

Jun 9th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. it's 5am and this morning's yoga feels like dimensional awareness
  2. The macrocosm continues expanding the boundary of space
  3. The universe grows as we gaze with our evolving telescopic technology
  4. The microcosm perplexes our understanding through advanced microscopic machines
  5. The subatomic realms complicate our definitions of space as we dive into their abyss
  6. And we are left here in the middle
  7. The resonating field of time awareness
  8. and conscious reality
  9. From here...
  10. We're all just looking at each other
  11. breathing together
  12. alive
  13. And we are faced with all the existential questions regarding existence itself
  14. Seriously... wtf are we supposed to do with that?
  15. The gurus of all time have suggested that we surrender
  16. To yield to the Supreme and Divine intelligence of creation
  17. But to surrender is NOT waving a white flag
  18. We don't "give up" in surrender
  19. It's more of a flow
  20. and a TRUST
  21. ....
  23. The gurus of the new age suggest that we manifest
  24. that we are the creators of our realities
  25. and to that I reply... but "I" did not spin these galaxies into existence
  27. the inherent value of affirmations, mantras, and belief structures are not overlooked
  28. from my apparent 3 dimensional awareness
  30. it is within holding the 2 macro and microcosmic truths simultaneously
  31. fate and destiny (as it were)
  32. that we deepen our intimacy with this thing called
  33. life
  34. where we all, ya know, look at each other and breathe
  35. Life resonates in the middle frequency of the light spectrum
  36. If it was too bright or too dark... no life on planet earth
  37. So we explore the extremes of the continuum
  38. Birth and Death (as it were)
  39. In birth and pre-adulthood we expand, grow, and think that we know
  40. Learning, building, creating, making mistakes, and attuning to wisdom
  41. In death, we depart with nothing
  42. but we pass on the accumulation of our conscious realizations
  43. to those who seek understanding of the human experience
  44. And paradoxically
  45. to seek is to capture the essence of the infinite mystery
  46. We explore and expand outwardly through interactions with the world
  47. We explore and expand inwardly through silence and meditation
  48. Throughout both projections of macro & micro
  49. inward & outward
  50. above and below
  51. we deepen the intimacy with the paradoxical understanding of duality
  52. knowing... that we do not know
  53. And if we all do it together
  54. then we celebrate our divinity through our unity
  55. peace
  56. banging on the drum
  57. shaking the rattle
  58. dancing, singing, playing, birthing, working, building, giving, dying
  59. It's spiritual intimacy
  60. In. Every. Breath.
  62. ================================
  63. It’s 1:45pm and today's yoga is a furious finger tapping on a keyboard.
  64. It almost sounds like music and I can hear all the distinct sounds of...
  65. My finger thunking on the key, the key sliding down and softly touching the circuit receptor, the key sliding back up, and my finger releasing off the key.
  66. I'm really digging the indistinct sound of the spacebar right now it's dope
  67. Such awareness of these increased sensations from the environment is made possible today by
  68. fasting
  69. It’s only been a few hours without food, but the clarity in mind that’s created when your body is not expending energy in digestive processes... is dazzling.
  70. Speaking of thunking
  71. I recently had the thought, realization, and premonition…
  72. The end result of this 14 billion-year-old Big Bang, white hole, explosive expansion of time and space…
  73. Is NOT an Iphone.
  74. No
  75. We certainly have not reached the pinnacle my friends
  76. Oh no
  77. The supreme intelligence of existence did not come all this way so that religions could claim superiority over one another
  78. Consciousness itself, through human 3-dimensional reality, is not done yet with Its creative building and refinement impulses, to rest on the shoulders of political shadows, pharmaceutical technology...
  79. or war
  80. nope
  81. By my estimation, we’re still in the teenage years of consciousness.
  82. Bc teenagers think they know everything when in reality, they’re just getting their feet wet
  83. It won't be flying cars either, nor personal drone transportation, not robots, not super computers, not even super human robot computers who can fly...
  84. That's not the point
  85. No
  86. I don't know what the point is
  87. I'd like to think that not knowing is the point...
  88. That living in the mystery of infinity is the universe's way of hiding from itslef.... slowly realizing over time that the illusion of individuality is dissolving as unity consciousness fast approaches
  89. However, that would just be my ego hiding from my spirit
  90. and it's irresponsbile
  91. BC if your thoughts and wonderings, professing and blunderings, are anything like mine,
  92. and I know they are
  93. Then you feel the yearning of your spirit
  94. the movement towards a connection that surpasses any human relationship you could possibly materialize
  95. ah... good word there... material... from the Latin word Mater... meaning MOTHER
  96. Which is likely the closest relationship we could have to finding the indescribable connection to the universe that we all seek
  97. And if your mother wasn't all that... I am sorry
  98. The universe birthed us and holds us in fierce compassion and relentless mercy as we continually, repeatedly, inexplicably...
  99. keep F*n up
  100. And so therefore however perhaps
  101. the illumination
  102. or darkness
  103. that exists inside of us like an egg ready to hatch
  104. need only one human attribute to maintain the warmth likened to that of a chicken's butt
  105. in preparation for our hatching
  106. And that
  107. you already know...
  108. I don't even have to say it
  109. but I will
  110. Over and Over and Over
  111. Again
  112. Bc it becomes more true the more you practice it
  113. is
  114. THANK YOU
  115. keep breathing
  116. Don't be scared of the things you see on screens or receipts
  117. Life is beautiful
  118. then it sucks
  119. then it's awesome
  120. then it sucks again
  121. then it's awesome
  122. etc....
  123. and I appreciate your eyes, minds, and attention that finds
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