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- import Maid from "@rbxts/maid";
- import Roact from "@rbxts/roact";
- import Hooks from "@rbxts/roact-hooks";
- import { RunService } from "@rbxts/services";
- import { Timer } from "shared/class/Timer";
- import { viewProps } from "../router/types";
- import { STYLE_TEXT_BODY } from "../util/ui_style";
- const FpsCounter: Hooks.FC<viewProps> = ({ client_settings }, { useValue, useEffect }): Roact.Element => {
- let temp_avg_fps = useValue(0);
- let fps = Roact.createBinding(1 / temp_avg_fps.value);
- let avg_fps = Roact.createBinding(temp_avg_fps.value);
- let visible = Roact.createBinding(client_settings.user_reflection.client_fps_counter.value);
- useEffect(() => {
- let maid = new Maid();
- let fps_avg_check_time = tick() + 1;
- maid.GiveTask(
- RunService.RenderStepped.Connect((delta_time) => {
- fps[1](1 / delta_time);
- temp_avg_fps.value += 1;
- if (tick() > fps_avg_check_time) {
- fps_avg_check_time = tick() + 1;
- avg_fps[1](temp_avg_fps.value);
- temp_avg_fps.value = 0;
- }
- })
- );
- maid.GiveTask(
- client_settings.user_reflection.client_fps_counter.changed.Connect((value) => {
- visible[1](value);
- })
- );
- return () => maid.DoCleaning();
- });
- return (
- <frame
- AutomaticSize={"XY"}
- BackgroundTransparency={1}
- AnchorPoint={new Vector2(1, 0)}
- Position={new UDim2(1, -10, 0, 10)}
- Visible={visible[0]}
- ZIndex={1000}
- >
- <uilistlayout HorizontalAlignment={"Right"} />
- <textlabel
- BackgroundTransparency={1}
- AutomaticSize={"X"}
- TextXAlignment={"Left"}
- Size={new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 14)}
- TextColor3={new Color3(0.35, 1, 0.35)}
- Text={fps[0].map((value) => `fps: ${tostring(math.floor(value))}`)}
- />
- <textlabel
- BackgroundTransparency={1}
- AutomaticSize={"X"}
- TextXAlignment={"Left"}
- Size={new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 14)}
- TextColor3={new Color3(0.35, 1, 0.35)}
- Text={avg_fps[0].map((value) => `avg. fps: ${tostring(math.floor(value))}`)}
- />
- </frame>
- );
- };
- export = new Hooks(Roact)(FpsCounter);
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