
The Success of Blizzard

Sep 3rd, 2011
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  1. The Success of Blizzard
  2. World of Warcraft Games design director Tom Chilton said that every three weeks to a month, any development department staff positions, but also in the case of sufficient resources in the selected project to try their own ideas when It proved good enough time, will be formally adopted for World of Warcraft This has emerged in the 2004 game, the new ideas continue to join – a particular pet, specific activities, etc. – is to maintain the vitality of the key.
  4. But Blizzard is still in the product to leave his mark: Network Battle Mode , random map generator, a large number of shortcuts and other settings, the subsequent emergence of the ‘fog of war’ set, has also long been imitated by many similar games in this set, players must explore the area before you can know. ‘ enemy ‘forces the situation, which greatly enhances the game’s irritating.
  6. Today, the company has become such an architecture: a project team set up two of each the head, are designed to chief designer and production director, the former is responsible for the overall structure of the game’s setting, including the view of the world, level and character design, which is responsible for the production into the game. Morhaime decision to grant autonomy to the largest R & D team as president and CEO, he will no longer be in charge of a certain product, unless they really need Morhaime decision.
  8. No one will delay introduction of the product or products of the defeat and punishment, the team does not give the company whose products sold well resulting in high-income impression will come in Morhaime, this is a bad product to minimize the first Firewall . This way, Blizzard has insisted for 20 years, and achieved great success.
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