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- --[[
- Lua U Remote Spy written by TheExtreme (TheExtreme#6073 @ Discord)
- This remote spy has no user interface, settings are changed via _G (Look at line 15 for them)
- If you are an experienced scripter, you may add a user interface yourself and simply make your own Output function
- Remote calls are printed to the dev console by default (F9 window)
- To use Synapse's console, change Output to rconsoleprint
- The Output function can't be saved, it's set to 'warn' by default
- ]]
- local Output = warn --// Function used to output remote calls (Change to rconsoleprint to use Synapse's console)
- local CustomIgnoreFunction = function(Remote, Method, Arguments) --// If this returns true, then the remote call will not be displayed / recorded (You can edit this)
- return false
- end
- local Settings = { --// You can change these settings
- Enabled = true, --// Remote spy is enabled
- Copy = false, --// Set remote calls to clipboard as code
- Blacklist = { --// Ignore remote calls made with these remotes
- CharacterSoundEvent = true,
- },
- ShowScript = true, --// Print out the script that made the remote call (Unfunctional with ProtoSmasher)
- ShowReturns = true, --// Display what the remote calls return
- Record = false, --// Save remote calls to a text file (Uses writefile every second to save performance)
- TabCharacter = " ", --// Character(s) to use between items in tables / tuples (The repetition of this character is calculated)
- NewlineCharacter = "\n" --// Character(s) to use between items in tables / tuples
- }
- local metatable = getrawmetatable(game)
- --// Custom functions aliases
- local setreadonly = setreadonly or set_readonly
- local make_writeable = make_writeable or function(t)
- setreadonly(t, false)
- end
- local make_readonly = make_readonly or function(t)
- setreadonly(t, true)
- end
- local detour_function = detour_function or replace_closure or hookfunction
- local setclipboard = setclipboard or set_clipboard or writeclipboard
- local get_namecall_method = get_namecall_method or getnamecallmethod
- local protect_function = protect_function or newcclosureyield or newcclosure or function(...)
- return ...
- end
- --// \\--
- local Original = {}
- local Recorded = ""
- local Methods = {
- RemoteEvent = "FireServer",
- RemoteFunction = "InvokeServer"
- }
- do --// Handle 'Output' Setting
- Settings = setmetatable(Settings, {
- __newindex = function(self, index, value)
- if index == "Output" then
- Output = value
- elseif index == "CustomIgnoreFunction" or index == "IgnoreFunction" then
- CustomIgnoreFunction = value
- else
- rawset(self, index, value)
- end
- end
- })
- end
- local function IsValidCall(Remote, Method, Arguments)
- return Settings.Enabled and (Methods[Remote.ClassName] == Method) and not (Settings.Blacklist[Remote.Name] or CustomIgnoreFunction(Remote, Method, Arguments))
- end
- local function GetInstanceName(Object) --// Returns proper string wrapping for instances
- if Object == nil then
- return ".NIL"
- end
- local IsService = Object.Parent == game
- local Name = IsService and Object.ClassName or Object.Name
- return (Object ~= game and GetInstanceName(Object.Parent) or "") .. (IsService and ":GetService(\"%s\")" or (#Name == 0 or Name:match("[^%w]+") or Name:sub(1, 1):match("[^%a]")) and "[\"%s\"]" or ".%s"):format(Name)
- end
- local function Find(Table, Object, LastIndex)
- LastIndex = LastIndex or ""
- for Idx, Value in next, Table do
- if Object == Value then
- return LastIndex .. Idx
- elseif type(Value) == "table" then
- local Result = Find(Value, Object, Idx .. ".")
- if Result ~= nil then
- return LastIndex .. Result
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local renv = getrenv()
- local function Parse(Object, TabCount) --// Convert the types into strings
- local Type = typeof(Object)
- local ParsedResult
- local TabCount = TabCount or 0
- if Type == "string" then
- ParsedResult = ("\"%s\""):format(Object)
- elseif Type == "Instance" then --// GetFullName except it's not handicapped
- ParsedResult = GetInstanceName(Object):sub(2)
- elseif Type == "table" then
- local Str = ""
- local Counter = 0
- TabCount = TabCount + 1
- for Idx, Obj in next, Object do
- Counter = Counter + 1
- Obj = Obj == Object and "THIS_TABLE" or Parse(Obj, TabCount)
- local TabCharacter = (Counter > 1 and "," or "") .. Settings.NewlineCharacter .. Settings.TabCharacter:rep(TabCount)
- if Counter ~= Idx then
- Str = Str .. ("%s[%s] = %s"):format(TabCharacter, Idx ~= Object and Parse(Idx, TabCount) or "THIS_TABLE", Obj) --maybe
- else
- Str = Str .. ("%s%s"):format(TabCharacter, Obj)
- end
- end
- TabCount = TabCount - 1
- ParsedResult = ("{%s}"):format(Str .. (#Str > 0 and Settings.NewlineCharacter .. Settings.TabCharacter:rep(TabCount) or ""))
- elseif Type == "CFrame" or Type == "Vector3" or Type == "Vector2" or Type == "UDim2" or Type == "Color3" or Type == "Vector3int16" or Type == "UDim" or Type == "Vector2int16" then
- ParsedResult = (""):format(Type, tostring(Object))
- elseif Type == "userdata" then --// Remove __tostring fields to counter traps
- local Result
- local Metatable = getrawmetatable(Object)
- local __tostring = Metatable and rawget(Metatable, "__tostring")
- if __tostring then
- make_writeable(Metatable)
- Metatable.__tostring = nil
- ParsedResult = tostring(Object)
- rawset(Metatable, "__tostring", __tostring)
- if rawget(Metatable, "__metatable") ~= nil then
- make_readonly(Metatable)
- end
- else
- ParsedResult = tostring(Object)
- end
- elseif Type == "function" then
- ParsedResult = Find(renv, Object) or (
- [[(function()
- for Idx, Value in next, %s() do
- if type(Value) == "function" and tostring(Value) == "%s" then
- return Value
- end
- end
- end)()]]
- ):gsub(
- "\n",
- Settings.NewlineCharacter
- ):gsub(
- "\t",
- Settings.TabCharacter:rep(TabCount)
- ):format(
- getgc and "getgc" or get_gc_objects and "get_gc_objects" or "debug.getregistry",
- tostring(Object)
- )
- else
- ParsedResult = tostring(Object)
- end
- return ParsedResult
- end
- local function Write(Remote, Method, Arguments) --// Remote (Multiple types), Arguments (Table)
- local Stuff = ("\n\n%s:%s(%s)"):format(typeof(Remote) == "Instance" and Parse(Remote) or ("(%s)"):format(Parse(Remote)), Method, Parse(Arguments):sub(2, -2))
- if Settings.Copy then
- pcall(setclipboard, Stuff)
- end
- if Settings.ShowScript and not PROTOSMASHER_LOADED then
- local Script = getcallingscript and getcallingscript() or rawget(getfenv(2), "script")
- if typeof(Script) == "Instance" then
- Stuff = Stuff .. ("\nScript: %s"):format(Parse(Script))
- end
- end
- if Settings.Record then
- Recorded = Recorded .. Stuff
- end
- Output("-- REMOTE CALLED! --")
- Output(Stuff) --// Output the remote call
- end
- local CustomGamesSpy = {
- [606849621] = function() --// Jailbreak's custom FireServer
- local Script = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.LocalScript
- local RemoteTable
- for Idx, Value in next, debug.getregistry() do
- if type(Value) == "function" and getfenv(Value).script == Script then
- for UpvalIdx, Upval in next, debug.getupvalues(Value) do
- if type(Upval) == "table" and rawget(Upval, "FireServer") then
- RemoteTable = Upval
- break
- end
- end
- if RemoteTable ~= nil then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- assert(RemoteTable ~= "nil", "Remote not found")
- local ORIG = debug.getupvalues(RemoteTable.FireServer)[1]
- RemoteTable = setmetatable({
- FireServer = RemoteTable.FireServer
- }, {
- __index = {
- ClassName = "RemoteEvent"
- }
- })
- local new_function = function(...)
- local Arguments = {...}
- if IsValidCall(RemoteTable, "FireServer", Arguments) then
- Write(RemoteTable, "FireServer", Arguments)
- end
- return ORIG(...)
- end
- debug.setupvalue(RemoteTable.FireServer, 1, new_function)
- end
- }
- do --// Anti detection for tostring ( tostring(FireServer, InvokeServer) )
- local original_function = tostring
- local new_function = function(obj)
- local Success, Result = pcall(original_function, Original[obj] or obj)
- if Success then
- return Result
- else
- error(Result:gsub(script.Name .. ":%d+: ", ""))
- end
- end
- original_function = detour_function(original_function, new_function)
- Original[new_function] = original_function
- end
- do --// Function hooks
- local CustomSpy = CustomGamesSpy[game.PlaceId]
- if CustomSpy then
- CustomSpy()
- else
- for Class, Method in next, Methods do --// FireServer and InvokeServer hooking ( FireServer(Remote, ...) )
- local original_function =[Method]
- local function new_function(self, ...)
- local Arguments = {...}
- if typeof(self) == "Instance" and IsValidCall(self, Method, Arguments) then
- Write(self, Method, Arguments)
- end
- return original_function(self, ...)
- end
- new_function = protect_function(new_function)
- original_function = detour_function(original_function, new_function)
- Original[new_function] = original_function
- print("Hooked", Method)
- end
- end
- end
- do --// Namecall hooking ( Remote:FireServer(...) )
- if get_namecall_method then
- local __namecall = metatable.__namecall
- local function new_function(self, ...)
- local Arguments = {...}
- local Method = get_namecall_method()
- if typeof(Method) == "string" and IsValidCall(self, Method, Arguments) then
- Write(self, Method, Arguments)
- end
- return __namecall(self, ...)
- end
- new_function = protect_function(new_function)
- make_writeable(metatable)
- metatable.__namecall = new_function
- make_readonly(metatable)
- Original[new_function] = __namecall
- print("Hooked namecall")
- else
- warn("Couldn't hook namecall because exploit doesn't support 'getnamecallmethod'")
- end
- end
- do --// Save remote calls and settings to their files
- local Folder = "RemoteSpy files"
- if makefolder == nil then
- Folder = ""
- else
- Folder = Folder .. "\\"
- makefolder(Folder)
- end
- local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
- local GotSettingsJSON, LastSettingsJSON = pcall(readfile, Folder .. "RemoteSpySettings.json")
- if GotSettingsJSON then
- local GotSettings, LoadedSettings = pcall(HttpService.JSONDecode, HttpService, LastSettingsJSON)
- if GotSettings then
- for Name, Value in next, LoadedSettings do
- Settings[Name] = Value
- end
- Output("Loaded settings from file")
- else
- Output("Could get saved settings file, but couldn't decode from JSON")
- end
- else
- Output("Couldn't get saved settings file")
- end
- Output("Settings: " .. Parse(Settings) .. "\n---------------------")
- _G.Settings = Settings
- while wait(1) do
- if #Recorded > 0 then
- if not pcall(appendfile, Folder .. "RemoteSpyRecords.lua", Recorded) then
- pcall(writefile, Folder .. "RemoteSpyRecords.lua", Recorded)
- end
- Recorded = ""
- end
- local SettingsJSON = HttpService:JSONEncode(Settings)
- if SettingsJSON ~= LastSettingsJSON then
- pcall(writefile, Folder .. "RemoteSpySettings.json", SettingsJSON)
- LastSettingsJSON = SettingsJSON
- end
- end
- end
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