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- --[[
- Installer program for ComputerCraft YouTube.
- --]]
- --[[ Variables ]]--
- local sourceFolder = ".ccYouTube"
- screenX, screenY = term.getSize()
- tArgs = {...}
- if fs.exists(sourceFolder) and #tArgs == 0 then print("Source folder already exists;\nPlease use -redownload as the argument to delete the current source folder and download new; stopping") return end
- local backups = {}
- -- Tables
- local t_Folders = {
- { sFolderName = "apis", sPath = sourceFolder .. "/apis" },
- { sFolderName = "downloads", sPath = sourceFolder .. "/downloads" },
- { sFolderName = "logos", sPath = sourceFolder .. "/logos" },
- { sFolderName = "recycleBin", sPath = sourceFolder .. "/recycleBin" },
- }
- local t_NeededFiles = {
- { sType = "api", sUrl = "", sPath = sourceFolder .. "/apis/loadingScreen"},
- { sType = "api", sUrl = "", sPath = sourceFolder .. "/apis/extStrLib"},
- { sType = "api", sUrl = "", sPath = sourceFolder .. "/apis/box"},
- { sType = "logo", sUrl = "", sPath = sourceFolder .. "/logos/ccytLogo"},
- { sType = "logo", sUrl = "", sPath = sourceFolder .. "/logos/home"},
- { sType = "file", sUrl = "", sPath = "ccYouTube"}
- }
- local t_startLogo = {
- " f f eeeee e ",
- " f f e e ",
- " 9999 9999 ffff fff f f e e e eee eee",
- "9 9 f f f f f e e e e e e e",
- "9 9 ffff f f f f f e e e e e eee",
- "9 9 f f f f f e e e e e e ",
- " 9999 9999 ffff fff fff e eee eee eee",
- }
- --[[ End of Variables ]]--
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- term.setTextColour(
- if not term.isColor() or turtle then
- print("Error; Advanced Computer Required.")
- term.setTextColour(
- return
- elseif not http then
- print("Error; HTTP needs to be enabled.")
- term.setTextColour(
- return
- end
- term.setTextColour(
- local function colorW(...)
- local curColor
- for i=1, #arg do -- arg is ...
- if type(arg[i]) == 'number' then
- curColor = arg[i]
- else
- if curColor then
- term.setTextColor(curColor)
- end
- write(arg[i])
- end
- end
- print() -- this is a print function, so it needs a new line.
- end
- function printLogo()
- local function hexLookup( char )
- local value = tonumber(char, 16)
- return (value and math.pow(2, value) or nil)
- end
- local function pCent(text, yLine, nCol)
- term.setCursorPos( ( screenX - #text ) / 2, yLine )
- term.setTextColour(nCol)
- write(text)
- end
- term.setBackgroundColour(colours.white)
- term.clear()
- for i = 1, #t_startLogo do
- term.setCursorPos(5, 3+i)
- for z = 1, #t_startLogo[i] do
- tmp = string.sub(t_startLogo[i], z, z)
- if tmp == " " then
- term.setBackgroundColour(colours.white)
- write(' ')
- else
- term.setBackgroundColour(hexLookup(string.sub(t_startLogo[i], z, z)))
- write(' ')
- end
- end
- print()
- end
- term.setBackgroundColour(colours.white)
- pCent("Initilizing Installer for CC YouTube ...", 15,
- pCent("By derekseitz", screenY, colours.cyan)
- sleep(2)
- end
- term.setBackgroundColour(
- function initiate()
- print("Creating/Downloading the required files ... \n")
- -- Checking files and folders
- if not fs.isDir(sourceFolder) then
- fs.makeDir(sourceFolder)
- colorW(colours.yellow, "[",, "FOLDER", colours.yellow, "] ", colours.cyan, sourceFolder)
- end
- for i = 1, #t_Folders do
- if not fs.exists(t_Folders[i].sPath) then
- fs.makeDir(t_Folders[i].sPath)
- colorW(colours.yellow, "[",, "FOLDER", colours.yellow, "] ", colours.cyan, t_Folders[i].sPath)
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #t_NeededFiles do
- if not fs.exists(t_NeededFiles[i].sPath) then
- colorW(colours.yellow, "[", colours.lime, t_NeededFiles[i].sType, colours.yellow, "]", string.rep(" ", 8 - #t_NeededFiles[i].sType), colours.cyan, t_NeededFiles[i].sPath)
- local response = http.get( t_NeededFiles[i].sUrl )
- local fHandle =[i].sPath, "w")
- fHandle.write(response.readAll())
- fHandle.close()
- end
- end
- end
- --[[ Main part of the installer ]]--
- printLogo()
- term.setBackgroundColour(
- term.setTextColour(
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- term.clear()
- local fileList = fs.list(sourceFolder .. "/downloads/" )
- if #tArgs == 1 and tArgs[1] == "-redownload" then
- if #fileList > 0 then
- print( "Backing up current videos ..." )
- for i, v in pairs( fileList ) do
- local f = sourceFolder .. "/downloads/" .. v, "r" )
- table.insert( backups, {
- name = v,
- content = f.readAll()
- })
- f.close()
- end
- print( '\nBacked up ' .. #fileList .. ' files.\n' )
- end
- sleep(0.5)
- fs.delete(sourceFolder)
- fs.delete("ccYouTube")
- end
- initiate()
- if #tArgs == 1 and tArgs[1] == "-redownload" and #backups ~= 0 then
- print( "\nCopying backed up files ... " )
- for i, v in pairs(backups) do
- local f = sourceFolder .. '/downloads/' .., "w" )
- f.write( v.content )
- f.close()
- end
- end
- print("\nDone!\nType ccYouTube to start!\n")
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