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- from base64 import b64decode
- from itertools import zip_longest
- import math
- import binascii
- def hamming_distance(s1, s2):
- diffs = 0
- for ch1, ch2 in zip(s1, s2):
- if ch1 != ch2:
- diffs += 1
- return diffs
- def score(s):
- # frequencies taken from web
- freq = {'a': 6517, 'b': 1242, 'c': 2173, 'd': 3498, 'e': 10414, 'f': 1978, 'g': 1586, 'h': 4928, 'i': 5580, 'j': 90,
- 'k': 505, 'l': 3314, 'm': 2021, 'n': 5645, 'o': 5963, 'p': 1376, 'q': 86, 'r': 4975, 's': 5157, 't': 7293,
- 'u': 2251, 'v': 829, 'w': 1712, 'x': 136, 'y': 1459, 'z': 78, ' ': 19181}
- # convert string to lowercase
- s = s.lower()
- # sum up frequencies
- result = sum([freq[ch] if (ch in freq) else 0 for ch in s])
- return result
- def solve_multiple_xor(transposed_blocks):
- arr = []
- # iterate and solve for each block
- for x in transposed_blocks:
- # conert to characters and join to make string
- l = ''.join(list(map(chr, x)))
- # solve and append to array of solutions
- arr.append(solve_single_xor(l))
- return arr
- def solve_single_xor(s):
- # iterate over all characters
- result_arr = []
- for ind in range(256):
- # xor each char
- result = ''
- for t in s:
- r = ord(t) ^ ind
- result += chr(r)
- # if given text is built with regex return answer
- cur_score = score(result)
- result_arr += [(cur_score, result)]
- # choose max from results
- final_result = max(result_arr)
- # return only string answer
- return final_result[1]
- def transpose(chunks):
- # transpose matrix (padded with None values to fill)
- result = list(zip_longest(*chunks))
- # remove None values from list
- result = [list(filter(lambda a:a != None, x)) for x in result]
- # return list of lists
- return result
- def _eval_score_for_key(cipher, K_len):
- score = 0
- # for each pair find hamming distance
- for i in range((len(cipher) // K_len) - 1):
- # get pairs
- s1 = cipher[i * K_len:(i + 1) * K_len]
- s2 = cipher[(i + 1) * K_len:(i + 2) * K_len]
- # evaluate current score (normalize with key size)
- result = hamming_distance(s1, s2) / K_len
- # append to score
- score += result
- # normalize final score with total pairs evaluated
- score /= (len(cipher) // K_len) - 1
- # return score and current K_len
- return (score, K_len)
- def get_key_size(s):
- # decode and encode with given base64
- s = binascii.a2b_base64(s.encode()).decode()
- # given ranges
- R_MIN = 2
- R_MAX = 41
- # calculate score for each key size between 2 and 41
- scores_array = [_eval_score_for_key(s, x) for x in range(R_MIN, R_MAX)]
- # we say that it's minimum will be our result
- _, K_len = min(scores_array)
- # return key size
- return K_len
- def break_repeating_key_xor(cipher):
- """ Step 1: Find Key Size """
- K_len = get_key_size(cipher)
- """ Step 2: Decode from Base64"""
- cipher = b64decode(cipher)
- """ Step 3: break the ciphertext into blocks of KEYSIZE length. """
- blocks = [cipher[i:i + K_len]
- for i in range(0, len(cipher), K_len)]
- """ Step 4: Now transpose the blocks:
- make a block that is the first byte of every block,
- and a block that is the second byte of every block, and so on... """
- transposed_blocks = transpose(blocks)
- """ Step 5: Solve each block as if it was single-character XOR. """
- key = solve_multiple_xor(transposed_blocks)
- """ Step 6: Transpose back to normal """
- result = transpose(key)
- """ Step 7: convert list of lists to string """
- result = list(map(lambda x: ''.join(x), result))
- result = ''.join(result)
- return result
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- # input key
- cipher = input()
- # break cipher
- plain_text = break_repeating_key_xor(cipher)
- # ouput decrypted
- print(plain_text)
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