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- package {
- // See: http://go/android-license-faq
- // A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import
- // all of the 'license_kinds' from "//hardware/google/camera:hardware_google_camera_license"
- // to get the below license kinds:
- // SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0
- default_applicable_licenses: [
- "//hardware/google/camera:hardware_google_camera_license",
- ],
- }
- cc_library_shared {
- name: "libgooglecamerahwl_impl",
- owner: "google",
- proprietary: true,
- srcs: [
- "EmulatedCameraProviderHWLImpl.cpp",
- "EmulatedCameraDeviceHWLImpl.cpp",
- "EmulatedCameraDeviceSessionHWLImpl.cpp",
- "EmulatedLogicalRequestState.cpp",
- "EmulatedRequestProcessor.cpp",
- "EmulatedRequestState.cpp",
- "EmulatedScene.cpp",
- "EmulatedSensor.cpp",
- "EmulatedTorchState.cpp",
- "JpegCompressor.cpp",
- "utils/ExifUtils.cpp",
- "utils/HWLUtils.cpp",
- "utils/StreamConfigurationMap.cpp",
- ],
- cflags: [
- "-Werror",
- "-Wextra",
- "-Wall",
- ],
- shared_libs: [
- "libbase",
- "libcamera_metadata",
- "libcutils",
- "libexif",
- "libgralloctypes",
- "libhardware",
- "libhidlbase",
- "libgooglecamerahalutils",
- "libjpeg",
- "libjsoncpp",
- "liblog",
- "libsync",
- "libutils",
- "libyuv",
- ],
- static_libs: [
- ],
- include_dirs: [
- "system/media/private/camera/include",
- ],
- header_libs: [
- "libgooglecamerahal_headers",
- ],
- }
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