaceSmall(tempSurf, math.floor(x + (width - sw / 2) / 2), y)
- else
- surf:drawSurfaceSmall(tempSurf, width + x - sw / 2, y)
- end
- end
- local function transformText(text, styles)
- local style = styles["text-transform"]
- if style == "uppercase" then
- return text:upper()
- elseif style == "lowercase" then
- return text:lower()
- elseif style == "capitalize" then
- return text:gsub("%f[%a]%w", function(c) return c:upper() end)
- end
- return text
- end
- function
- return setmetatable({ node = node }, { __index = basicTextComponent })
- end
- function basicTextComponent:render(surf, position, styles, resolver)
- local bgc
- if styles["background-color"] then
- bgc = resolver({}, "color", styles["background-color"])
- if bgc > 0 then
- surf:fillRect(position.left,, position.width, position.height, bgc)
- end
- end
- local topPad,
- rightPad,
- _, -- bottomPad is unused
- leftPad = util.parseOrdinalStyle(resolver, styles, "padding")
- local lineHeight = 1
- if styles["line-height"] then
- lineHeight = resolver({}, "number", styles["line-height"])
- end
- local cY = + topPad
- if styles["background"] then
- local path = styles["background"]:match("url(%b())"):sub(2, -2)
- local img = surface.load(path)
- local mw, mh = math.ceil(img.width / 2) * 2, math.ceil(img.height / 3) * 3
- if img.width ~= mw or img.height ~= mh then
- if bgc <= 0 then
- -- Gotta guess
- bgc = 0
- end
- local temp = surface.create(mw, mh, bgc)
- temp:drawSurface(img, 0, 0)
- img = temp
- end
- local pos = styles["background-position"] or "center"
- if pos == "left" then
- surf:drawSurfaceSmall(img, position.left + leftPad, cY)
- elseif pos == "right" then
- surf:drawSurfaceSmall(img, position.left + position.width - rightPad - img.width / 2, cY)
- elseif pos == "center" then
- surf:drawSurfaceSmall(img, position.left + math.floor((position.width - rightPad - img.width / 2) / 2), cY)
- end
- elseif styles.content then
- local text = resolver({}, "string", styles.content)
- text = transformText(text, styles)
- if styles["font-size"] == "2em" then
- if bgc <= 0 then
- error("'font-size: 2em' requires 'background-color' to be present")
- end
- writeBig(surf, text,
- position.left + leftPad, cY,
- resolver({}, "color", styles.color), bgc,
- styles["text-align"] or "left", position.width - leftPad - rightPad)
- else
- util.wrappedWrite(surf, text,
- position.left + leftPad, cY, position.width - leftPad - rightPad,
- resolver({}, "color", styles.color), styles["text-align"] or "left", lineHeight)
- end
- else
- if styles["font-size"] == "2em" then
- if bgc <= 0 then
- error("'font-size: 2em' requires 'background-color' to be present")
- end
- -- TODO Wrapping support?
- local text = self.node.children[1].content or ""
- text = transformText(text, styles)
- writeBig(surf, text,
- position.left + leftPad, cY,
- resolver({}, "color", styles.color), bgc,
- styles["text-align"] or "left", position.width - leftPad - rightPad)
- else
- local children = self.node.children
- local acc = ""
- for i = 1, #children do local child = children[i] -- do
- if child.type == "text" then
- acc = acc .. child.content
- elseif == "br" then
- acc = transformText(acc, styles)
- cY = util.wrappedWrite(surf, acc,
- position.left + leftPad, cY, position.width - leftPad - rightPad,
- resolver({}, "color", styles.color), styles["text-align"] or "left", lineHeight)
- acc = ""
- elseif == "span" then
- acc = acc .. child.children[1].content
- end
- end
- if #acc > 0 then
- acc = transformText(acc, styles)
- util.wrappedWrite(surf, acc,
- position.left + leftPad, cY, position.width - leftPad - rightPad,
- resolver({}, "color", styles.color), styles["text-align"] or "left", lineHeight)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function basicTextComponent:resolveHeight(styles, context, resolver)
- local topPad,
- rightPad,
- bottomPad,
- leftPad = util.parseOrdinalStyle(resolver, styles, "padding")
- local cY = 0
- if styles["background"] then
- local path = styles["background"]:match("url(%b())"):sub(2, -2)
- local img = surface.load(path)
- cY = math.ceil(img.height / 3)
- elseif styles["font-size"] == "2em" then
- cY = math.ceil(font.height / 3)
- elseif styles.content then
- cY = util.wrappedWrite(nil, resolver({}, "string", styles.content),
- 0, cY, context.width - leftPad - rightPad)
- else
- local children = self.node.children
- local acc = ""
- for i = 1, #children do local child = children[i] -- do
- if child.type == "text" then
- acc = acc .. child.content
- elseif == "br" then
- cY = util.wrappedWrite(nil, acc,
- position.left + leftPad, cY, position.width - leftPad - rightPad)
- acc = ""
- cY = cY + 1
- elseif == "span" then
- acc = acc .. child.children[1].content
- end
- end
- cY = cY + 1
- end
- if styles["line-height"] then
- cY = cY * resolver({}, "number", styles["line-height"])
- end
- return (topPad + bottomPad + cY) .. "px"
- end
- return basicTextComponent
- end)()
- return {
- table = tableComponent,
- header = basicComponent,
- aside = basicComponent,
- details = basicComponent,
- text = basicComponent
- }
- end)()
- renderer.components = components
- local function deepMap(set, func, level)
- level = level or 1
- for i = 1, #set.children do local child = set.children[i] -- do
- func(child, level)
- if child.children then
- deepMap(child, func, level + 1)
- end
- end
- end
- local function queryMatch(el, selector)
- if el.type ~= "normal" then return false end
- if selector == "*" then
- return true
- else
- local namesToMatch = selector:match("^([^:]+):?")
- local psuedoSelector = selector:match(":(.+)")
- for nameToMatch in namesToMatch:gmatch("[%.%#]?[^%.%#]+") do
- if nameToMatch:match("^%#") then -- Matching an id
- if ~= nameToMatch:match("^%#(.+)") then
- return false
- end
- elseif nameToMatch:match("^%.") then -- Matching a class
- if then
- local good = false
- for class in"%S+") do
- if class == nameToMatch:match("^%.(.+)") then
- good = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not good then
- return false
- end
- else
- return false
- end
- elseif ~= nameToMatch then -- Matching an element
- return false
- end
- end
- if psuedoSelector then
- local pfunc = psuedoSelector:match("[^%(%)]+")
- local args = psuedoSelector:match("%b()"):sub(2, -2)
- if pfunc == "nth-child" then
- local nf = -1
- local op = "+"
- local ofs = 0
- for actor in args:gmatch("%S+") do
- local nn = actor:match("(%d+)n")
- if nn then nf = tonumber(nn) else
- local nop = actor:match("[%+%-]")
- if nop then op = nop else
- ofs = tonumber(actor)
- end
- end
- end
- local acn = 0
- for i = 1, #el.parent.children do
- if el.parent.children[i] == el then
- acn = i
- break
- end
- end
- local acndebug = acn -- TODO REMOVE ME
- if op == "+" then
- acn = acn - ofs
- else
- acn = acn + ofs
- end
- if nf ~= -1 then
- if acn / nf % 1 ~= 0 then
- return false
- end
- else
- if acn ~= 0 then
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- end
- local function querySelector(selector, startingNode)
- local steps = {}
- local step = ""
- local brace = 0
- for c in selector:gmatch(".") do
- if c:match("%s") and brace == 0 then
- steps[#steps + 1] = step
- step = ""
- else
- step = step .. c
- if c:match("[%(%{]") then
- brace = brace + 1
- elseif c:match("[%)%}]") then
- brace = brace - 1
- end
- end
- end
- steps[#steps + 1] = step
- local matches = {}
- deepMap(startingNode or renderer.model, function(el, level)
- if #steps > level then return end -- Cannot possibly match the selector so optimize a bit
- local stillMatches = true
- local activeEl = el
- for outLev = #steps, 1, -1 do
- if not queryMatch(activeEl, steps[outLev]) then
- stillMatches = false
- break
- end
- activeEl = el.parent
- end
- if stillMatches then
- matches[#matches + 1] = el
- end
- end)
- return matches
- end
- local function parseHex(hexStr)
- if hexStr:sub(1, 1) ~= "#" then
- error("'" .. hexStr .. "' is not a hex string")
- end
- hexStr = hexStr:sub(2)
- local len = #hexStr
- local finalNums = {}
- if len == 3 then
- for c in hexStr:gmatch(".") do
- finalNums[#finalNums + 1] = tonumber(c, 16) / 15
- end
- elseif len % 2 == 0 then
- for c in hexStr:gmatch("..") do
- finalNums[#finalNums + 1] = tonumber(c, 16) / 255
- end
- else
- error("'#" .. hexStr .. "' is of invalid length")
- end
- return finalNums
- end
- local function parseOffset(numStr)
- if numStr == "0" then
- return { "pixel", 0 }
- elseif numStr:match("%d+px") then
- return { "pixel", tonumber(numStr:match("%d+")) }
- elseif numStr:match("%d+rem") then
- return { "remain", tonumber(numStr:match("%d+")) }
- elseif numStr:match("%d+%%") then
- return { "percent", tonumber(numStr:match("%d+")) }
- end
- end
- local function matchCalc(str)
- local op = str:match("[%+%-]")
- local v1 = str:match("%(%s*([^%+%-%s]+)")
- local v2 = str:match("([^%+%-%s]+)%s*%)")
- return op, v1, v2
- end
- local function resolveVal(context, extra, valStr)
- if valStr == "unset" then
- return nil
- end
- local type = type(extra) == "table" and extra.type or extra
- if type == "string" then
- local dq = valStr:match("\"([^\"]+)\"")
- if dq then return dq end
- local sq = valStr:match("'([^']+)'")
- if sq then return sq end
- return valStr
- end
- if type == "number" then
- local val = parseOffset(valStr)
- if val[1] == "pixel" then
- return val[2]
- else
- return 0
- end
- end
- if type == "left" then
- if valStr:match("^calc") then
- local op, v1, v2 = matchCalc(valStr)
- if op == "+" then
- return resolveVal(context, extra, v1) + resolveVal(context, extra, v2) - context.flowX
- else
- return resolveVal(context, extra, v1) - resolveVal(context, extra, v2) + context.flowX
- end
- end
- local val = parseOffset(valStr)
- if val[1] == "pixel" then
- return context.flowX + val[2]
- elseif val[1] == "percent" then
- return math.floor(context.width * (val[2] / 100) + context.flowX)
- elseif val[1] == "remain" then
- return math.floor(context.flowW * (val[2] / 100) + context.flowX)
- end
- elseif type == "right" then
- if valStr:match("^calc") then
- local op, v1, v2 = matchCalc(valStr)
- if op == "+" then
- return resolveVal(context, extra, v1) - parseOffset(v2)[2] -- TODO Will not work with types other than pixel
- else
- return resolveVal(context, extra, v1) + parseOffset(v2)[2] -- TODO Same here ^^^
- end
- end
- local val = parseOffset(valStr)
- if val[1] == "pixel" then
- return context.flowX + context.flowW
- - val[2]
- - extra.width
- else
- return context.flowX
- end
- -- TODO Implement other methods
- end
- if type == "top" then
- if valStr:match("^calc") then
- local op, v1, v2 = matchCalc(valStr)
- if op == "+" then
- return resolveVal(context, extra, v1) + resolveVal(context, extra, v2) - context.flowY
- else
- return resolveVal(context, extra, v1) - resolveVal(context, extra, v2) + context.flowY
- end
- end
- local val = parseOffset(valStr)
- if val[1] == "pixel" then
- return context.flowY + val[2]
- elseif val[1] == "percent" then
- return math.floor(context.height * (val[2] / 100) + context.flowY)
- elseif val[1] == "remain" then
- return math.floor(context.flowY * (val[2] / 100) + context.flowY)
- end
- elseif type == "bottom" then
- if valStr:match("^calc") then
- local op, v1, v2 = matchCalc(valStr)
- if op == "+" then
- return resolveVal(context, extra, v1) - parseOffset(v2)[2] -- TODO Will not work with types other than pixel
- else
- return resolveVal(context, extra, v1) + parseOffset(v2)[2] -- TODO Same here ^^^
- end
- end
- local val = parseOffset(valStr)
- if val[1] == "pixel" then
- return context.flowY + context.flowH
- - val[2]
- - extra.height
- else
- return context.flowY
- end
- -- TODO Implement other methods
- end
- if type == "width" then
- if valStr:match("^calc") then
- local op, v1, v2 = matchCalc(valStr)
- if op == "+" then
- return resolveVal(context, extra, v1) + resolveVal(context, extra, v2)
- else
- return resolveVal(context, extra, v1) - resolveVal(context, extra, v2)
- end
- end
- local val = parseOffset(valStr)
- if val[1] == "pixel" then
- return val[2]
- elseif val[1] == "percent" then
- return context.width * (val[2] / 100)
- elseif val[1] == "remain" then
- return context.flowW * (val[2] / 100)
- end
- elseif type == "height" then
- if valStr:match("^calc") then
- local op, v1, v2 = matchCalc(valStr)
- if op == "+" then
- return resolveVal(context, extra, v1) + resolveVal(context, extra, v2)
- else
- return resolveVal(context, extra, v1) - resolveVal(context, extra, v2)
- end
- end
- local val = parseOffset(valStr)
- if val[1] == "pixel" then
- return val[2]
- elseif val[1] == "percent" then
- return context.height * (val[2] / 100)
- elseif val[1] == "remain" then
- return context.flowH * (val[2] / 100)
- end
- end
- if type == "color" then
- if valStr == "transparent" then
- return -1
- elseif renderer.colorReference[valStr] then
- return 2 ^ renderer.colorReference[valStr][1]
- elseif not valStr then
- return 0
- else
- error("Color '" .. valStr .. "' was never defined")
- end
- end
- end
- function renderer.processStyles(styles)
- local rulesets
- if styles then
- rulesets = css(styles)
- renderer.styles = rulesets
- local colorI
- for i = 1, #rulesets do
- if rulesets[i][1] == "colors" then
- colorI = i
- break
- end
- end
- local colorSet
- if colorI then
- colorSet = rulesets[colorI][2]
- else
- -- ComputerCraft Default Palette
- colorSet = {
- { "white", "#F0F0F0" },
- { "orange", "#F2B233" },
- { "magenta", "#E57FD8" },
- { "lightBlue", "#99B2F2" },
- { "yellow", "#DEDE6C" },
- { "lime", "#7FCC19" },
- { "pink", "#F2B2CC" },
- { "gray", "#4C4C4C" },
- { "lightGray", "#999999" },
- { "cyan", "#4C99B2" },
- { "purple", "#B266E5" },
- { "blue", "#3366CC" },
- { "brown", "#7F664C" },
- { "green", "#57A64E" },
- { "red", "#CC4C4C" },
- { "black", "#191919" }
- }
- end
- local toTab = {}
- local ci = 0
- for i = 1, #colorSet do
- if ci == 16 then
- error("Too many colors")
- end
- local color, hex = colorSet[i][1], colorSet[i][2]
- toTab[color:match("^%-?%-?([^%-]+)$")] = { ci, hex:match("#(.+)") }
- ci = ci + 1
- end
- colorSet = toTab
- renderer.colorReference = colorSet
- else
- rulesets = renderer.styles
- end
- for rulesetI = 1, #rulesets do
- local k = rulesets[rulesetI][1]
- local v = rulesets[rulesetI][2]
- local matches = querySelector(k)
- for i = 1, #matches do local matchedEl = matches[i] -- do
- matchedEl.styles = matchedEl.styles or {}
- for j = 1, #v do
- local prop = v[j][1]
- local val = v[j][2]
- matchedEl.styles[prop] = val
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function renderer.inflateXML(xml)
- renderer.model = xmlutils.parse(xml)
- local model = renderer.model
- if model.children and model.children[1] and model.children[1].name ~= "body" then
- error("Bad Layout Structure (No Body)")
- end
- local body = model.children[1]
- for i = 1, #body.children do local el = body.children[i] -- do
- if components[] then
- el.adapter = components[].new(el, renderer, resolveVal)
- else
- error("Unknown element " ..
- end
- end
- end
- function renderer.renderToSurface(surf, node, context)
- node = node or renderer.model.children[1]
- context = context or {
- flowX = 0,
- flowY = 0,
- flowW = surf.width,
- flowH = surf.height,
- width = surf.width,
- height = surf.height
- }
- if node.styles and node.styles["background-color"] then
- local c = resolveVal({}, "color", node.styles["background-color"])
- surf:clear(c)
- end
- for i = 1, #node.children do local el = node.children[i] -- do
- if not el.styles then el.styles = {} end
- local s = el.styles
- if s.display ~= "none" then
- local px, py, pw, ph =
- context.flowX, context.flowY,
- context.flowW, context.flowH
- if s.position == "absolute" then
- context = {
- flowX = context.flowX,
- flowY = context.flowY,
- flowW = surf.width,
- flowH = surf.height,
- width = surf.width,
- height = surf.height
- }
- if s.left or s.right then
- context.flowX = 0
- end
- if or s.bottom then
- context.flowY = 0
- end
- end
- local width, height
- width = resolveVal(context, "width", s.width or "100rem")
- if not s.height and el.adapter and el.adapter.resolveHeight then
- s.height = el.adapter:resolveHeight(s, { flow = context, width = width }, resolveVal)
- end
- height = resolveVal(context, "height", s.height or "100rem")
- local left
- if s.right then
- left = resolveVal(context, { type = "right", width = width }, s.right)
- else
- left = resolveVal(context, "left", s.left or "0")
- end
- local top
- if s.bottom then
- top = resolveVal(context, { type = "bottom", height = height }, s.bottom)
- else
- top = resolveVal(context, "top", or "0")
- end
- local topMargin,
- _, -- rightMargin currently unused as there is no way (currently) to have inline elements
- bottomMargin,
- leftMargin = util.parseOrdinalStyle(resolveVal, s, "margin")
- left = left + leftMargin
- top = top + topMargin
- if el.adapter then
- el.adapter:render(surf, {
- left = left,
- top = top,
- width = width,
- height = height
- }, s, resolveVal)
- context.flowY = context.flowY + height + bottomMargin
- context.flowH = context.flowH - height - bottomMargin
- end
- if s.position == "absolute" then
- context = {
- flowX = px,
- flowY = py,
- flowW = pw,
- flowH = ph,
- width = surf.width,
- height = surf.height
- }
- end
- end
- end
- end
- renderer.querySelector = querySelector
- return renderer
- end)()
- renderer.inflateXML(layout)
- renderer.processStyles(styles)
- if layoutMode then
- local exampleData = config.example or {
- ["minecraft:gold_ingot::0::0"] = 412,
- ["minecraft:iron_ingot::0::0"] = 4,
- ["minecraft:diamond::0::0"] = 27
- }
- local rmList = {}
- for item in pairs(exampleData) do
- if not transformedItems[item] then
- rmList[#rmList + 1] = item
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #rmList do local item = rmList[i] -- do
- exampleData[item] = nil
- end
- local els = renderer.querySelector("table.stock-table")
- for i = 1, #els do
- els[i].adapter:updateData(exampleData)
- end
- for _, v in pairs(renderer.colorReference) do
- term.setPaletteColor(2^v[1], tonumber(v[2], 16))
- end
- local testSurf = surface.create(term.getSize())
- renderer.renderToSurface(testSurf)
- testSurf:output()
- os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
- else
- local repaintMonitor -- Forward declaration
- --== Chests ==--
- if config.chest then
- config.chests = { config.chest }
- end
- -- Wrap the peripherals
- if not config.chests then
- local periphs = peripheral.getNames()
- local chest
- for i = 1, #periphs do local periph = periphs[i] -- do
- if periph:match("chest") then
- chest = periph
- end
- end
- if not chest then
- error("No configured chest(s), and none could be found")
- else
- config.chests = { chest }
- end
- end
- local chestPeriphs = {}
- for i = 1, #config.chests do local chest = config.chests[i] -- do
- chestPeriphs[#chestPeriphs + 1] = peripheral.wrap(chest)
- if not chestPeriphs[#chestPeriphs] then
- chestPeriphs[#chestPeriphs] = nil
- logger.error("No chest by name '" .. chest .. "'")
- end
- end
- if #chestPeriphs == 0 then
- error("No valid chest(s) could be found")
- end
- if not config.self and not config.outChest then
- -- Attempt to find by chestPeriph reverse search
- local cp = chestPeriphs[1]
- local list = cp.getTransferLocations()
- for i = 1, #list do local loc = list[i] -- do
- if loc:match("^turtle") then
- config.self = loc
- logger.warn("config.self not specified, assuming turtle connection '" .. config.self .. "'")
- break
- end
- end
- if not config.self then
- error("config.self not specified, and was unable to infer self, please add to config")
- end
- end
- -- Wrap the output chest
- local outChest = nil
- if config.outChest then
- outChest = peripheral.wrap(config.outChest)
- end
- --== Monitors ==--
- local monPeriph
- if not config.monitor then
- local mon = peripheral.find("monitor")
- if mon then
- monPeriph = mon
- else
- error("No configured monitor(s), and none could be found")
- end
- else
- monPeriph = peripheral.wrap(config.monitor)
- if not (monPeriph and monPeriph.setPaletteColor) then
- error("No monitor by name '" .. monPeriph .. "' could be found")
- end
- end
- --== RS Integrators ==--
- local rsIntegrators = {}
- if config.redstoneIntegrator then
- local toWrap = {}
- if type(config.redstoneIntegrator[1]) == "table" then
- for i = 1, #config.redstoneIntegrator do local integrator = config.redstoneIntegrator[i] -- do
- toWrap[#toWrap + 1] = integrator
- end
- else
- toWrap = {config.redstoneIntegrator}
- end
- for i = 1, #toWrap do local integrator = toWrap[i] -- do
- local pHandle = peripheral.wrap(integrator[1])
- rsIntegrators[#rsIntegrators + 1] = {pHandle, integrator[2]}
- end
- end
- monPeriph.setTextScale(config.textScale or 0.5)
- successTools.monitor = monPeriph
- --== Various Helper Functions ==--
- local function anyFree()
- local c = 0
- for i = 1, 16 do
- c = c + turtle.getItemSpace(i)
- end
- return c > 0
- end
- --== Inventory Management Functions ==--
- local drawRefresh
- local list -- Item count list
- local slotList -- Keep track of which slots (in chests) items are located
- local hasPredCache -- Keep track of which items have predicates
- local function countItems()
- local hasDrawnRefresh = false
- local lastList = slotList
- list = {}
- hasPredCache = {}
- slotList = {}
- -- Perform some initial transformations on the data
- for i = 1, #config.items do local item = config.items[i] -- do
- local bName = util.toListName(item.modid, item.damage or 0, 0)
- if not hasPredCache[bName] then
- hasPredCache[bName] = item.predicateID ~= nil
- end
- if config.showBlanks then
- local lName = util.toListName(item.modid, item.damage or 0, item.predicateID or 0)
- list[lName] = 0
- slotList[lName] = {}
- end
- end
- -- Iterate over all known chests
- for ck = 1, #chestPeriphs do
- local chestPeriph = chestPeriphs[ck]
- local cTable = chestPeriph.list()
- if not cTable then
- logger.error("Unable to list chest '" .. ck .. "'")
- else
- for k, v in pairs(cTable) do -- For each item..
- local bName = util.toListName(, v.damage, 0) -- Simplified name to check if deep predicate matching is required
- local predicateID = 0
- if hasPredCache[bName] then
- -- This item has known predicates, find which one
- -- First see if we can match the predicate without making expensive meta calls
- for chkPredicateID = 1, #predicateCache do
- if util.matchPredicate(predicateCache[chkPredicateID], v) then
- predicateID = chkPredicateID
- break
- end
- end
- -- Check detailed metadata
- if predicateID == 0 then
- -- This may take a while, so make sure to alert potential customers while shop is unavaliable
- -- TODO: ^^^^^ but only when sleep is required
- local cachedMeta = chestPeriph.getItemMeta(k)
- for chkPredicateID = 1, #predicateCache do
- if util.matchPredicate(predicateCache[chkPredicateID], cachedMeta) then
- predicateID = chkPredicateID
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local lName = util.toListName(, v.damage, predicateID)
- if transformedItems[lName] then
- if not list[lName] then
- list[lName] = v.count
- slotList[lName] = { { k, v.count, ck } }
- else
- list[lName] = list[lName] + v.count
- slotList[lName][#slotList[lName] + 1] = { k, v.count, ck }
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if not util.equals(lastList, slotList) then
- local els = renderer.querySelector("table.stock-table")
- for i = 1, #els do
- els[i].adapter:updateData(list)
- end
- repaintMonitor()
- end
- end
- local function dispense(mcname, count)
- while count > 0 do
- -- We don't need to check for item availability here because
- -- we already did that in processPayment()
- for i = #slotList[mcname], 1, -1 do
- local chestPeriph = chestPeriphs[slotList[mcname][i][3]]
- local amountPushed = 0
- if not (config.outChest and targetChest == config.outChest) then
- amountPushed = chestPeriph.pushItems(config.outChest or config.self, slotList[mcname][i][1], count)
- end
- count = count - amountPushed
- if count <= 0 then
- break
- end
- if not anyFree() and not config.outChest then
- for j = 1, 16 do
- if turtle.getItemCount(j) > 0 then
- turtle.drop()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if config.outChest then
- local toBeDispensed = count
- for k, v in pairs(outChest.list()) do
- if toBeDispensed <= 0 then
- break
- end
- if == mcname then
- toBeDispensed = toBeDispensed - outChest.drop(k, math.min(v.count, toBeDispensed), config.outChestDir or "up")
- end
- end
- else
- for i = 1, 16 do
- if turtle.getItemCount(i) > 0 then
- turtle.drop()
- end
- end
- end
- countItems()
- end
- local function findItem(name)
- for k, item in pairs(config.items) do
- if item.addy == name then
- return item, util.toListName(item.modid, item.damage or 0, item.predicateID or 0)
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- --== Payment Processing Functions ==--
- local messages = {
- overpaid = "message=You paid {amount} KST more than you should have, here is your change, {buyer}.",
- underpaid = "error=You must pay at least {price} KST for {item}(s), you have been refunded, {buyer}.",
- outOfStock = "error=We do not have any {item}(s) at the moment, sorry for any inconvenience, {buyer}.",
- unknownItem = "error=We do not currently sell {item}(s), sorry for any inconvenience, {buyer}."
- }
- if config.messages then
- for k, v in pairs(config.messages) do
- messages[k] = v
- end
- end
- local function escapeSemi(txt)
- return txt:gsub("[%;%=]", "")
- end
- local function template(str, context)
- for k, v in pairs(context) do
- str = str:gsub("{" .. k .. "}", v)
- end
- return str
- end
- local function processPayment(tx, meta)
- local item, mcname = findItem(
- if item then
- local count = math.floor(tonumber(tx.value) / item.price)
- local ac = math.min(count, list[mcname] or 0)
- if ac > 0 then
-"Dispensing " .. count .. " " .. item.disp .. "(s)")
-"Xenon (" .. (config.title or "Shop") .. "): " ..
- (meta.meta and meta.meta["username"] or "Someone") .. " bought " .. ac .. " " .. item.disp .. "(s) (" .. (ac * item.price) .. " KST)!",
- (config.logger or {}).purchase or false)
- end
- if (list[mcname] or 0) < count then
- logger.warn("More items were requested than available, refunding..")
- if (list[mcname] ~= 0) then
- logger.warn("Xenon (" .. (config.title or "Shop") .. "): " ..
- (meta.meta and meta.meta["username"] or "Someone") .. " bought all remaining " .. item.disp .. "(s), they are now out of stock.",
- (config.logger or {}).outOfStock or false)
- end
- if meta.meta and meta.meta["return"] then
- local refundAmt = math.floor(tx.value - (list[mcname] * item.price))
- if ac == 0 then
- await(kapi.makeTransaction, config.pkey, meta.meta["return"], refundAmt,
- template(messages.outOfStock, { item = item.disp, price = item.price, amount = refundAmt, buyer = (meta.meta and meta.meta["username"] or "Someone") }))
- else
- await(kapi.makeTransaction, config.pkey, meta.meta["return"], refundAmt,
- template(messages.overpaid, { item = item.disp, price = item.price, amount = refundAmt, buyer = (meta.meta and meta.meta["username"] or "Someone") }))
- end
- end
- count = list[mcname]
- tx.value = math.ceil(list[mcname] * item.price)
- end
- if tx.value < item.price then
- local refundAmt = tx.value
- await(kapi.makeTransaction, config.pkey, meta.meta["return"], refundAmt,
- template(messages.underpaid, { item = item.disp, amount = refundAmt, price = item.price, buyer = (meta.meta and meta.meta["username"] or "Someone") }))
- elseif tx.value > count * item.price then
- if meta.meta and meta.meta["return"] then
- local refundAmt = tx.value - (count * item.price)
- if refundAmt >= 1 then
- await(kapi.makeTransaction, config.pkey, meta.meta["return"], refundAmt,
- template(messages.overpaid, { item = item.disp, amount = refundAmt, price = item.price, buyer = (meta.meta and meta.meta["username"] or "Someone") }))
- end
- end
- end
- if list[mcname] and list[mcname] ~= 0 then
- dispense(mcname, count)
- end
- else
- logger.warn("Payment was sent for an invalid item (" .. .. "), aborting..")
- if meta.meta and meta.meta["return"] then
- await(kapi.makeTransaction, config.pkey, meta.meta["return"], tx.value,
- template(messages.unknownItem, { item = escapeSemi(, amount = refundAmt, buyer = (meta.meta and meta.meta["username"] or "Someone") }))
- end
- end
- end
- --== Monitor Rendering Endpoints ==--
- local monW, monH = monPeriph.getSize()
- local displaySurf = surface.create(monW, monH)
- function repaintMonitor()
- for _, v in pairs(renderer.colorReference) do
- monPeriph.setPaletteColor(2^v[1], tonumber(v[2], 16))
- end
- renderer.renderToSurface(displaySurf)
- displaySurf:output(monPeriph)
- end
- local function drawStartup()
- monPeriph.setPaletteColor(2^0, 0x2F3542)
- monPeriph.setPaletteColor(2^1, 0x747D8C)
- monPeriph.setBackgroundColor(2^0)
- monPeriph.setTextColor(2^1)
- monPeriph.clear()
- local str = "Xenon is initializing..."
- monPeriph.setCursorPos(math.ceil((monW - #str) / 2), math.ceil(monH / 2))
- monPeriph.write(str)
- end
- -- Not local because of forward declaration
- function drawRefresh()
- monPeriph.setPaletteColor(2^0, 0x2F3542)
- monPeriph.setPaletteColor(2^1, 0x747D8C)
- monPeriph.setBackgroundColor(2^0)
- monPeriph.setTextColor(2^1)
- monPeriph.clear()
- local str = "Refreshing stock..."
- monPeriph.setCursorPos(math.ceil((monW - #str) / 2), math.ceil(monH / 2))
- monPeriph.write(str)
- end
- -- Initialize Item List
- countItems()
- --== Krist Interface Setup ==--
- rapi.init(jua)
- wapi.init(jua)
- kapi.init(jua, json, wapi, rapi)
- drawStartup()
- --== Misc Jua Hooks ==--
- local ws -- Krist Websocket forward declaration
- local await = jua.await
- local lightVal = false
- local redstoneTimer = 0
- local updateTimer = 0
- local intervalInc = math.min(config.redstoneInterval or 5, config.updateInterval or 30)
- jua.setInterval(function()
- redstoneTimer = redstoneTimer + intervalInc
- updateTimer = updateTimer + intervalInc
- if redstoneTimer >= (config.redstoneInterval or 5) then
- lightVal = not lightVal
- if type(config.redstoneSide) == "table" then
- for i = 1, #config.redstoneSide do local side = config.redstoneSide[i] -- do
- rs.setOutput(side, lightVal)
- end
- elseif type(config.redstoneSide) == "string" then
- rs.setOutput(config.redstoneSide, lightVal)
- end
- for i = 1, #rsIntegrators do local integrator = rsIntegrators[i] -- do
- integrator[1].setOutput(integrator[2], lightVal)
- end
- redstoneTimer = 0
- end
- if updateTimer >= (config.updateInterval or 30) then
- countItems()
- updateTimer = 0
- end
- end, intervalInc)
- jua.on("terminate", function()
- if ws then ws.close() end
- jua.stop()
- logger.error("Terminated")
- logger.close()
- end)
- --== Handlers ==--
- local function handleTransaction(data)
- local tx = data.transaction
- if == then
- if tx.metadata then
- local meta = kapi.parseMeta(tx.metadata)
- if meta.domain == then
-"Received " .. tx.value .. "kst from " .. tx.from .. " (Meta: " .. tx.metadata .. ")")
- processPayment(tx, meta)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --== Main Loop ==--
- jua.go(function()
-"Startup!", false, true)
- local success
- if not config.pkey then
- logger.warn("No private-key (config.pkey), refunds will not work..")
- end
- if config.pkeyFormat == "kwallet" then
- config.pkey = kapi.toKristWalletFormat(config.pkey)
- end
- success, ws = await(kapi.connect, config.pkey or "no-pkey")
- if success then
-"Connected to websocket.", false, true)
- ws.on("hello", function(helloData)
-"MOTD: " .. helloData.motd, false, true)
- local subscribeSuccess = await(ws.subscribe, "transactions", handleTransaction)
- if subscribeSuccess then
-"Subscribed successfully", false, true)
- repaintMonitor()
- else
- logger.error("Failed to subscribe")
- jua.stop()
- error("Failed to subscribe to Krist transactions")
- end
- end)
- ws.on("closed", function()
- os.reboot()
- end)
- else
- logger.error("Failed to request a websocket url")
- jua.stop()
- error("Failed to request a websocket url")
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- local success, error = pcall(xenon)
- if not success then
- local isColor = term.isColor()
- local setBG = isColor and term.setBackgroundColor or function() end
- local setFG = isColor and term.setTextColor or function() end
- setBG(
- setFG(
- print("[ERROR] Xenon terminated with error: '" .. error .. "'")
- setFG(
- print("This computer will reboot in 10 seconds..")
- if successTools.monitor then
- local mon = successTools.monitor
- local monW, monH = mon.getSize()
- local isMonColor = mon.isColor()
- if isMonColor then
- mon.setPaletteColor(2^0, 0xFFA502)
- mon.setPaletteColor(2^1, 0xFFFFFF)
- mon.setPaletteColor(2^2, 0xFF4757)
- mon.setBackgroundColor(2^0)
- mon.setTextColor(2^1)
- end
- mon.clear()
- if isMonColor then
- mon.setBackgroundColor(2^2)
- end
- for i = 2, 4 do
- mon.setCursorPos(1, i)
- mon.write((" "):rep(monW))
- end
- mon.setCursorPos(2, 3)
- mon.write("Xenon ran into an error!")
- if isMonColor then
- mon.setBackgroundColor(2^0)
- end
- mon.setCursorPos(2, 6)
- mon.write("Error Details:")
- mon.setCursorPos(2, 7)
- mon.write(error)
- local str = "Xenon will reboot in 10 seconds.."
- mon.setCursorPos(math.ceil((monW - #str) / 2), monH - 1)
- mon.write(str)
- end
- if successTools.logger then
- successTools.logger.error("Xenon (" .. ((config or {}).title or "Shop") .. "): Terminated with error: '" .. error .. "'",
- ((config or {}).logger or {}).crash or false)
- end
- sleep(10)
- os.reboot()
- else
- if successTools.monitor then
- local mon = successTools.monitor
- local monW, monH = mon.getSize()
- local isMonColor = mon.isColor()
- if isMonColor then
- mon.setPaletteColor(2^0, 0x2F3542)
- mon.setPaletteColor(2^1, 0x747D8C)
- mon.setBackgroundColor(2^0)
- mon.setTextColor(2^1)
- end
- mon.clear()
- local str = "Xenon was terminated..."
- mon.setCursorPos(math.ceil((monW - #str) / 2), math.ceil(monH / 2))
- mon.write(str)
- end
- end
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