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- using System.Web.Http;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- using Aspose.App.Models;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.IO;
- using System;
- using System.Reflection;
- using Aspose.Cells.Properties;
- using Aspose.Pdf;
- using Aspose.Slides;
- using Tools.Foundation.Models;
- using Aspose.Email.Mapi;
- using System.Text;
- using Aspose.App.LibraryHelpers;
- using System.Linq;
- namespace Aspose.App.Controllers
- {
- ///<Summary>
- /// AsposeMetadataController class to get metadata properties
- ///</Summary>
- public class AsposeMetadataController : ApiControllerBase
- {
- private List<string> allowedTypes = new List<string> { "Boolean", "DateTime", "Double", "Number", "Int32", "String" };
- private Boolean IsAllowedType(string propertyType)
- {
- return allowedTypes.Contains(propertyType);
- }
- private void AddWordsCustomPropertyValue(Words.Properties.CustomDocumentProperties customDocumentProperties, AsposeMetadataObject metadataObj)
- {
- if (metadataObj.ValueType == "Boolean")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.Add(metadataObj.Property, Boolean.Parse(metadataObj.Value));
- }
- else if (metadataObj.ValueType == "DateTime")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.Add(metadataObj.Property, DateTime.Parse(metadataObj.Value));
- }
- else if (metadataObj.ValueType == "Double")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.Add(metadataObj.Property, Double.Parse(metadataObj.Value));
- }
- else if (metadataObj.ValueType == "Number" || metadataObj.ValueType == "Int32")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.Add(metadataObj.Property, Int32.Parse(metadataObj.Value));
- }
- else if (metadataObj.ValueType == "String")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.Add(metadataObj.Property, metadataObj.Value);
- }
- }
- private void AddCellsCustomPropertyValue(CustomDocumentPropertyCollection customDocumentProperties, AsposeMetadataObject metadataObj)
- {
- if (metadataObj.ValueType == "Boolean")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.Add(metadataObj.Property, Boolean.Parse(metadataObj.Value));
- }
- else if (metadataObj.ValueType == "DateTime")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.Add(metadataObj.Property, DateTime.Parse(metadataObj.Value));
- }
- else if (metadataObj.ValueType == "Double")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.Add(metadataObj.Property, Double.Parse(metadataObj.Value));
- }
- else if (metadataObj.ValueType == "Number" || metadataObj.ValueType == "Int32")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.Add(metadataObj.Property, Int32.Parse(metadataObj.Value));
- }
- else if (metadataObj.ValueType == "String")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.Add(metadataObj.Property, metadataObj.Value);
- }
- }
- private void AddPdfCustomPropertyValue(Metadata customDocumentProperties, AsposeMetadataObject metadataObj)
- {
- if (!metadataObj.Property.Contains(':'))
- {
- metadataObj.Property=metadataObj.Property.Insert(0, "pdfx:");
- }
- if (metadataObj.ValueType == "Boolean")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, XmpValue>(metadataObj.Property,
- metadataObj.Value));
- }
- else if (metadataObj.ValueType == "DateTime")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, XmpValue>(metadataObj.Property, DateTime.Parse(metadataObj.Value)));
- }
- else if (metadataObj.ValueType == "Double")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, XmpValue>(metadataObj.Property, Double.Parse(metadataObj.Value)));
- }
- else if (metadataObj.ValueType == "Number" || metadataObj.ValueType == "Int32")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, XmpValue>(metadataObj.Property,
- Int32.Parse(metadataObj.Value)));
- }
- else if (metadataObj.ValueType == "String")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.Add(metadataObj.Property, metadataObj.Value);
- }
- }
- private void AddSlidesCustomPropertyValue(IDocumentProperties customDocumentProperties, AsposeMetadataObject metadataObj)
- {
- if (metadataObj.ValueType == "Boolean")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.SetCustomPropertyValue(metadataObj.Property, Boolean.Parse(metadataObj.Value));
- }
- else if (metadataObj.ValueType == "DateTime")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.SetCustomPropertyValue(metadataObj.Property, DateTime.Parse(metadataObj.Value));
- }
- else if (metadataObj.ValueType == "Double")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.SetCustomPropertyValue(metadataObj.Property, Double.Parse(metadataObj.Value));
- }
- else if (metadataObj.ValueType == "Number" || metadataObj.ValueType == "Int32")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.SetCustomPropertyValue(metadataObj.Property, Int32.Parse(metadataObj.Value));
- }
- else if (metadataObj.ValueType == "String")
- {
- customDocumentProperties.SetCustomPropertyValue(metadataObj.Property, metadataObj.Value);
- }
- }
- private void SetBuiltInPropertyValue(PropertyInfo prop, Object props, string value)
- {
- try
- {
- Object obj = null;
- if (prop.PropertyType.Name == "Boolean")
- {
- obj = Boolean.Parse(value);
- }
- else if (prop.PropertyType.Name == "DateTime")
- {
- obj = DateTime.Parse(value);
- }
- else if (prop.PropertyType.Name == "Double")
- {
- obj = Double.Parse(value);
- }
- else if (prop.PropertyType.Name == "Number" || prop.PropertyType.Name == "Int32")
- {
- obj = Int32.Parse(value);
- }
- else if (prop.PropertyType.Name == "String")
- {
- obj = value;
- }
- prop.SetValue(props, obj);
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- }
- ///<Summary>
- /// GetAsposeMetadata method to get metadata
- ///</Summary>
- [HttpGet]
- [ActionName("GetAsposeMetadata")]
- public async Task<AsposeMetadataResponse> GetAsposeMetadata(string product, string fileNamePath)
- {
- string logMsg = "ControllerName = " + this.GetType().Name + ", " + "MethodName = " + "GetAsposeMetadata" + ", " + "Folder = " + Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileNamePath));
- ProductFamilyNameKeysEnum productFamily = ProductFamilyNameKeysEnum.unassigned;
- string productName = "";
- var productInLowerCase = product.ToLowerInvariant();
- if (productInLowerCase == "words")
- {
- productName = AsposeWords;
- productFamily = ProductFamilyNameKeysEnum.words;
- }
- else if (productInLowerCase == "cells")
- {
- productName = AsposeCells;
- productFamily = ProductFamilyNameKeysEnum.cells;
- }
- else if (productInLowerCase == "slides")
- {
- productName = AsposeSlides;
- productFamily = ProductFamilyNameKeysEnum.slides;
- }
- else if (productInLowerCase == "pdf")
- {
- productName = AsposePDF;
- productFamily = ProductFamilyNameKeysEnum.pdf;
- }
- else if (productInLowerCase == "email")
- {
- productName = AsposeEmail;
- productFamily =;
- }
- productName += MetadataApp;
- try
- {
- AsposeMetadataResponse response = null;
- if (productInLowerCase == "words")
- {
- response = GetAsposeWordsMetadata(fileNamePath);
- }
- else if (productInLowerCase == "cells")
- {
- response = GetAsposeCellsMetadata(fileNamePath);
- }
- else if (productInLowerCase == "slides")
- {
- response = GetAsposeSlidesMetadata(fileNamePath);
- }
- else if (productInLowerCase == "pdf")
- {
- response = GetAsposePdfMetadata(fileNamePath);
- }
- else if (productInLowerCase == "email")
- {
- response = GetAsposeEmailMetadata(fileNamePath);
- }
- NLogger.LogInfo(logMsg, productName, productFamily, Path.GetFileName(fileNamePath));
- return await Task.FromResult(response);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- NLogger.LogError(e, logMsg, productName, productFamily, Path.GetFileName(fileNamePath));
- AsposeMetadataResponse response = new AsposeMetadataResponse
- {
- Status = e.Message,
- StatusCode = 500
- };
- return response;
- }
- }
- private string GetValueString(object objValue)
- {
- string retVal = "";
- if(objValue != null)
- {
- retVal = objValue.ToString();
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- private AsposeMetadataResponse GetAsposeWordsMetadata(string fileNamePath)
- {
- Words.Document doc = new Aspose.Words.Document(fileNamePath);
- int i = 0;
- List<AsposeMetadataObject> builtInMetadataList = new List<AsposeMetadataObject>();
- Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties props = doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties;
- Type t = props.GetType();
- foreach(var prop in t.GetProperties())
- {
- if (prop.CanWrite && IsAllowedType(prop.PropertyType.Name)) {
- AsposeMetadataObject metadataObject = new AsposeMetadataObject {
- PropertyId = i++,
- Property = prop.Name,
- Value = GetValueString(prop.GetValue(props)),
- ValueType = prop.PropertyType.Name
- };
- builtInMetadataList.Add(metadataObject);
- }
- }
- i = 0;
- List<AsposeMetadataObject> customMetadataList = new List<AsposeMetadataObject>();
- foreach (Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty obj in doc.CustomDocumentProperties)
- {
- AsposeMetadataObject metadataObject = new AsposeMetadataObject
- {
- PropertyId = i++,
- Property = obj.Name,
- Value = GetValueString(obj.Value),
- ValueType = obj.Type.ToString()
- };
- customMetadataList.Add(metadataObject);
- }
- AsposeMetadataResponse response = new AsposeMetadataResponse
- {
- BuiltInMetadataList = builtInMetadataList,
- CustomMetadataList = customMetadataList,
- Status = "OK",
- StatusCode = 200
- };
- return response;
- }
- private AsposeMetadataResponse GetAsposeCellsMetadata(string fileNamePath)
- {
- Aspose.Cells.Workbook doc = new Aspose.Cells.Workbook(fileNamePath);
- int i = 0;
- List<AsposeMetadataObject> builtInMetadataList = new List<AsposeMetadataObject>();
- Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection props = doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties;
- Type t = props.GetType();
- foreach (var prop in t.GetProperties())
- {
- if (prop.CanWrite && IsAllowedType(prop.PropertyType.Name))
- {
- AsposeMetadataObject metadataObject = new AsposeMetadataObject
- {
- PropertyId = i++,
- Property = prop.Name,
- Value = GetValueString(prop.GetValue(props)),
- ValueType = prop.PropertyType.Name
- };
- builtInMetadataList.Add(metadataObject);
- }
- }
- i = 0;
- List<AsposeMetadataObject> customMetadataList = new List<AsposeMetadataObject>();
- foreach (Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty obj in doc.CustomDocumentProperties)
- {
- AsposeMetadataObject metadataObject = new AsposeMetadataObject
- {
- PropertyId = i++,
- Property = obj.Name,
- Value = GetValueString(obj.Value),
- ValueType = obj.Type.ToString()
- };
- customMetadataList.Add(metadataObject);
- }
- AsposeMetadataResponse response = new AsposeMetadataResponse
- {
- BuiltInMetadataList = builtInMetadataList,
- CustomMetadataList = customMetadataList,
- Status = "OK",
- StatusCode = 200
- };
- return response;
- }
- private AsposeMetadataResponse GetAsposePdfMetadata(string fileNamePath)
- {
- Aspose.Pdf.Document doc = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(fileNamePath);
- int i = 0;
- List<AsposeMetadataObject> builtInMetadataList = new List<AsposeMetadataObject>();
- Pdf.DocumentInfo props = doc.Info;
- Type t = props.GetType();
- foreach (var prop in t.GetProperties())
- {
- if (IsPdfBuiltInProperty(prop.Name) && IsAllowedType((prop.PropertyType.Name)))
- {
- object obj = null;
- try
- {
- obj = prop.GetValue(props);
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- AsposeMetadataObject metadataObject = new AsposeMetadataObject
- {
- PropertyId = i++,
- Property = prop.Name,
- Value = GetValueString(obj),
- ValueType = prop.PropertyType.Name
- };
- builtInMetadataList.Add(metadataObject);
- }
- }
- i = 0;
- List<AsposeMetadataObject> customMetadataList = new List<AsposeMetadataObject>();
- foreach (string key in doc.Metadata.Keys)
- {
- AsposeMetadataObject metadataObject = new AsposeMetadataObject
- {
- PropertyId = i++,
- Property = key,
- Value = GetValueString(doc.Metadata[key]),
- ValueType = "String"
- };
- customMetadataList.Add(metadataObject);
- }
- AsposeMetadataResponse response = new AsposeMetadataResponse
- {
- BuiltInMetadataList = builtInMetadataList,
- CustomMetadataList = customMetadataList,
- Status = "OK",
- StatusCode = 200
- };
- return response;
- }
- private bool IsPdfBuiltInProperty(string name)
- {
- var allowedProperties = new HashSet<string> {"Author","CreationDate","Creator","Keywords","ModDate","Subject", "Title","Trapped" };
- return allowedProperties.Contains(name);
- }
- private AsposeMetadataResponse GetAsposeSlidesMetadata(string fileNamePath)
- {
- Aspose.Slides.Presentation doc = new Aspose.Slides.Presentation(fileNamePath);
- int i = 0;
- List<AsposeMetadataObject> builtInMetadataList = new List<AsposeMetadataObject>();
- var props = doc.DocumentProperties;
- Type t = props.GetType();
- foreach (var prop in t.GetProperties())
- {
- if (prop.CanWrite && IsAllowedType(prop.PropertyType.Name))
- {
- AsposeMetadataObject metadataObject = new AsposeMetadataObject
- {
- PropertyId = i++,
- Property = prop.Name,
- Value = GetValueString(prop.GetValue(props)),
- ValueType = prop.PropertyType.Name
- };
- builtInMetadataList.Add(metadataObject);
- }
- }
- i = 0;
- List<AsposeMetadataObject> customMetadataList = new List<AsposeMetadataObject>();
- for (int j=0; j < doc.DocumentProperties.CountOfCustomProperties; j++)
- {
- string propName = doc.DocumentProperties.GetCustomPropertyName(j);
- var prop = doc.DocumentProperties[propName];
- AsposeMetadataObject metadataObject = new AsposeMetadataObject
- {
- PropertyId = i++,
- Property = propName,
- Value = GetValueString(prop),
- ValueType = prop.GetType().ToString()
- };
- customMetadataList.Add(metadataObject);
- }
- AsposeMetadataResponse response = new AsposeMetadataResponse
- {
- BuiltInMetadataList = builtInMetadataList,
- CustomMetadataList = customMetadataList,
- Status = "OK",
- StatusCode = 200
- };
- return response;
- }
- private AsposeMetadataResponse GetAsposeEmailMetadata(string fileNamePath)
- {
- var formatInfo = Email.Tools.FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(fileNamePath);
- Aspose.Email.Mapi.MapiMessage mail;
- if (formatInfo.FileFormatType == Email.FileFormatType.Eml)
- mail = Aspose.Email.Mapi.MapiMessage.Load(fileNamePath, new Email.EmlLoadOptions());
- else
- if (formatInfo.FileFormatType == Email.FileFormatType.Msg)
- mail = Aspose.Email.Mapi.MapiMessage.Load(fileNamePath, new Email.MsgLoadOptions());
- else
- return new AsposeMetadataResponse()
- {
- StatusCode = 400,
- Status = "Invalid file format"
- };
- int i = 0;
- List<AsposeMetadataObject> builtInMetadataList = new List<AsposeMetadataObject>();
- Type t = mail.GetType();
- foreach (var prop in t.GetProperties())
- {
- if (prop.CanWrite && IsAllowedType(prop.PropertyType.Name))
- {
- AsposeMetadataObject metadataObject = new AsposeMetadataObject
- {
- PropertyId = i++,
- Property = prop.Name,
- Value = GetValueString(prop.GetValue(mail)),
- ValueType = prop.PropertyType.Name
- };
- builtInMetadataList.Add(metadataObject);
- }
- }
- i = 0;
- List<AsposeMetadataObject> customMetadataList = new List<AsposeMetadataObject>();
- foreach (var pair in mail.GetCustomProperties())
- {
- var name = pair.Value.Name;
- var prop = pair.Value.Property;
- var value = prop.GetValue();
- AsposeMetadataObject metadataObject = new AsposeMetadataObject
- {
- PropertyId = i++,
- Property = name,
- Value = GetValueString(prop.Data, value, (MapiPropertyType)prop.DataType),
- ValueType = ConvertMailPropertyType((MapiPropertyType)prop.DataType)
- };
- customMetadataList.Add(metadataObject);
- }
- AsposeMetadataResponse response = new AsposeMetadataResponse
- {
- BuiltInMetadataList = builtInMetadataList,
- CustomMetadataList = customMetadataList,
- Status = "OK",
- StatusCode = 200
- };
- return response;
- }
- private string ConvertMailPropertyType(MapiPropertyType type)
- {
- switch (type)
- {
- case MapiPropertyType.PT_BOOLEAN:
- return "Boolean";
- case MapiPropertyType.PT_DOUBLE:
- return "Double";
- case MapiPropertyType.PT_LONG:
- return "Number";
- case MapiPropertyType.PT_SYSTIME:
- return "DateTime";
- case MapiPropertyType.PT_UNICODE:
- return "String";
- default:
- return type.ToString();
- }
- }
- private string GetValueString(byte[] bytesValue, object objValue, MapiPropertyType type)
- {
- string retVal = "";
- if (objValue != null)
- {
- switch (type)
- {
- case MapiPropertyType.PT_LONG:
- retVal = Convert.ToInt64(objValue).ToString();
- break;
- case MapiPropertyType.PT_BOOLEAN:
- retVal = Convert.ToBoolean(objValue).ToString();
- break;
- case MapiPropertyType.PT_DOUBLE:
- retVal = Convert.ToDouble(objValue).ToString("F2");
- break;
- case MapiPropertyType.PT_SYSTIME:
- retVal = Convert.ToDateTime(objValue).ToString();
- break;
- case MapiPropertyType.PT_UNICODE:
- retVal = objValue.ToString();
- break;
- default:
- retVal = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytesValue);
- break;
- }
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///<Summary>
- /// SaveAsposeMetadata method to save metadata properties
- ///</Summary>
- [HttpPost]
- [ActionName("SaveAsposeMetadata")]
- public Task<AsposeMetadataSaveResponse> SaveAsposeMetadata(AsposeMetadataSaveRequest request)
- {
- string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
- //string logMsg = "Product: " + request.Product + " FileNamePath: " + request.FileNamePath;
- string logMsg = "ControllerName = " + "AsposeMetadataController" + ", " + "MethodName = " + "SaveAsposeMetadata" + ", " + "Folder = " + guid;
- ProductFamilyNameKeysEnum productFamily = ProductFamilyNameKeysEnum.unassigned;
- string productName = "";
- var productInLowerCase = request.Product.ToLowerInvariant();
- if (productInLowerCase == "words")
- {
- productName = AsposeWords;
- productFamily = ProductFamilyNameKeysEnum.words;
- }
- else if (productInLowerCase == "cells")
- {
- productName = AsposeCells;
- productFamily = ProductFamilyNameKeysEnum.cells;
- }
- else if (productInLowerCase == "slides")
- {
- productName = AsposeSlides;
- productFamily = ProductFamilyNameKeysEnum.slides;
- }
- else if (productInLowerCase == "pdf")
- {
- productName = AsposePDF;
- productFamily = ProductFamilyNameKeysEnum.pdf;
- }
- else if (productInLowerCase == "email")
- {
- productName = AsposeEmail;
- productFamily =;
- }
- productName += MetadataApp;
- string outfileName = Path.GetFileName(request.FileNamePath);
- try
- {
- AsposeMetadataSaveResponse response = null;
- string outPath = AppSettings.OutputDirectory + guid;
- if (!Directory.Exists(outPath))
- {
- Directory.CreateDirectory(outPath);
- outPath += "/" + outfileName;
- }
- System.IO.File.Copy(request.FileNamePath, outPath, true);
- string fileNamePath = outPath;
- if (productInLowerCase == "words")
- {
- Aspose.App.Models.License.SetAsposeWordsLicense();
- response = SaveAsposeWordsMetadata(fileNamePath, request);
- }
- else if (productInLowerCase == "cells")
- {
- Aspose.App.Models.License.SetAsposeCellsLicense();
- response = SaveAsposeCellsMetadata(fileNamePath, request);
- }
- else if (productInLowerCase == "slides")
- {
- Aspose.App.Models.License.SetAsposeSlidesLicense();
- response = SaveAsposeSlidesMetadata(fileNamePath, request);
- }
- else if (productInLowerCase == "pdf")
- {
- Aspose.App.Models.License.SetAsposePdfLicense();
- response = SaveAsposePdfMetadata(fileNamePath, request);
- }
- else if (productInLowerCase == "email")
- {
- Aspose.App.Models.License.SetAsposeEmailLicense();
- response = SaveAsposeEmailMetadata(fileNamePath, request);
- }
- response.FileName = outfileName;
- response.FolderName = guid;
- NLogger.LogInfo(logMsg,productName , productFamily, outfileName);
- return Task.FromResult(response);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- NLogger.LogError(e, logMsg, productName, productFamily, outfileName);
- return Task.FromResult(new AsposeMetadataSaveResponse
- {
- Status = e.ToString(),
- StatusCode = 500,
- });
- }
- }
- private AsposeMetadataSaveResponse SaveAsposeWordsMetadata(string fileNamePath, AsposeMetadataSaveRequest request)
- {
- Words.Document doc = new Words.Document(fileNamePath);
- Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties props = doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties;
- Type t = props.GetType();
- foreach (var metadataObj in request.BuiltInMetadataList)
- {
- var prop = t.GetProperty(metadataObj.Property);
- SetBuiltInPropertyValue(prop, props, metadataObj.Value);
- }
- doc.CustomDocumentProperties.Clear();
- foreach (var metadataObj in request.CustomMetadataList)
- {
- AddWordsCustomPropertyValue(doc.CustomDocumentProperties, metadataObj);
- }
- doc.Save(fileNamePath);
- return (new AsposeMetadataSaveResponse
- {
- Status = "OK",
- StatusCode = 200,
- });
- }
- private AsposeMetadataSaveResponse SaveAsposeCellsMetadata(string fileNamePath, AsposeMetadataSaveRequest request)
- {
- Aspose.Cells.Workbook doc = new Aspose.Cells.Workbook(fileNamePath);
- Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection props = doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties;
- Type t = props.GetType();
- foreach (var metadataObj in request.BuiltInMetadataList)
- {
- var prop = t.GetProperty(metadataObj.Property);
- SetBuiltInPropertyValue(prop, props, metadataObj.Value);
- }
- doc.CustomDocumentProperties.Clear();
- foreach (var metadataObj in request.CustomMetadataList)
- {
- AddCellsCustomPropertyValue(doc.CustomDocumentProperties, metadataObj);
- }
- doc.Save(fileNamePath);
- return (new AsposeMetadataSaveResponse
- {
- Status = "OK",
- StatusCode = 200,
- });
- }
- private AsposeMetadataSaveResponse SaveAsposePdfMetadata(string fileNamePath, AsposeMetadataSaveRequest request)
- {
- Pdf.Document doc = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(fileNamePath);
- Pdf.DocumentInfo props = doc.Info;
- Type t = props.GetType();
- foreach (var metadataObj in request.BuiltInMetadataList)
- {
- try
- {
- switch (metadataObj.Property)
- {
- case "Author":
- doc.Info.Author = metadataObj.Value;
- break;
- case "CreationDate":
- doc.Info.CreationDate = DateTime.Parse(metadataObj.Value);
- break;
- case "Keywords":
- doc.Info.Keywords = metadataObj.Value;
- break;
- case "ModDate":
- doc.Info.ModDate = DateTime.Parse(metadataObj.Value);
- break;
- case "Subject":
- doc.Info.Subject = metadataObj.Value;
- break;
- case "Title":
- doc.Info.Title = metadataObj.Value;
- break;
- case "Trapped":
- if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(metadataObj.Value))
- {
- var str = metadataObj.Value.ToUpper();
- if ((str=="TRUE") || (str == "FALSE"))
- doc.Info.Trapped = metadataObj.Value;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- throw;
- }
- }
- //doc.Metadata.Clear();
- foreach (var metadataObj in request.CustomMetadataList)
- {
- AddPdfCustomPropertyValue(doc.Metadata, metadataObj);
- }
- doc.Save(fileNamePath);
- return (new AsposeMetadataSaveResponse
- {
- Status = "OK",
- StatusCode = 200,
- });
- }
- private AsposeMetadataSaveResponse SaveAsposeEmailMetadata(string fileNamePath, AsposeMetadataSaveRequest request)
- {
- var mail = MapiHelper.GetMapiMessageFromFile(fileNamePath);
- if (mail == null)
- return new AsposeMetadataSaveResponse()
- {
- StatusCode = 400,
- Status = "Invalid file format"
- };
- Type t = mail.GetType();
- foreach (var metadataObj in request.BuiltInMetadataList)
- {
- if (metadataObj.Property != "Item")
- {
- var prop = t.GetProperty(metadataObj.Property);
- SetBuiltInPropertyValue(prop, mail, metadataObj.Value);
- }
- }
- var customProps = mail.GetCustomProperties();
- foreach (var item in customProps)
- mail.RemoveProperty(item.Key);
- foreach (var metadataObj in request.CustomMetadataList)
- {
- var name = metadataObj.Property;
- switch (metadataObj.ValueType)
- {
- case "Double":
- mail.AddCustomProperty(name, Convert.ToDouble(metadataObj.Value));
- break;
- case "Boolean":
- mail.AddCustomProperty(name, Convert.ToBoolean(metadataObj.Value));
- break;
- case "Number":
- mail.AddCustomProperty(name, Convert.ToInt64(metadataObj.Value));
- break;
- case "DateTime":
- mail.AddCustomProperty(name, Convert.ToDateTime(metadataObj.Value));
- break;
- case "String":
- mail.AddCustomProperty(name, metadataObj.Value);
- break;
- default:
- mail.AddCustomProperty(name, (MapiPropertyType)Enum.Parse(typeof(MapiPropertyType), metadataObj.ValueType), Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(metadataObj.Value));
- break;
- }
- }
- mail.Save(fileNamePath);
- return new AsposeMetadataSaveResponse()
- {
- Status = "OK",
- StatusCode = 200
- };
- }
- private AsposeMetadataSaveResponse SaveAsposeSlidesMetadata(string fileNamePath, AsposeMetadataSaveRequest request)
- {
- var doc = new Aspose.Slides.Presentation(fileNamePath);
- var props = doc.DocumentProperties;
- Type t = props.GetType();
- foreach (var metadataObj in request.BuiltInMetadataList)
- {
- var prop = t.GetProperty(metadataObj.Property);
- SetBuiltInPropertyValue(prop, props, metadataObj.Value);
- }
- doc.DocumentProperties.ClearCustomProperties();
- foreach (var metadataObj in request.CustomMetadataList)
- {
- AddSlidesCustomPropertyValue(doc.DocumentProperties, metadataObj);
- }
- string ext = Path.GetExtension(fileNamePath).ToLower();
- Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat saveFormat = Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pptx;
- switch (ext)
- {
- case "ppt":
- saveFormat = Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Ppt;
- break;
- case "pptx":
- saveFormat = Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pptx;
- break;
- case "odp":
- saveFormat = Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Odp;
- break;
- }
- doc.Save(fileNamePath, saveFormat);
- return (new AsposeMetadataSaveResponse
- {
- Status = "OK",
- StatusCode = 200,
- });
- }
- }
- }
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