

Apr 7th, 2018 (edited)
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  1. local com = require "component"
  2. local fs = require "filesystem"
  3. local keyboard = require "keyboard"
  4. local gpu = com.gpu
  6. local leftX = 5
  7. local topY = 14
  8. local timeConstant = 2 --how long it waits per measure cycle
  10. local w, h = gpu.getResolution()
  11. gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
  12. gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF)
  13. gpu.fill(1, 1, w, h, " ") -- clears the screen
  14. gpu.set(2,2,"Will measure TPS with wait period of "..tostring(timeConstant).." seconds... ")
  16. local function time()
  17. local f = io.open("/tmp/timeFile","w")
  18. f:write("test")
  19. f:close()
  20. return(fs.lastModified("/tmp/timeFile"))
  21. end
  23. local realTimeOld = 0
  24. local realTimeNew = 0
  25. local realTimeDiff = 0
  27. local TPS = {}
  28. local avgTPS = 0
  29. for tSlot=1,10 do
  30. TPS[tSlot]=0
  31. end
  33. local function getColor(tps) --Uses HSV to decide color
  34. local H, rP, gP, bP, X = tps*12-120, 0, 0, 0, 0
  35. --H is hue should range from 0 to 120
  36. if H<0 then H=0 end --forces greater then 0 but if things get wonky lets Hue go above 120 and turn blue
  37. X = (1-math.abs((H/60)%2-1))
  38. if H<60 then
  39. rP = 1
  40. gP = X
  41. bP = 0
  42. elseif H<120 then
  43. rP = X
  44. gP = 1
  45. bP = 0
  46. elseif H<180 then
  47. rP = 0
  48. gP = 1
  49. bP = X
  50. elseif H<240 then
  51. rP = 0
  52. gP = X
  53. bP = 1
  54. elseif H<300 then
  55. rP = X
  56. gP = 0
  57. bP = 1
  58. else
  59. rP = 1
  60. gP = 0
  61. bP = X
  62. end
  63. return(math.floor((rP)*255)*65536+math.floor((gP)*255)*256+math.floor((bP)*255))
  64. end
  66. local function histoPlot(tabVal,leftX, topY,step)
  67. local height = math.floor(tabVal[step]/2)+1
  68. if height>11 then height=11 end
  69. gpu.setBackground(0xB4B4B4)
  70. gpu.fill(3*step+leftX-2, topY-2, 2, 13," ") --erases the old TPS bar
  71. gpu.fill(leftX-1,topY+10,33,1," ") --erases the old blue box
  72. gpu.setBackground(getColor(tabVal[step]))
  73. gpu.fill(3*step+leftX-2, topY-height+10, 2, height," ") --draws the TPS bar
  74. gpu.setBackground(0x0064FF)
  75. gpu.fill(leftX+step*3-2,topY+10,2,1," ") --the blue box that marks where we are on the graph
  76. gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
  77. end
  79. gpu.set(2,3,"To exit hold down Ctrl + W ")
  81. gpu.setBackground(0xB4B4B4) --draws the nice grey graph background
  82. gpu.fill(leftX-1,topY-2,33,13," ")
  83. gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
  85. for i = 1,#TPS do --draws the first red bars to make something looking like a graph
  86. local height = math.floor(TPS[i]/2)+1
  87. gpu.setBackground(getColor(TPS[i]))
  88. gpu.fill(3*i+leftX-2, topY-height+10, 2, height," ")
  89. end
  90. gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
  91. gpu.set(18,11,"T/s")
  92. gpu.set(1,12,"20")
  93. gpu.set(1,17,"10")
  94. gpu.set(1,22," 0")
  95. for i=1, math.huge do
  96. for tSlot = 1, 10 do --main averaging loop that measures individual TPS and puts it into a cycling table location
  97. realTimeOld = time()
  98. os.sleep(timeConstant) --waits for an estimated ammount game seconds
  99. realTimeNew = time()
  101. realTimeDiff = realTimeNew-realTimeOld
  103. TPS[tSlot] = 20000*timeConstant/realTimeDiff
  104. avgTPS = (TPS[1]+TPS[2]+TPS[3]+TPS[4]+TPS[5]+TPS[6]+TPS[7]+TPS[8]+TPS[9]+TPS[10])/10
  105. gpu.set(2,5,"Server is running at:")
  106. gpu.set(3,6,string.sub(tostring(TPS[tSlot])..".0000",1,7).." Ticks/second ")
  107. gpu.set(2,8,"Averaged value is:")
  108. gpu.set(3,9,string.sub(tostring(avgTPS)..".0000",1,7).." Ticks/second ")
  109. histoPlot(TPS,leftX,topY,tSlot)
  110. if keyboard.isKeyDown(keyboard.keys.w) and keyboard.isControlDown() then
  111. gpu.set(2,11,"Exiting... ")
  112. os.sleep(0.5)
  113. gpu.fill(1, 1, w, h, " ") -- clears the screen
  114. os.exit()
  115. end
  116. end
  117. end
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