
Isometric 3D engine, scrolling, 2 textures, grayscales - Axe

Feb 24th, 2012
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text 1.27 KB | None | 0 0
  1. :.CUBES
  2. :
  3. :DiagnosticOff
  4. :ClrDrawrr
  5. :2→H+4→V
  6. :
  7. :.Ground
  8. :[0106186080E09886→Pic1
  9. :[01071F7FFFFFFFFF
  10. :[8060180601071961
  11. :[80E0F8F7FFFFFFFF
  12. :[8180806018060100
  13. :[FFFFFF7F1F070100
  14. :[8101010618608000
  15. :[FFFFFFFEF8E08000
  16. :.Water
  17. :[000001071F7FFFFF
  18. :[000000000000100E
  19. :[000080E0F8FEFFFF
  20. :[0000000000000000
  21. :[FFFFFF7F1F070100
  22. :[0000000000000000
  23. :[FFFFFFFEF8E08000
  24. :[0000000000000000
  25. :
  26. :.Map
  27. :[0000000000→GDB1
  28. :[0111111110
  29. :[0111111110
  30. :[0111111110
  31. :[0111111110
  32. :[0111111110
  33. :[0111111110
  34. :[0111111110
  35. :[0111111110
  36. :[0111111110
  37. :[0111111110
  38. :[0011111100
  39. :[0001100000
  40. :[0000100000
  41. :[0001100000
  42. :[0001210000
  43. :[0012210000
  44. :[0012221000
  45. :[0012210000
  46. :[0001210000
  47. :[0001100000
  48. :[0000100000
  49. :[0000000000
  50. :[0000000000
  51. :[0000000000
  52. :[0000000000
  53. :[0000000000
  54. :[0000000000
  55. :Repeat getKey(15)
  56. : For(r1,0,14)
  57. : For(r2,0,5)
  58. : If nib{V*2+r1+1*10+r2+H+(GDB1*2)}→A
  59. : -1→A
  60. : r1^2sub(M8)→r3
  61. : r1*2*2→r4
  62. : r2sub(M8)*2+r3→r5
  63. :
  64. : For(r6,0,3)
  65. : Pt-Mask(r6^2sub(M8)+r5,r6/2^2sub(M8)+r4,Asub(M8)sub(M8)+(r6(subM8)*2)+Pic1
  66. : End
  67. : End
  68. : End
  69. : End
  70. :
  71. : V<6 and getKey(1)?V++
  72. : H>0 and getKey(2)?H--
  73. : H<4 and getKey(3)?H++
  74. : V>0 and getKey(4)?V--
  75. :
  76. : DispGraphrClrDrawrr
  77. :End
  78. :
  79. :Return
  80. :
  81. :Lbl M8
  82. :*2*2*2
  83. :Return
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