
LongShot scenario

May 17th, 2017
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  1. on damage of a player:
  2. attacker is not victim
  3. {LongShot} is true
  4. attacker is a player
  5. projectile is an arrow
  6. if distance between attacker and victim > {LSDistance}:
  7. increase the damage by {LSDamage}
  8. heal the attacker by {LSHeal} heart
  9. wait 1 tick
  10. broadcast "&9[LongShot] &a%attacker% &9a fait un longshot sur &c%victim%"
  12. command /Longshot [<text>] [<number>]:
  13. permission: Longshot.modify
  14. permission message: &c[LongShot] Tu n'as pas la permission !
  15. trigger:
  16. if arg 1 is "on":
  17. set {LongShot} to true
  18. send "&9[LongShot] &aLongshot activé !"
  19. stop
  20. if arg 1 is "off":
  21. clear {LongShot}
  22. send "&9[LongShot] &aLongshot désactivé !"
  23. stop
  24. if arg 2 is not set:
  25. send "&9[LongShot] &cSyntaxe : /LongShot <Damage/Distance/Heal/on/off> <nombre>"
  26. stop
  27. if arg 1 is not "distance" or "damage" or "heal" or "on" or "off":
  28. send "&9[LongShot] &cSyntaxe : /LongShot <Damage/Distance/Heal/on/off> <nombre>"
  29. stop
  30. if arg 1 is "distance":
  31. set {LSDistance} to arg 2
  32. send "&9[LongShot] &aLa distance du &9LongShot&a a été défini a &6%arg 2%"
  33. if arg 1 is "Damage":
  34. set {LSDamage} to arg 2
  35. send "&9[LongShot] &aLa victim prendra &6%arg 2% &c♥ &ade dégats (de +) lors d'un tir à plus de &6%{LSDistance}% blocks"
  36. if arg 1 is "Heal":
  37. set {LSHeal} to arg 2
  38. send "&9[LongShot] &aL'attacker sera heal de &6%arg 2% &c♥ &alors d'un tir à plus de &6%{LSDistance}% blocks"
  39. on load:
  40. if {LSDamage} is not set:
  41. set {LSDamage} to 1.5
  42. if {LSDistance} is not set:
  43. set {LSDistance} to 75
  44. if {LSHeal} is not set:
  45. set {LSHeal} to 1
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