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- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Author: Eyal Doron
- # Version: 1.2
- # Last Modified Date: 19/12/2017
- # Last Modified By:
- # Web site:
- # Article name: Get the value of the DKIM record for a Domain, using PowerShell | Office 365 | Part 7#10
- # Article URL:
- # sn -AA0016789DFSdAVXDSXCV
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Hope that you enjoy it !
- # And, may the force of PowerShell will be with you :-)
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # PowerShell Functions
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function checkConnection ()
- {
- $a = Get-PSSession
- if ($a.ConfigurationName -ne "Microsoft.Exchange")
- {
- write-host 'You are not connected to Exchange Online PowerShell ;-( '
- write-host 'Please connect using the Menu option 1) Login to Office 365 + Exchange Online using Remote PowerShell '
- #Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..."
- Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
- [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("You are not connected to Exchange Online PowerShell ;-( `nSelect menu 1 to connect `nPress OK to continue...", " PowerShell script", [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::OK, [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Warning)
- Clear-Host
- break
- }
- }
- Function Disconnect-ExchangeOnline {Get-PSSession | Where-Object {$_.ConfigurationName -eq "Microsoft.Exchange"} | Remove-PSSession}
- Function Set-AlternatingRows {
- <#
- #>
- [CmdletBinding()]
- Param(
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
- [string]$Line,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]
- [string]$CSSEvenClass,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]
- [string]$CSSOddClass
- )
- Begin {
- $ClassName = $CSSEvenClass
- }
- Process {
- If ($Line.Contains("<tr>"))
- { $Line = $Line.Replace("<tr>","<tr class=""$ClassName"">")
- If ($ClassName -eq $CSSEvenClass)
- { $ClassName = $CSSOddClass
- }
- Else
- { $ClassName = $CSSEvenClass
- }
- }
- Return $Line
- }
- }
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Genral
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $FormatEnumerationLimit = -1
- $Date = Get-Date
- $Datef = Get-Date -Format "\Da\te dd-MM-yyyy \Ti\me H-mm"
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # PowerShell console window Style
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $pshost = get-host
- $pswindow = $pshost.ui.rawui
- $newsize = $pswindow.buffersize
- if($newsize.height){
- $newsize.height = 3000
- $newsize.width = 150
- $pswindow.buffersize = $newsize
- }
- $newsize = $pswindow.windowsize
- if($newsize.height){
- $newsize.height = 50
- $newsize.width = 150
- $pswindow.windowsize = $newsize
- }
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # HTML Style start
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $Header = @"
- <style>
- Body{font-family:segoe ui,arial;color:black; }
- H1 {font-size: 26px; font-weight:bold;width: 70% text-transform: uppercase; color: #0000A0; background:#2F5496 ; color: #ffffff; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px ; border: 3px solid #00B0F0;}
- H2{ background:#F2F2F2 ; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px ; color: #013366; margin-top:35px;margin-bottom:25px;font-size: 22px;padding:5px 15px 5px 10px; }
- .TextStyle {font-size: 26px; font-weight:bold ; color:black; }
- TABLE {border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;}
- TH {border-width: 1px;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: #d1d3d4;background-color:#0072c6 ;color:white;}
- TD {border-width: 1px;padding: 3px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;}
- .odd { background-color:#ffffff; }
- .even { background-color:#dddddd; }
- .note0
- {width: 50%;padding:15px 15px 15px 15px;font-size: 1.1em;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:45px;border-top: 3px dashed #2F5496;border-bottom: 3px dashed #2F5496;background: #F2F2F2;line-height: 1.6;
- }
- .o365info {height: 90px;padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;margin-top:20px;margin-bottom:20px;border-top: 3px dashed #002060;border-bottom: 3px dashed #002060;background: #00CCFF;font-size: 120%;font-weight:bold;background:#00CCFF url( no-repeat 680px -5px;
- }
- </style>
- "@
- $EndReport = "<div class=o365info> This report was created by using <a href= target=_blank></a> PowerShell script </div>"
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- # Exchange Online DKIM Settings PowerShell - Script menu
- #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- $Loop = $true
- While ($Loop)
- {
- write-host
- write-host +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- write-host "Exchange Online DKIM Settings PowerShell - Script menu"
- write-host +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor white '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor DarkCyan 'Connect Exchange Online using Remote PowerShell '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow ' 1) Login to Exchange Online using Remote PowerShell '
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor green '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor DarkGreen 'SECTION A: View and Export information about DKIM DNS records settings '
- write-host -ForegroundColor green '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
- write-host ' 2) View and Export information about the DKIM CNAME record synatx for a specific Domain name '
- write-host ' 3) View and Export information about the DKIM CNAME record synatx for a All Domain names '
- write-host -ForegroundColor green '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor DarkRed 'SECTION B: Disable DKIM signing policy '
- write-host -ForegroundColor green '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
- write-host ' 4) Disable the DKIM signing policy for a specific Domain name '
- write-host -ForegroundColor green '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Blue 'SECTION C: Enable DKIM signing policy '
- write-host -ForegroundColor green '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
- write-host ' 5) Enable the DKIM signing policy for a specific Domain name '
- write-host -ForegroundColor green '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Blue 'SECTION D: Create DKIM selectors configuration in Exchange Online '
- write-host -ForegroundColor green '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
- write-host ' 6) Enable the DKIM signing policy for a specific Domain name '
- write-host -ForegroundColor green '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor DarkCyan 'End of PowerShell - Script menu '
- write-host -ForegroundColor green '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "20) Disconnect PowerShell session"
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "21) Exit the PowerShell script menu (Or use the keyboard combination - CTRL + C)"
- write-host
- $opt = Read-Host "Select an option [1-21]"
- write-host $opt
- switch ($opt)
- {
- #===============================================================================================================
- # Step -00 | Connect to Windows Azure Active Directory & Exchange Online using Remote PowerShell
- #===============================================================================================================
- 1
- {
- #####################################################################
- # Connect Exchange Online using Remote PowerShell
- #####################################################################
- # information
- clear-host
- write-host
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- write-host -ForegroundColor white Information
- write-host -ForegroundColor white ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'To be able to use the PowerShell menus in the script, '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'you will need to Login to Exchange Online using Remote PowerShell. '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'In the credentials windows that appear, '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'provide your Office 365 Global Administrator credentials. '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'The PowerShell command that we use is: '
- write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan '$UserCredential = Get-Credential '
- write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan '$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection '
- write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan 'Import-PSSession $Session '
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- write-host
- write-host
- Disconnect-ExchangeOnline
- # Specify your administrative user credentials on the line below
- $user = “Provide credentials”
- $UserCredential = Get-Credential -Credential $user
- $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
- Import-PSSession $Session
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Object Properties Array
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # DKIM Domain name properties
- $global:Array1 = "Domain","Enabled"
- $global:Array2 = "Domain","Selector1CNAME","Selector2CNAME"
- }
- #=========================================================================================
- # SECTION A: View and Export information about DKIM DNS records settings
- #=========================================================================================
- 2
- {
- ##########################################################################
- # View and Export information about the DKIM CNAME record synatx for a specific Domain name
- ##########################################################################
- # information
- checkConnection
- clear-host
- write-host
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- write-host -ForegroundColor white Introduction
- write-host -ForegroundColor white --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'This option will: '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'View and Export information about the DKIM CNAME record synatx for a specific Domain name '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'The export command will: '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white '1. Export the required information to the following path =>' -NoNewline;Write-Host ' C:\INFO\DKIM Record settings ' -ForegroundColor Cyan
- write-host -ForegroundColor white '2. Save all of the exported information to diffrent file formats: TXT and HTML. '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'Note - Be patient, the operation can take a long time. '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'The PowerShell command that we use is: '
- write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan 'Get-DkimSigningConfig <Domain name> | FL *CNAME '
- write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- write-host
- # User input
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'User input '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "You will need to provide 1 parameter:"
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "1. Doamin name"
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "This is the name of the Domain for which you asking to get Information about DKIM DNS record syntax"
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "For example:"
- write-host
- $Domain = Read-Host "Type the The Doamin name "
- write-host
- write-host
- $DKIMSelector = Get-DkimSigningConfig $Domain
- $DKIMSelector.Selector1CNAME
- $DKIMSelector.Selector2CNAME
- $SelectorA = $DKIMSelector.Selector1CNAME
- $SelectorB = $DKIMSelector.Selector2CNAME
- $Selector1 =
- "<div class=note0>
- 1. The first part (the top part) of the CNAME record is:
- <div class='TextStyle'> Selector1._domainkey </div>
- </br>
- 2. The second part of the CNAME record is:
- <div class='TextStyle'> $SelectorA </div>
- </br>
- <img src=''/>
- </div>"
- $Selector2 = "<div class=note0>
- 1. The first part (the top part) of the CNAME record is:
- <div class='TextStyle'> Selector2._domainkey </div>
- </br>
- 2. The second part of the CNAME record is:
- <div class='TextStyle'> $SelectorB </div>
- </br>
- <img src='' />
- </div>"
- # Display Information about Audit settings
- write-host
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Blue Display information about DKIM host names: "$Domain".ToUpper()
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get-DkimSigningConfig $Domain | Select-Object $global:Array2 | Out-String
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- write-host -ForegroundColor white Introduction
- write-host -ForegroundColor white --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'To be able to create the required DNS records for your Office 365 DKIM implementation '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'for the domain name $Domain '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'You will need to create 2 CNAME records.'
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'The syntax of the 2 CNAME records is: '
- write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- write-host
- write-host
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Blue CNAME record 1 - "$Domain".ToUpper()
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'The first part (the “top” part) of the CNAME record is:'
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow 'Selector1._domainkey '
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'The second part of the CNAME record is:'
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow $DKIMSelector.Selector1CNAME
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Blue CNAME record 2 - "$Domain".ToUpper()
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'The first part (the “top” part) of the CNAME record is:'
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow 'Selector1._domainkey '
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'The second part of the CNAME record is:'
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow $DKIMSelector.Selector2CNAME
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Create folders Structure that contain the exported information to TXT and HTML files
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $A20 = "C:\INFO\DKIM Record settings"
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Create the required folders in Drive C:
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'Creating folder structure for storing information on C:\INFO\DKIM Record settings '
- if (!(Test-Path -path $A20))
- {New-Item $A20 -type directory}
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Export xxx to a files
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor green 'Export DKIM informaiton to a files - File Format - HTML + TEXT'
- write-host
- ###TXT####
- Get-DkimSigningConfig $Domain | Format-list *CNAME | Out-File $A20\"information about the DKIM host name record for $Domain.txt" -Encoding utf8
- ##########
- ###HTML####
- Get-DkimSigningConfig $Domain | Select-Object Domain,Selector1CNAME,Selector2CNAME | ConvertTo-Html -head $Header -Body "<H1>information about the DKIM host name record for $Domain | $Datef </H1>" | Set-AlternatingRows -CSSEvenClass even -CSSOddClass odd | Out-File $A20\"information about the DKIM host name record for $Domain.htm"
- Add-Content $A20\"information about the DKIM host name record for $Domain.htm" $Selector1
- Add-Content $A20\"information about the DKIM host name record for $Domain.htm" $Selector2
- Add-Content $A20\"information about the DKIM host name record for $Domain.htm" $EndReport
- ##########
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # End the Command
- write-host
- write-host
- Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..."
- write-host
- write-host
- }
- 3
- {
- ##########################################################################
- # View and Export information about the DKIM CNAME record synatx for a All Domain names
- ##########################################################################
- # information
- checkConnection
- clear-host
- write-host
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- write-host -ForegroundColor white Introduction
- write-host -ForegroundColor white --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'This option will: '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'View and Export information about the DKIM CNAME record synatx for a All Domain names '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'The export command will: '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white '1. Export the required information to the following path =>' -NoNewline;Write-Host ' C:\INFO\DKIM Record settings ' -ForegroundColor Cyan
- write-host -ForegroundColor white '2. Save all of the exported information to diffrent file formats: TXT and HTML. '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'Note - Be patient, the operation can take a long time. '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'The PowerShell command that we use is: '
- write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan 'Get-DkimSigningConfig | FL Domain,Selector1CNAME,Selector2CNAME '
- write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- write-host
- # Display Information about Audit settings
- write-host
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Blue Display information about DKIM host names: "$Domain".ToUpper()
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get-DkimSigningConfig | Select-Object $global:Array2 | Out-String
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Create folders Structure that contain the exported information to TXT and HTML files
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $A20 = "C:\INFO\DKIM Record settings"
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Create the required folders in Drive C:
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'Creating folder structure for storing information on C:\INFO\DKIM\All Domains '
- if (!(Test-Path -path $A20))
- {
- New-Item $A20 -type directory
- }
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Export Information about DKIM DNS record syntax to files
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor green 'Export DKIM informaiton to a files - File Format - HTML + TEXT'
- write-host
- ###TXT####
- Get-DkimSigningConfig | Format-List *CNAME | Out-File $A20\"Information about the DKIM host name record for for ALL Domain names.txt" -Encoding utf8
- ##########
- ###HTML####
- Get-DkimSigningConfig | Select-Object $global:Array2 | ConvertTo-Html -post $EndReport -head $Header -Body "<H1>Information about the DKIM host name record for for ALL Domain names | $Datef </H1>" | Set-AlternatingRows -CSSEvenClass even -CSSOddClass odd | Out-File $A20\"Information about the DKIM host name record for for ALL Domain names.htm"
- ##########
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ###TXT####
- Get-DkimSigningConfig | Format-List *CNAME | Out-File $A20\"Get-DkimSigningConfig for ALL Domain names.txt" -Encoding utf8
- ##########
- ###HTML####
- Get-DkimSigningConfig | ConvertTo-Html -post $EndReport -head $Header -Body "<H1>Get-DkimSigningConfig for ALL Domain names | $Datef </H1>" | Set-AlternatingRows -CSSEvenClass even -CSSOddClass odd | Out-File $A20\"Get-DkimSigningConfig for ALL Domain names.htm"
- ##########
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #Section 5: End the Command
- write-host
- write-host
- Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..."
- write-host
- write-host
- }
- #=========================================================================================
- # SECTION B: Disable DKIM signing policy
- #=========================================================================================
- 4
- {
- ##########################################################################
- # Disable the DKIM signing policy for a specific Domain name
- ##########################################################################
- # information
- checkConnection
- clear-host
- write-host
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- write-host -ForegroundColor white Introduction
- write-host -ForegroundColor white --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'This option will: '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'Disable the DKIM signing policy for a specific Domain name'
- write-host -ForegroundColor white ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'The PowerShell command that we use is: '
- write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan 'Set-DkimSigningConfig -Identity <Domain name> -Enabled $False '
- write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- write-host
- # Display Information about DKIM settings for each existing Domain
- write-host
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Blue Display Information about DKIM settings for each existing Domain
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get-DkimSigningConfig | Format-List Domain | Out-String
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # User input
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'User input '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "You will need to provide 1 parameter:"
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "1. Doamin name"
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "This is the name of the Domain for which you asking to Disable DKIM signature"
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "For example:"
- write-host
- $Domain = Read-Host "Type the The Doamin name "
- write-host
- write-host
- # Display Information about DKIM settings for Specific Domain name |=> BEFORE the update
- write-host
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Blue Display information about: "$Domain".ToUpper() policy => BEFORE the update
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get-DkimSigningConfig $Domain | Select-Object $global:Array1 | Out-String
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # PowerShell Command
- Set-DkimSigningConfig -Identity $Domain -Enabled $False
- # Display Information about DKIM settings for Specific Domain name | => AFTER the update
- write-host
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Blue Display information about: "$Domain".ToUpper() policy => AFTER the update
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get-DkimSigningConfig $Domain | Select-Object $global:Array1 | Out-String
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #Section 5: End the Command
- write-host
- write-host
- Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..."
- write-host
- write-host
- }
- #=========================================================================================
- # SECTION C: Enable DKIM signing policy
- #=========================================================================================
- 5
- {
- ##########################################################################
- # Enable the DKIM signing policy for a specific Domain name
- ##########################################################################
- # information
- checkConnection
- clear-host
- write-host
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- write-host -ForegroundColor white Introduction
- write-host -ForegroundColor white --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'This option will: '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'Enable the DKIM signing policy for a specific Domain name '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'The PowerShell command that we use is: '
- write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan 'Set-DkimSigningConfig -Identity <Domain name> -Enabled $True '
- write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- write-host
- # Display Information about DKIM settings for each existing Domain
- write-host
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Blue Display Information about DKIM settings for each existing Domain
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get-DkimSigningConfig | Format-List Domain | Out-String
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # User input
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'User input '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "You will need to provide 1 parameter:"
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "1. Doamin name"
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "This is the name of the Domain for which you asking to Enable DKIM signature"
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "For example:"
- write-host
- $Domain = Read-Host "Type the The Doamin name "
- write-host
- write-host
- # Display Information about DKIM settings for Specific Domain name |=> BEFORE the update
- write-host
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Blue Display information about: "$Domain".ToUpper() policy => BEFORE the update
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get-DkimSigningConfig $Domain | Select-Object $global:Array1 | Out-String
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # PowerShell Command
- Set-DkimSigningConfig -Identity $Domain -Enabled $True
- # Display Information about DKIM settings for Specific Domain name | => AFTER the update
- write-host
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Blue Display information about: "$Domain".ToUpper() policy => AFTER the update
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get-DkimSigningConfig $Domain | Select-Object $global:Array1 | Out-String
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # End the Command
- write-host
- write-host
- Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..."
- write-host
- write-host
- }
- #=========================================================================================
- # SECTION D: Create DKIM selectors configuration in Exchange Online
- #=========================================================================================
- 6
- {
- ##########################################################################
- # Enable the DKIM signing policy for a specific Domain name
- ##########################################################################
- # information
- checkConnection
- clear-host
- write-host
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- write-host -ForegroundColor white Introduction
- write-host -ForegroundColor white --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'This option will: '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'Enable the DKIM signing policy for a specific Domain name'
- write-host -ForegroundColor white ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'The PowerShell command that we use is: '
- write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan 'New-DkimSigningConfig -DomainNam <Domain name> -Enabled $True '
- write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- write-host
- # Display Information about DKIM settings for each existing Domain
- write-host
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Blue Display Information about DKIM settings for each existing Domain
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get-DkimSigningConfig | Format-List Domain | Out-String
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # User input
- write-host -ForegroundColor white 'User input '
- write-host -ForegroundColor white ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "You will need to provide 1 parameter:"
- write-host
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "1. Doamin name"
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "This is the name of the Domain for which you asking to Create DKIM selectors configuration in Exchange Online "
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "For example:"
- write-host
- $Domain = Read-Host "Type the The Doamin name "
- write-host
- write-host
- # Display Information about DKIM settings for Specific Domain name |=> BEFORE the update
- write-host
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Blue Display information about: "$Domain".ToUpper() policy => BEFORE the update
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get-DkimSigningConfig $Domain | Select-Object $global:Array1 | Out-String
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # PowerShell Command
- New-DkimSigningConfig -DomainName $Domain
- # Display Information about DKIM settings for Specific Domain name | => AFTER the update
- write-host
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Blue Display information about: "$Domain".ToUpper() policy => AFTER the update
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get-DkimSigningConfig $Domain | Select-Object $global:Array1 | Out-String
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # End the Command
- write-host
- write-host
- Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..."
- write-host
- write-host
- }
- #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- # Section END
- #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- #+++++++++++++++++++
- # Step -05 Finish
- ##++++++++++++++++++
- 20{
- ##########################################
- # Disconnect PowerShell session
- ##########################################
- write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow Choosing this option will Disconnect the current PowerShell session
- Disconnect-ExchangeOnline
- write-host
- write-host
- #———— Indication ———————
- if ($lastexitcode -eq 0)
- {
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------
- write-host "The command complete successfully !" -ForegroundColor Yellow
- write-host "The PowerShell session is disconnected" -ForegroundColor Yellow
- write-host -------------------------------------------------------------
- }
- else
- {
- write-host "The command Failed :-(" -ForegroundColor red
- }
- #———— End of Indication ———————
- }
- 21
- {
- ##########################################
- # Exit
- ##########################################
- $Loop = $true
- Exit
- }
- }
- }
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