
Pokémon Blue Kaizo Any% No Save Corruption Route v0.3

Feb 1st, 2021 (edited)
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  1. manip TID 76ff
  2. name player default name probably
  3. for rival name, input "-" twice, then press B once
  4. can also just do -------, then press B 6 times to get -, not sure if faster in terms of rival name lag
  5. can also pick default rival name, but might be slower due to lag
  6. pick any starter (charmander probably fastest)
  7. spam ember, winning is important for money
  8. deliver parcel
  9. get town map
  10. go to mart
  11. buy 99 pokeballs
  12. go to pc, deposit town map and 99 pokeballs
  13. go back to mart, buy 99 pokeballs, then 63 pokeballs
  14. go back to pc, deposit 63 pokeballs
  15. withdraw potion
  16. swap potion with 99 pokeballs
  17. withdraw 54 pokeballs from pokeball x63
  18. deposit 90 pokeballs from pokeball x99
  19. deposit []4 pokeballs
  20. withdraw town map
  21. go back to mart
  22. go to sell menu
  23. swap poke ball x9 with town map
  24. sell 7 pokeballs
  25. go back to pc
  26. withdraw 97 pokeballs
  27. withdraw 99 pokeballs from other x99 stack
  28. withdraw []4 pokeballs
  29. poke ball x0 acquired
  30. open item menu
  31. swap town map with poke ball x99, swap town map with poke ball x0
  32. toss 1 from pokeball x0
  33. toss pokeball x99 stack
  34. toss potion x1
  35. toss 1st pokeball x255 stack
  36. dry underflow
  37. select poke ball x0
  38. press select on options
  39. swap master ball x[]8 with ice heal x0
  40. swap master ball x[]8 with []j. x255
  41. walk up until warp
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