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- /* INFO
- Written by: Najeeb Shah Khan (
- Last Modified: 4-6-2023
- */
- ;#warn
- #NoEnv
- #LTrim
- #SingleInstance, Force
- Process, Priority, , A
- SendMode, Input
- SetBatchLines, -1
- ;#NoTrayIcon
- SetKeyDelay 0 ; In case SendInput is not available
- SetTitleMatchMode RegEx
- SetWorkingDir %A_WorkingDir% ;%A_ScriptDir%
- IniRead, FLIST, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\FLIST.ini, FLIST
- IniRead, FLIST2, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\FLIST.ini, FLIST2
- IniRead, FLIST3, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\FLIST.ini, FLIST3
- ;=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- FileInstall , GUI.ini, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\GUI.ini, 1
- FileInstall , WEB.ini, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\WEB.ini, 1
- FileInstall , VIDEO.ini, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\VIDEO.ini, 1
- FileInstall , CMD.ini, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\CMD.ini, 1
- FileInstall , RunExe.ini, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\RunExe.ini, 1
- FileInstall , RENAMER.exe, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\RENAMER.exe, 1
- F2=%A_ScriptDir%\DATA\FLIST.ini
- FileCreateDir, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA
- FileInstall , MY-TOOLS.ahk, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\MY-TOOLS.ahk, 1
- FileInstall , S12.she, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\S12.she, 1
- FileInstall , SkinH_EL.dll, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\SkinH_EL.dll, 1
- FileSetAttrib +HS, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\MY-TOOLS.ahk, 2
- FileSetAttrib +HS, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\S12.she, 2
- FileSetAttrib +HS, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\SkinH_EL.dll, 2
- FileSetAttrib +HS, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA, 2
- FileSetAttrib +HS, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\FLIST.ini, 2
- FileSetAttrib +HS, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\CMD.ini, 2
- FileSetAttrib +HS, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\RunExe.ini, 2
- FileSetAttrib +HS, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\VIDEO.ini, 2
- FileSetAttrib +HS, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\WEB.ini, 2
- FileSetAttrib +HS, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\GUI.ini, 2
- FileSetAttrib +HS, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\RENAMER.exe, 2
- ;=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- GroupAdd ExplorerWindows, ahk_class ExploreWClass|CabinetWClass|Progman
- global SubKey := "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced"
- gosub MakeTrayMenu
- return
- ; Toggle the show/hide of hidden files
- ^!h::
- ToggleHiddenFilesStatus:
- GetRegValue("Hidden") = 1
- ? SetRegValue("Hidden", 2)
- : SetRegValue("Hidden", 1)
- Menu Tray, ToggleCheck, Show Hidden Files`tCtrl+Alt+H
- gosub UpdateWindows
- return
- ; Toggle the show/hide of system files
- ^!s::
- ToggleSystemFilesStatus:
- GetRegValue("ShowSuperHidden")
- ? SetRegValue("ShowSuperHidden", 0)
- : SetRegValue("ShowSuperHidden", 1)
- Menu Tray, ToggleCheck, Show System Files`tCtrl+Alt+S
- gosub UpdateWindows
- return
- ; Toggle the show/hide of extensions for known file types
- ^!e::
- ToggleFileExtStatus:
- GetRegValue("HideFileExt")
- ? SetRegValue("HideFileExt", 0)
- : SetRegValue("HideFileExt", 1)
- Menu Tray, ToggleCheck, Show File Extentions`tCtrl+Alt+E
- gosub UpdateWindows
- return
- About:
- MsgBox, , About NajeebShowHide,
- (
- This program will show/hide hidden files, system files
- and file extensions via hotkey or tray menu. and
- Change Extension and Renamer and Create File and
- Folder
- The defined hotkeys are:
- Ctrl+Alt+H Toggle the show/hide of hidden files
- Ctrl+Alt+E Toggle the show/hide of file extensions
- Ctrl+Alt+S Toggle the show/hide of system files
- Works on both Windows XP and Windows 7
- Written by: NAJEEB SHAH KHAN 3-25-2023
- )
- return
- GetRegValue(ValueName) {
- RegRead Value, HKCU, %SubKey%, %ValueName%
- return Value
- }
- SetRegValue(ValueName, Value) {
- RegWrite REG_DWORD, HKCU, %SubKey%, %ValueName%, %Value%
- }
- ; Send a "Refresh" message to all of the Explorer windows including the Desktop
- UpdateWindows:
- Code := Is_In(A_OSVERSION, "WIN_XP", "WIN_2000") ? 28931 : 41504
- WinGet WindowList, List, ahk_Group ExplorerWindows
- Loop %WindowList%
- PostMessage 0x111, %Code%, , , % "ahk_id" WindowList%A_Index%
- return
- Is_In(pStr, pList*)
- {
- for key, val in pList
- if (A_StringCaseSense = "Off" ? pStr = val : pStr == val)
- return key
- return 0
- }
- MakeTrayMenu:
- Menu Default Menu, Standard
- Menu Tray, NoStandard
- Menu Tray, Add, About, About
- Menu Tray, Add
- Menu Tray, Add, Default Menu, :Default Menu
- Menu Tray, Add
- Menu Tray, Add, Show System Files`tCtrl+Alt+S, ToggleSystemFilesStatus
- Menu Tray, Add, Show File Extentions`tCtrl+Alt+E, ToggleFileExtStatus
- Menu Tray, Add, Show Hidden Files`tCtrl+Alt+H, ToggleHiddenFilesStatus
- Menu Tray, Default, Show Hidden Files`tCtrl+Alt+H
- ; If any of the menu items need to start off checked, take care of it here
- if GetRegValue("Hidden") = 1
- Menu Tray, Check, Show Hidden Files`tCtrl+Alt+H
- if GetRegValue("ShowSuperHidden") = 1
- Menu Tray, Check, Show System Files`tCtrl+Alt+S
- if GetRegValue("HideFileExt") = 0
- Menu Tray, Check, Show File Extentions`tCtrl+Alt+E
- ;return
- SkinForm(Apply, A_ScriptDir . "\DATA\SkinH_EL.dll", A_ScriptDir . "\DATA\S12.she")
- OnExit, GetOut
- CustomColor = FFFF99
- Gui, Color, %CustomColor%
- ;Gui,Font,S10 Bold,Verdana ;Calibri
- GUI, FONT, S16
- Gui, Add, Text,CRed x5 y2, NAJEEB CHANGE EXTENSION
- Gui, Add, Text, x8 y30 w120 h20,ORIGINAL EXTENSION:
- Gui, Add, Edit, x140 y28 w120 h20 vOGF,
- Gui, Add, Text, x8 y58 w120 h20,CHANGE EXT HIDE/U:
- Gui, Add, Edit, x140 y56 w120 h20 vEXT,
- Gui, Add, Button, x8 y84 w120 h30 gEXTRename, Change Extension
- Gui, Add, Button, x150 y84 w65 h30 gEXTHide, Hide
- Gui, Add, Button, x220 y84 w65 h30 gUNHide, UnHide
- Gui, Add, Text, x8 y120 w300,-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- GUI, FONT, S16
- Gui, Add, Text,CRed x15 y140, RENAME AND CREATE FILE
- Gui, Add, Text, x8 y171 w120 h20,FILE EXTENSION:
- Gui, Add, Edit, x130 y170 w120 h20 vEXT2,
- Gui, Add, Text, x8 y199 w120 h20,FILE NUMBER:
- Gui, Add, Edit, x130 y198 w120 h20 vNUM,
- Gui, Add, Text, x8 y228 w120 h20,ADD ALPHABET:
- Gui, Add, Edit, x130 y227 w120 h20 vALF,
- Gui, Add, Text, x8 y257 w120 h20,CREATE FILE FOLDER:
- Gui, Add, Edit, x130 y255 w120 h20 vFCreate,
- Gui, Add, Button, x8 y285 w70 h30 gChaRename, Renamer
- Gui, Add, Button, x82 y285 w70 h30 gCREATEF, Create File
- Gui, Add, Button, x157 y285 w80 h30 gCREATED, Create Folder
- Gui, Add, Button, x240 y285 w60 h30 gCHRCmd, Cmd
- Gui, Add, Text, x8 y320 w300,-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- GUI, FONT, S16
- Gui, Add, Text,CRed x30 y335, NAJEEB FOLDER OPEN
- GUI, FONT, S10
- Gui, Add, Text, x8 y372 w100 h20,FOLDER:
- Gui, Add, DropDownList, x75 y370 w200 vList1 gOnSelect, %FLIST%|
- Gui, Add, Text, x8 y402 w100 h20,W-TOOLS:
- Gui, Add, DropDownList, x75 y400 w200 vList2 gOnSelect2, %FLIST2%|
- Gui, Add, Text, x8 y437 w100 h20,LINKS:
- Gui, Add, DropDownList, x75 y435 w200 vList3 gOnSelect3, %FLIST3%|
- Gui, Add, Text, x8 y470 w300,-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- GUI, FONT, S16
- GUI, FONT, S10
- Gui, Add, Edit, x315 y32 w488 vneedle grefresh,
- Gui, Add, ListBox, x315 y60 vresults r32.8 w488
- Gui, Add, Button, x765 y2 gClip2,Clip
- Gui, Add, Button, x472 y594 gRUN,Run Exe
- Gui, Add, Button, x542 y594 gRUN3,Run Cmd
- Gui, Add, Button, x615 y594 gRUN4,Open Folder
- Gui, Add, Button, x710 y594 gRUN5,Video
- Gui, Add, Button, x765 y594 gRUN6,Web
- listboxvisible := true
- Gui, Add, DropDownList, x315 y596 gDDL vColorChoice, Select File Search||RunExe|CMD|FLIST|VIDEO|WEB|GUI
- GUI, FONT, S16
- Gui, Add, Text,CRed x20 y485, NAJEEB RUN COMMANDS
- GUI, FONT, S10
- Gui, Add, Text, x8 y522 w100 h20,RUN FILE:
- Gui, Add, Edit, x75 y520 w160 CBLUE vList4,
- Gui, Add, Button, x245 y520 gRUN2,Run
- Gui, Add, Text, x8 y562 w100 h20,RUN CMD:
- Gui, Add, Edit, x75 y560 w160 CRED vList5,
- Gui, Add, Button, x245 y560 gCMD,Cmd
- Gui, Add, Text, x8 y597 w100 h20,FILE SAVE:
- Gui, Add, Edit, x75 y595 w160 CRED vList6,
- Gui, Add, Button, x240 y595 gSave,SAVE
- gosub,FLIST
- Gui, Add, Text, x10 y626 w785,-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Najeeb Shah Khan Software World -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- GuiControl, Focus, needle
- Return
- Refresh:
- Gui, Submit, NoHide
- choicelimit := 0
- GuiControl,, results, |
- listbox:=""
- if (needle != "")
- {
- Guicontrol, show, results
- listboxvisible := true
- Loop, parse, FileContents, `n, `r
- {
- haystack:=A_LoopField
- position := instr(haystack, needle)
- if (position = 1) ;if it matches from the left
- {
- listbox.="|" . haystack
- choicelimit := choicelimit + 1
- }
- }
- Loop, parse, FileContents, `n, `r
- {
- haystack:=A_LoopField
- position := instr(haystack, needle)
- if (position > 1)
- {
- listbox.="|" . haystack
- choicelimit := choicelimit + 1
- }
- }
- if (listbox = "" || listbox = "|") {
- listboxvisible := false
- return
- }
- GuiControl,, results, %listbox%
- GuiControl, choose, results, 1
- resultchosen := 1
- }
- return
- DDL:
- Gui,submit,nohide
- GuiControlGet, ColorChoice
- FileRead, FileContents, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\%ColorChoice%.ini
- Sort, FileContents
- Return
- Run:
- Gui,submit,nohide
- Run, %results%
- Return
- Run3:
- Gui,submit,nohide
- Run, %comspec% /c %results%
- Return
- Run4:
- Gui,submit,nohide
- Run, C:\Windows\explorer.exe shell:%results%
- Return
- Run5:
- Gui,submit,nohide
- Run, %A_programfiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe %results%
- Return
- Run6:
- Gui,submit,nohide
- Run, "%A_programfiles%\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" %results%
- Return
- Clip2:
- Gui,submit,nohide
- Clipboard := results
- ClipWait ; Wait for the clipboard to contain text.
- MsgBox %clipboard%
- Return
- Gui, Submit, Nohide
- FileCreateDir, %FCreate%
- Return
- Gui, Submit, Nohide
- FileAppend, , %FCreate%
- Return
- EXTHide:
- Gui, Submit, Nohide
- FileSetAttrib, +HS, *.%EXT%
- Return
- UNHide:
- Gui, Submit, Nohide
- FileSetAttrib, -HS, *.%EXT%
- Return
- EXTRename:
- Gui, Submit, Nohide
- Run, %comspec% /c Ren *.%OGF% *.%EXT%,,hide
- Return
- ChaRename:
- {
- Gui, Submit, Nohide
- iCOPN := NUM
- Loop *.%EXT2%
- {
- FileMove, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, %ALF%%iCOPN%.%EXT2%
- iCOPN++
- }
- return
- }
- CHRCmd:
- Gui, Submit, Nohide
- Run, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\RENAMER.exe
- return
- ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- OnSelect:
- Gui, Submit, nohide
- Run, C:\Windows\explorer.exe shell:%List1%
- return
- OnSelect2:
- Gui, Submit, nohide
- Run, %List2%
- return
- OnSelect3:
- Gui, Submit, nohide
- Run, %List3%
- return
- RUN2:
- gui, submit, nohide
- Run, %List4%
- return
- CMD:
- Gui, submit, nohide
- Run, %comspec% /c CALL %List5%,,hide
- return
- Gui,1:submit,nohide
- (
- OPEN WIN FOLDER||AddNewProgramsFolder|Administrative Tools|AppData|AppUpdatesFolder|Cache|CD Burning|ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder|Common Administrative Tools|Common AppData|Common Desktop|Common|Documents|Common Programs|Common Start Menu|Common Startup|Common Templates|CommonDownloads|CommonMusic|CommonPictures|CommonVideo|ConflictFolder|ConnectionsFolder|Contacts|ControlPanelFolder|Cookies|CredentialManager|CryptoKeys|CSCFolder|Default Gadgets|Desktop|Downloads|DpapiKeys|Favorites|Fonts|Gadgets|Games|GameTasks|History|InternetFolder|Links|Local|AppData|LocalAppDataLow|LocalizedResourcesDir|MAPIFolder|My Music|My Pictures|My Video|MyComputerFolder|NetHood|NetworkPlacesFolder|OEM Links|Original Images|Personal|PhotoAlbums|Playlists|PrintersFolder|PrintHood|Profile|ProgramFiles|ProgramFilesCommon|Programs|Public|PublicGameTasks|Quick Launch|Recent|RecycleBinFolder|ResourceDir|SampleMusic|SamplePictures|SamplePlaylists|SampleVideos|SavedGames|Searches|SearchHomeFolder|SendTo|Start Menu|Startup|SyncCenterFolder|SyncResultsFolder|SyncSetupFolder|System|SystemCertificates|SystemX86|Templates|TreePropertiesFolder|UserProfiles|UsersFilesFolder|Windows|CommonRingtones|Device Metadata Store|DocumentsLibrary|ImplicitAppShortcuts|Libraries|MusicLibrary|OtherUsersFolder|PicturesLibrary|PublicSuggestedLocations|RecordedTVLibrary|Ringtones|SuggestedLocations|User Pinned|UserProgramFiles|UserProgramFilesCommon|UsersLibrariesFolder|VideosLibrary
- [FLIST2]
- OPEN FILES AND FOLDERS||C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp|C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming|C:\Windows|C:\Windows\System32|C:\Program Files|D:\DATA|mspaint|notepad|cmd|C:\Windows\System32\DevicePairingWizard.exe|C:\Windows\System32\hdwwiz.exe|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL|AddPrinter|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl,,1|control /name Microsoft.AdministrativeTools|control admintools|control /name Microsoft.AutoPlay|control /name Microsoft.BackupAndRestoreCenter|control /name Microsoft.BitLockerDriveEncryption|explorer shell:::{ED834ED6-4B5A-4bfe-8F11-A626DCB6A921} -Microsoft.Personalization\pageColorization|control /name Microsoft.ColorManagement|control /name Microsoft.CredentialManager|control /name Microsoft.DateAndTime|control timedate.cpl|control date/time|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl,,0|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl,,1|control /name Microsoft.DefaultPrograms|explorer shell:::{ED834ED6-4B5A-4bfe-8F11-A626DCB6A921} -Microsoft.Personalization\pageWallpaper|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,0|control /name Microsoft.DeviceManager|control hdwwiz.cpl|devmgmt.msc|control /name Microsoft.DevicesAndPrinters|control printers|control /name Microsoft.EaseOfAccessCenter|control access.cpl|control /name Microsoft.FolderOptions|control folders|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Options_RunDLL 0|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Options_RunDLL 7|rundll32.exe|shell32.dll,Options_RunDLL 2|control /name Microsoft.FileHistory|control /name Microsoft.Fonts|control fonts|control /name Microsoft.GameControllers|control joy.cpl|control /name Microsoft.GetPrograms|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl,,1|control /name Microsoft.HomeGroup|control /name Microsoft.IndexingOptions|rundll32.exe|shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL srchadmin.dll|control /name Microsoft.Infrared|control irprops.cpl|control /name Microsoft.InfraredOptions|control /name Microsoft.InternetOptions|control inetcpl.cpl|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,0|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,1|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,2|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,3|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,4|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,5|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,6|control /name Microsoft.iSCSIInitiator|control /name Microsoft.Keyboard|control keyboard|control /name|Microsoft.Languag|control /name Microsoft.Mouse|control main.cpl|control mouse|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl,,0|control main.cpl,,1|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl,,1|control main.cpl,,2|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl,,2|control main.cpl,,3|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl,,3|control main.cpl,,4|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl,,4|control /name Microsoft.NetworkAndSharingCenter|control ncpa.cpl|control netconnections|control netsetup.cpl|explorer shell:::{05d7b0f4-2121-4eff-bf6b-ed3f69b894d9}|control odbccp32.cpl|control /name Microsoft.OfflineFiles|C:\Windows\system32\SystemPropertiesPerformance.exe|C:\Windows\system32\SystemPropertiesDataExecutionPrevention.exe|explorer shell:::{ED834ED6-4B5A-4bfe-8F11-A626DCB6A921}|control /name Microsoft.PhoneAndModem|control telephon.cpl|control /name Microsoft.PowerOptions|control powercfg.cpl|control powercfg.cpl,,1|control /name Microsoft.PowerOptions /page pageCreateNewPlan|control /name Microsoft.PowerOptions /page pagePlanSettings|control /name Microsoft.PowerOptions /page pageGlobalSettings|C:\Windows\system32\PresentationSettings.exe|control /name Microsoft.ProgramsAndFeatures|control appwiz.cpl|control /name Microsoft.Recovery|control /name Microsoft.RegionAndLanguage|control /name Microsoft.RegionalAndLanguageOptions /page /p:"Formats"|control intl.cpl|control international|control /name Microsoft.RegionalAndLanguageOptions /page /p:"Location"|control /name Microsoft.RegionalAndLanguageOptions /page /p:"Administrative"|control /name Microsoft.RemoteAppAndDesktopConnections|control /name Microsoft.ScannersAndCameras|control sticpl.cpl|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,1|control /name Microsoft.ActionCenter|control wscui.cpl|control /name Microsoft.DefaultPrograms /page pageFileAssoc|control /name Microsoft.DefaultPrograms /page pageDefaultProgram|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl,,3|control /name Microsoft.Sound|control mmsys.cpl|C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,0|C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,1|C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,2|C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,3|control /name Microsoft.SpeechRecognition|control /name Microsoft.StorageSpaces|control /name Microsoft.SyncCenter|control /name Microsoft.System|control sysdm.cpl|explorer shell:::{05d7b0f4-2121-4eff-bf6b-ed3f69b894d9} \SystemIcons,,0|C:\Windows\System32\SystemPropertiesComputerName.exe|C:\Windows\System32\SystemPropertiesHardware.exe|C:\Windows\System32\SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe|C:\Windows\System32\SystemPropertiesProtection.exe|C:\Windows\System32\SystemPropertiesRemote.exe|control /name Microsoft.TabletPCSettings|control /name Microsoft.TextToSpeech|control /name Microsoft.UserAccounts|control userpasswords|netplwiz|control userpasswords2|control /name Microsoft.WindowsFirewall|control firewall.cpl|C:\Windows\System32\OptionalFeatures.exe|rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl,,2|control /name Microsoft.MobilityCenter|C:\Windows\System32\WorkFolders.exe|OPEN FILES AND FOLDERS|
- [FLIST3]
- OPEN LINKS|||||||||C:\Windows\System32|C:\Program Files|D:\DATA|mspaint|notepad|cmd
- )
- ifnotexist,%F2%
- fileappend,%LIST%,%F2%
- return
- Save:
- Gui, submit, nohide
- FileAppend, `n%results%, %A_Desktop%\%List6%
- return
- ;=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- GetOut:
- GuiClose:
- Gui, Hide
- SkinForm(0)
- ExitApp
- return
- SkinForm(Param1 = "Apply", DLL = "", SkinName = ""){
- if(Param1 = Apply){
- DllCall("LoadLibrary", str, DLL)
- DllCall(DLL . "\SkinH_AttachEx", AStr,SkinName, Str,"mhgd")
- }else if(Param1 = 0){
- DllCall(DLL . "\USkinExit")
- }
- }
- ;=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- END SCRIPT -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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