
Basic Google Image Search

Jan 7th, 2017
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  12. <div id="reference"><div id=gbar><nobr><a href="" onclick=gbar.qs(this) class="gb1 3d">Web</a> <b class="gb1 3d">Images</b> <a href="" onclick=gbar.qs(this) class="gb1 3d">Video</a> <a href="" onclick=gbar.qs(this) class="gb1 3d">Maps</a> <a href="" onclick=gbar.qs(this) class="gb1 3d">News</a> <a href="" onclick=gbar.qs(this) class="gb1 3d">Blog</a> <a href="" class="gb1 3d">Gmail</a> <a href="" onclick="this.blur();;return !1" aria-haspopup=true class="gb3 3d"><u>more</u> <small></small></a></nobr></div><div class=gbh style=left:0></div><div class=gbh style=right:0></div><center><br clear=all id=lgpd><img name=l alt="Google Image Search" height=110 src="" width=276 id=logo class="3d"><br><br><form action="" name=f><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr valign=top><td width=25%> </td><td align=center nowrap><input name=hl type=hidden value=en><input autocomplete="off" maxlength=2048 id=q name=q size=40 title="Search Images" value="" class="3d"> <input name=btnG type=submit value="Search Images" class="3d" onclick="search(this)"></td><td nowrap width=25%><font size=-2>  <a style="font-size:10px" class=3d href=>Advanced Image Search</a><br>  <a style="font-size:10px" class=3d href=>Preferences</a></font></td></tr></table><input type=hidden id=gbv name=gbv value="1"></form><br><font color=#224499 style="font-size:medium" class=3d><b>The most comprehensive image search on the web.</b></font></center></div>
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