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- """
- Tic Tac Toe Player
- """
- import math
- import random
- import copy
- import operator
- X = "X"
- O = "O"
- EMPTY = None
- def initial_state():
- """
- Returns starting state of the board.
- """
- return [[EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY],
- def player(board):
- """
- Returns player who has the next turn on a board.
- """
- if terminal(board):
- return -2
- else: # we asume that the first player is X
- flat_copy = flatten(board)
- return X if flat_copy.count(X) <= flat_copy.count(O) else O
- def actions(board):
- """
- Returns set of all possible actions (i, j) available on the board.
- """
- if terminal(board):
- return -2
- # associate each element to its ordinal value from 0 to 8 tile of grid
- else:
- flat_copy_zip = zip(flatten(board), range(0, 9))
- # transform possible move places to its grid coordinates
- # filter only thoses empty places where player can play ie. None is available
- moves = {map_coordinates(b) for (a, b) in flat_copy_zip if a is None}
- return moves
- def result(board, action):
- """
- Returns the board that results from making move (i, j) on the board.
- """
- check(action)
- who_plays = player(board) # who's turn it is?
- next_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
- (i, j) = action
- # replaces in place the ith tile with X or O players turn
- next_board[i][j] = who_plays
- return next_board
- def winner(board):
- """
- Returns the winner of the game, if there is one.
- """
- flat_board = flatten(board)
- line_win = line_winner(board)
- column_win = column_winner(flat_board)
- diagonal_win = diagonal_winner(flat_board)
- return game_winner if line_win or column_win or diagonal_win else None
- def terminal(board):
- """
- Returns True if game is over, False otherwise.
- """
- return True if winner(board) or is_full(board) else False
- def utility(board):
- """
- Returns 1 if X has won the game, -1 if O has won, 0 otherwise.
- """
- if winner(board):
- if game_winner == O:
- return -1
- elif game_winner == X:
- return 1
- else:
- return 0
- def minimax(board):
- """
- Returns the optimal action for the current player on the board.
- """
- if terminal(board):
- return None
- if is_empty(board): # on the opening move all actions have utility=0
- # any first move is equi-probable of winning?
- return (random.randrange(0, 3), random.randrange(0, 3))
- if player(board) == X: # AI's plays as X
- move_value_pairs = set()
- for move in actions(board):
- v = min_value(result(board, move))
- if v > 0 : #alpha-beta prunning.
- return move # X has found a winning board no need to search further
- else:
- move_value_pairs.add((move, v))
- # any pair with higest value is ok
- (best_move, _) = max(move_value_pairs, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
- return best_move
- elif player(board) == O: # AI plays as O
- move_value_pairs = set()
- for move in actions(board):
- v = max_value(result(board, move))
- if v < 0 : # O has found a winning board
- return move
- else:
- move_value_pairs.add((move, v))
- (best_move, _) = min(move_value_pairs, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
- return best_move
- """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- def max_value(board):
- if terminal(board):
- return utility(board)
- else:
- v = -math.inf
- for action in actions(board):
- v = max(v, min_value(result(board, action)))
- return v
- def min_value(board):
- if terminal(board):
- return utility(board)
- else:
- v = math.inf
- for action in actions(board):
- v = min(v, max_value(result(board, action)))
- return v
- def check(action):
- (i, j) = action
- if i not in range(0, 3) or j not in range(0, 3):
- raise Exception()
- def is_full(board):
- flat_board = flatten(board)
- n = flat_board.count(None)
- return False if n > 0 else True
- def is_empty(board):
- flat_board = flatten(board)
- n = flat_board.count(None)
- return True if n == 9 else False
- def line_winner(board):
- line_1_win = winning(board[0])
- line_2_win = winning(board[1])
- line_3_win = winning(board[2])
- # if any 3 in a row combination is valid
- return True if line_1_win or line_2_win or line_3_win else False
- def column_winner(flat_board):
- column1 = flat_board[0:9:3]
- column2 = flat_board[1:9:3]
- column3 = flat_board[2:9:3]
- column_1_win = winning(column1)
- column_2_win = winning(column2)
- column_3_win = winning(column3)
- return True if column_1_win or column_2_win or column_3_win else False
- def diagonal_winner(flat_board):
- diag1 = flat_board[0:9:4]
- diag2 = flat_board[2:8:2]
- diagonal_1_win = winning(diag1)
- diagonal_2_win = winning(diag2)
- return True if diagonal_1_win or diagonal_2_win else False
- def winning(series): # returns the wieiwie
- # counts number of occurrences of first element
- n = [x for x in series if x is not None].count(series[0])
- if n == 3:
- global game_winner # we have a winner!
- game_winner = series[0]
- return True
- def flatten(board): # flatten the list of list board
- return [item for sublist in board for item in sublist]
- def map_coordinates(number):
- if number == 0:
- return (0, 0)
- if number == 1:
- return (0, 1)
- if number == 2:
- return (0, 2)
- if number == 3:
- return (1, 0)
- if number == 4:
- return (1, 1)
- if number == 5:
- return (1, 2)
- if number == 6:
- return (2, 0)
- if number == 7:
- return (2, 1)
- if number == 8:
- return (2, 2)
- def map_action(action):
- if action == (0, 0):
- return 0
- if action == (1, 0):
- return 3
- if action == (2, 0):
- return 6
- if action == (0, 1):
- return 1
- if action == (1, 1):
- return 4
- if action == (2, 1):
- return 7
- if action == (0, 2):
- return 2
- if action == (1, 2):
- return 5
- if action == (2, 2):
- return 8
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