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- //////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //# < nYct Autoexec v. 2.7 /
- //# /
- //# > Optimized settings for fps /
- //# > In-game settings & launch options /
- //# > Lighting & Material & Fps Settings /
- //# > Clear Audio settings /
- //# > FPS Mouse settings /
- //# > Beast Network settings /
- //# > Null-cancelling movement /
- //# > Simple Glows /
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //# Game launch options description:
- //# > commentary
- //
- // +mat_motion_blur_percent_of_screen_max 0 //# If Shader above Medium it will force motion blur off (gives console error but works)
- // +dsp_enhance_stereo 1 //# Enhance stereo sound quality
- // -console //# Enables developer console
- // -noforcemaccel //# Forces desktop mouse acceleration settings
- // -noforcemparms //# Forces desktop mouse button configuration
- // -noipx //# Disables IPX network detection, local LAN (slight boot time improvement)
- // -nojoy //# Disables detection of 3rd party gamepads and controllers (slight boot time improvement)
- // -novid //# Disables the intro movie, speeds up game on start-up
- // -lv //# Low Violence settings - makes zombie dissapear instantly at death (alot of fps boost)
- // -threads //# Makes use of all your cpu cores (if you have a quadcore, use 4, dualcore 2, single core just omit this or use 1)
- // -noaafonts //# Disables Anti-Aliasing of Screen Fonts
- // -refresh 120 //# Changes the Hertz for monitors HL2 Engine ( Using 120HZ due lightboost on)
- // -heapsize 1572864 //# Allocates RAM for the game
- // -high //# Forces high CPU priority (not using this, may be good on lowend computers but worst on highend computers)
- //# Game launch options:
- //# > My personal settings
- //
- // -refresh 120 -lv -heapsize 1572864 -high -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noipx -nojoy -novid +mat_motion_blur_percent_of_screen_max 0 -nocrashdialog -noforcemspd +dsp_enhance_stereo 1
- //# In-game options:
- //# > In-game graphic settings, minimum input lag, removed blur, clean look, max fps
- //
- // -Resolution: What ever feels good
- // -Anti-Aliasing: None
- // -Filtering Mode: 16x AF
- // -Vertical Sync: Disabled
- // -Shader Detail: Low
- // -Effect Detail: High
- // -Model/Texture Detail: High
- // -Multicore Rendering: Enabled
- // -Page Pool Memory Available: High
- //# Lighting & Material & Fps Settings:
- //# > more cleaner game, less shit, better lighting, minor fps boost
- cl_autohelp "0" // No help
- cl_showhelp "0" // No help
- cc_subtitles "0" // No subs
- c_thirdpersonshoulder "0" // Blocks 3rd person
- cl_colorblind "1" // Brightens crosshair
- cl_ragdoll_limit "0" // Removes ragdolls, makes game more clean
- cl_forcepreload "1" // Pre-load levels entirely into RAM, reduces in-game stuttering
- cl_detail_max_sway "0" // Amplitude of the detail prop sway
- r_dynamic "0" // Disables dynamic shadows
- r_PhysPropStaticLighting "0" // Faster lighting on phys objects
- r_ambientfraction "0.2" // Fraction of direct lighting used to boost lighting when model requests
- r_cheapwaterend "1" // Worse water rendering
- r_cheapwaterstart "1" // Worse water rendering 2
- r_skyboxfogfactor "0" // Skybox fogs
- r_eyemove "0" // Disables survivors eye movement
- r_eyemove "0" // Disables survivors eye movement
- r_eyeshift_z "0" // Disables survivors eye movement
- r_eyeshift_y "0" // Disables survivors eye movement
- r_eyeshift_x "0" // Disables survivors eye movement
- mat_monitorgamma "1.6" // Increases brightness
- mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled "1.6" // Increases brightness
- mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar "0" // Disables bloom scaling
- mat_grain_scale_override "0" // Disables the film grain effect
- func_break_max_pieces "0" // Reduces debris
- gameinstructor_enable "0" // Disables gameinstructor
- z_wound_client_disabled "0" // Zombies do not get mutilated
- //# Crosshair
- cl_crosshair_dynamic "0" // Makes crosshair static
- cl_crosshair_blue "194" // Edits the amount of blue in the crosshair
- cl_crosshair_green "194" // Edits the amount of green in the crosshair
- cl_crosshair_red "194" // Edits the amount of red in the crosshair
- cl_crosshair_alpha "255" // Edits the depth of color in the cross hair
- cl_crosshair_thickness "1" // Changes the thickness of the crosshair
- //# Audio settings
- //# > audioz
- dsp_enhance_stereo "1" // Enhances stereo effect
- dsp_slow_cpu "0" // Better audio quality
- snd_pitchquality "1" // -
- voice_vox "0" // -
- voice_threshold "1" // -
- voice_scale "1" // -
- //# Mouse settings
- //# > removed acceleration ( Enhance pointer precision OFF from windows with 6/11 )
- sensitivity "3.5" // What ever feels good
- m_filter "0" // Removes mouse input lag
- m_filter2 "0" // Removes mouse input lag
- m_customaccel "0" // Remove accel
- m_mouseaccel1 "0" // Remove accel
- m_mouseaccel2 "0" // Remove accel
- m_mousespeed "0" // Force windows mouse accel
- m_customaccel_exponent "0" // Mouse move is raised to this power before being scaled by scale factor
- m_customaccel_max "0" // Max mouse move scale factor, 0 for no limit
- m_customaccel_scale "0" // Custom mouse acceleration value
- m_rawinput "1" // Ignores the Mouse Driver and Windows Settings
- //# Net settings
- //# > Settings for 100T w/ 0 lerp
- rate "100000"
- cl_cmdrate "1337"
- cl_updaterate "1337"
- cl_interp_ratio "0"
- cl_interp "0.010"
- cl_resend "1.5"
- cl_timeout "15"
- net_maxroutable "1200"
- net_splitrate "2"
- net_splitpacket_maxrate "50000"
- net_graphshowlatency "0"
- budget_show_history "0"
- //# Null-cancelling movement by
- //# > prevents you from pressing two opposing directions, which causes you to stop moving
- alias +mfwd "-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward"
- alias +mback "-forward;+back;alias checkback +back"
- alias +mleft "-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft"
- alias +mright "-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright"
- alias -mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd;"
- alias -mback "-back;checkfwd;alias checkback;"
- alias -mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft;"
- alias -mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright;"
- alias checkfwd;
- alias checkback;
- alias checkleft;
- alias checkright;
- bind w +mfwd
- bind a +mleft
- bind s +mback
- bind d +mright
- //# nYct Simple Glows
- //# > Custom glows
- cl_glow_survivor_r "0.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_g "1.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_b "1.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_vomit_r "1.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_vomit_g "0.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_vomit_b "1.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_hurt_r "1.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_hurt_g "1.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_hurt_b "0.0";
- cl_glow_item_r "1.0";
- cl_glow_item_g "1.0";
- cl_glow_item_b "1.0";
- cl_glow_item_far_r "1.0";
- cl_glow_item_far_g "1.0";
- cl_glow_item_far_b "1.0";
- cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_r "1.0";
- cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_g "0.0";
- cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_b "0.0";
- cl_glow_ability_r "1.0";
- cl_glow_ability_g "0.0";
- cl_glow_ability_b "0.0";
- cl_glow_infected_r "0.0";
- cl_glow_infected_g "1.0";
- cl_glow_infected_b "1.0";
- cl_glow_ghost_infected_r "1.0";
- cl_glow_ghost_infected_g "1.0";
- cl_glow_ghost_infected_b "1.0";
- cl_glow_infected_vomit_r "1.0";
- cl_glow_infected_vomit_g "0.0";
- cl_glow_infected_vomit_b "1.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_health_include_buffer "1";
- cl_glow_survivor_health_bleed_pulse "0";
- cl_glow_survivor_health_bleed_pulse_amount "0.3";
- cl_glow_survivor_health_bleed_pulse_speed "10";
- cl_glow_survivor_health_high_r "0.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_health_high_g "1.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_health_high_b "0.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_health_med_r "1.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_health_med_g "1.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_health_med_b "0.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_health_low_r "1.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_health_low_g "0.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_health_low_b "0.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_health_crit_r "1.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_health_crit_g "0.0";
- cl_glow_survivor_health_crit_b "0.0";
- //# Promod Binds
- bind "O" "say_team !unpause"
- bind "P" "say_team !pause"
- bind "[" "say_team !tank; say_team !current"
- bind "]" "say_team !health"
- bind "#" "say_team !mvp"
- bind "/" "say_team !spectate"
- bind "." "toggle cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 65 105 900"
- //# Custom binds
- //# > basic binds + fov
- bind "F1" "Vote Yes"
- bind "F2" "Vote No"
- clear
- echo "=============================================================";
- echo " ";
- echo " NYCTOPHILIA (n.) someone who finds peace in the dark ";
- echo " ";
- echo "=============================================================";
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