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- local Classes; -- Author @Rerumu <3
- local Props = {};
- local Concat = table.concat; -- Concatenation is going to get reworked just a couple times maybe?
- local tostring = tostring;
- local Players = game:GetService('Players');
- local Beat = game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat;
- -- Changelog
- --[[
- * Whatever version this is
- - Re-did Elysian callback stuff because it was slow
- - Added an Elysian fallback to LuaDec whenever needed
- -- Delays improved
- -- Changed how LocalPlayer and nil are handled
- --- Fixed Synapse support
- ]]
- local InNil;
- local Print;
- local WritesFl;
- local Decompile;
- local SaveList = {
- game:GetService('Workspace');
- game:GetService('ReplicatedFirst');
- game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage');
- game:GetService('ServerStorage'); -- Internal stuff
- game:GetService('Lighting');
- game:GetService('StarterGui');
- game:GetService('StarterPack');
- game:GetService('StarterPlayer');
- game:GetService('Teams');
- game:GetService('InsertService');
- };
- local IgnoredList = {
- 'CameraScript';
- 'ControlScript';
- 'ChatScript';
- 'BubbleChat';
- 'Camera';
- }
- local NoNoProp = {
- Instance = {
- Archivable = true,
- DataCost = true,
- ClassName = true,
- RobloxLocked = true,
- Parent = true
- };
- BasePart = {
- Position = true,
- Rotation = true
- };
- };
- for Idx = 1, 3 do
- local Ran, Err = ypcall(function()
- Classes = game:HttpGet('', true);
- -- Classes = game:GetService('HttpService'):GetAsync('');
- end);
- if (not Ran) then
- if (Idx == 3) then
- error(Err, 0);
- else
- wait(1);
- end;
- else -- Setup stuff
- local Me = Players.LocalPlayer;
- for _, Player in next, Players:GetPlayers() do
- if (Player ~= Me) then
- table.insert(IgnoredList, tostring(Player)); -- Let's *not*
- end;
- end;
- local NumIg = #IgnoredList;
- Classes = game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONDecode(Classes);
- for Idx = 1, NumIg do
- IgnoredList[IgnoredList[Idx]] = true;
- IgnoredList[Idx] = nil;
- end;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if elysianexecute then -- Scripts is handled async in Elysian because the decompiler is callback based
- local Sources = {};
- InNil = getnilinstances;
- WritesFl = writefile;
- function Decompile(Script) -- Austin finna gonna make me die
- local Name = Script.Name; -- Remove if you don't want a cache
- local Scr = Sources[Name];
- if (not Scr) then
- local Timeout = tick() + 8;
- local Ran, Err = decompile(Script, 'unluac', newcclosure(function(Res, Err) -- Fix or something on newcclosure
- if Res then
- Scr = Res:gsub('\r+', ''); -- Austin-proof newline machine
- else
- Scr = '--[[\n' .. tostring(Err) .. '\n--]]';
- end;
- end));
- if (not Ran) then
- Scr = '--[[\n' .. tostring(Err) .. '\n--]]';
- else
- Print('Decompiling ' .. Script:GetFullName());
- Beat:wait();
- end;
- while (not Scr) do
- if (tick() > Timeout) then
- Print('Script timeout ' .. Script:GetFullName());
- Scr = '-- Unluac timed out, falling back to LuaDec\n';
- Beat:wait();
- Beat:wait();
- Ran, Err = decompile(Script);
- if Ran then
- Print('LuaDec fallback succeeded');
- Scr = Scr .. Ran;
- else
- Scr = Scr .. '--[[\n' .. tostring(Err) .. '\n--]]';
- end;
- break;
- else
- Beat:wait(); -- Shouldn't cause an issue
- Beat:wait();
- end;
- end;
- Sources[Name] = Scr;
- end;
- return Scr;
- end;
- function Print(String)
- printconsole(String, 100, 200, 180);
- end;
- Print('ReruSavePlace detected Elysian, functions loaded');
- elseif Synapse then -- Oh my god 3ds why couldn't you just use '.' syntax
- function InNil()
- return Synapse:GetNilInstances();
- end;
- function WritesFl(Location, Data)
- return Synapse:WriteFile(Location, Data);
- end;
- function Decompile(Script)
- return Synapse:Decompile(Script);
- end;
- Print = warn;
- Print('ReruSavePlace detected Synapse, functions loaded');
- else
- error('This exploit may not be supported by RSP, please contact me');
- end;
- do
- local Temp = {};
- for Idx, Val in next, Classes do
- if (Val.type == 'Class') then
- Temp[Val.Name] = Val;
- Temp[Val.Name].Properties = {};
- elseif (Val.type == 'Property') then
- local Ignore;
- for _, Tag in next, Val.tags do
- if (Tag == 'deprecated') or (Tag == 'readonly') then
- Ignore = true;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if (not Ignore) then
- local Ignored = NoNoProp[Val.Class];
- if Ignored and Ignored[Val.Name] then
- Ignore = true;
- end;
- if (not Ignore) then
- local Props = Temp[Val.Class].Properties;
- Props[#Props + 1] = Val;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Classes = Temp;
- end;
- local function PropsOf(Obj)
- if Props[Obj.ClassName] then
- return Props[Obj.ClassName];
- end;
- local Prop = {};
- local Class = Obj.ClassName;
- while Class do
- local Curr = Classes[Class];
- for Index, Value in next, Curr.Properties do
- Prop[#Prop + 1] = Value;
- end;
- Class = Curr.Superclass;
- end;
- table.sort(Prop, function(A, B)
- return A.Name < B.Name;
- end);
- Props[Obj.ClassName] = Prop;
- return Prop;
- end;
- local function SetParent(Obj, Parent)
- local Cloned;
- if Obj.Archivable then
- Cloned = Obj:Clone();
- end;
- if (not Cloned) then
- local pcall = pcall;
- Cloned ='Folder'
- for Index, Child in next, Obj:GetChildren() do
- pcall(SetParent, Child, Cloned);
- end;
- Cloned.Name = Obj.Name .. ':' .. Obj.ClassName;
- end;
- Cloned.Parent = Parent;
- end;
- local function SavePlaceAsync()
- local Count = 0;
- local Final = {};
- local Timer = tick();
- local Saved = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(This, Idx) local C = Count + 1; Count = C; This[Idx] = C; return C; end});
- local pcall = pcall; -- Skid syndrome
- Final[1] = '<roblox xmlns:xmime="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" version="4"><External>null</External><External>nil</External>';
- Print('Saving place...');
- local function SaveInstance(Obj)
- if Classes[Obj.ClassName] and (not IgnoredList[Obj.Name]) then
- local Props = PropsOf(Obj);
- local Num = Saved[Obj];
- local Conversions = {
- ['&'] = '&';
- ['<'] = '<';
- ['>'] = '>';
- }
- Final[#Final + 1] = '<Item class="' .. Obj.ClassName .. '" referent="RBX' .. Num .. '"><Properties>';
- if ((Num % 1080) == 0) then
- Beat:wait();
- end;
- for _, Prop in next, Props do
- local Append;
- local Type = Prop.ValueType;
- local ObjProp = Prop.Name;
- local Objp = Obj[ObjProp];
- if (typeof(Objp) == 'EnumItem') then
- Append = '<token name="' .. ObjProp .. '">' .. Objp.Value .. '</token>';
- else
- if (Type == 'bool') then
- Append = '<bool name="' .. ObjProp .. '">' .. tostring(Objp) .. '</bool>';
- elseif (Type == 'float') then
- Append = '<float name="' .. ObjProp .. '">' .. tostring(Objp) .. '</float>';
- elseif (Type == 'int') then
- Append = '<int name="' .. ObjProp .. '">' .. tostring(Objp) .. '</int>';
- elseif (Type == 'double') then
- Append = '<float name="' .. ObjProp .. '">' .. tostring(Objp) .. '</float>';
- elseif (Type == 'string') then
- local String = Objp:gsub("[&<>]", Conversions); -- Because I got C O M P L A I N T S
- Append = '<string name="' .. ObjProp .. '">' .. String .. '</string>';
- elseif (Type == 'BrickColor') then
- Append = '<int name="' .. ObjProp .. '">' .. Objp.Number .. '</int>';
- elseif (Type == 'Vector2') then
- Append =
- '<Vector2 name="' .. ObjProp .. '">'
- .. '<X>' .. Objp.x .. '</X>'
- .. '<Y>' .. Objp.y .. '</Y>'
- .. '</Vector2>'
- elseif (Type == 'Vector3') then
- Append =
- '<Vector3 name="' .. ObjProp .. '">'
- .. '<X>' .. Objp.x .. '</X>'
- .. '<Y>' .. Objp.y .. '</Y>'
- .. '<Z>' .. Objp.z .. '</Z>'
- .. '</Vector3>'
- elseif (Type == 'CoordinateFrame') then
- local X, Y, Z, R00, R01, R02, R10, R11, R12, R20, R21, R22 = Objp:components()
- Append =
- '<CoordinateFrame name="' .. ObjProp .. '">'
- .. '<X>' .. X .. '</X>'
- .. '<Y>' .. Y .. '</Y>'
- .. '<Z>' .. Z .. '</Z>'
- .. '<R00>' .. R00 .. '</R00>'
- .. '<R01>' .. R01 .. '</R01>'
- .. '<R02>' .. R02 .. '</R02>'
- .. '<R10>' .. R10 .. '</R10>'
- .. '<R11>' .. R11 .. '</R11>'
- .. '<R12>' .. R12 .. '</R12>'
- .. '<R20>' .. R20 .. '</R20>'
- .. '<R21>' .. R21 .. '</R21>'
- .. '<R22>' .. R22 .. '</R22>'
- .. '</CoordinateFrame>'
- elseif (Type == 'Content') then
- local String = Objp:gsub("[&<>]", Conversions);
- Append = '<Content name="' .. ObjProp .. '"><url>' .. String .. '</url></Content>';
- elseif (Type == 'UDim2') then
- local Objp = Objp;
- Append =
- '<UDim2 name="' .. ObjProp .. '">'
- .. '<XS>' .. Objp.X.Scale .. '</XS>'
- .. '<XO>' .. Objp.X.Offset .. '</XO>'
- .. '<YS>' .. Objp.Y.Scale .. '</YS>'
- .. '<YO>' .. Objp.Y.Offset .. '</YO>'
- .. '</UDim2>'
- elseif (Type == 'Color3') then
- Append =
- '<Color3 name="' .. ObjProp .. '">'
- .. '<R>' .. Objp.r .. '</R>'
- .. '<G>' .. Objp.g .. '</G>'
- .. '<B>' .. Objp.b .. '</B>'
- .. '</Color3>'
- elseif (Type == 'NumberRange') then
- Append =
- '<NumberRange name="' .. ObjProp .. '">'
- .. tostring(Objp.Min)
- .. ' '
- .. tostring(Objp.Max)
- .. '</NumberRange>'
- elseif (Type == 'NumberSequence') then
- local Ob = {};
- Ob[1] = '<NumberSequence name="' .. ObjProp .. '">'
- for i, v in next, Objp.Keypoints do
- Ob[#Ob + 1] = tostring(v.Time) .. ' ' .. tostring(v.Value) .. ' ' .. tostring(v.Envelope) .. ' ';
- end
- Ob[#Ob + 1] = '</NumberSequence>';
- Append = Concat(Ob);
- elseif (Type == 'ColorSequence') then
- local Ob = {};
- Ob[1] = '<ColorSequence name="' .. ObjProp .. '">'
- for i, v in next, Objp.Keypoints do
- Ob[#Ob + 1] = Concat{tostring(v.Time) .. ' ' .. tostring(v.Value.r) .. ' ' .. tostring(v.Value.g) .. ' ' .. tostring(v.Value.b), " 0 "};
- end
- Ob[#Ob + 1] = '</ColorSequence>';
- Append = Concat(Ob);
- elseif (Type == 'Rect2D') then
- Append =
- '<Rect2D name="' .. ObjProp .. '">'
- .. '<min>'
- .. '<X>' .. tostring(Objp.Min.X) .. '</X>'
- .. '<Y>' .. tostring(Objp.Min.Y) .. '</Y>'
- .. '</min>'
- .. '<max>'
- .. '<X>' .. tostring(Objp.Max.X) .. '</X>'
- .. '<Y>' .. tostring(Objp.Max.Y) .. '</Y>'
- .. '</max>'
- .. '</Rect2D>'
- elseif (Type == 'ProtectedString') then
- local Src;
- if (ObjProp == 'Source') then
- if (Obj.ClassName ~= 'Script') then
- local Sc, Er = Decompile(Obj);
- if (not Sc) then
- Src = '--[[\n\t' .. Er .. '\n--]]';
- else
- Src = Sc;
- end;
- else
- Src = '-- Server script not decompiled :(';
- end;
- else
- Src = '';
- end;
- Append = '<ProtectedString name="' .. ObjProp .. '"><![CDATA[' .. Src .. ']]></ProtectedString>';
- elseif (Type == 'Object') then
- if (not Objp) then
- Objp = 'null';
- else
- Objp = 'RBX' .. Saved[Objp];
- end;
- Append = '<Ref name="' .. ObjProp .. '">' .. Objp .. '</Ref>';
- elseif (Type == 'PhysicalProperties') then
- if Objp then
- Append =
- '<PhysicalProperties name="' .. ObjProp .. '"><CustomPhysics>true</CustomPhysics>'
- .. '<Density>' .. tostring(Objp.Density) .. '</Density>'
- .. '<Friction>' .. tostring(Objp.Friction) .. '</Friction>'
- .. '<Elasticity>' .. tostring(Objp.Elasticity) .. '</Elasticity>'
- .. '<FrictionWeight>' .. tostring(Objp.FrictionWeight) .. '</FrictionWeight>'
- .. '<ElasticityWeight>' .. tostring(Objp.ElasticityWeight) .. '</ElasticityWeight>'
- .. '</PhysicalProperties>'
- else
- Append = '<PhysicalProperties name="' .. ObjProp .. '"><CustomPhysics>false</CustomPhysics></PhysicalProperties>';
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if Append then
- Final[#Final + 1] = Append;
- end;
- end
- Final[#Final + 1] = '</Properties>';
- for _, Obj in next, Obj:GetChildren() do
- SaveInstance(Obj);
- end;
- Final[#Final + 1] = '</Item>';
- end;
- end;
- do
- local Other ='Folder';
- local Real = Players.LocalPlayer;
- local Play ='Folder';
- Other.Name = 'Other';
- Other.RobloxLocked = true;
- Other.Parent = game;
- Play.Parent = Other;
- Play.Name = 'LocalPlayer';
- for _, Des in next, Real:GetChildren() do
- pcall(SetParent, Des, Play);
- end;
- if InNil then
- local Extr ='Folder';
- Extr.Parent = Other;
- Extr.Name = 'Nil_Instances';
- for _, Nil in next, InNil() do
- pcall(SetParent, Nil, Extr);
- end;
- end;
- SaveList[#SaveList + 1] = Other;
- end;
- for _, Child in next, SaveList do
- SaveInstance(Child);
- end;
- Final[#Final + 1] = '</roblox>';
- local Place = game:GetService('MarketplaceService'):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId);
- if Place.Name then
- local Illegal = {'/', '\\', ':', '?', '"', '\'', '<', '>', '|'};
- for Idx = 1, #Illegal do
- Illegal[Illegal[Idx]] = '';
- Illegal[Idx] = nil;
- end;
- Place = string.gsub(Place.Name, '.', Illegal);
- else
- Place = 'Unknown';
- end;
- Final = Concat(Final);
- Print(string.format('Done serializing, saving (%d bytes)', #Final));
- WritesFl(Place .. '.rbxl', Final);
- Print(string.format('Saving took %d second(s), please check your workspace folder', tick() - Timer));
- end;
- SavePlaceAsync();
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