
Forces open door

Dec 26th, 2024
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  1. He did, and the captain told him that he didn’t intend so, and that moving the Kongs so they could have a little light and air would be fine. Taigu went first with Khaan, the Kong walking unsteadily, no longer trusting the motion of the ship beneath his feet. When Taigu arrived at the back of the longhouse, he tried to open the doors but they were stuck. The boy heard sailors on the other side yell, “Hold up in there, debris is blocking the hatch and we have to clear it!”
  2. But Khaan was in no mood to wait. The great muscles in his back bulged as he forced the doors open, crushing and cracking whatever was obstructing them — and almost dislodging the sailors who dangled on ropes outside. The men began to curse furiously.
  3. Just then the Kong’s huge head appeared from behind the doors. It was well over fifteen feet above the men and “the deep-set eyes glared down at them as the rest of his enormous bulk emerged into the daylight. Disheveled, angry, and in no mood to suffer the sailor’s insults, Khaan roared deafeningly. Like spiders shocked at finding a deadly wasp in their web, they scrambled back up to the deck on their ropes, and from the sound of their shouts they spread panic throughout the ship.
  4. Then Taigu heard his father’s voice from above, reassuring the men, telling them the Kong merely needed air — and pointing out that the hanging debris that had blocked the hatch was no longer a problem.
  7. King Kong of Skull Island: Exodus Chapter 7
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