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- // This file was autogenerated by some hot garbage in the `uniffi` crate.
- // Trust me, you don't want to mess with it!
- @file:Suppress("NAME_SHADOWING")
- package uniffi.sample;
- // Common helper code.
- //
- // Ideally this would live in a separate .kt file where it can be unittested etc
- // in isolation, and perhaps even published as a re-useable package.
- //
- // However, it's important that the details of how this helper code works (e.g. the
- // way that different builtin types are passed across the FFI) exactly match what's
- // expected by the Rust code on the other side of the interface. In practice right
- // now that means coming from the exact some version of `uniffi` that was used to
- // compile the Rust component. The easiest way to ensure this is to bundle the Kotlin
- // helpers directly inline like we're doing here.
- import com.sun.jna.Library
- import com.sun.jna.IntegerType
- import com.sun.jna.Native
- import com.sun.jna.Pointer
- import com.sun.jna.Structure
- import com.sun.jna.Callback
- import com.sun.jna.ptr.*
- import java.nio.ByteBuffer
- import java.nio.ByteOrder
- import java.nio.CharBuffer
- import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction
- import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
- import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
- // This is a helper for safely working with byte buffers returned from the Rust code.
- // A rust-owned buffer is represented by its capacity, its current length, and a
- // pointer to the underlying data.
- @Structure.FieldOrder("capacity", "len", "data")
- open class RustBuffer : Structure() {
- // Note: `capacity` and `len` are actually `ULong` values, but JVM only supports signed values.
- // When dealing with these fields, make sure to call `toULong()`.
- @JvmField var capacity: Long = 0
- @JvmField var len: Long = 0
- @JvmField var data: Pointer? = null
- class ByValue: RustBuffer(), Structure.ByValue
- class ByReference: RustBuffer(), Structure.ByReference
- internal fun setValue(other: RustBuffer) {
- capacity = other.capacity
- len = other.len
- data =
- }
- companion object {
- internal fun alloc(size: ULong = 0UL) = uniffiRustCall() { status ->
- // Note: need to convert the size to a `Long` value to make this work with JVM.
- UniffiLib.INSTANCE.ffi_sample_rustbuffer_alloc(size.toLong(), status)
- }.also {
- if( == null) {
- throw RuntimeException("RustBuffer.alloc() returned null data pointer (size=${size})")
- }
- }
- internal fun create(capacity: ULong, len: ULong, data: Pointer?): RustBuffer.ByValue {
- var buf = RustBuffer.ByValue()
- buf.capacity = capacity.toLong()
- buf.len = len.toLong()
- = data
- return buf
- }
- internal fun free(buf: RustBuffer.ByValue) = uniffiRustCall() { status ->
- UniffiLib.INSTANCE.ffi_sample_rustbuffer_free(buf, status)
- }
- }
- @Suppress("TooGenericExceptionThrown")
- fun asByteBuffer() =
-, this.len.toLong())?.also {
- it.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)
- }
- }
- /**
- * The equivalent of the `*mut RustBuffer` type.
- * Required for callbacks taking in an out pointer.
- *
- * Size is the sum of all values in the struct.
- */
- class RustBufferByReference : ByReference(16) {
- /**
- * Set the pointed-to `RustBuffer` to the given value.
- */
- fun setValue(value: RustBuffer.ByValue) {
- // NOTE: The offsets are as they are in the C-like struct.
- val pointer = getPointer()
- pointer.setLong(0, value.capacity)
- pointer.setLong(8, value.len)
- pointer.setPointer(16,
- }
- /**
- * Get a `RustBuffer.ByValue` from this reference.
- */
- fun getValue(): RustBuffer.ByValue {
- val pointer = getPointer()
- val value = RustBuffer.ByValue()
- value.writeField("capacity", pointer.getLong(0))
- value.writeField("len", pointer.getLong(8))
- value.writeField("data", pointer.getLong(16))
- return value
- }
- }
- // This is a helper for safely passing byte references into the rust code.
- // It's not actually used at the moment, because there aren't many things that you
- // can take a direct pointer to in the JVM, and if we're going to copy something
- // then we might as well copy it into a `RustBuffer`. But it's here for API
- // completeness.
- @Structure.FieldOrder("len", "data")
- open class ForeignBytes : Structure() {
- @JvmField var len: Int = 0
- @JvmField var data: Pointer? = null
- class ByValue : ForeignBytes(), Structure.ByValue
- }
- // The FfiConverter interface handles converter types to and from the FFI
- //
- // All implementing objects should be public to support external types. When a
- // type is external we need to import it's FfiConverter.
- public interface FfiConverter<KotlinType, FfiType> {
- // Convert an FFI type to a Kotlin type
- fun lift(value: FfiType): KotlinType
- // Convert an Kotlin type to an FFI type
- fun lower(value: KotlinType): FfiType
- // Read a Kotlin type from a `ByteBuffer`
- fun read(buf: ByteBuffer): KotlinType
- // Calculate bytes to allocate when creating a `RustBuffer`
- //
- // This must return at least as many bytes as the write() function will
- // write. It can return more bytes than needed, for example when writing
- // Strings we can't know the exact bytes needed until we the UTF-8
- // encoding, so we pessimistically allocate the largest size possible (3
- // bytes per codepoint). Allocating extra bytes is not really a big deal
- // because the `RustBuffer` is short-lived.
- fun allocationSize(value: KotlinType): ULong
- // Write a Kotlin type to a `ByteBuffer`
- fun write(value: KotlinType, buf: ByteBuffer)
- // Lower a value into a `RustBuffer`
- //
- // This method lowers a value into a `RustBuffer` rather than the normal
- // FfiType. It's used by the callback interface code. Callback interface
- // returns are always serialized into a `RustBuffer` regardless of their
- // normal FFI type.
- fun lowerIntoRustBuffer(value: KotlinType): RustBuffer.ByValue {
- val rbuf = RustBuffer.alloc(allocationSize(value))
- try {
- val bbuf =!!.getByteBuffer(0, rbuf.capacity).also {
- it.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)
- }
- write(value, bbuf)
- rbuf.writeField("len", bbuf.position().toLong())
- return rbuf
- } catch (e: Throwable) {
- throw e
- }
- }
- // Lift a value from a `RustBuffer`.
- //
- // This here mostly because of the symmetry with `lowerIntoRustBuffer()`.
- // It's currently only used by the `FfiConverterRustBuffer` class below.
- fun liftFromRustBuffer(rbuf: RustBuffer.ByValue): KotlinType {
- val byteBuf = rbuf.asByteBuffer()!!
- try {
- val item = read(byteBuf)
- if (byteBuf.hasRemaining()) {
- throw RuntimeException("junk remaining in buffer after lifting, something is very wrong!!")
- }
- return item
- } finally {
- }
- }
- }
- // FfiConverter that uses `RustBuffer` as the FfiType
- public interface FfiConverterRustBuffer<KotlinType>: FfiConverter<KotlinType, RustBuffer.ByValue> {
- override fun lift(value: RustBuffer.ByValue) = liftFromRustBuffer(value)
- override fun lower(value: KotlinType) = lowerIntoRustBuffer(value)
- }
- // A handful of classes and functions to support the generated data structures.
- // This would be a good candidate for isolating in its own ffi-support lib.
- internal const val UNIFFI_CALL_SUCCESS = 0.toByte()
- internal const val UNIFFI_CALL_ERROR = 1.toByte()
- internal const val UNIFFI_CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR = 2.toByte()
- @Structure.FieldOrder("code", "error_buf")
- internal open class UniffiRustCallStatus : Structure() {
- @JvmField var code: Byte = 0
- @JvmField var error_buf: RustBuffer.ByValue = RustBuffer.ByValue()
- class ByValue: UniffiRustCallStatus(), Structure.ByValue
- fun isSuccess(): Boolean {
- return code == UNIFFI_CALL_SUCCESS
- }
- fun isError(): Boolean {
- return code == UNIFFI_CALL_ERROR
- }
- fun isPanic(): Boolean {
- }
- companion object {
- fun create(code: Byte, errorBuf: RustBuffer.ByValue): UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue {
- val callStatus = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue()
- callStatus.code = code
- callStatus.error_buf = errorBuf
- return callStatus
- }
- }
- }
- class InternalException(message: String) : Exception(message)
- // Each top-level error class has a companion object that can lift the error from the call status's rust buffer
- interface UniffiRustCallStatusErrorHandler<E> {
- fun lift(error_buf: RustBuffer.ByValue): E;
- }
- // Helpers for calling Rust
- // In practice we usually need to be synchronized to call this safely, so it doesn't
- // synchronize itself
- // Call a rust function that returns a Result<>. Pass in the Error class companion that corresponds to the Err
- private inline fun <U, E: Exception> uniffiRustCallWithError(errorHandler: UniffiRustCallStatusErrorHandler<E>, callback: (UniffiRustCallStatus) -> U): U {
- var status = UniffiRustCallStatus();
- val return_value = callback(status)
- uniffiCheckCallStatus(errorHandler, status)
- return return_value
- }
- // Check UniffiRustCallStatus and throw an error if the call wasn't successful
- private fun<E: Exception> uniffiCheckCallStatus(errorHandler: UniffiRustCallStatusErrorHandler<E>, status: UniffiRustCallStatus) {
- if (status.isSuccess()) {
- return
- } else if (status.isError()) {
- throw errorHandler.lift(status.error_buf)
- } else if (status.isPanic()) {
- // when the rust code sees a panic, it tries to construct a rustbuffer
- // with the message. but if that code panics, then it just sends back
- // an empty buffer.
- if (status.error_buf.len > 0) {
- throw InternalException(FfiConverterString.lift(status.error_buf))
- } else {
- throw InternalException("Rust panic")
- }
- } else {
- throw InternalException("Unknown rust call status: $status.code")
- }
- }
- // UniffiRustCallStatusErrorHandler implementation for times when we don't expect a CALL_ERROR
- object UniffiNullRustCallStatusErrorHandler: UniffiRustCallStatusErrorHandler<InternalException> {
- override fun lift(error_buf: RustBuffer.ByValue): InternalException {
- return InternalException("Unexpected CALL_ERROR")
- }
- }
- // Call a rust function that returns a plain value
- private inline fun <U> uniffiRustCall(callback: (UniffiRustCallStatus) -> U): U {
- return uniffiRustCallWithError(UniffiNullRustCallStatusErrorHandler, callback);
- }
- internal inline fun<T> uniffiTraitInterfaceCall(
- callStatus: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- makeCall: () -> T,
- writeReturn: (T) -> Unit,
- ) {
- try {
- writeReturn(makeCall())
- } catch(e: Exception) {
- callStatus.error_buf = FfiConverterString.lower(e.toString())
- }
- }
- internal inline fun<T, reified E: Throwable> uniffiTraitInterfaceCallWithError(
- callStatus: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- makeCall: () -> T,
- writeReturn: (T) -> Unit,
- lowerError: (E) -> RustBuffer.ByValue
- ) {
- try {
- writeReturn(makeCall())
- } catch(e: Exception) {
- if (e is E) {
- callStatus.code = UNIFFI_CALL_ERROR
- callStatus.error_buf = lowerError(e)
- } else {
- callStatus.error_buf = FfiConverterString.lower(e.toString())
- }
- }
- }
- // Map handles to objects
- //
- // This is used pass an opaque 64-bit handle representing a foreign object to the Rust code.
- internal class UniffiHandleMap<T: Any> {
- private val map = ConcurrentHashMap<Long, T>()
- private val counter = java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong(0)
- val size: Int
- get() = map.size
- // Insert a new object into the handle map and get a handle for it
- fun insert(obj: T): Long {
- val handle = counter.getAndAdd(1)
- map.put(handle, obj)
- return handle
- }
- // Get an object from the handle map
- fun get(handle: Long): T {
- return map.get(handle) ?: throw InternalException("UniffiHandleMap.get: Invalid handle")
- }
- // Remove an entry from the handlemap and get the Kotlin object back
- fun remove(handle: Long): T {
- return map.remove(handle) ?: throw InternalException("UniffiHandleMap: Invalid handle")
- }
- }
- // Contains loading, initialization code,
- // and the FFI Function declarations in a com.sun.jna.Library.
- @Synchronized
- private fun findLibraryName(componentName: String): String {
- val libOverride = System.getProperty("uniffi.component.$componentName.libraryOverride")
- if (libOverride != null) {
- return libOverride
- }
- return "sample"
- }
- private inline fun <reified Lib : Library> loadIndirect(
- componentName: String
- ): Lib {
- return Native.load<Lib>(findLibraryName(componentName),
- }
- // Define FFI callback types
- internal interface UniffiRustFutureContinuationCallback : com.sun.jna.Callback {
- fun callback(`data`: Long,`pollResult`: Byte,)
- }
- internal interface UniffiForeignFutureFree : com.sun.jna.Callback {
- fun callback(`handle`: Long,)
- }
- internal interface UniffiCallbackInterfaceFree : com.sun.jna.Callback {
- fun callback(`handle`: Long,)
- }
- @Structure.FieldOrder("handle", "free")
- internal open class UniffiForeignFuture(
- @JvmField internal var `handle`: Long = 0.toLong(),
- @JvmField internal var `free`: UniffiForeignFutureFree? = null,
- ) : Structure() {
- class UniffiByValue(
- `handle`: Long = 0.toLong(),
- `free`: UniffiForeignFutureFree? = null,
- ): UniffiForeignFuture(`handle`,`free`,), Structure.ByValue
- internal fun uniffiSetValue(other: UniffiForeignFuture) {
- `handle` = other.`handle`
- `free` = other.`free`
- }
- }
- @Structure.FieldOrder("returnValue", "callStatus")
- internal open class UniffiForeignFutureStructU8(
- @JvmField internal var `returnValue`: Byte = 0.toByte(),
- @JvmField internal var `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ) : Structure() {
- class UniffiByValue(
- `returnValue`: Byte = 0.toByte(),
- `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ): UniffiForeignFutureStructU8(`returnValue`,`callStatus`,), Structure.ByValue
- internal fun uniffiSetValue(other: UniffiForeignFutureStructU8) {
- `returnValue` = other.`returnValue`
- `callStatus` = other.`callStatus`
- }
- }
- internal interface UniffiForeignFutureCompleteU8 : com.sun.jna.Callback {
- fun callback(`callbackData`: Long,`result`: UniffiForeignFutureStructU8.UniffiByValue,)
- }
- @Structure.FieldOrder("returnValue", "callStatus")
- internal open class UniffiForeignFutureStructI8(
- @JvmField internal var `returnValue`: Byte = 0.toByte(),
- @JvmField internal var `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ) : Structure() {
- class UniffiByValue(
- `returnValue`: Byte = 0.toByte(),
- `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ): UniffiForeignFutureStructI8(`returnValue`,`callStatus`,), Structure.ByValue
- internal fun uniffiSetValue(other: UniffiForeignFutureStructI8) {
- `returnValue` = other.`returnValue`
- `callStatus` = other.`callStatus`
- }
- }
- internal interface UniffiForeignFutureCompleteI8 : com.sun.jna.Callback {
- fun callback(`callbackData`: Long,`result`: UniffiForeignFutureStructI8.UniffiByValue,)
- }
- @Structure.FieldOrder("returnValue", "callStatus")
- internal open class UniffiForeignFutureStructU16(
- @JvmField internal var `returnValue`: Short = 0.toShort(),
- @JvmField internal var `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ) : Structure() {
- class UniffiByValue(
- `returnValue`: Short = 0.toShort(),
- `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ): UniffiForeignFutureStructU16(`returnValue`,`callStatus`,), Structure.ByValue
- internal fun uniffiSetValue(other: UniffiForeignFutureStructU16) {
- `returnValue` = other.`returnValue`
- `callStatus` = other.`callStatus`
- }
- }
- internal interface UniffiForeignFutureCompleteU16 : com.sun.jna.Callback {
- fun callback(`callbackData`: Long,`result`: UniffiForeignFutureStructU16.UniffiByValue,)
- }
- @Structure.FieldOrder("returnValue", "callStatus")
- internal open class UniffiForeignFutureStructI16(
- @JvmField internal var `returnValue`: Short = 0.toShort(),
- @JvmField internal var `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ) : Structure() {
- class UniffiByValue(
- `returnValue`: Short = 0.toShort(),
- `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ): UniffiForeignFutureStructI16(`returnValue`,`callStatus`,), Structure.ByValue
- internal fun uniffiSetValue(other: UniffiForeignFutureStructI16) {
- `returnValue` = other.`returnValue`
- `callStatus` = other.`callStatus`
- }
- }
- internal interface UniffiForeignFutureCompleteI16 : com.sun.jna.Callback {
- fun callback(`callbackData`: Long,`result`: UniffiForeignFutureStructI16.UniffiByValue,)
- }
- @Structure.FieldOrder("returnValue", "callStatus")
- internal open class UniffiForeignFutureStructU32(
- @JvmField internal var `returnValue`: Int = 0,
- @JvmField internal var `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ) : Structure() {
- class UniffiByValue(
- `returnValue`: Int = 0,
- `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ): UniffiForeignFutureStructU32(`returnValue`,`callStatus`,), Structure.ByValue
- internal fun uniffiSetValue(other: UniffiForeignFutureStructU32) {
- `returnValue` = other.`returnValue`
- `callStatus` = other.`callStatus`
- }
- }
- internal interface UniffiForeignFutureCompleteU32 : com.sun.jna.Callback {
- fun callback(`callbackData`: Long,`result`: UniffiForeignFutureStructU32.UniffiByValue,)
- }
- @Structure.FieldOrder("returnValue", "callStatus")
- internal open class UniffiForeignFutureStructI32(
- @JvmField internal var `returnValue`: Int = 0,
- @JvmField internal var `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ) : Structure() {
- class UniffiByValue(
- `returnValue`: Int = 0,
- `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ): UniffiForeignFutureStructI32(`returnValue`,`callStatus`,), Structure.ByValue
- internal fun uniffiSetValue(other: UniffiForeignFutureStructI32) {
- `returnValue` = other.`returnValue`
- `callStatus` = other.`callStatus`
- }
- }
- internal interface UniffiForeignFutureCompleteI32 : com.sun.jna.Callback {
- fun callback(`callbackData`: Long,`result`: UniffiForeignFutureStructI32.UniffiByValue,)
- }
- @Structure.FieldOrder("returnValue", "callStatus")
- internal open class UniffiForeignFutureStructU64(
- @JvmField internal var `returnValue`: Long = 0.toLong(),
- @JvmField internal var `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ) : Structure() {
- class UniffiByValue(
- `returnValue`: Long = 0.toLong(),
- `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ): UniffiForeignFutureStructU64(`returnValue`,`callStatus`,), Structure.ByValue
- internal fun uniffiSetValue(other: UniffiForeignFutureStructU64) {
- `returnValue` = other.`returnValue`
- `callStatus` = other.`callStatus`
- }
- }
- internal interface UniffiForeignFutureCompleteU64 : com.sun.jna.Callback {
- fun callback(`callbackData`: Long,`result`: UniffiForeignFutureStructU64.UniffiByValue,)
- }
- @Structure.FieldOrder("returnValue", "callStatus")
- internal open class UniffiForeignFutureStructI64(
- @JvmField internal var `returnValue`: Long = 0.toLong(),
- @JvmField internal var `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ) : Structure() {
- class UniffiByValue(
- `returnValue`: Long = 0.toLong(),
- `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ): UniffiForeignFutureStructI64(`returnValue`,`callStatus`,), Structure.ByValue
- internal fun uniffiSetValue(other: UniffiForeignFutureStructI64) {
- `returnValue` = other.`returnValue`
- `callStatus` = other.`callStatus`
- }
- }
- internal interface UniffiForeignFutureCompleteI64 : com.sun.jna.Callback {
- fun callback(`callbackData`: Long,`result`: UniffiForeignFutureStructI64.UniffiByValue,)
- }
- @Structure.FieldOrder("returnValue", "callStatus")
- internal open class UniffiForeignFutureStructF32(
- @JvmField internal var `returnValue`: Float = 0.0f,
- @JvmField internal var `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ) : Structure() {
- class UniffiByValue(
- `returnValue`: Float = 0.0f,
- `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ): UniffiForeignFutureStructF32(`returnValue`,`callStatus`,), Structure.ByValue
- internal fun uniffiSetValue(other: UniffiForeignFutureStructF32) {
- `returnValue` = other.`returnValue`
- `callStatus` = other.`callStatus`
- }
- }
- internal interface UniffiForeignFutureCompleteF32 : com.sun.jna.Callback {
- fun callback(`callbackData`: Long,`result`: UniffiForeignFutureStructF32.UniffiByValue,)
- }
- @Structure.FieldOrder("returnValue", "callStatus")
- internal open class UniffiForeignFutureStructF64(
- @JvmField internal var `returnValue`: Double = 0.0,
- @JvmField internal var `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ) : Structure() {
- class UniffiByValue(
- `returnValue`: Double = 0.0,
- `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ): UniffiForeignFutureStructF64(`returnValue`,`callStatus`,), Structure.ByValue
- internal fun uniffiSetValue(other: UniffiForeignFutureStructF64) {
- `returnValue` = other.`returnValue`
- `callStatus` = other.`callStatus`
- }
- }
- internal interface UniffiForeignFutureCompleteF64 : com.sun.jna.Callback {
- fun callback(`callbackData`: Long,`result`: UniffiForeignFutureStructF64.UniffiByValue,)
- }
- @Structure.FieldOrder("returnValue", "callStatus")
- internal open class UniffiForeignFutureStructPointer(
- @JvmField internal var `returnValue`: Pointer = Pointer.NULL,
- @JvmField internal var `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ) : Structure() {
- class UniffiByValue(
- `returnValue`: Pointer = Pointer.NULL,
- `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ): UniffiForeignFutureStructPointer(`returnValue`,`callStatus`,), Structure.ByValue
- internal fun uniffiSetValue(other: UniffiForeignFutureStructPointer) {
- `returnValue` = other.`returnValue`
- `callStatus` = other.`callStatus`
- }
- }
- internal interface UniffiForeignFutureCompletePointer : com.sun.jna.Callback {
- fun callback(`callbackData`: Long,`result`: UniffiForeignFutureStructPointer.UniffiByValue,)
- }
- @Structure.FieldOrder("returnValue", "callStatus")
- internal open class UniffiForeignFutureStructRustBuffer(
- @JvmField internal var `returnValue`: RustBuffer.ByValue = RustBuffer.ByValue(),
- @JvmField internal var `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ) : Structure() {
- class UniffiByValue(
- `returnValue`: RustBuffer.ByValue = RustBuffer.ByValue(),
- `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ): UniffiForeignFutureStructRustBuffer(`returnValue`,`callStatus`,), Structure.ByValue
- internal fun uniffiSetValue(other: UniffiForeignFutureStructRustBuffer) {
- `returnValue` = other.`returnValue`
- `callStatus` = other.`callStatus`
- }
- }
- internal interface UniffiForeignFutureCompleteRustBuffer : com.sun.jna.Callback {
- fun callback(`callbackData`: Long,`result`: UniffiForeignFutureStructRustBuffer.UniffiByValue,)
- }
- @Structure.FieldOrder("callStatus")
- internal open class UniffiForeignFutureStructVoid(
- @JvmField internal var `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ) : Structure() {
- class UniffiByValue(
- `callStatus`: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue = UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue(),
- ): UniffiForeignFutureStructVoid(`callStatus`,), Structure.ByValue
- internal fun uniffiSetValue(other: UniffiForeignFutureStructVoid) {
- `callStatus` = other.`callStatus`
- }
- }
- internal interface UniffiForeignFutureCompleteVoid : com.sun.jna.Callback {
- fun callback(`callbackData`: Long,`result`: UniffiForeignFutureStructVoid.UniffiByValue,)
- }
- // A JNA Library to expose the extern-C FFI definitions.
- // This is an implementation detail which will be called internally by the public API.
- internal interface UniffiLib : Library {
- companion object {
- internal val INSTANCE: UniffiLib by lazy {
- loadIndirect<UniffiLib>(componentName = "sample")
- .also { lib: UniffiLib ->
- uniffiCheckContractApiVersion(lib)
- uniffiCheckApiChecksums(lib)
- }
- }
- }
- fun uniffi_sample_fn_func_expensive_calculation(`intensity`: Long,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): Long
- fun ffi_sample_rustbuffer_alloc(`size`: Long,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): RustBuffer.ByValue
- fun ffi_sample_rustbuffer_from_bytes(`bytes`: ForeignBytes.ByValue,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): RustBuffer.ByValue
- fun ffi_sample_rustbuffer_free(`buf`: RustBuffer.ByValue,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rustbuffer_reserve(`buf`: RustBuffer.ByValue,`additional`: Long,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): RustBuffer.ByValue
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_poll_u8(`handle`: Long,`callback`: UniffiRustFutureContinuationCallback,`callbackData`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_cancel_u8(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_free_u8(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_complete_u8(`handle`: Long,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): Byte
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_poll_i8(`handle`: Long,`callback`: UniffiRustFutureContinuationCallback,`callbackData`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_cancel_i8(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_free_i8(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_complete_i8(`handle`: Long,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): Byte
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_poll_u16(`handle`: Long,`callback`: UniffiRustFutureContinuationCallback,`callbackData`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_cancel_u16(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_free_u16(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_complete_u16(`handle`: Long,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): Short
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_poll_i16(`handle`: Long,`callback`: UniffiRustFutureContinuationCallback,`callbackData`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_cancel_i16(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_free_i16(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_complete_i16(`handle`: Long,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): Short
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_poll_u32(`handle`: Long,`callback`: UniffiRustFutureContinuationCallback,`callbackData`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_cancel_u32(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_free_u32(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_complete_u32(`handle`: Long,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): Int
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_poll_i32(`handle`: Long,`callback`: UniffiRustFutureContinuationCallback,`callbackData`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_cancel_i32(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_free_i32(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_complete_i32(`handle`: Long,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): Int
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_poll_u64(`handle`: Long,`callback`: UniffiRustFutureContinuationCallback,`callbackData`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_cancel_u64(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_free_u64(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_complete_u64(`handle`: Long,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): Long
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_poll_i64(`handle`: Long,`callback`: UniffiRustFutureContinuationCallback,`callbackData`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_cancel_i64(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_free_i64(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_complete_i64(`handle`: Long,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): Long
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_poll_f32(`handle`: Long,`callback`: UniffiRustFutureContinuationCallback,`callbackData`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_cancel_f32(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_free_f32(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_complete_f32(`handle`: Long,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): Float
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_poll_f64(`handle`: Long,`callback`: UniffiRustFutureContinuationCallback,`callbackData`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_cancel_f64(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_free_f64(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_complete_f64(`handle`: Long,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): Double
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_poll_pointer(`handle`: Long,`callback`: UniffiRustFutureContinuationCallback,`callbackData`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_cancel_pointer(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_free_pointer(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_complete_pointer(`handle`: Long,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): Pointer
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_poll_rust_buffer(`handle`: Long,`callback`: UniffiRustFutureContinuationCallback,`callbackData`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_cancel_rust_buffer(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_free_rust_buffer(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_complete_rust_buffer(`handle`: Long,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): RustBuffer.ByValue
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_poll_void(`handle`: Long,`callback`: UniffiRustFutureContinuationCallback,`callbackData`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_cancel_void(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_free_void(`handle`: Long,
- ): Unit
- fun ffi_sample_rust_future_complete_void(`handle`: Long,uniffi_out_err: UniffiRustCallStatus,
- ): Unit
- fun uniffi_sample_checksum_func_expensive_calculation(
- ): Short
- fun ffi_sample_uniffi_contract_version(
- ): Int
- }
- private fun uniffiCheckContractApiVersion(lib: UniffiLib) {
- // Get the bindings contract version from our ComponentInterface
- val bindings_contract_version = 26
- // Get the scaffolding contract version by calling the into the dylib
- val scaffolding_contract_version = lib.ffi_sample_uniffi_contract_version()
- if (bindings_contract_version != scaffolding_contract_version) {
- throw RuntimeException("UniFFI contract version mismatch: try cleaning and rebuilding your project")
- }
- }
- private fun uniffiCheckApiChecksums(lib: UniffiLib) {
- if (lib.uniffi_sample_checksum_func_expensive_calculation() != 18134.toShort()) {
- throw RuntimeException("UniFFI API checksum mismatch: try cleaning and rebuilding your project")
- }
- }
- // Async support
- // Public interface members begin here.
- // Interface implemented by anything that can contain an object reference.
- //
- // Such types expose a `destroy()` method that must be called to cleanly
- // dispose of the contained objects. Failure to call this method may result
- // in memory leaks.
- //
- // The easiest way to ensure this method is called is to use the `.use`
- // helper method to execute a block and destroy the object at the end.
- interface Disposable {
- fun destroy()
- companion object {
- fun destroy(vararg args: Any?) {
- args.filterIsInstance<Disposable>()
- .forEach(Disposable::destroy)
- }
- }
- }
- inline fun <T : Disposable?, R> T.use(block: (T) -> R) =
- try {
- block(this)
- } finally {
- try {
- // N.B. our implementation is on the nullable type `Disposable?`.
- this?.destroy()
- } catch (e: Throwable) {
- // swallow
- }
- }
- /** Used to instantiate an interface without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly. */
- object NoPointer
- public object FfiConverterULong: FfiConverter<ULong, Long> {
- override fun lift(value: Long): ULong {
- return value.toULong()
- }
- override fun read(buf: ByteBuffer): ULong {
- return lift(buf.getLong())
- }
- override fun lower(value: ULong): Long {
- return value.toLong()
- }
- override fun allocationSize(value: ULong) = 8UL
- override fun write(value: ULong, buf: ByteBuffer) {
- buf.putLong(value.toLong())
- }
- }
- public object FfiConverterString: FfiConverter<String, RustBuffer.ByValue> {
- // Note: we don't inherit from FfiConverterRustBuffer, because we use a
- // special encoding when lowering/lifting. We can use `RustBuffer.len` to
- // store our length and avoid writing it out to the buffer.
- override fun lift(value: RustBuffer.ByValue): String {
- try {
- val byteArr = ByteArray(value.len.toInt())
- value.asByteBuffer()!!.get(byteArr)
- return byteArr.toString(Charsets.UTF_8)
- } finally {
- }
- }
- override fun read(buf: ByteBuffer): String {
- val len = buf.getInt()
- val byteArr = ByteArray(len)
- buf.get(byteArr)
- return byteArr.toString(Charsets.UTF_8)
- }
- fun toUtf8(value: String): ByteBuffer {
- // Make sure we don't have invalid UTF-16, check for lone surrogates.
- return Charsets.UTF_8.newEncoder().run {
- onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPORT)
- encode(CharBuffer.wrap(value))
- }
- }
- override fun lower(value: String): RustBuffer.ByValue {
- val byteBuf = toUtf8(value)
- // Ideally we'd pass these bytes to `ffi_bytebuffer_from_bytes`, but doing so would require us
- // to copy them into a JNA `Memory`. So we might as well directly copy them into a `RustBuffer`.
- val rbuf = RustBuffer.alloc(byteBuf.limit().toULong())
- rbuf.asByteBuffer()!!.put(byteBuf)
- return rbuf
- }
- // We aren't sure exactly how many bytes our string will be once it's UTF-8
- // encoded. Allocate 3 bytes per UTF-16 code unit which will always be
- // enough.
- override fun allocationSize(value: String): ULong {
- val sizeForLength = 4UL
- val sizeForString = value.length.toULong() * 3UL
- return sizeForLength + sizeForString
- }
- override fun write(value: String, buf: ByteBuffer) {
- val byteBuf = toUtf8(value)
- buf.putInt(byteBuf.limit())
- buf.put(byteBuf)
- }
- } fun `expensiveCalculation`(`intensity`: kotlin.ULong): kotlin.ULong {
- return FfiConverterULong.lift(
- uniffiRustCall() { _status ->
- UniffiLib.INSTANCE.uniffi_sample_fn_func_expensive_calculation(
- FfiConverterULong.lower(`intensity`),_status)
- }
- )
- }
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