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- <?php
- include_once("include/utils/utils.php");
- define('ABC_CRITICAL', 0);
- define('ABC_ERROR', 1);
- define('ABC_ALERT', 2);
- define('ABC_WARNING', 3);
- define('ABC_NOTICE', 4);
- define('ABC_INFO', 5);
- define('ABC_DEBUG', 6);
- define('ABC_TRACE', 7);
- define('ABC_VAR_DUMP', 8);
- define('ABC_NO_LOG', -1);
- $php_version = split( "\.", phpversion() );
- if( $php_version[0] == 4 && $php_version[1] <= 1 ) {
- if( !function_exists('var_export') ) {
- function var_export( $exp, $ret ) {
- ob_start();
- var_dump( $exp );
- $result = ob_get_contents();
- ob_end_clean();
- return $result;
- }}}function print_bt()
- {
- print "<code>\n";
- $cs = debug_backtrace();
- for( $i = 1; $i < count($cs) ; $i++ )
- {
- $item = $cs[ $i ];
- for( $j = 0; $j < count($item['args']); $j++ )
- if( is_string($item['args'][$j]) )
- $item['args'][$j] = "\"" . $item['args'][$j] . "\"";
- $args = join(",", $item['args'] );
- if( isset( $item['class'] ) )
- $str = sprintf("%s(%d): %s%s%s(%s)",
- $item['file'],
- $item['line'],
- $item['class'],
- $item['type'],
- $item['function'],
- $args );
- else
- $str = sprintf("%s(%d): %s(%s)",
- $item['file'],
- $item['line'],
- $item['function'],
- $args );
- echo $str . "<br>\n";
- }print "</code>\n";
- }function _die( $str )
- {
- print "Script died with reason: $str<br>\n";
- print_bt();
- exit();
- }class DebugOut
- {
- var $priorities = array(ABC_CRITICAL => 'critical',
- ABC_ERROR => 'error',
- ABC_ALERT => 'alert',
- ABC_WARNING => 'warning',
- ABC_NOTICE => 'notice',
- ABC_INFO => 'info',
- ABC_DEBUG => 'debug',
- ABC_TRACE => 'trace',
- ABC_VAR_DUMP => 'dump'
- );
- var $_ready = false;
- var $_currentPriority = ABC_DEBUG;
- var $_consumers = array();
- var $_filename;
- var $_fp;
- var $_logger_name;
- function DebugOut($name, $logger_name, $level ){
- $this->_filename = $name;
- $this->_currentPriority = $level;
- $this->_logger_name = $logger_name;
- if ($level > ABC_NO_LOG){
- $this->_openfile();
- } /*Destructor Registering*/
- register_shutdown_function(array($this,"close"));
- } function log($message, $priority = ABC_INFO) {
- // Abort early if the priority is above the maximum logging level.
- if ($priority > $this->_currentPriority) {
- return false;
- } // Add to loglines array
- return $this->_writeLine($message, $priority, strftime('%b %d %H:%M:%S'));
- } function dump($variable,$name) {
- $priority = ABC_VAR_DUMP;
- if ($priority > $this->_currentPriority ) {
- return false;
- } $time = strftime('%b %d %H:%M:%S');
- $message = var_export($variable,true);
- return fwrite($this->_fp,
- sprintf("%s %s [%s] variable %s = %s \r\n",
- $time,
- $this->_logger_name,
- $this->priorities[$priority],
- $name,
- $message)
- );
- } function info($message) {
- return $this->log($message, ABC_INFO);
- } function debug($message) {
- return $this->log($message, ABC_DEBUG);
- } function notice($message) {
- return $this->log($message, ABC_NOTICE);
- } function warning($message) {
- return $this->log($message, ABC_WARNING);
- } function trace($message) {
- return $this->log($message, ABC_TRACE);
- } function error($message) {
- return $this->log($message, ABC_ERROR);
- } /**
- * Writes a line to the logfile
- *
- * @param string $line The line to write
- * @param integer $priority The priority of this line/msg
- * @return integer Number of bytes written or -1 on error
- * @access private
- */
- function _writeLine($message, $priority, $time) {
- if( fwrite($this->_fp, sprintf("%s %s [%s] %s\r\n", $time, $this->_logger_name, $this->priorities[$priority], $message)) ) {
- return fflush($this->_fp);
- } else {
- return false;
- } } function _openfile() {
- if (($this->_fp = @fopen($this->_filename, 'a')) == false) {
- return false;
- } return true;
- } function close(){
- if($this->_currentPriority != ABC_NO_LOG){
- $this->info("Logger stoped");
- return fclose($this->_fp);
- } } /*
- * Managerial Functions.
- *
- */
- function Factory($name, $logger_name, $level) {
- $instance = new DebugOut($name, $logger_name, $level);
- return $instance;
- } function &getWriterSingleton($name, $logger_name, $level = ABC_DEBUG){
- static $instances;
- if (!isset($instances)){
- $instances = array();
- } $signature = serialize(array($name, $level));
- if (!isset($instances[$signature])) {
- $instances[$signature] = DebugOut::Factory($name, $logger_name, $level);
- }
- return $instances[$signature];
- } function attach(&$logObserver) {
- if (!is_object($logObserver)) {
- return false;
- } $logObserver->_listenerID = uniqid(rand());
- $this->_listeners[$logObserver->_listenerID] = &$logObserver;
- }}define ('ABC_BAD_DATE', -1);
- class ExcelDateUtil{
- /*
- * return 1900 Date as integer TIMESTAMP.
- * for UNIX date must be
- *
- */
- function xls2tstamp($date) {
- $date=$date>25568?$date:25569;
- /*There was a bug if Converting date before 1-1-1970 (tstamp 0)*/
- $ofs=(70 * 365 + 17+2) * 86400;
- return ($date * 86400) - $ofs;
- }function getDateArray($xls_date){
- $ret = array();
- // leap year bug
- if ($xls_date == 60) {
- $ret['day'] = 29;
- $ret['month'] = 2;
- $ret['year'] = 1900;
- return $ret;
- } else if ($xls_date < 60) {
- // 29-02-1900 bug
- $xls_date++;
- } // Modified Julian to DMY calculation with an addition of 2415019
- $l = $xls_date + 68569 + 2415019;
- $n = (int)(( 4 * $l ) / 146097);
- $l = $l - (int)(( 146097 * $n + 3 ) / 4);
- $i = (int)(( 4000 * ( $l + 1 ) ) / 1461001);
- $l = $l - (int)(( 1461 * $i ) / 4) + 31;
- $j = (int)(( 80 * $l ) / 2447);
- $ret['day'] = $l - (int)(( 2447 * $j ) / 80);
- $l = (int)($j / 11);
- $ret['month'] = $j + 2 - ( 12 * $l );
- $ret['year'] = 100 * ( $n - 49 ) + $i + $l;
- return $ret;
- }function isInternalDateFormat($format) {
- $retval =false;
- switch(format) {
- // Internal Date Formats as described on page 427 in
- // Microsoft Excel Dev's Kit...
- case 0x0e:
- case 0x0f:
- case 0x10:
- case 0x11:
- case 0x12:
- case 0x13:
- case 0x14:
- case 0x15:
- case 0x16:
- case 0x2d:
- case 0x2e:
- case 0x2f:
- // Additional internal date formats found by inspection
- // Using Excel v.X 10.1.0 (Mac)
- case 0xa4:
- case 0xa5:
- case 0xa6:
- case 0xa7:
- case 0xa8:
- case 0xa9:
- case 0xaa:
- case 0xab:
- case 0xac:
- case 0xad:
- $retval = true; break;
- default: $retval = false; break;
- } return $retval;
- }}define('EXCEL_FONT_RID',0x31);
- define('XF_SCRIPT_NONE',0);
- define('XF_SCRIPT_SUBSCRIPT',2);
- define('XF_UNDERLINE_NONE',0x0);
- define('XF_UNDERLINE_SINGLE',0x1);
- define('XF_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE',0x2);
- define('XF_STYLE_ITALIC', 0x2);
- define('XF_STYLE_STRIKEOUT', 0x8);
- define('XF_BOLDNESS_REGULAR',0x190);
- define('XF_BOLDNESS_BOLD',0x2BC);
- class ExcelFont {
- function basicFontRecord() {
- return array('size' => 10,
- 'script' => XF_SCRIPT_NONE,
- 'undeline' => XF_UNDERLINE_NONE,
- 'italic' => false,
- 'strikeout'=> false,
- 'bold' => false,
- 'boldness' => XF_BOLDNESS_REGULAR,
- 'palete' => 0,
- 'name' => 'Arial');
- } function getFontRecord(&$wb,$ptr) {
- $retval = array('size' => 0,
- 'script' => XF_SCRIPT_NONE,
- 'undeline' => XF_UNDERLINE_NONE,
- 'italic' => false,
- 'strikeout'=> false,
- 'bold' => false,
- 'boldness' => XF_BOLDNESS_REGULAR,
- 'palete' => 0,
- 'name' => '');
- $retval['size'] = (ord($wb[$ptr])+ 256*ord($wb[$ptr+1]))/20;
- $style=ord($wb[$ptr+2]);
- if (($style & XF_STYLE_ITALIC) != 0) {
- $retval['italic'] = true;
- } if (($style & XF_STYLE_STRIKEOUT) != 0) {
- $retval['strikeout'] = true;
- } $retval['palete'] = ord($wb[$ptr+4])+256*ord($wb[$ptr+5]);
- $retval['boldness'] = ord($wb[$ptr+6])+256*ord($wb[$ptr+7]);
- $retval['bold'] = $retval['boldness'] == XF_BOLDNESS_REGULAR ? false:true;
- $retval['script'] = ord($wb[$ptr+8])+256*ord($wb[$ptr+9]);
- $retval['underline'] = ord($wb[$ptr+10]);
- $length = ord($wb[$ptr+14]);
- if($length >0) {
- if(ord($wb[$ptr+15]) == 0) { // Compressed Unicode
- $retval['name'] = substr($wb,$ptr+16,$length);
- } else { // Uncompressed Unicode
- $retval['name'] = ExcelFont::getUnicodeString($wb,$ptr+15,$length);
- } } return $retval;
- } function toString(&$record,$index) {
- $retval = sprintf("Font Index = %d \nFont Size =%d\nItalic = %s\nStrikeoout=%s\nPalete=%s\nBoldness = %s Bold=%s\n Script = %d\n Underline = %d\n FontName=%s<hr>",
- $index,
- $record['size'],
- $record['italic'] == true?"true":"false",
- $record['strikeout'] == true?"true":"false",
- $record['palete'],
- $record['boldness'],
- $record['bold'] == true?"true":"false",
- $record['script'],
- $record['underline'],
- $record['name']
- );
- return $retval;
- } function getUnicodeString(&$string,$offset,$length) {
- $bstring = "";
- $index = $offset + 1; // start with low bits.
- for ($k = 0; $k < $length; $k++)
- {
- $bstring = $bstring.$string[$index];
- $index += 2;
- } return substr($bstring,0,$length);
- } function ExcelToCSS($rec, $app_font=true, $app_size=true, $app_italic=true, $app_bold=true){
- $ret = "";
- if($app_font==true){
- $ret = $ret."font-family:".$rec['name']."; ";
- } if($app_size==true){
- $ret = $ret."font-size:".$rec['size']."pt; ";
- } if($app_bold==true){
- if($rec['bold']==true){
- $ret = $ret."font-weight:bold; ";
- } else {
- $ret = $ret."font-weight:normal; ";
- } } if($app_italic==true){
- if($rec['italic']==true){
- $ret = $ret."font-style:italic; ";
- } else {
- $ret = $ret."font-style:normal; ";
- } } return $ret;
- }}define ( DP_EMPTY, 0 );
- define ( DP_STRING_SOURCE, 1 );
- define ( DP_FILE_SOURCE, 2 );
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class ExcelParserUtil
- {
- function str2long($str) {
- return ord($str[0]) + 256*(ord($str[1]) +
- 256*(ord($str[2]) + 256*(ord($str[3])) ));
- }}//------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class DataProvider
- {
- function DataProvider( $data, $dataType )
- {
- switch( $dataType )
- {
- if( !( $this->_data = @fopen( $data, "rb" )) )
- return;
- $this->_size = @filesize( $data );
- if( !$this->_size )
- _die("Failed to determine file size.");
- break;
- $this->_data = $data;
- $this->_size = strlen( $data );
- break;
- default:
- _die("Invalid data type provided.");
- }$this->_type = $dataType;
- register_shutdown_function( array( $this, "close") );
- }function get( $offset, $length )
- {
- if( !$this->isValid() )
- _die("Data provider is empty.");
- if( $this->_baseOfs + $offset + $length > $this->_size )
- _die("Invalid offset/length.");
- switch( $this->_type )
- {
- {
- if( @fseek( $this->_data, $this->_baseOfs + $offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 )
- _die("Failed to seek file position specified by offest.");
- return @fread( $this->_data, $length );
- {
- $rc = substr( $this->_data, $this->_baseOfs + $offset, $length );
- return $rc;
- }default:
- _die("Invalid data type or class was not initialized.");
- }}function getByte( $offset )
- {
- return $this->get( $offset, 1 );
- }function getOrd( $offset )
- {
- return ord( $this->getByte( $offset ) );
- }function getLong( $offset )
- {
- $str = $this->get( $offset, 4 );
- return ExcelParserUtil::str2long( $str );
- }function getSize()
- {
- if( !$this->isValid() )
- _die("Data provider is empty.");
- return $this->_size;
- }function getBlocks()
- {
- if( !$this->isValid() )
- _die("Data provider is empty.");
- return (int)(($this->_size - 1) / 0x200) - 1;
- }function ReadFromFat( $chain, $gran = 0x200 )
- {
- $rc = '';
- for( $i = 0; $i < count($chain); $i++ )
- $rc .= $this->get( $chain[$i] * $gran, $gran );
- return $rc;
- }function close()
- {
- switch($this->_type )
- {
- @fclose( $this->_data );
- $this->_data = null;
- default:
- $_type = DP_EMPTY;
- break;
- }}function isValid()
- {
- return $this->_type != DP_EMPTY;
- }var $_type = DP_EMPTY;
- var $_data = null;
- var $_size = -1;
- var $_baseOfs = 0;
- }class ExcelFileParser {
- var $dp = null;
- var $max_blocks;
- var $max_sblocks;
- // Internal variables
- var $fat;
- var $sfat;
- // Removed: var $sbd;
- // Removed: var $syear;
- var $formats;
- var $xf;
- var $fonts;
- var $dbglog;
- function ExcelFileParser($logfile="",$level=ABC_NO_LOG) {
- $this->dbglog = &DebugOut::getWriterSingleton($logfile,"",$level);
- $this->dbglog->info("Logger started");
- }function populateFormat() {
- $this->dbglog->trace(" populateFormat() function call");
- $ret = array (
- 0=> "General",
- 1=> "0",
- 2=> "0.00",
- 3=> "#,##0",
- 4=> "#,##0.00",
- 5=> "($#,##0_);($#,##0)",
- 6=> "($#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0)",
- 7=> "($#,##0.00);($#,##0.00)",
- 8=> "($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)",
- 9=> "0%",
- 0xa=> "0.00%",
- 0xb=> "0.00E+00",
- 0xc=> "# ?/?",
- 0xd=> "# ??/??",
- 0xe=> "m/d/yy",
- 0xf=> "d-mmm-yy",
- 0x10=> "d-mmm",
- 0x11=> "mmm-yy",
- 0x12=> "h:mm AM/PM",
- 0x13=> "h:mm:ss AM/PM",
- 0x14=> "h:mm",
- 0x15=> "h:mm:ss",
- 0x16=> "m/d/yy h:mm",
- // 0x17 - 0x24 reserved for international and undocumented
- 0x17=> "0x17",
- 0x18=> "0x18",
- 0x19=> "0x19",
- 0x1a=> "0x1a",
- 0x1b=> "0x1b",
- 0x1c=> "0x1c",
- 0x1d=> "0x1d",
- 0x1e=> "0x1e",
- 0x1f=> "0x1f",
- 0x20=> "0x20",
- 0x21=> "0x21",
- 0x22=> "0x22",
- 0x23=> "0x23",
- 0x24=> "0x24",
- // 0x17 - 0x24 reserved for international and undocumented
- 0x25=> "(#,##0_);(#,##0)",
- 0x26=> "(#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)",
- 0x27=> "(#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)",
- 0x28=> "(#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)",
- 0x29=> "_(*#,##0_);_(*(#,##0);_(* \"-\"_);_(@_)",
- 0x2a=> "_($*#,##0_);_($*(#,##0);_($* \"-\"_);_(@_)",
- 0x2b=> "_(*#,##0.00_);_(*(#,##0.00);_(*\"-\"??_);_(@_)",
- 0x2c=> "_($*#,##0.00_);_($*(#,##0.00);_($*\"-\"??_);_(@_)",
- 0x2d=> "mm:ss",
- 0x2e=> "[h]:mm:ss",
- 0x2f=> "mm:ss.0",
- 0x30=> "##0.0E+0",
- 0x31=> "@");
- $this->dbglog->dump($ret,"\$ret");
- $this->dbglog->trace("populateFormat() function return");
- return $ret;
- }function xls2tstamp($date) {
- $date=$date>25568?$date:25569;
- /*There was a bug if Converting date before 1-1-1970 (tstamp 0)*/
- $ofs=(70 * 365 + 17+2) * 86400;
- return ($date * 86400) - $ofs;
- }function getDateArray($date) {
- return ExcelDateUtil::getDateArray($date);
- }function isDateFormat($val){
- $f_i=$this->xf['format'][$val];
- if(preg_match("/[m|d|y]/i",$this->format[$f_i])!=0){
- if(strrpos($this->format[$f_i],'[')!=FALSE) {
- $tmp = preg_replace("/(\[\/?)(\w+)([^\]]*\])/","'\\1'.''.'\\3'",$this->format[$f_i]);
- if(preg_match("/[m|d|y]/i",$tmp)!=0)
- return TRUE;
- else
- return FALSE;
- } else {
- return TRUE;
- }} else
- return FALSE;
- }function getUnicodeString($str,$ofs){
- $size=0;
- $i_ofs=0;
- /* if (ord($str[$ofs])==255) {
- $size=ord($str[$ofs])+ 256*(ord($str[$ofs+1]));
- $i_ofs=2;
- } else {*/
- $size=ord($str[$ofs]);
- $i_ofs=1;
- /* }*/
- return substr($str,$ofs+$i_ofs+1,$size);
- }function getByteString($str,$ofs){
- $size=0;
- $i_ofs=0;
- // if (ord($str[$ofs])==255) {
- // $size=ord($str[$ofs])+ 256*(ord($str[$ofs+1]));
- // $i_ofs=2;
- // } else {
- $size=ord($str[$ofs]);
- $i_ofs=1;
- // } return substr($str,$ofs+$i_ofs+1,$size);
- }/*
- * Get blocks chain
- */
- function get_blocks_chain($start,$small_fat=false) {
- $this->dbglog->trace("get_blocks_chain(".var_export($start,true).",".var_export($small_fat,true).") function call ");
- $chain = array();
- $next_block = $start;
- if( !$small_fat ) {
- while( ($next_block!=0xfffffffe) &&
- ($next_block <= $this->max_blocks) &&
- ($next_block < count($this->fat)) )
- {
- $chain[] = $next_block;
- $next_block = $this->fat[$next_block];
- }} else {
- while( ($next_block!=0xfffffffe) &&
- ($next_block <= $this->max_sblocks) &&
- ($next_block < count($this->sfat)) )
- {
- $chain[] = $next_block;
- $next_block = $this->sfat[$next_block];
- }}if( $next_block != 0xfffffffe )
- return false;
- $this->dbglog->dump($chain,"\$chain");
- $this->dbglog->trace("get_blocks_chain() function return");
- return $chain;
- }/* Find stream by name
- *
- */
- function find_stream( $dir, $item_name,$item_num=0) {
- $this->dbglog->trace("find_stream(".var_export($dir,true).",".var_export($item_name,true).",".var_export($item_num,true).") function call ");
- $dt = $dir->getOrd( $item_num * 0x80 + 0x42 );
- $prev = $dir->getLong( $item_num * 0x80 + 0x44 );
- $next = $dir->getLong( $item_num * 0x80 + 0x48 );
- $dir_ = $dir->getLong( $item_num * 0x80 + 0x4c );
- $curr_name = '';
- if( ($dt==2) || ($dt==5) )
- for( $i=0;
- $i < ( $dir->getOrd( $item_num * 0x80 + 0x40 ) +
- 256 * $dir->getOrd( $item_num * 0x80 + 0x41 ) )/2-1;
- $i++ )
- $curr_name .= $dir->getByte( $item_num * 0x80 + $i * 2 );
- if( (($dt==2) || ($dt==5)) && (strcmp($curr_name,$item_name)==0) ){
- $this->dbglog->trace("find_stream() function return with ".var_export($item_num,true));
- return $item_num;
- }if( $prev != 0xffffffff ) {
- $i = $this->find_stream( $dir, $item_name, $prev);
- if( $i>=0 ){
- $this->dbglog->trace("find_stream() function return with ".var_export($i,true));
- return $i;
- }}if( $next != 0xffffffff ) {
- $i = $this->find_stream( $dir, $item_name, $next);
- if( $i>=0 ){
- $this->dbglog->trace("find_stream() function return with ".var_export($i,true));
- return $i;
- }}if( $dir_ != 0xffffffff ) {
- $i = $this->find_stream( $dir, $item_name, $dir_ );
- if( $i>=0 ) {
- $this->dbglog->trace("find_stream() function return with ".var_export($i,true));
- return $i;
- }} $this->dbglog->trace("find_stream() function return with -1");
- return -1;
- }function rk_decode($rk) {
- $this->dbglog->trace("rk_decode(".var_export($rk,true).") function call");
- $res = array();
- if( $rk & 2 ) {
- // integer
- $val = ($rk & 0xfffffffc) >> 2;
- if( $rk & 1 ) $val = $val / 100;
- if (((float)$val) == floor((float)$val)){
- $res['val'] = (int)$val;
- $res['type'] = 1;
- } else {
- $res['val'] = (float)$val;
- $res['type'] = 2;
- }} else {
- // float
- $res['type'] = 2;
- $frk = $rk;
- $fexp = (($frk & 0x7ff00000) >> 20) - 1023;
- $val = 1+(($frk & 0x000fffff) >> 2)/262144;
- if( $fexp > 0 ) {
- for( $i=0; $i<$fexp; $i++ )
- $val *= 2;
- } else {
- if( $fexp==-1023 ) {
- $val=0;
- } else {
- for( $i=0; $i<abs($fexp); $i++ )
- $val /= 2;
- }}if( $rk & 1 ) $val = $val / 100;
- if( $rk & 0x80000000 ) $val = -$val;
- $res['val'] = (float)$val;
- }$this->dbglog->trace("rk_decode() function returns");
- return $res;
- }// Parse worksheet
- //-----------------
- function parse_worksheet($ws) {
- $this->dbglog->debug("parse_worksheet(DATA) function");
- if( strlen($ws) <= 0 ){
- $this->dbglog->trace("parse_worksheet() function returns 7 (Data not Found)");
- return 7;
- }if( strlen($ws) < 4 ){
- $this->dbglog->trace("parse_worksheet() function returns 6 (File Corrupted)");
- return 6;
- }// parse workbook header
- if( strlen($ws) < 256*ord($ws[3])+ord($ws[2]) ) return 6;
- if( ord($ws[0]) != 0x09 ) return 6;
- $vers = ord($ws[1]);
- if( ($vers!=0) && ($vers!=2) && ($vers!=4) && ($vers!=8) )
- return 8;
- if( $vers!=8 ) {
- $biff_ver = ($ver+4)/2;
- } else {
- if( strlen($ws) < 12 ) return 6;
- switch( ord($ws[4])+256*ord($ws[5]) ) {
- case 0x0500:
- if( ord($ws[0x0a])+256*ord($ws[0x0b]) < 1994 ) {
- $biff_ver = 5;
- } else {
- switch(ord( $ws[8])+256*ord($ws[9]) ) {
- case 2412:
- case 3218:
- case 3321:
- /*dbg*/ $this->dbglog->debug("Parsed BIFF version is 5");
- $biff_ver = 5;
- break;
- default:
- $this->dbglog->debug("Parsed BIFF version is 7");
- $biff_ver = 7;
- break;
- }}break;
- case 0x0600:
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->debug("Parsed BIFF version is 8");
- $biff_ver = 8;
- break;
- default:
- return 8;
- }}if( $biff_ver < 5 ) {
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->debug("parse_worksheet() function found ($biff_ver < 5) return 8");
- return 8;
- }$ptr = 0;
- $data = array('biff_version' => $biff_ver );
- while( (ord($ws[$ptr])!=0x0a) && ($ptr<strlen($ws)) ) {
- switch (ord($ws[$ptr])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+1])) {
- // Number
- case 0x0203:
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->trace("found NUMBER");
- if( ($biff_ver < 3) ){
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->trace("$biff_ver < 3 break;");
- break;
- }if( (ord($ws[$ptr+2])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+3])) < 14 ){
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->debug("parse_worksheet() return 6");
- return 6;
- }$row = ord($ws[$ptr+4])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+5]);
- $col = ord($ws[$ptr+6])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+7]);
- $num_lo = ExcelParserUtil::str2long(substr($ws,$ptr+10,4));
- $num_hi = ExcelParserUtil::str2long(substr($ws,$ptr+14,4));
- $xf_i = ord($ws[$ptr+8])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+9]);
- if($this->isDateFormat($xf_i)){
- $data['cell'][$row][$col]['type'] = 3;
- } else {
- $data['cell'][$row][$col]['type'] = 2;
- }$fonti = $this->xf['font'][$xf_i];
- $data['cell'][$row][$fc+$i]['font'] = $fonti;
- $fexp = (($num_hi & 0x7ff00000) >> 20) - 1023;
- $val = 1+(($num_hi & 0x000fffff)+$num_lo/4294967296)/1048576;
- if( $fexp > 0 ) {
- for( $i=0; $i<$fexp; $i++ )
- $val *= 2;
- } else {
- for( $i=0; $i<abs($fexp); $i++ )
- $val /= 2;
- }if( $num_hi & 0x80000000 ) $val = -$val;
- $data['cell'][$row][$col]['data'] = (float)$val;
- if( !isset($data['max_row']) ||
- ($data['max_row'] < $row) )
- $data['max_row'] = $row;
- if( !isset($data['max_col']) ||
- ($data['max_col'] < $col) )
- $data['max_col'] = $col;
- break;
- // RK
- case 0x027e:
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->trace("found RK");
- if( ($biff_ver < 3) ) break;
- if( (ord($ws[$ptr+2])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+3])) < 0x0a )
- return 6;
- $row = ord($ws[$ptr+4])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+5]);
- $col = ord($ws[$ptr+6])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+7]);
- $xf_i = ord($ws[$ptr+8])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+9]);
- $val = $this->rk_decode(
- ExcelParserUtil::str2long(substr($ws,$ptr+10,4))
- );
- if($this->isDateFormat($xf_i)==TRUE){
- $data['cell'][$row][$col]['type'] = 3;
- } else {
- $data['cell'][$row][$col]['type'] = $val['type'];
- }$fonti = $this->xf['font'][$xf_i];
- $data['cell'][$row][$col]['font'] = $fonti;
- $data['cell'][$row][$col]['data'] = $val['val'];
- if( !isset($data['max_row']) ||
- ($data['max_row'] < $row) )
- $data['max_row'] = $row;
- if( !isset($data['max_col']) ||
- ($data['max_col'] < $col) )
- $data['max_col'] = $col;
- break;
- // MULRK
- case 0x00bd:
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->trace("found MULL RK");
- if( ($biff_ver < 5) ) break;
- $sz = ord($ws[$ptr+2])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+3]);
- if( $sz < 6 ) return 6;
- $row = ord($ws[$ptr+4])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+5]);
- $fc = ord($ws[$ptr+6])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+7]);
- $lc = ord($ws[$ptr+$sz+2])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+$sz+3]);
- for( $i=0; $i<=$lc-$fc; $i++) {
- $val = $this->rk_decode(
- ExcelParserUtil::str2long(substr($ws,$ptr+10+$i*6,4))
- );
- $xf_i=ord($ws[$ptr+8+$i*6])+256*ord($ws[($ptr+9+$i*6)]);
- if($this->isDateFormat($xf_i)==TRUE) {
- $data['cell'][$row][$fc+$i]['type'] = 3;
- } else {
- $data['cell'][$row][$fc+$i]['type'] = $val['type'];
- } $fonti = $this->xf['font'][$xf_i];
- $data['cell'][$row][$fc+$i]['font'] = $fonti;
- $data['cell'][$row][$fc+$i]['data'] = $val['val'];
- }if( !isset($data['max_row']) ||
- ($data['max_row'] < $row) )
- $data['max_row'] = $row;
- if( !isset($data['max_col']) ||
- ($data['max_col'] < $lc) )
- $data['max_col'] = $lc;
- break;
- // LABEL
- case 0x0204:
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->trace("found LABEL");
- if( ($biff_ver < 3) ){
- break;
- }if( (ord($ws[$ptr+2])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+3])) < 8 ){
- return 6;
- }$row = ord($ws[$ptr+4])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+5]);
- $col = ord($ws[$ptr+6])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+7]);
- $xf = ord($ws[$ptr+8])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+9]);
- $fonti = $this->xf['font'][$xf];
- $font = $this->fonts[$fonti];
- $str_len = ord($ws[$ptr+10])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+11]);
- if( $ptr+12+$str_len > strlen($ws) )
- return 6;
- $this->sst['unicode'][] = false;
- $this->sst['data'][] = substr($ws,$ptr+12,$str_len);
- $data['cell'][$row][$col]['type'] = 0;
- $sst_ind = count($this->sst['data'])-1;
- $data['cell'][$row][$col]['data'] = $sst_ind;
- $data['cell'][$row][$col]['font'] = $fonti;
- /*echo str_replace("\n","<br>\n", ExcelFont::toString($font,$fonti));
- echo "FontRecord for sting ".$this->sst['data'][$sst_ind]."<br>";*/
- if( !isset($data['max_row']) ||
- ($data['max_row'] < $row) )
- $data['max_row'] = $row;
- if( !isset($data['max_col']) ||
- ($data['max_col'] < $col) )
- $data['max_col'] = $col;
- break;
- case 0x00fd:
- if( $biff_ver < 8 ) break;
- if( (ord($ws[$ptr+2])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+3])) < 0x0a )
- return 6;
- $row = ord($ws[$ptr+4])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+5]);
- $col = ord($ws[$ptr+6])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+7]);
- $xf = ord($ws[$ptr+8])+256*ord($ws[$ptr+9]);
- $fonti = $this->xf['font'][$xf];
- $font = &$this->fonts[$fonti];
- $data['cell'][$row][$col]['type'] = 0;
- $sst_ind = ExcelParserUtil::str2long(substr($ws,$ptr+10,4));
- $data['cell'][$row][$col]['data'] = $sst_ind;
- $data['cell'][$row][$col]['font'] = $fonti;
- /* echo "FontRecord for sting at $row,$col<br>";
- echo str_replace("\n","<br>\n", ExcelFont::toString($font,$fonti));*/
- if( !isset($data['max_row']) ||
- ($data['max_row'] < $row) )
- $data['max_row'] = $row;
- if( !isset($data['max_col']) ||
- ($data['max_col'] < $col) )
- $data['max_col'] = $col;
- break;
- // unknown, unsupported or unused opcode
- default:
- break;
- } $ptr += 4+256*ord($ws[$ptr+3])+ord($ws[$ptr+2]);
- }/*DEBUG*/ $this->dbglog->debug("parse_worksheet() function returns ".var_export($data,true)); /*DEBUG*/
- return $data;
- }// Parse workbook
- //----------------
- function parse_workbook( $f_header, $dp ) {
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->debug("parse_workbook() function");
- $root_entry_block = $f_header->getLong(0x30);
- $num_fat_blocks = $f_header->getLong(0x2c);
- /*TRC*/ $this->dbglog->trace("Header parsed");
- $this->fat = array();
- for( $i = 0; $i < $num_fat_blocks; $i++ ){
- /*TRC*/$this->dbglog->trace("FOR LOOP iteration i =".$i);
- $fat_block = $f_header->getLong( 0x4c + 4 * $i );
- $fatbuf = $dp->get( $fat_block * 0x200, 0x200 );
- $fat = new DataProvider( $fatbuf, DP_STRING_SOURCE );
- if( $fat->getSize() < 0x200 ){
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->debug("parse_workbook() function found (strlen($fat) < 0x200) returns 6");
- return 6;
- }for( $j=0; $j<0x80; $j++ )
- $this->fat[] = $fat->getLong( $j * 4 );
- $fat->close();
- unset( $fat_block, $fatbuf, $fat );
- }/*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->dump( $this->fat, "\$fat" );
- if( count($this->fat) < $num_fat_blocks ) {
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->debug("parse_workbook() function found (count($this->fat) < $num_fat_blocks) returns 6");
- return 6;
- }$chain = $this->get_blocks_chain($root_entry_block);
- $dir = new DataProvider( $dp->ReadFromFat( $chain ), DP_STRING_SOURCE );
- unset( $chain );
- $this->sfat = array();
- $small_block = $f_header->getLong( 0x3c );
- if( $small_block != 0xfeffffff ) {
- $root_entry_index = $this->find_stream( $dir, 'Root Entry');
- if( $root_entry_index < 0 ) {
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->debug("parse_workbook() function dont found Root Entry returns 6");
- return 6;
- }
- $sdc_start_block = $dir->getLong( $root_entry_index * 0x80 + 0x74 );
- $small_data_chain = $this->get_blocks_chain($sdc_start_block);
- $this->max_sblocks = count($small_data_chain) * 8;
- $schain = $this->get_blocks_chain($small_block);
- for( $i = 0; $i < count( $schain ); $i++ ) {
- $sfatbuf = $dp->get( $schain[$i] * 0x200, 0x200 );
- $sfat = new DataProvider( $sfatbuf, DP_STRING_SOURCE );
- //$this->dbglog->dump( strlen($sfatbuf), "strlen(\$sftabuf)");
- //$this->dbglog->dump( $sfat, "\$sfat");
- if( $sfat->getSize() < 0x200 ) {
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->debug("parse_workbook() function found (strlen($sfat) < 0x200) returns 6");
- return 6;
- }
- for( $j=0; $j<0x80; $j++ )
- $this->sfat[] = $sfat->getLong( $j * 4 );
- $sfat->close();
- unset( $sfatbuf, $sfat );
- } unset( $schain );
- $sfcbuf = $dp->ReadFromFat( $small_data_chain );
- $sdp = new DataProvider( $sfcbuf, DP_STRING_SOURCE );
- unset( $sfcbuf, $small_data_chain );
- }$workbook_index = $this->find_stream( $dir, 'Workbook' );
- if( $workbook_index<0 ) {
- $workbook_index = $this->find_stream( $dir, 'Book' );
- if( $workbook_index<0 ){
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->debug("parse_workbook() function workbook index not found returns 7");
- return 7;
- }}$workbook_start_block = $dir->getLong( $workbook_index * 0x80 + 0x74 );
- $workbook_length = $dir->getLong( $workbook_index * 0x80 + 0x78 );
- $wb = '';
- if( $workbook_length > 0 ) {
- if( $workbook_length >= 0x1000 ) {
- $chain = $this->get_blocks_chain($workbook_start_block);
- $wb = $dp->ReadFromFat( $chain );
- } else {
- $chain = $this->get_blocks_chain($workbook_start_block,true);
- $wb = $sdp->ReadFromFat( $chain, 0x40 );
- unset( $sdp );
- }$wb = substr($wb,0,$workbook_length);
- if( strlen($wb) != $workbook_length )
- return 6;
- unset( $chain );
- }// Unset fat arrays
- unset( $this->fat, $this->sfat );
- if( strlen($wb) <= 0 ) {
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->debug("parse_workbook() function workbook found (strlen($wb) <= 0) returns 7");
- return 7;
- }if( strlen($wb) < 4 ) {
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->debug("parse_workbook() function workbook found (strlen($wb) < 4) returns 6");
- return 6;
- }// parse workbook header
- if( strlen($wb) < 256*ord($wb[3])+ord($wb[2]) ){
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->debug("parse_workbook() function workbook found (strlen($wb) < 256*ord($wb[3])+ord($wb[2])) < 4) returns 6");
- return 6;
- }if( ord($wb[0]) != 0x09 ){
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->debug("parse_workbook() function workbook found (ord($wb[0]) != 0x09) returns 6");
- return 6;
- }$vers = ord($wb[1]);
- if( ($vers!=0) && ($vers!=2) && ($vers!=4) && ($vers!=8) ){
- return 8;
- }if( $vers!=8 )
- $biff_ver = ($ver+4)/2;
- else {
- if( strlen($wb) < 12 ) return 6;
- switch( ord($wb[4])+256*ord($wb[5]) )
- {
- case 0x0500:
- if( ord($wb[0x0a])+256*ord($wb[0x0b]) < 1994 )
- $biff_ver = 5;
- else {
- switch(ord( $wb[8])+256*ord($wb[9]) ) {
- case 2412:
- case 3218:
- case 3321:
- $biff_ver = 5;
- break;
- default:
- $biff_ver = 7;
- break;
- }}break;
- case 0x0600:
- $biff_ver = 8;
- break;
- default:
- return 8;
- }}if( $biff_ver < 5 ) return 8;
- $ptr = 0;
- $this->worksheet['offset'] = array();
- $this->worksheet['options'] = array();
- $this->worksheet['unicode'] = array();
- $this->worksheet['name'] = array();
- $this->worksheet['data'] = array();
- $this->format = $this->populateFormat();
- $this->fonts = array();
- $this->fonts[0] = ExcelFont::basicFontRecord();
- $this->xf = array();
- $this->xf['format'] = array();
- $this->xf['font'] = array();
- $this->xf['type_prot'] = array();
- $this->xf['alignment'] = array();
- $this->xf['decoration'] = array();
- $xf_cnt=0;
- $this->sst['unicode'] = array();
- $this->sst['data'] = array();
- $opcode = 0;
- $sst_defined = false;
- $wblen = strlen($wb);
- while( (ord($wb[$ptr])!=0x0a) && ($ptr<$wblen) )
- {
- $oc = ord($wb[$ptr])+256*ord($wb[$ptr+1]);
- if( $oc != 0x3c )
- $opcode = $oc;
- switch ($opcode)
- {
- case 0x0085:
- $ofs = ExcelParserUtil::str2long(substr($wb,$ptr+4,4));
- $this->worksheet['offset'][] = $ofs;
- $this->worksheet['options'][] = ord($wb[$ptr+8])+256*ord($wb[$ptr+9]);
- if( $biff_ver==8 ) {
- $len = ord($wb[$ptr+10]);
- if( (ord($wb[$ptr+11]) & 1) > 0 ) {
- $this->worksheet['unicode'][] = true;
- $len = $len*2;
- } else {
- $this->worksheet['unicode'][] = false;
- } $this->worksheet['name'][] = substr($wb,$ptr+12,$len);
- } else {
- $this->worksheet['unicode'][] = false;
- $len = ord($wb[$ptr+10]);
- $this->worksheet['name'][] = substr($wb,$ptr+11,$len);
- }$pws = $this->parse_worksheet(substr($wb,$ofs));
- if( is_array($pws) )
- $this->worksheet['data'][] = $pws;
- else
- return $pws;
- break;
- // Format
- case 0x041e:
- $fidx = ord($wb[$ptr+4])+256*ord($wb[$ptr+5]);
- if($fidx<0x31 ||$fidx==0x31 )
- break;
- elseif($biff_ver>7)
- $this->format[$fidx] = $this->getUnicodeString($wb,$ptr+6);
- break;
- // FONT 0x31
- $rec = ExcelFont::getFontRecord($wb,$ptr+4);
- $this->fonts[count($this->fonts)] = $rec;
- /*echo str_replace("\n","<br>\n",ExcelFont::toString($rec,count($this->fonts)-1));
- echo "FontRecord<br>" */;
- break;
- // XF
- case 0x00e0:
- $this->xf['font'][$xf_cnt] = ord($wb[$ptr+4])+256*ord($wb[$ptr+5]);
- $this->xf['format'][$xf_cnt] = ord($wb[$ptr+6])+256*ord($wb[$ptr+7]);
- $this->xf['type'][$xf_cnt] = "1";
- $this->xf['bitmask'][$xf_cnt] = "1";
- $xf_cnt++;
- break;
- // SST
- case 0x00fc:
- if( $biff_ver < 8 ) break;
- $sbuflen = ord($wb[$ptr+2]) + 256*ord($wb[$ptr+3]);
- if( $oc != 0x3c ) {
- if( $sst_defined ) return 6;
- $snum = ExcelParserUtil::str2long(substr($wb,$ptr+8,4));
- $sptr = $ptr+12;
- $sst_defined = true;
- } else {
- if( $rslen > $slen ) {
- $sptr = $ptr+4;
- $rslen -= $slen;
- $slen = $rslen;
- if( (ord($wb[$sptr]) & 1) > 0 ) {
- if( $char_bytes == 1 ) {
- $sstr = '';
- for( $i=0; $i<strlen($str); $i++ )
- $sstr .= $str[$i].chr(0);
- $str = $sstr;
- $char_bytes=2;
- } $schar_bytes = 2;
- } else {
- $schar_bytes = 1;
- }if( $sptr+$slen*$schar_bytes > $ptr+4+$sbuflen )
- $slen = ($ptr+$sbuflen-$sptr+3)/$schar_bytes;
- $sstr = substr($wb,$sptr+1,$slen*$schar_bytes);
- if( ($char_bytes == 2) && ($schar_bytes == 1) )
- {
- $sstr2 = '';
- for( $i=0; $i<strlen($sstr); $i++ )
- $sstr2 .= $sstr[$i].chr(0);
- $sstr = $sstr2;
- }$str .= $sstr;
- $sptr += $slen*$schar_bytes+1+4*$rt+$fesz;
- if( $slen < $rslen ) {
- if( ($sptr >= strlen($wb)) ||
- ($sptr < $ptr+4+$sbuflen) ||
- (ord($wb[$sptr]) != 0x3c) )
- {
- return 6;
- }break;
- } else {
- if( $char_bytes == 2 ) {
- $this->sst['unicode'][] = true;
- } else {
- $this->sst['unicode'][] = false;
- }$this->sst['data'][] = $str;
- $snum--;
- } } else {
- $sptr = $ptr+4;
- if( $sptr > $ptr ) $sptr += 4*$rt+$fesz;
- }}while( ($sptr < $ptr+4+$sbuflen) &&
- ($sptr < strlen($wb)) &&
- ($snum > 0) )
- {
- $rslen = ord($wb[$sptr])+256*ord($wb[$sptr+1]);
- $slen = $rslen;
- if( (ord($wb[$sptr+2]) & 1) > 0 ) {
- $char_bytes = 2;
- } else {
- $char_bytes = 1;
- } $rt = 0;
- $fesz = 0;
- switch (ord($wb[$sptr+2]) & 0x0c) {
- // Rich-Text with Far-East
- case 0x0c:
- $rt = ord($wb[$sptr+3])+256*(ord($wb[$sptr+4]));
- $fesz = ExcelParserUtil::str2long(substr($wb,$sptr+5,4));
- if( $sptr+9+$slen*$char_bytes > $ptr+4+$sbuflen )
- $slen = ($ptr+$sbuflen-$sptr-5)/$char_bytes;
- $str = substr($wb,$sptr+9,$slen*$char_bytes);
- $sptr += $slen*$char_bytes+9;
- break;
- // Rich-Text
- case 8:
- $rt = ord($wb[$sptr+3])+256*(ord($wb[$sptr+4]));
- if( $sptr+5+$slen*$char_bytes > $ptr+4+$sbuflen )
- $slen = ($ptr+$sbuflen-$sptr-1)/$char_bytes;
- $str = substr($wb,$sptr+5,$slen*$char_bytes);
- $sptr += $slen*$char_bytes+5;
- break;
- // Far-East
- case 4:
- $fesz = ExcelParserUtil::str2long(substr($wb,$sptr+3,4));
- if( $sptr+7+$slen*$char_bytes > $ptr+4+$sbuflen )
- $slen = ($ptr+$sbuflen-$sptr-3)/$char_bytes;
- $str = substr($wb,$sptr+7,$slen*$char_bytes);
- $sptr += $slen*$char_bytes+7;
- break;
- // Compressed or uncompressed unicode
- case 0:
- if( $sptr+3+$slen*$char_bytes > $ptr+4+$sbuflen )
- $slen = ($ptr+$sbuflen-$sptr+1)/$char_bytes;
- $str = substr($wb,$sptr+3,$slen*$char_bytes);
- $sptr += $slen*$char_bytes+3;
- break;
- } if( $slen < $rslen ) {
- if( ($sptr >= strlen($wb)) ||
- ($sptr < $ptr+4+$sbuflen) ||
- (ord($wb[$sptr]) != 0x3c) ) return 6;
- } else {
- if( $char_bytes == 2 ) {
- $this->sst['unicode'][] = true;
- } else {
- $this->sst['unicode'][] = false;
- }$sptr += 4*$rt+$fesz;
- $this->sst['data'][] = $str;
- $snum--;
- }} // switch
- break;
- } // switch
- // !!! Optimization:
- // $this->wsb[] = substr($wb,$ptr,4+256*ord($wb[$ptr+3])+ord($wb[$ptr+2]));
- $ptr += 4+256*ord($wb[$ptr+3])+ord($wb[$ptr+2]);
- } // while
- // !!! Optimization:
- // $this->workbook = $wb;
- $this->biff_version = $biff_ver;
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->debug("parse_workbook() function returns 0");
- return 0;
- }// ParseFromString & ParseFromFile
- //---------------------------------
- //
- // IN:
- //string contents - File contents
- //string filename - File name of an existing Excel file.
- //
- // OUT:
- //0 - success
- //1 - can't open file
- //2 - file too small to be an Excel file
- //3 - error reading header
- //4 - error reading file
- //5 - This is not an Excel file or file stored in < Excel 5.0
- //6 - file corrupted
- //7 - data not found
- //8 - Unsupported file version
- function ParseFromString( $contents )
- {
- $this->dbglog->info("ParseFromString() enter.");
- $this->dp = new DataProvider( $contents, DP_STRING_SOURCE );
- return $this->InitParser();
- }function ParseFromFile( $filename )
- {
- $this->dbglog->info("ParseFromFile() enter.");
- $this->dp = new DataProvider( $filename, DP_FILE_SOURCE );
- return $this->InitParser();
- }function InitParser()
- {
- $this->dbglog->info("InitParser() enter.");
- if( !$this->dp->isValid() )
- {
- $this->dbglog->error("InitParser() Failed to open file.");
- $this->dbglog->error("InitParser() function returns 1");
- return 1;
- }if( $this->dp->getSize() <= 0x200 )
- {
- $this->dbglog->error("InitParser() File too small to be an Excel file.");
- $this->dbglog->error("InitParser() function returns 2");
- return 2;
- }$this->max_blocks = $this->dp->getBlocks();
- // read file header
- $hdrbuf = $this->dp->get( 0, 0x200 );
- if( strlen( $hdrbuf ) < 0x200 )
- {
- $this->dbglog->error("InitParser() Error reading header.");
- $this->dbglog->error("InitParser() function returns 3");
- return 3;
- }// check file header
- $header_sig = array(0xd0,0xcf,0x11,0xe0,0xa1,0xb1,0x1a,0xe1);
- for( $i = 0; $i < count($header_sig); $i++ )
- if( $header_sig[$i] != ord( $hdrbuf[$i] ) ){
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->error("InitParser() function founds invalid header");
- /*DBG*/ $this->dbglog->error("InitParser() function returns 5");
- return 5;
- }$f_header = new DataProvider( $hdrbuf, DP_STRING_SOURCE );
- unset( $hdrbuf, $header_sig, $i );
- $this->dp->_baseOfs = 0x200;
- $rc = $this->parse_workbook( $f_header, $this->dp );
- unset( $f_header );
- unset( $this->dp, $this->max_blocks, $this->max_sblocks );
- return $rc;
- }}function uc2html($str) {
- $ret = '';
- for( $i=0; $i<strlen($str)/2; $i++ ) {
- $charcode = ord($str[$i*2])+256*ord($str[$i*2+1]);
- $ret .= '&#'.$charcode;
- }return $ret;
- }
- //------------------------读取Excel文件
- function Read_Excel_File($ExcelFile,&$result) {
- $exc = new ExcelFileParser("", ABC_NO_LOG );
- $res=$exc->ParseFromFile($ExcelFile);$result=null;
- switch ($res) {
- case 0: break;
- case 1: $err="无法打开文件"; break;
- case 2: $err="文件太小,可能不是Excel文件"; break;
- case 3: $err="文件头读取错误"; break;
- case 4: $err="读取文件时出错"; break;
- case 5: $err="这不是一个Excel文件或者是Excel5.0以前版本文件"; break;
- case 6: $err="文件损坏"; break;
- case 7: $err="在文件中没有发现Excel数据"; break;
- case 8: $err="不支持的文件版本"; break;
- default:
- $err="未知错误"; break;
- }
- for( $ws_num=0; $ws_num<count($exc->worksheet['name']); $ws_num++ )
- {
- $Sheetname=$exc->worksheet['name'][$ws_num];
- $ws = $exc->worksheet['data'][$ws_num];
- for( $j=0; $j<=$ws['max_row']; $j++ ) {
- for( $i=0; $i<=$ws['max_col']; $i++ ) {
- $data = $ws['cell'][$j][$i];
- switch ($data['type']) {
- // string
- case 0:
- $ind = $data['data'];
- if( $exc->sst['unicode'][$ind] ) {
- //$s = uc2html($exc->sst['data'][$ind]);
- $s = iconv_ec('utf-16le','utf-8',$exc->sst['data'][$ind]);
- } else
- $s = $exc->sst['data'][$ind];
- if( strlen(trim($s))==0 )
- $V="";
- else
- $V=$s;
- break;
- // integer number
- case 1:
- $V=(int)($data['data']);
- break;
- // float number
- case 2:
- $V=(float)($data['data']);
- break;
- // date
- case 3:
- $ret = $exc->getDateArray($data['data']);
- $V=$ret['year']."-".$ret['month']."-".$ret['day']." ".$ret['hour'];
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- $result[$Sheetname][$j][$i]=$V;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($err=='') {return 0;} else {return $err;}
- }
- //------------------------建立Excel文件
- function Create_Excel_File($ExcelFile,$Data) {
- header ('Content-type: application/x-msexcel');
- header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$ExcelFile" );
- function xlsBOF() {
- echo pack("ssssss", 0x809, 0x8, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0);
- return;
- }
- function xlsEOF() {
- echo pack("ss", 0x0A, 0x00);
- return;
- }
- function xlsWriteNumber($Row, $Col, $Value) {
- echo pack("sssss", 0x203, 14, $Row, $Col, 0x0);
- echo pack("d", $Value);
- return;
- }
- function xlsWriteLabel($Row, $Col, $Value ) {
- $L = strlen($Value);
- echo pack("ssssss", 0x204, 8 + $L, $Row, $Col, 0x0, $L);
- echo $Value;
- return;
- }
- xlsBOF();
- for ($i=0;$i<count($Data[0]);$i++)
- {
- for ($j=0;$j<count($Data);$j++)
- {
- $v=$Data[$j][$i];
- xlsWriteLabel($j,$i,$v);
- }
- }
- xlsEOF();
- }
- ?>
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