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- ; ===========================================================================
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Kosinski decompression routine
- ;
- ; Created by vladikcomper
- ; Special thanks to flamewing and MarkeyJester
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- _Kos_RunBitStream macro
- dbf d2,@skip\@
- moveq #7,d2
- move.b d1,d0
- swap d3
- bpl.s @skip\@
- move.b (a0)+,d0 ; get desc. bitfield
- move.b (a0)+,d1 ;
- move.b (a4,d0.w),d0 ; reload converted desc. bitfield from a LUT
- move.b (a4,d1.w),d1 ;
- @skip\@
- endm
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- KosDec:
- moveq #7,d7
- moveq #0,d0
- moveq #0,d1
- lea KosDec_ByteMap(pc),a4
- move.b (a0)+,d0 ; get desc field low-byte
- move.b (a0)+,d1 ; get desc field hi-byte
- move.b (a4,d0.w),d0 ; reload converted desc. bitfield from a LUT
- move.b (a4,d1.w),d1 ;
- moveq #7,d2 ; set repeat count to 8
- moveq #-1,d3 ; d3 will be desc field switcher
- clr.w d3 ;
- bra.s KosDec_FetchNewCode
- KosDec_FetchCodeLoop:
- ; code 1 (Uncompressed byte)
- _Kos_RunBitStream
- move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
- KosDec_FetchNewCode:
- add.b d0,d0 ; get a bit from the bitstream
- bcs.s KosDec_FetchCodeLoop ; if code = 0, branch
- ; codes 00 and 01
- _Kos_RunBitStream
- moveq #0,d4 ; d4 will contain copy count
- add.b d0,d0 ; get a bit from the bitstream
- bcs.s KosDec_Code_01
- ; code 00 (Dictionary ref. short)
- _Kos_RunBitStream
- add.b d0,d0 ; get a bit from the bitstream
- addx.w d4,d4
- _Kos_RunBitStream
- add.b d0,d0 ; get a bit from the bitstream
- addx.w d4,d4
- _Kos_RunBitStream
- moveq #-1,d5
- move.b (a0)+,d5 ; d5 = displacement
- KosDec_StreamCopy:
- lea (a1,d5),a3
- move.b (a3)+,(a1)+ ; do 1 extra copy (to compensate for +1 to copy counter)
- KosDec_copy:
- move.b (a3)+,(a1)+
- dbf d4,KosDec_copy
- bra.w KosDec_FetchNewCode
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- KosDec_Code_01:
- ; code 01 (Dictionary ref. long / special)
- _Kos_RunBitStream
- move.b (a0)+,d6 ; d6 = %LLLLLLLL
- move.b (a0)+,d4 ; d4 = %HHHHHCCC
- moveq #-1,d5
- move.b d4,d5 ; d5 = %11111111 HHHHHCCC
- lsl.w #5,d5 ; d5 = %111HHHHH CCC00000
- move.b d6,d5 ; d5 = %111HHHHH LLLLLLLL
- and.w d7,d4 ; d4 = %00000CCC
- bne.s KosDec_StreamCopy ; if CCC=0, branch
- ; special mode (extended counter)
- move.b (a0)+,d4 ; read cnt
- beq.s KosDec_Quit ; if cnt=0, quit decompression
- subq.b #1,d4
- beq.w KosDec_FetchNewCode ; if cnt=1, fetch a new code
- lea (a1,d5),a3
- move.b (a3)+,(a1)+ ; do 1 extra copy (to compensate for +1 to copy counter)
- move.w d4,d6
- not.w d6
- and.w d7,d6
- add.w d6,d6
- lsr.w #3,d4
- jmp KosDec_largecopy(pc,d6.w)
- KosDec_largecopy:
- rept 8
- move.b (a3)+,(a1)+
- endr
- dbf d4,KosDec_largecopy
- bra.w KosDec_FetchNewCode
- KosDec_Quit:
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; A look-up table to invert bits order in desc. field bytes
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- KosDec_ByteMap:
- dc.b $00,$80,$40,$C0,$20,$A0,$60,$E0,$10,$90,$50,$D0,$30,$B0,$70,$F0
- dc.b $08,$88,$48,$C8,$28,$A8,$68,$E8,$18,$98,$58,$D8,$38,$B8,$78,$F8
- dc.b $04,$84,$44,$C4,$24,$A4,$64,$E4,$14,$94,$54,$D4,$34,$B4,$74,$F4
- dc.b $0C,$8C,$4C,$CC,$2C,$AC,$6C,$EC,$1C,$9C,$5C,$DC,$3C,$BC,$7C,$FC
- dc.b $02,$82,$42,$C2,$22,$A2,$62,$E2,$12,$92,$52,$D2,$32,$B2,$72,$F2
- dc.b $0A,$8A,$4A,$CA,$2A,$AA,$6A,$EA,$1A,$9A,$5A,$DA,$3A,$BA,$7A,$FA
- dc.b $06,$86,$46,$C6,$26,$A6,$66,$E6,$16,$96,$56,$D6,$36,$B6,$76,$F6
- dc.b $0E,$8E,$4E,$CE,$2E,$AE,$6E,$EE,$1E,$9E,$5E,$DE,$3E,$BE,$7E,$FE
- dc.b $01,$81,$41,$C1,$21,$A1,$61,$E1,$11,$91,$51,$D1,$31,$B1,$71,$F1
- dc.b $09,$89,$49,$C9,$29,$A9,$69,$E9,$19,$99,$59,$D9,$39,$B9,$79,$F9
- dc.b $05,$85,$45,$C5,$25,$A5,$65,$E5,$15,$95,$55,$D5,$35,$B5,$75,$F5
- dc.b $0D,$8D,$4D,$CD,$2D,$AD,$6D,$ED,$1D,$9D,$5D,$DD,$3D,$BD,$7D,$FD
- dc.b $03,$83,$43,$C3,$23,$A3,$63,$E3,$13,$93,$53,$D3,$33,$B3,$73,$F3
- dc.b $0B,$8B,$4B,$CB,$2B,$AB,$6B,$EB,$1B,$9B,$5B,$DB,$3B,$BB,$7B,$FB
- dc.b $07,$87,$47,$C7,$27,$A7,$67,$E7,$17,$97,$57,$D7,$37,$B7,$77,$F7
- dc.b $0F,$8F,$4F,$CF,$2F,$AF,$6F,$EF,$1F,$9F,$5F,$DF,$3F,$BF,$7F,$FF
- ; ===========================================================================
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