
tunnelbroker ps1 script

Aug 18th, 2024
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  1. # PowerShell script to build/rebuild a 6in4 (IPv6-in-IPv4) tunnel with
  2. # Hurricane Electric Free IPv6 Tunnel Broker (
  3. # based on
  4. # (Script using deprecated Tunnel Client Endpoint Update APIs
  5. # check for more Details)
  6. # based on ->Tunnel Details
  7. #  -> Example Configurations Tab -> Windows 10 selection
  9. # Set strict mode to latest version (>=2.0)
  10. # Ensure that programming best practices are followed (e.g. prohibit uninitialized variables)
  11. Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
  13. # Pre-run check: Checks the minimal version of Windows PowerShell
  14. #Requires -Version 4.0
  15. Write-Output "This Script requires PowerShell Version >= 4.0"
  16. Write-Output "You are running PowerShell $($PSVersionTable.PSEdition) Version $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)"
  18. # Variables Initialization
  19. [bool]$PowerShell = $false
  20. [bool]$PowerShellCore = $false
  21. [bool]$PowerShell_ISE = $false
  22. [bool]$Administrator = $false
  24. # Checks the runtime environment of the script
  25. if ((($ -eq 'ConsoleHost') -XOR ($ -like 'Visual Studio*')) -AND ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne "Core")){
  26.     $PowerShell = $true
  27.     Write-Verbose "Running PowerShell=$($PowerShell)"
  28. }
  29. elseif ((($ -eq 'ConsoleHost') -XOR ($ -like 'Visual Studio*')) -AND ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core")){
  30.     $PowerShellCore = $true
  31.     Write-Verbose "Running PowerShell Core=$($PowerShellCore)"
  32.         if ($IsWindows) {
  33.             Write-Output  "System is running on PowerShell $($PSVersionTable.PSEdition) on platform $($PSVersionTable.Platform)=Win32NT(Windows). Script started."
  34.             }
  35.         else{
  36.             throw "System is not running PowerShell on $($PSVersionTable.PSEdition) on platform $($PSVersionTable.Platform)!=Win32NT(Windows). Script execution aborted."
  37.         }
  38. }
  39. elseif ($ -eq 'Windows Powershell ISE Host') {
  40.     $PowerShell_ISE = $true
  41.     Write-Verbose "Running PowerShell ISE=$($PowerShell_ISE)"
  42. }
  43. else {  
  44.         Write-Warning  "Unknown PowerShell runtime environment"
  45. }
  47. # Check if we are currently running the runtime environment with elevated privileges as administrator.
  48. if (([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)){
  49.     $Administrator = $true
  50. }
  51. else {
  52.     $Administrator = $false
  53. }
  55. # Check if we are currently running Windows PowerShell with elevated privileges as administrator.
  56. # If not it is self-elevating while preserving the working directory.
  57. if (($PowerShell -eq $true) -AND ($Administrator -eq $false)){
  58.     Write-Warning  "Running Windows PowerShell without admin rights! Restarting PowerShell with admin rights!!!"
  59.     Start-Process PowerShell -Verb RunAs "-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command `"cd '$pwd'; & '$PSCommandPath';`"";
  60.     Exit
  61. }
  62. # Check if we are currently running PowerShell Core with elevated privileges as administrator.
  63. # If not it is self-elevating while preserving the working directory.
  64. if (($PowerShellCore -eq $true) -AND ($Administrator -eq $false)){
  65.     Write-Warning  "Running PowerShell Core without admin rights! Restarting PowerShell Core with admin rights!!!"
  66.     Start-Process pwsh -Verb RunAs "-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command `"cd '$pwd'; & '$PSCommandPath';`"";
  67.     Exit
  68. }
  69. # Write-Host "PS Core: If you see this, the Exit didn't work..."
  71. # Check if we are currently running PowerShell ISE with elevated privileges as administrator.
  72. # If not it is self-elevating and starting PowerShell_ISE with the current Script.
  73. # Though you have to re-run the script manually.
  74. if (($PowerShell_ISE -eq $true) -AND ($Administrator -eq $false)) {
  75.     Write-Warning "Running script in PowerShell ISE without admin rights! Restarting PowerShell ISE with admin rights!!!"
  76.     Write-Warning "Please re-run script manually."
  77.     Start-Process PowerShell_ISE -Verb RunAs "-NoProfile -File $PSCommandPath"
  78.     Exit
  79. }
  80. #Write-Host "ISE: If you see this, the Exit didn't work..."
  82. # Windows PowerShell ISE doesn't like netsh/netsh.exe, we'll fix that:
  83. if ($PowerShell_ISE -eq $true) {
  84.     $psUnsupportedConsoleApplications.Remove("netsh")
  85.     $psUnsupportedConsoleApplications.Remove("netsh.exe")
  86. }
  88. #++++++++++++++++++++++++++Adjust your configuration here+++++++++++++++++++++++
  90. # $ServerIPv4Address, $ServerIPv6Address & $ClientIPv6Address
  91. # according to your IPv6 Tunnel configuration.
  92. # Please configure additionally your desired $TUNNELNAME
  93. #
  94. # Your username
  95. $USERNAME = ""
  96. #
  97. # Tunnel specific authentication key (Update Key. See Tunnel Details
  98. # -> Advanced tab on the tunnel information page)
  99. # if one is set, otherwise your password.
  101. #
  102. # Your Numeric Tunnel ID (unique identifier for your tunnel. See Tunnel Details
  103. # -> IPv6 Tunnel tab on the tunnel information page)
  104. $TUNNEL_ID = ""
  105. #
  106. # Update URL
  107. # Used to update the listed tunnel's client endpoint to the IP address making the update request.
  108. $URL = "$USERNAME&password=$UPDATEKEY_OR_PASSWORD&hostname=$TUNNEL_ID"
  109. #
  110. # IPv6 Tunnel Endpoints:
  111. # See Tunnel Details
  112. # -> IPv6 Tunnel tab ->IPv6 Tunnel Endpoints section on the tunnel information page)
  113. # Server IPv4 Address
  114. # This is the IPv4 endpoint of your Tunnel Server.
  115. $ServerIPv4Address = "X.X.X.X"
  116. # Server IPv6 Address
  117. # This is the IPv6 endpoint of your Tunnel on our Tunnel Server.(/64 allocation)
  118. $ServerIPv6Address = "2001:470:XXXX:YYYY::1"
  119. # Client IPv6 Endpoint
  120. # This is the IPv6 address that identifies your side of the tunnel.
  121. # It will be what is homed on your endpoint device.
  122. # We utilize a /64 for this because of RFC 3627.
  123. $ClientIPv6Address = "2001:470:XXXX:YYYY::2"
  124. #
  125. # Friendly name to use for interface in Windows
  126. $TUNNELNAME = "IPv6Tunnel"
  127. #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  129. Write-Output 'Contacting to check your Client IPv4 Endpoint'
  130. $response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing $URL | Select-Object -Expand Content
  131. if ($response -match "ERROR") {
  132.     throw $response
  133. }
  135. # Get connected interface to v4 Internet
  136. # This is the IPv4 address that tunnel is pointing to.
  137. # It should be your publicly facing and accessible address.
  138. # If you are behind a firewall most likely this is the WAN or INTERNET address.
  139. $ClientIPv4Address = $(Get-NetIPConfiguration |
  140.     Where-Object { $_.NetProfile.IPv4Connectivity -eq 'Internet' }).IPV4Address[0].IPAddress
  142. # Disable 6to4
  143. Write-Output "Disable 6to4 tunnel adapter: "
  144. netsh interface 6to4 set state disabled
  145. # Disable Teredo
  146. Write-Output "Disable Teredo tunnel adapter: "
  147. netsh interface teredo set state disabled
  148. # Disable isatap
  149. Write-Output "Disable isatap tunnel adapter: "
  150. netsh interface isatap set state disabled
  152. Write-Output ("Removing existing IPv6 tunnel IPv6 Address: " + $TUNNELNAME)
  153. netsh interface ipv6 delete address interface=$TUNNELNAME address=$ClientIPv6Address
  154. Write-Output ("Removing existing IPv6 tunnel interface: " + $TUNNELNAME)
  155. netsh interface ipv6 delete interface $TUNNELNAME
  157. Write-Output ("Creating tunnel interface " + $TUNNELNAME)
  158. Write-Output ("Your Client IPv4 Address: " + $ClientIPv4Address +
  159.     "`n" + "Remote Server IPv4 Address: " + $ServerIPv4Address)
  160. Write-Output ("Your Client IPv6 Address: " + $ClientIPv6Address +
  161.     "`n" + "Remote Server IPv6 Address: " + $ServerIPv6Address)    
  162. netsh interface ipv6 add v6v4tunnel interface=$TUNNELNAME localaddress=$ClientIPv4Address remoteaddress=$ServerIPv4Address
  163. netsh interface ipv6 add address interface=$TUNNELNAME address=$ClientIPv6Address
  165. Write-Output "Disable IPv6 forwarding"
  166. netsh interface ipv6 set interface $TUNNELNAME forwarding=disabled
  167. Write-Output "Enable IPv6 forwarding"
  168. netsh interface ipv6 set interface $TUNNELNAME forwarding=enabled
  170. Write-Output ("Removing existing default route (::/0) for $TUNNELNAME")
  171. netsh interface ipv6 delete route prefix=::/0 interface=$TUNNELNAME nexthop=$ServerIPv6Address
  172. Write-Output ("Creating default route (::/0) for $TUNNELNAME with a next-hop address of $ServerIPv6Address")
  173. netsh interface ipv6 add route prefix=::/0 interface=$TUNNELNAME nexthop=$ServerIPv6Address
  175. # Opened admin PowerShell waits for a key press and doesn't close automatically.
  176. # used if the script is running in PowerShell
  177. if (($PowerShell -eq $true) -OR ($PowerShellCore -eq $true)) {
  178.     Write-Output "Press any key to close this shell..."
  179.     $null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
  180. }
  181. # used if the script is running in PowerShell ISE
  182. if ($PowerShell_ISE -eq $true) {
  183.     Read-Host "Press ENTER key to close this PowerShell ISE shell..."
  184.     # Cleanup-add netsh and netsh.exe again to $psUnsupportedConsoleApplications
  185.     $psUnsupportedConsoleApplications.Add("netsh")
  186.     $psUnsupportedConsoleApplications.Add("netsh.exe")
  187. }
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