
Better Business Cases (BBC) - Glossary (EN)

Sep 28th, 2015
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  1. Additionality :  An impact arising from an intervention is additional
  2. if it would not have occurred in the absence of the
  3. intervention.
  4. Affordability :  An assessment of whether the proposals can be
  5. paid for in terms of cash flows and resource costs -
  6. see financial case
  7. Appraisal :  The process of defining objectives, examining
  8. options and weighing up the costs, benefits, risks
  9. and uncertainties of those options before a decision
  10. is made.
  11. Assessments :  Either an appraisal or an evaluation (or both).
  12. Base case :  The best estimate of how much a proposal will cost
  13. in economic terms, including an allowance for risk
  14. and optimism.
  15. Business case :  A management vehicle for scoping and planning
  16. the proposal and documenting the outcome. Often
  17. a requirement of the approval process.
  18. Capital expenditure :  Expenditure on durable assets such as land,
  19. buildings and equipment.
  20. Contingency :  An allowance of cash or resources to cover
  21. unforeseen circumstances.
  22. Cost benefit analysis
  23. (CBA) :  Analysis which quantifies in monetary terms as
  24. many of the costs of a proposal as feasible
  25. (financials), including items for which the market
  26. does not provide a satisfactory measure of
  27. economic value (non-financials).
  28. Cost effectiveness
  29. analysis (CEA) :  Analysis that compares the cost of alternative ways
  30. of producing the same or similar outputs.
  31. Discounting :  A method used to convert future costs or benefits to
  32. present values using a discount rate.
  33. Discounted cash flow
  34. (DCF) :  A technique for appraising investments. It reflects
  35. the principle that the value to an investor of a sum
  36. of money depends on when it is received.
  37. Discount rate :  The annual percentage rate at which the present
  38. value of a £, or other unit of account, is assumed to fall away through time.
  39. Do minimum option :  An option where the public sector takes the
  40. minimum amount of action necessary.
  41. Do nothing option :  The cost of the status quo, often used as a
  42. benchmark for VFM.
  43. Economic appraisal :  See appraisal. This specifically takes into account
  44. the economic costs. Also used as a general term to
  45. cover cost benefit analysis (CBA).
  46. Economy :  A measure of the extent to which the costs
  47. associated with a project, programme or policy are
  48. reduced.
  49. Effectiveness :  A measure of the extent to which a project,
  50. programme or policy achieves its desired
  51. outcomes/outputs.
  52. Efficiency :  A measure of the extent to which a project,
  53. programme or policy's associated throughputs are
  54. increased.
  55. Equivalent annual cost (EAC) :  The constant annual costs which are equivalent
  56. (same present value) to a project's actual costs.
  57. Evaluation :  Retrospective analysis of a project, programme or
  58. policy to assess how successful (or otherwise) it
  59. has been, and to learn lessons for future
  60. improvement.
  61. Expected value :  The weighted average of all possible values of a
  62. variable, where the weights are the probabilities (in
  63. %s).
  64. Five case model :  A systematic framework for the development and
  65. the presentation of the business case over time
  66. (SOC, OBC and FBC).
  67. Internal rate of return :  The discount rate that would give a project a
  68. present value of zero.
  69. Market value :  The price at which a commodity can be brought or
  70. sold, determined by the interaction of buyers and
  71. sellers in a market.
  72. Monte Carlo analysis :  A technique that allows assessment of the
  73. consequences of simultaneous uncertainty about
  74. key inputs, taking account of correlation between these inputs
  75. Net present cost (NPC) :  The discounted value of a stream of future costs.
  76. Net present value (NPV) :  The discounted value of a stream of either future
  77. costs or benefits. The NPV is used to describe the
  78. difference between the present value of a stream of
  79. costs (NPC) and a stream of benefits.
  80. Opportunity cost :  The value of the most valuable alternative uses or
  81. the cost of something in terms of an opportunity
  82. forgone.
  83. Optimism bias :  The demonstrated systematic tendency for
  84. appraisers to be over-optimistic about key project
  85. parameters, including capital costs, works duration
  86. and benefits realisation.
  87. Option appraisal :  The process of defining objectives, examining
  88. options and weighing up the costs, benefits, risks
  89. and uncertainties of those options before a decision
  90. is made.
  91. Options framework :  A systematic framework for the development of
  92. options.
  93. PPP :  Public private partnerships
  94. Public Sector Comparator (PSC) :  A hypothetical risk-adjusted costing by the public
  95. sector as a supplier to an output specification,
  96. generally used in connection with a PPP
  97. procurement exercise.
  98. Required rate of return :  A target average rate of return for a pubic sector
  99. trading body, usually expressed as a return on the
  100. current cost value of total capital employed.
  101. Risk :  The likelihood (measured by its probability) that a
  102. particular event will occur.
  103. Sensitivity analysis :  Analysis of the effects on an appraisal of varying
  104. the projected values of important variables.
  105. Switching values :  The point at which the choice of the preferred
  106. option would switch to another option due to any
  107. uncertain costs and/ or benefits.
  108. Transfer payment :  A payment for which no goods or services are
  109. received in return.
  110. Uncertainty :  A scenario within which it is impossible to attach
  111. probabilities to the range of possible outcomes.
  112. Weighting and scoring :  An appraisal technique for the assessment of
  113. qualitative costs, risks and benefits.
  114. Willingness to pay :  The amount that someone is willing to receive or
  115. accept to give up a good or service.
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