

Jun 16th, 2015
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>
  2. <NotepadPlus>
  3.     <AutoComplete language="Lua">
  4.         <Environment ignoreCase="yes" startFunc="(" stopFunc=")" paramSeparator="," terminal=";" additionalWordChar=".:"/>
  6.         <KeyWord name="assert" func="yes">
  7.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  8. Issues an error when the value of its argument v is false (i.e., nil or false);
  9. otherwise, returns all its arguments. message is an error message; when absent, it
  10. defaults to 'assertion failed!'">
  11.                 <Param name="Bool:v"/>
  12.                 <Param name="String:[message]"/>
  13.             </Overload>
  14.         </KeyWord>
  16.         <KeyWord name="bit"/>
  17.         <KeyWord name="bit.blshift" func="yes">
  18.             <Overload retVal="number value" descr="Shifts a number left by a specified number of bits.">
  19.                 <Param name="number n"/>
  20.                 <Param name="number bits"/>
  21.             </Overload>
  22.         </Keyword>
  23.         <KeyWord name="bit.brshift" func="yes">
  24.             <Overload retVal="number value" descr="Shifts a number right arithmetically by a specified number of bits.">
  25.                 <Param name="number n"/>
  26.                 <Param name="number bits"/>
  27.             </Overload>
  28.         </Keyword>
  29.         <KeyWord name="bit.blogic_rshift" func="yes">
  30.             <Overload retVal="number value" descr="Shifts a number right logically by a specified number of bits.">
  31.                 <Param name="number n"/>
  32.                 <Param name="number bits"/>
  33.             </Overload>
  34.         </Keyword>
  35.         <KeyWord name="bit.bxor" func="yes">
  36.             <Overload retVal="number value" descr="Computes the bitwise exclusive OR of two numbers.">
  37.                 <Param name="number m"/>
  38.                 <Param name="number n"/>
  39.             </Overload>
  40.         </Keyword>
  41.         <KeyWord name="bit.bor" func="yes">
  42.             <Overload retVal="number value" descr="Computes the bitwise inclusive OR of two numbers.">
  43.                 <Param name="number m"/>
  44.                 <Param name="number n"/>
  45.             </Overload>
  46.         </Keyword>
  47.         <KeyWord name="bit.and" func="yes">
  48.             <Overload retVal="number value" descr="Computes the bitwise AND of two numbers.">
  49.                 <Param name="number m"/>
  50.                 <Param name="number n"/>
  51.             </Overload>
  52.         </Keyword>
  53.         <KeyWord name="bit.not" func="yes">
  54.             <Overload retVal="number value" descr="Computes the bitwise NOT of a numbers.">
  55.                 <Param name="number n"/>
  56.             </Overload>
  57.         </Keyword>
  59.         <KeyWord name="collectgarbage" func="yes">
  60.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="This function is a generic interface to the garbage collector.
  61. It performs different functions according to its first argument, opt:
  62.    * 'stop': stops the garbage collector.
  63.    * 'restart': restarts the garbage collector.
  64.    * 'collect': performs a full garbage-collection cycle.
  65.    * 'count': returns the total memory in use by Lua (in Kbytes).
  66.    * 'step': performs a garbage-collection step. The step 'size' is controlled by arg
  67.        (larger values mean more steps) in a non-specified way. If you want to control
  68.        the step size you must experimentally tune the value of arg. Returns true if
  69.        the step finished a collection cycle.
  70.    * 'setpause': sets arg as the new value for the pause of the collector (see §2.10).
  71.        Returns the previous value for pause.
  72.    * 'setstepmul': sets arg as the new value for the step multiplier of the collector
  73.        (see §2.10). Returns the previous value for step.
  74. ">
  75.                 <Param name="String:opt"/>
  76.                 <Param name="[arg]"/>
  77.             </Overload>
  78.         </KeyWord>
  80.         <KeyWord name="colors"/>
  81.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  82.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  83.         <KeyWord name="colors.brown"/>
  84.         <KeyWord name="colors.combine" func="yes">
  85.             <Overload retVal="number" descr="Combines one or more colors (or sets of colors) into a larger set.">
  86.                 <Param name="number... colors"/>
  87.             </Overload>
  88.         </Keyword>
  89.         <KeyWord name="colors.contains" func="yes">
  90.             <Overload retVal="boolean contained" descr="Tests whether color is contained within colors.">
  91.                 <Param name="number colors"/>
  92.                 <Param name="number colors"/>
  93.             </Overload>
  94.         </Keyword>
  95.         <KeyWord name="colors.cyan"/>
  96.         <KeyWord name="colors.gray"/>
  97.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  98.         <KeyWord name="colors.lightBlue"/>
  99.         <KeyWord name="colors.lightGray"/>
  100.         <KeyWord name="colors.lime"/>
  101.         <KeyWord name="colors.magenta"/>
  102.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  103.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  104.         <KeyWord name="colors.purple"/>
  105.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  106.         <KeyWord name="colors.subtract" func="yes">
  107.             <Overload retVal="number value" descr="Removes one or more colors (or sets of colors) from an initial set.">
  108.                 <Param name="number colorSet"/>
  109.                 <Param name="number... colors"/>
  110.             </Overload>
  111.         </Keyword>
  112.         <KeyWord name="colors.white"/>
  113.         <KeyWord name="colors.yellow"/>
  115.         <KeyWord name="colours"/>
  116.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  117.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  118.         <KeyWord name="colours.brown"/>
  119.         <KeyWord name="colours.combine" func="yes">
  120.             <Overload retVal="number" descr="Combines one or more colours (or sets of colours) into a larger set.">
  121.                 <Param name="number... colours"/>
  122.             </Overload>
  123.         </Keyword>
  124.         <KeyWord name="colours.contains" func="yes">
  125.             <Overload retVal="boolean contained" descr="Tests whether color is contained within colours.">
  126.                 <Param name="number colours"/>
  127.                 <Param name="number colour"/>
  128.             </Overload>
  129.         </Keyword>
  130.         <KeyWord name="colours.cyan"/>
  131.         <KeyWord name="colours.grey"/>
  132.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  133.         <KeyWord name="colours.lightBlue"/>
  134.         <KeyWord name="colours.lightGrey"/>
  135.         <KeyWord name="colours.lime"/>
  136.         <KeyWord name="colours.magenta"/>
  137.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  138.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  139.         <KeyWord name="colours.purple"/>
  140.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  141.         <KeyWord name="colours.subtract" func="yes">
  142.             <Overload retVal="number value" descr="Removes one or more colours (or sets of colours) from an initial set.">
  143.                 <Param name="number colourSet"/>
  144.                 <Param name="number... colours"/>
  145.             </Overload>
  146.         </Keyword>
  147.         <KeyWord name="colours.white"/>
  148.         <KeyWord name="colours.yellow"/>
  150.         <KeyWord name="commands"/>
  151.         <KeyWord name="commands.exec" func="yes">
  152.             <Overload retVal="boolean success, table output" descr="Executes the specified command, yields until the result is determined, then returns it.">
  153.                 <Param name="string command"/>
  154.             </Overload>
  155.         </KeyWord>
  156.         <KeyWord name="commands.execAsync" func="yes">
  157.             <Overload retVal="number taskID" descr="Executes the specified command, but doesn't yield. Queues a 'task_complete' event after the command is executed.">
  158.                 <Param name="string command"/>
  159.             </Overload>
  160.         </KeyWord>
  161.         <KeyWord name="commands.getBlockInfo" func="yes">
  162.             <Overload retVal="table blockInfo" descr="Returns a table containing info about the block at the specified world location. Keys are \'name\' (a string) and \'metadata\' (a number)."/>
  163.                 <Param name="number x"/>
  164.                 <Param name="number y"/>
  165.                 <Param name="number z"/>
  166.         </KeyWord>
  167.         <KeyWord name="commands.getBlockPosition" func="yes">
  168.             <Overload retVal="number x, number y, number z" descr="Returns the MineCraft world co-ordinates of the computer running the command."/>
  169.         </KeyWord>
  170.         <KeyWord name="commands.list" func="yes">
  171.             <Overload retVal="table commands" descr="Returns a numerically indexed table filled with strings representing acceptable commands for commands.exec() / commands.execAsync(). "/>
  172.         </KeyWord>
  174.         <KeyWord name="coroutine"/>
  175.         <KeyWord name="coroutine.create" func="yes">
  176.             <Overload retVal="coroutine coro" descr="Creates a new coroutine.">
  177.                 <Param name="function f"/>
  178.             </Overload>
  179.         </KeyWord>
  180.         <KeyWord name="coroutine.resume" func="yes">
  181.             <Overload retVal="any" descr="Starts or resumes a coroutine.">
  182.                 <Param name="coroutine coro"/>
  183.                 <Param name="... parameters"/>
  184.             </Overload>
  185.         </KeyWord>
  186.         <KeyWord name="coroutine.running" func="yes">
  187.             <Overload retVal="coroutine running" descr="Returns the currently executing coroutine."/>
  188.         </KeyWord>
  189.         <KeyWord name="coroutine.status" func="yes">
  190.             <Overload retVal="string status" descr="Returns the status of a coroutine.">
  191.                 <Param name="coroutine coro"/>
  192.             </Overload>
  193.         </KeyWord>
  194.         <KeyWord name="coroutine.wrap" func="yes">
  195.             <Overload retVal="function wrapper" descr="Creates a new coroutine and wraps it in a function">
  196.                 <Param name="function f"/>
  197.             </Overload>
  198.         </KeyWord>
  199.         <KeyWord name="coroutine.wrap" func="yes">
  200.             <Overload retVal="function wrapper" descr="Creates a new coroutine and wraps it in a function">
  201.                 <Param name="function f"/>
  202.             </Overload>
  203.         </KeyWord>
  204.         <KeyWord name="coroutine.yield" func="yes">
  205.             <Overload retVal="any" descr="Pauses the currently executing coroutine and passes control to its caller.">
  206.                 <Param name="... returnValues"/>
  207.             </Overload>
  208.         </KeyWord>
  210.         <KeyWord name="disk"/>
  211.         <KeyWord name="disk.eject" func="yes">
  212.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Ejects any item currently in the drive, spilling it into the world as a loose item.">
  213.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  214.             </Overload>
  215.         </KeyWord>
  216.         <KeyWord name="disk.getAudioTitle" func="yes">
  217.             <Overload retVal="string title" descr="Gets the title of the music disc in the drive.">
  218.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  219.             </Overload>
  220.         </KeyWord>
  221.         <KeyWord name="disk.getID" func="yes">
  222.             <Overload retVal="number id" descr="Gets the floppy disk's unique ID number.">
  223.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  224.             </Overload>
  225.         </KeyWord>
  226.         <KeyWord name="disk.getLabel" func="yes">
  227.             <Overload retVal="string label" descr="Gets the floppy disk's label.">
  228.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  229.             </Overload>
  230.         </KeyWord>
  231.         <KeyWord name="disk.getMountPath" func="yes">
  232.             <Overload retVal="string path" descr="Gets the directory name where the contents of the floppy disk can be accessed.">
  233.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  234.             </Overload>
  235.         </KeyWord>
  236.         <KeyWord name="disk.hasAudio" func="yes">
  237.             <Overload retVal="boolean hasAudio" descr="Checks whether a music disk is in a disk drive.">
  238.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  239.             </Overload>
  240.         </KeyWord>
  241.         <KeyWord name="disk.hasData" func="yes">
  242.             <Overload retVal="boolean hasData" descr="Checks whether a Floppy Disk is in a disk drive.">
  243.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  244.             </Overload>
  245.         </KeyWord>
  246.         <KeyWord name="disk.isPresent" func="yes">
  247.             <Overload retVal="boolean present" descr="Checks whether any item is in a disk drive.">
  248.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  249.             </Overload>
  250.         </KeyWord>
  251.         <KeyWord name="disk.playAudio" func="yes">
  252.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Starts playing the music disc in the drive.">
  253.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  254.             </Overload>
  255.         </KeyWord>
  256.         <KeyWord name="disk.setLabel" func="yes">
  257.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sets the floppy disk's label.">
  258.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  259.                 <Param name="string label"/>
  260.             </Overload>
  261.         </KeyWord>
  262.         <KeyWord name="disk.stopAudio" func="yes">
  263.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Stops playing the music disc in the drive.">
  264.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  265.             </Overload>
  266.         </KeyWord>
  268.         <KeyWord name="dofile" func="yes">
  269.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  270. Opens the named file and executes its contents as a Lua chunk. When called without arguments, dofile
  271. executes the contents of the standard input (stdin). Returns all values returned by the chunk. In case
  272. of errors, dofile propagates the error to its caller (that is, dofile does not run in protected mode).
  273.        ">
  274.                 <Param name="filename" />
  275.             </Overload>
  276.         </KeyWord>
  278.         <KeyWord name="error" func="yes">
  279.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  280. Terminates the last protected function called and returns message as the error message.
  281. Function error never returns.
  282. Usually, error adds some information about the error position at the beginning of the message.
  283. The level argument specifies how to get the error position. With level 1 (the default), the error
  284. position is where the error function was called. Level 2 points the error to where the function
  285. that called error was called; and so on. Passing a level 0 avoids the addition of error position
  286. information to the message.
  287.        ">
  288.                 <Param name="message" />
  289.                 <Param name="[, level]" />
  290.             </Overload>
  291.         </KeyWord>
  293.         <KeyWord name="fs"/>
  294.         <KeyWord name="fs.combine" func="yes">
  295.             <Overload retVal="string path" descr="Combines two path components, returning a path consisting of the local path nested inside the base path.">
  296.                 <Param name="string basePath"/>
  297.                 <Param name="string localPath"/>
  298.             </Overload>
  299.         </KeyWord>
  300.         <KeyWord name="fs.copy" func="yes">
  301.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Copies a file or directory to a new location.">
  302.                 <Param name="string fromPath"/>
  303.                 <Param name="string toPath"/>
  304.             </Overload>
  305.         </KeyWord>
  306.         <KeyWord name="fs.delete" func="yes">
  307.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Deletes a file or directory.">
  308.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  309.             </Overload>
  310.         </KeyWord>
  311.         <KeyWord name="fs.exists" func="yes">
  312.             <Overload retVal="boolean exists" descr="Checks if a path refers to an existing file or directory.">
  313.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  314.             </Overload>
  315.         </KeyWord>
  316.         <KeyWord name="fs.find" func="yes">
  317.             <Overload retVal="table files" descr="Searches the computer's files using wildcards. Requires version 1.6 or later.">
  318.                 <Param name="string wildcard"/>
  319.             </Overload>
  320.         </KeyWord>
  321.         <KeyWord name="fs.getDir" func="yes">
  322.             <Overload retVal="string parentDirectory" descr="Returns the parent directory of path. Requires version 1.63 or later.">
  323.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  324.             </Overload>
  325.         </KeyWord>
  326.         <KeyWord name="fs.getDrive" func="yes">
  327.             <Overload retVal="string drive" descr="Gets the storage medium holding a path, or nil if the path does not exist.">
  328.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  329.             </Overload>
  330.         </KeyWord>
  331.         <KeyWord name="fs.getFreeSpace" func="yes">
  332.             <Overload retVal="number space" descr="Gets the remaining space on the drive containing the given path.">
  333.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  334.             </Overload>
  335.         </KeyWord>
  336.         <KeyWord name="fs.getName" func="yes">
  337.             <Overload retVal="string name" descr="Gets the final component of a pathname.">
  338.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  339.             </Overload>
  340.         </KeyWord>
  341.         <KeyWord name="fs.getSize" func="yes">
  342.             <Overload retVal="number size" descr="Gets the size of a file in bytes.">
  343.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  344.             </Overload>
  345.         </KeyWord>
  346.         <KeyWord name="fs.isDir" func="yes">
  347.             <Overload retVal="boolean isDir" descr="Checks if a path refers to an existing directory.">
  348.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  349.             </Overload>
  350.         </KeyWord>
  351.         <KeyWord name="fs.isReadOnly" func="yes">
  352.             <Overload retVal="boolean isReadOnly" descr="Checks if a path is read-only (i.e. cannot be modified).">
  353.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  354.             </Overload>
  355.         </KeyWord>
  356.         <KeyWord name="fs.list" func="yes">
  357.             <Overload retVal="table files" descr="Returns a list of all the files (including subdirectories but not their contents) contained in a directory, as a numerically indexed table.">
  358.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  359.             </Overload>
  360.         </KeyWord>
  361.         <KeyWord name="fs.makeDir" func="yes">
  362.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Creates a new directory at the given path.">
  363.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  364.             </Overload>
  365.         </KeyWord>
  366.         <KeyWord name="fs.move" func="yes">
  367.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Moves a file or directory to a new location.">
  368.                 <Param name="string fromPath"/>
  369.                 <Param name="string toPath"/>
  370.             </Overload>
  371.         </KeyWord>
  372.         <KeyWord name="" func="yes">
  373.             <Overload retVal="table handle" descr="Opens a file so it can be read or written.">
  374.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  375.                 <Param name="string mode"/>
  376.             </Overload>
  377.         </KeyWord>
  379.         <KeyWord name="gps"/>
  380.         <KeyWord name="gps.locate" func="yes">
  381.             <Overload retVal="number x, number y, number z" descr="Tries to retrieve the computer or turtles own location. On success, returns the location of the turtle’s modem. On failure (if no responses are received for timeout seconds, by default 2), returns nil. If debug is true, debug messages are printed."/>
  382.             <Overload retVal="number x, number y, number z" descr="Tries to retrieve the computer or turtles own location. On success, returns the location of the turtle’s modem. On failure (if no responses are received for timeout seconds, by default 2), returns nil. If debug is true, debug messages are printed.">
  383.                 <Param name="number timeout"/>
  384.             </Overload>
  385.             <Overload retVal="number x, number y, number z" descr="Tries to retrieve the computer or turtles own location. On success, returns the location of the turtle’s modem. On failure (if no responses are received for timeout seconds, by default 2), returns nil. If debug is true, debug messages are printed.">
  386.                 <Param name="number timeout"/>
  387.                 <Param name="boolean debug"/>
  388.             </Overload>
  389.         </KeyWord>
  391.                 <KeyWord name="getfenv" func="yes">
  392.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  393. Returns the environment of object o.
  394.        ">
  395.                 <Param name="o" />
  396.             </Overload>
  397.         </KeyWord>
  399.         <KeyWord name="getmetatable" func="yes">
  400.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  401. Returns the metatable of the given object or nil if it does not have a metatable.
  402.        ">
  403.                 <Param name="object" />
  404.             </Overload>
  405.         </KeyWord>
  407.         <KeyWord name="help"/>
  408.         <KeyWord name="help.lookup" func="yes">
  409.             <Overload retVal="string path" descr="Returns the path to the file containing the help page for topic, or nil if the topic cannot be found.">
  410.                 <Param name="string topic"/>
  411.             </Overload>
  412.         </KeyWord>
  413.         <KeyWord name="help.path" func="yes">
  414.             <Overload retVal="string path" descr="Returns the list of locations the API will look in for help files.">
  415.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  416.             </Overload>
  417.         </KeyWord>
  418.         <KeyWord name="help.setPath" func="yes">
  419.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sets the list of locations the API will look in for help files.">
  420.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  421.             </Overload>
  422.         </KeyWord>
  423.         <KeyWord name="help.topics" func="yes">
  424.             <Overload retVal="table topics" descr="Returns a list of all available help topics."/>
  425.         </KeyWord>
  427.         <KeyWord name="http"/>
  428.         <KeyWord name="http.get" func="yes">
  429.             <Overload retVal="table handle" descr="Sends a HTTP request to a website, asynchronously.">
  430.                 <Param name="string url"/>
  431.             </Overload>
  432.             <Overload retVal="table handle" descr="Sends a HTTP request to a website, asynchronously.">
  433.                 <Param name="string url"/>
  434.                 <Param name="table headers"/>
  435.             </Overload>
  436.         </KeyWord>
  437.         <KeyWord name="" func="yes">
  438.             <Overload retVal="table handle" descr="Sends a HTTP POST request to a website, synchronously.">
  439.                 <Param name="string url"/>
  440.                 <Param name="string postdata"/>
  441.             </Overload>
  442.             <Overload retVal="table handle" descr="Sends a HTTP POST request to a website, synchronously.">
  443.                 <Param name="string url"/>
  444.                 <Param name="string postdata"/>
  445.                 <Param name="table headers"/>
  446.             </Overload>
  447.         </KeyWord>
  448.         <KeyWord name="http.request" func="yes">
  449.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sends a HTTP request to a website, asynchronously.">
  450.                 <Param name="string url"/>
  451.             </Overload>
  452.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sends a HTTP request with postdata to a website, asynchronously.">
  453.                 <Param name="string url"/>
  454.                 <Param name="string postdata"/>
  455.                 <Param name="table headers"/>
  456.             </Overload>
  457.         </KeyWord>
  460.         <KeyWord name="io.flush" func="yes">
  461.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  462. Equivalent to file:flush over the default output file.
  463.        "></Overload>
  464.         </KeyWord>
  466.         <KeyWord name="io.input" func="yes">
  467.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  468. When called with a file name, it opens the named file (in text mode), and sets its handle as the default
  469. input file. When called with a file handle, it simply sets this file handle as the default input file. When
  470. called without parameters, it returns the current default input file.
  471. In case of errors this function raises the error, instead of returning an error code.
  472.        ">
  473.                 <Param name="[file]" />
  474.             </Overload>
  475.         </KeyWord>
  477.         <KeyWord name="io.lines" func="yes">
  478.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  479. Opens the given file name in read mode and returns an iterator function that, each time it is called,
  480. returns a new line from the file. Therefore, the construction
  481.     for line in io.lines(filename) do body end
  482. will iterate over all lines of the file. When the iterator function detects the end of file, it returns
  483. nil (to finish the loop) and automatically closes the file.
  484. The call io.lines() (with no file name) is equivalent to io.input():lines(); that is, it iterates over
  485. the lines of the default input file. In this case it does not close the file when the loop ends.
  486.        ">
  487.                 <Param name="[filename]" />
  488.             </Overload>
  489.         </KeyWord>
  491.         <KeyWord name="" func="yes">
  492.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  493. This function opens a file, in the mode specified in the string mode. It returns a new file handle,
  494. or, in case of errors, nil plus an error message.
  495. The mode string can be any of the following:
  496.    * 'r': read mode (the default);
  497.    * 'w': write mode;
  498.    * 'a': append mode;
  499.    * 'r+': update mode, all previous data is preserved;
  500.    * 'w+': update mode, all previous data is erased;
  501.    * 'a+': append update mode, previous data is preserved, writing is only allowed at the end of file.
  502. The mode string can also have a 'b' at the end, which is needed in some systems to open the file in
  503. binary mode. This string is exactly what is used in the standard C function fopen.
  504.        ">
  505.                 <Param name="filename" />
  506.                 <Param name="[, mode]" />
  507.             </Overload>
  508.         </KeyWord>
  510.         <KeyWord name="io.output" func="yes">
  511.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  512. Similar to io.input, but operates over the default output file.
  513.        ">
  514.                 <Param name="[file]" />
  515.             </Overload>
  516.         </KeyWord>
  518.         <KeyWord name="" func="yes">
  519.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  520. Equivalent to io.input():read.
  521.        ">
  522.                 <Param name="···" />
  523.             </Overload>
  524.         </KeyWord>
  526.         <KeyWord name="io.type" func="yes">
  527.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  528. Checks whether obj is a valid file handle. Returns the string 'file' if obj is an open file handle,
  529. 'closed file' if obj is a closed file handle, or nil if obj is not a file handle.
  530.        ">
  531.                 <Param name="obj" />
  532.             </Overload>
  533.         </KeyWord>
  535.         <KeyWord name="io.write" func="yes">
  536.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  537. Equivalent to io.output():write.
  538.        ">
  539.                 <Param name="···" />
  540.             </Overload>
  541.         </KeyWord>
  543.         <KeyWord name="ipairs" func="yes">
  544.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  545. Returns three values: an iterator function, the table t, and 0, so that the construction
  546.     for i,v in ipairs(t) do body end
  547. will iterate over the pairs (1,t[1]), (2,t[2]), ···, up to the first integer key absent from the table.
  548.        ">
  549.                 <Param name="t" />
  550.             </Overload>
  551.         </KeyWord>
  553.         <KeyWord name="loadfile" func="yes">
  554.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  555. Similar to load, but gets the chunk from file filename or from the standard input,
  556. if no file name is given.
  557.        ">
  558.                 <Param name="[filename]" />
  559.             </Overload>
  560.         </KeyWord>
  562.         <KeyWord name="loadstring" func="yes">
  563.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  564. Similar to load, but gets the chunk from the given string.
  565. To load and run a given string, use the idiom
  566.     assert(loadstring(s))()
  567. When absent, chunkname defaults to the given string.
  568.        ">
  569.                 <Param name="string" />
  570.                 <Param name="[, chunkname]" />
  571.             </Overload>
  572.         </KeyWord>
  574.         <KeyWord name="keys"/>
  575.         <KeyWord name="keys.a"/>
  576.         <KeyWord name="keys.apostrophe"/>
  577.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  578.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  579.         <KeyWord name="keys.b"/>
  580.         <KeyWord name="keys.backslash"/>
  581.         <KeyWord name="keys.backspace"/>
  582.         <KeyWord name="keys.c"/>
  583.         <KeyWord name="keys.capsLock"/>
  584.         <KeyWord name="keys.cimcumflex"/>
  585.         <KeyWord name="keys.colon"/>
  586.         <KeyWord name="keys.comma"/>
  587.         <KeyWord name="keys.convert"/>
  588.         <KeyWord name="keys.d"/>
  589.         <KeyWord name="keys.delete"/>
  590.         <KeyWord name="keys.down"/>
  591.         <KeyWord name="keys.e"/>
  592.         <KeyWord name="keys.eight"/>
  593.         <KeyWord name="keys.end"/>
  594.         <KeyWord name="keys.enter"/>
  595.         <KeyWord name="keys.equals"/>
  596.         <KeyWord name="keys.a"/>
  597.         <KeyWord name="keys.f"/>
  598.         <KeyWord name="keys.f1"/>
  599.         <KeyWord name="keys.f10"/>
  600.         <KeyWord name="keys.f11"/>
  601.         <KeyWord name="keys.f12"/>
  602.         <KeyWord name="keys.f13"/>
  603.         <KeyWord name="keys.f14"/>
  604.         <KeyWord name="keys.f15"/>
  605.         <KeyWord name="keys.f2"/>
  606.         <KeyWord name="keys.f3"/>
  607.         <KeyWord name="keys.f4"/>
  608.         <KeyWord name="keys.f5"/>
  609.         <KeyWord name="keys.f6"/>
  610.         <KeyWord name="keys.f7"/>
  611.         <KeyWord name="keys.f8"/>
  612.         <KeyWord name="keys.f9"/>
  613.         <KeyWord name="keys.five"/>
  614.         <KeyWord name="keys.four"/>
  615.         <KeyWord name="keys.g"/>
  616.         <KeyWord name="keys.grave"/>
  617.         <KeyWord name="keys.h"/>
  618.         <KeyWord name="keys.home"/>
  619.         <KeyWord name="keys.i"/>
  620.         <KeyWord name="keys.insert"/>
  621.         <KeyWord name="keys.j"/>
  622.         <KeyWord name="keys.k"/>
  623.         <KeyWord name="keys.kana"/>
  624.         <KeyWord name="keys.kanji"/>
  625.         <KeyWord name="keys.l"/>
  626.         <KeyWord name="keys.left"/>
  627.         <KeyWord name="keys.leftAlt"/>
  628.         <KeyWord name="keys.leftBracket"/>
  629.         <KeyWord name="keys.leftCtrl"/>
  630.         <KeyWord name="keys.leftShift"/>
  631.         <KeyWord name="keys.m"/>
  632.         <KeyWord name="keys.minus"/>
  633.         <KeyWord name="keys.multiply"/>
  634.         <KeyWord name="keys.n"/>
  635.         <KeyWord name="keys.nine"/>
  636.         <KeyWord name="keys.noconvert"/>
  637.         <KeyWord name="keys.numLock"/>
  638.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPad0"/>
  639.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPad1"/>
  640.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPad2"/>
  641.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPad3"/>
  642.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPad4"/>
  643.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPad5"/>
  644.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPad6"/>
  645.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPad7"/>
  646.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPad8"/>
  647.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPad9"/>
  648.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPadAdd"/>
  649.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPadComma"/>
  650.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPadDecimal"/>
  651.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPadDivide"/>
  652.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPadEnter"/>
  653.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPadEquals"/>
  654.         <KeyWord name="keys.numPadSubtract"/>
  655.         <KeyWord name="keys.o"/>
  656.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  657.         <KeyWord name="keys.p"/>
  658.         <KeyWord name="keys.pageDown"/>
  659.         <KeyWord name="keys.pageUp"/>
  660.         <KeyWord name="keys.pause"/>
  661.         <KeyWord name="keys.period"/>
  662.         <KeyWord name="keys.q"/>
  663.         <KeyWord name="keys.r"/>
  664.         <KeyWord name="keys.right"/>
  665.         <KeyWord name="keys.rightAlt"/>
  666.         <KeyWord name="keys.rightBracket"/>
  667.         <KeyWord name="keys.rightCtrl"/>
  668.         <KeyWord name="keys.rightShift"/>
  669.         <KeyWord name="keys.s"/>
  670.         <KeyWord name="keys.scollLock"/>
  671.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  672.         <KeyWord name="keys.semiColon"/>
  673.         <KeyWord name="keys.six"/>
  674.         <KeyWord name="keys.slash"/>
  675.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  676.         <KeyWord name="keys.stop"/>
  677.         <KeyWord name="keys.t"/>
  678.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  679.         <KeyWord name="keys.three"/>
  680.         <KeyWord name="keys.two"/>
  681.         <KeyWord name="keys.u"/>
  682.         <KeyWord name="keys.up"/>
  683.         <KeyWord name="keys.underscore"/>
  684.         <KeyWord name="keys.v"/>
  685.         <KeyWord name="keys.w"/>
  686.         <KeyWord name="keys.x"/>
  687.         <KeyWord name="keys.y"/>
  688.         <KeyWord name="keys.yen"/>
  689.         <KeyWord name="keys.z"/>
  690.         <KeyWord name=""/>
  691.         <KeyWord name="keys.getName" func="yes">
  692.             <Overload retVal="string keyName" descr="Translates a numerical key code to a human-readable name.">
  693.                 <Param name="number code"/>
  694.             </Overload>
  695.         </KeyWord>
  698.         <KeyWord name="math.abs" func="yes">
  699.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  700. Returns the absolute value of x.
  701.        ">
  702.                 <Param name="x" />
  703.             </Overload>
  704.         </KeyWord>
  706.         <KeyWord name="math.acos" func="yes">
  707.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  708. Returns the arc cosine of x (in radians).
  709.        ">
  710.                 <Param name="x" />
  711.             </Overload>
  712.         </KeyWord>
  714.         <KeyWord name="math.asin" func="yes">
  715.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  716. Returns the arc sine of x (in radians).
  717.        ">
  718.                 <Param name="x" />
  719.             </Overload>
  720.         </KeyWord>
  722.         <KeyWord name="math.atan" func="yes">
  723.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  724. Returns the arc tangent of x (in radians).
  725.        ">
  726.                 <Param name="x" />
  727.             </Overload>
  728.         </KeyWord>
  730.         <KeyWord name="math.atan2" func="yes">
  731.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  732. Returns the arc tangent of y/x (in radians), but uses the signs of both parameters to
  733. find the quadrant of the result. (It also handles correctly the case of x being zero.)
  734.        ">
  735.                 <Param name="y" />
  736.                 <Param name="x" />
  737.             </Overload>
  738.         </KeyWord>
  740.         <KeyWord name="math.ceil" func="yes">
  741.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  742. Returns the smallest integer larger than or equal to x.
  743.        ">
  744.                 <Param name="x" />
  745.             </Overload>
  746.         </KeyWord>
  748.         <KeyWord name="math.cos" func="yes">
  749.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  750. Returns the cosine of x (assumed to be in radians).
  751.        ">
  752.                 <Param name="x" />
  753.             </Overload>
  754.         </KeyWord>
  756.         <KeyWord name="math.cosh" func="yes">
  758.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  759. Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x.
  760.        ">
  761.                 <Param name="x" />
  762.             </Overload>
  763.         </KeyWord>
  765.         <KeyWord name="math.deg" func="yes">
  767.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  768. Returns the angle x (given in radians) in degrees.
  769.        ">
  770.                 <Param name="x" />
  771.             </Overload>
  772.         </KeyWord>
  774.         <KeyWord name="math.exp" func="yes">
  776.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  777. Returns the value ex.
  778.        ">
  779.                 <Param name="x" />
  780.             </Overload>
  781.         </KeyWord>
  783.         <KeyWord name="math.floor" func="yes">
  785.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  786. Returns the largest integer smaller than or equal to x.
  787.        ">
  788.                 <Param name="x" />
  789.             </Overload>
  790.         </KeyWord>
  792.         <KeyWord name="math.fmod" func="yes">
  794.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  795. Returns the remainder of the division of x by y that rounds the quotient towards zero.
  796.        ">
  797.                 <Param name="x" />
  798.                 <Param name="y" />
  799.             </Overload>
  800.         </KeyWord>
  802.         <KeyWord name="math.frexp" func="yes">
  804.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  805. Returns m and e such that x = m2e, e is an integer and the absolute value of m is in
  806. the range [0.5, 1) (or zero when x is zero).
  807.        ">
  808.                 <Param name="x" />
  809.             </Overload>
  810.         </KeyWord>
  812.         <KeyWord name="math.huge" func="no" />
  814.         <KeyWord name="math.ldexp" func="yes">
  816.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  817. Returns m2e (e should be an integer).
  818.        ">
  819.                 <Param name="m" />
  820.                 <Param name="e" />
  821.             </Overload>
  822.         </KeyWord>
  824.         <KeyWord name="math.log" func="yes">
  826.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  827. Returns the natural logarithm of x.
  828.        ">
  829.                 <Param name="x" />
  830.             </Overload>
  831.         </KeyWord>
  833.         <KeyWord name="math.log10" func="yes">
  835.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  836. Returns the base-10 logarithm of x.
  837.        ">
  838.                 <Param name="x" />
  839.             </Overload>
  840.         </KeyWord>
  842.         <KeyWord name="math.max" func="yes">
  844.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  845. Returns the maximum value among its arguments.
  846.        ">
  847.                 <Param name="x" />
  848.                 <Param name="..." />
  849.             </Overload>
  850.         </KeyWord>
  852.         <KeyWord name="math.min" func="yes">
  854.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  855. Returns the minimum value among its arguments.
  856.        ">
  857.                 <Param name="x" />
  858.                 <Param name="..." />
  859.             </Overload>
  860.         </KeyWord>
  862.         <KeyWord name="math.modf" func="yes">
  864.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  865. Returns two numbers, the integral part of x and the fractional part of x.
  866.        ">
  867.                 <Param name="x" />
  868.             </Overload>
  869.         </KeyWord>
  871.         <KeyWord name="math.pi" func="no" />
  873.         <KeyWord name="math.pow" func="yes">
  875.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  876. Returns xy. (You can also use the expression x^y to compute this value.)
  877.        ">
  878.                 <Param name="x" />
  879.                 <Param name="y" />
  880.             </Overload>
  881.         </KeyWord>
  883.         <KeyWord name="math.rad" func="yes">
  885.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  886. Returns the angle x (given in degrees) in radians.
  887.        ">
  888.                 <Param name="x" />
  889.             </Overload>
  890.         </KeyWord>
  892.         <KeyWord name="math.random" func="yes">
  894.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  895. This function is an interface to the simple pseudo-random generator function rand
  896. provided by ANSI C. (No guarantees can be given for its statistical properties.)
  897. When called without arguments, returns a uniform pseudo-random real number in the
  898. range [0,1). When called with an integer number m, math.random returns a uniform
  899. pseudo-random integer in the range [1, m]. When called with two integer numbers m and
  900. n, math.random returns a uniform pseudo-random integer in the range [m, n].
  901.        ">
  902.                 <Param name="[m [, n]]" />
  903.             </Overload>
  904.         </KeyWord>
  906.         <KeyWord name="math.randomseed" func="yes">
  908.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  909. Sets x as the 'seed' for the pseudo-random generator: equal seeds produce equal
  910. sequences of numbers.
  911.        ">
  912.                 <Param name="x" />
  913.             </Overload>
  914.         </KeyWord>
  916.         <KeyWord name="math.sin" func="yes">
  918.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  919. Returns the sine of x (assumed to be in radians).
  920.        ">
  921.                 <Param name="x" />
  922.             </Overload>
  923.         </KeyWord>
  925.         <KeyWord name="math.sinh" func="yes">
  927.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  928. Returns the hyperbolic sine of x.
  929.        ">
  930.                 <Param name="x" />
  931.             </Overload>
  932.         </KeyWord>
  934.         <KeyWord name="math.sqrt" func="yes">
  936.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  937. Returns the square root of x. (You can also use the expression x^0.5 to compute this value.)
  938.        ">
  939.                 <Param name="x" />
  940.             </Overload>
  941.         </KeyWord>
  943.         <KeyWord name="math.tan" func="yes">
  945.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  946. Returns the tangent of x (assumed to be in radians).
  947.        ">
  948.                 <Param name="x" />
  949.             </Overload>
  950.         </KeyWord>
  952.         <KeyWord name="math.tanh" func="yes">
  953.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  954. Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x.
  955.        ">
  956.                 <Param name="x" />
  957.             </Overload>
  958.         </KeyWord>
  960.         <KeyWord name="multishell"/>
  961.         <KeyWord name="multishell.getCount" func="yes">
  962.             <Overload retVal="number tabCount" descr="Returns the number of tabs currently being handled by the multishell system."/>
  963.         </KeyWord>
  964.         <KeyWord name="multishell.getCurrent" func="yes">
  965.             <Overload retVal="number tabID" descr="Returns the ID of the currently running tab."/>
  966.         </KeyWord>
  967.         <KeyWord name="multishell.getFocus" func="yes">
  968.             <Overload retVal="number tabID" descr="Returns the ID of the currently focused tab."/>
  969.         </KeyWord>
  970.         <KeyWord name="multishell.getTitle" func="yes">
  971.             <Overload retVal="string title" descr="Returns the title of the specified tab.">
  972.                 <Param name="number tabID"/>
  973.             </Overload>
  974.         </KeyWord>
  975.         <KeyWord name="multishell.launch" func="yes">
  976.             <Overload retVal="number newTabID" descr="Launches the specified script in a new tab.">
  977.                 <Param name="table environment"/>
  978.                 <Param name="string program"/>
  979.             </Overload>
  980.             <Overload retVal="number newTabID" descr="Launches the specified script in a new tab.">
  981.                 <Param name="table environment"/>
  982.                 <Param name="string program"/>
  983.                 <Param name="string... arguments"/>
  984.             </Overload>
  985.         </KeyWord>
  986.         <KeyWord name="multishell.setFocus" func="yes">
  987.             <Overload retVal="number newTabID" descr="Launches the specified script in a new tab.">
  988.                 <Param name="table environment"/>
  989.                 <Param name="string programPath"/>
  990.                 <Param name="string arguments"/>
  991.             </Overload>
  992.         </KeyWord>
  993.         <KeyWord name="multishell.setTitle" func="yes">
  994.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Relabels the specified tab to use the specified title.">
  995.                 <Param name="number tabID"/>
  996.                 <Param name="string title"/>
  997.             </Overload>
  998.         </KeyWord>
  1000.         <KeyWord name="next" func="yes">
  1002.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1003. Allows a program to traverse all fields of a table. Its first argument is a table and its second
  1004. argument is an index in this table. next returns the next index of the table and its associated
  1005. value. When called with nil as its second argument, next returns an initial index and its associated
  1006. value. When called with the last index, or with nil in an empty table, next returns nil. If the
  1007. second argument is absent, then it is interpreted as nil. In particular, you can use next(t) to
  1008. check whether a table is empty.
  1009. The order in which the indices are enumerated is not specified, even for numeric indices. (To
  1010. traverse a table in numeric order, use a numerical for or the ipairs function.)
  1011. The behavior of next is undefined if, during the traversal, you assign any value to a non-existent
  1012. field in the table. You may however modify existing fields. In particular, you may clear existing
  1013. fields.
  1014.        ">
  1015.                 <Param name="table" />
  1016.                 <Param name="[, index]" />
  1017.             </Overload>
  1018.         </KeyWord>
  1020.         <KeyWord name="os"/>
  1021.         <KeyWord name="os.cancelAlarm" func="yes">
  1022.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Cancels a pending alarm, to prevent it throwing an event.">
  1023.                 <Param name="number alarmID"/>
  1024.             </Overload>
  1025.         </KeyWord>
  1026.         <KeyWord name="os.cancelTimer" func="yes">
  1027.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Cancels a running timer, to prevent it throwing an event.">
  1028.                 <Param name="number timerID"/>
  1029.             </Overload>
  1030.         </KeyWord>
  1031.         <KeyWord name="os.clock" func="yes">
  1032.             <Overload retVal="number time" descr="Returns the amount of time since the in-game computer was started."/>
  1033.         </KeyWord>
  1034.         <KeyWord name="" func="yes">
  1035.             <Overload retVal="number day" descr="Return the current in-game day (the number of in-game days since the world was created)."/>
  1036.         </KeyWord>
  1037.         <KeyWord name="os.getComputerID" func="yes">
  1038.             <Overload retVal="number id" descr="Returns the unique ID of this computer. os.computerID() also behaves exactly the same as os.getComputerID()."/>
  1039.         </KeyWord>
  1040.         <KeyWord name="os.getComputerLabel" func="yes">
  1041.             <Overload retVal="string label" descr="Returns the label of this computer. os.computerLabel() also behaves exactly the same as os.getComputerLabel()."/>
  1042.         </KeyWord>
  1043.         <KeyWord name="os.loadAPI" func="yes">
  1044.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Loads a Lua script as an API in its own namespace. It will be available to all programs that run on the terminal.">
  1045.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  1046.             </Overload>
  1047.         </KeyWord>
  1048.         <KeyWord name="os.pullEvent" func="yes">
  1049.             <Overload retVal="string event, string... params" descr="Blocks until the computer receives an event, or if target-event is specified, will block until an instance of target-event occurs. os.pullEvent(target-event) returns the event and any parameters the event may have. If a target-event is specified, the computer will not break for any other events (except termination).">
  1050.                 <Param name="string targetEvent"/>
  1051.             </Overload>
  1052.         </KeyWord>
  1053.         <KeyWord name="os.pullEventRaw" func="yes">
  1054.             <Overload retVal="string event, string... params" descr="Advanced version of pullEvent(). Blocks until the computer receives an event, or if target-event is specified, will block until an instance of target-event occurs. os.pullEventRaw(target-event) returns the event and any parameters the event may have. Unlike os.pullEvent(target-event), this function will not raise an error if a 'terminate' event is received.">
  1055.                 <Param name="string targetEvent"/>
  1056.             </Overload>
  1057.         </KeyWord>
  1058.         <KeyWord name="os.queueEvent" func="yes">
  1059.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Adds an event to the event queue with the name event and the given parameters.">
  1060.                 <Param name="string event"/>
  1061.                 <Param name="string... parameters"/>
  1062.             </Overload>
  1063.         </KeyWord>
  1064.         <KeyWord name="os.reboot" func="yes">
  1065.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Reboots the computer."/>
  1066.         </KeyWord>
  1067.         <KeyWord name="" func="yes">
  1068.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="An advanced way of starting programs. A started program will have a given environment table which determines what functions it has available, as well as any variables it will be able to access by default. You may prefer to use the Shell (API) unless you need to do something special.">
  1069.                 <Param name="table environment"/>
  1070.                 <Param name="string programPath"/>
  1071.             </Overload>
  1072.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="An advanced way of starting programs. A started program will have a given environment table which determines what functions it has available, as well as any variables it will be able to access by default. You may prefer to use the Shell (API) unless you need to do something special.">
  1073.                 <Param name="table environment"/>
  1074.                 <Param name="string programPath"/>
  1075.                 <Param name="string... arguments"/>
  1076.             </Overload>
  1077.         </KeyWord>
  1078.         <KeyWord name="os.setAlarm" func="yes">
  1079.             <Overload retVal="number alarmID" descr="Queues an event to be triggered at the specified in-game time.">
  1080.                 <Param name="number time"/>
  1081.             </Overload>
  1082.         </KeyWord>
  1083.         <KeyWord name="os.setComputerLabel" func="yes">
  1084.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Set the label of this computer.">
  1085.                 <Param name="string label"/>
  1086.             </Overload>
  1087.         </KeyWord>
  1088.         <KeyWord name="os.shutdown" func="yes">
  1089.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Turns off the computer."/>
  1090.         </KeyWord>
  1091.         <KeyWord name="os.sleep" func="yes">
  1092.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Makes the system wait a number of seconds before continuing in the program. os.sleep(time) may also be used as simply 'sleep(time)'.">
  1093.                 <Param name="number time"/>
  1094.             </Overload>
  1095.         </KeyWord>
  1096.         <KeyWord name="os.startTimer" func="yes">
  1097.             <Overload retVal="number timerID" descr="Queues an event to be triggered after a number of seconds (timeout). The ID of the timer is returned from this function to differentiate multiple timers. Timers are one-shot; once they have fired an event you will need to start another one if you need a recurring timer.">
  1098.                 <Param name="number timeout"/>
  1099.             </Overload>
  1100.         </KeyWord>
  1101.         <KeyWord name="os.time" func="yes">
  1102.             <Overload retVal="number time" descr="Returns the current in-game time."/>
  1103.         </KeyWord>
  1104.         <KeyWord name="os.unloadAPI" func="yes">
  1105.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Unloads a previously loaded API.">
  1106.                 <Param name="string name"/>
  1107.             </Overload>
  1108.         </KeyWord>
  1109.         <KeyWord name="os.version" func="yes">
  1110.             <Overload retVal="string version" descr="Returns the version of the OS the computer is running, which (for CraftOS) also contains the version of ComputerCraft."/>
  1111.         </KeyWord>
  1113.         <KeyWord name="paintutils"/>
  1114.         <KeyWord name="paintutils.drawBox" func="yes">
  1115.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Draws a box from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2). Requires version 1.64 or newer.">
  1116.                 <Param name="number x1"/>
  1117.                 <Param name="number y1"/>
  1118.                 <Param name="number x2"/>
  1119.                 <Param name="number y2"/>
  1120.             </Overload>
  1121.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Draws a box from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) in the specified color. Requires version 1.64 or newer.">
  1122.                 <Param name="number x1"/>
  1123.                 <Param name="number y1"/>
  1124.                 <Param name="number x2"/>
  1125.                 <Param name="number y2"/>
  1126.                 <Param name="number colour"/>
  1127.             </Overload>
  1128.         </KeyWord>
  1129.         <KeyWord name="paintutils.drawFilledBox" func="yes">
  1130.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Draws a box from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2). Requires version 1.64 or newer.">
  1131.                 <Param name="number x1"/>
  1132.                 <Param name="number y1"/>
  1133.                 <Param name="number x2"/>
  1134.                 <Param name="number y2"/>
  1135.             </Overload>
  1136.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Draws a box from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) in the specified color. Requires version 1.64 or newer.">
  1137.                 <Param name="number x1"/>
  1138.                 <Param name="number y1"/>
  1139.                 <Param name="number x2"/>
  1140.                 <Param name="number y2"/>
  1141.                 <Param name="number colour"/>
  1142.             </Overload>
  1143.         </KeyWord>
  1144.         <KeyWord name="paintutils.drawImage" func="yes">
  1145.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Draws an image at (x, y) where image is an image object.">
  1146.                 <Param name="table image"/>
  1147.                 <Param name="number x"/>
  1148.                 <Param name="number y"/>
  1149.             </Overload>
  1150.         </KeyWord>
  1151.         <KeyWord name="paintutils.drawLine" func="yes">
  1152.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Draws a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2).">
  1153.                 <Param name="number x1"/>
  1154.                 <Param name="number y1"/>
  1155.                 <Param name="number x2"/>
  1156.                 <Param name="number y2"/>
  1157.             </Overload>
  1158.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Draws a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) in the specified color.">
  1159.                 <Param name="number x1"/>
  1160.                 <Param name="number y1"/>
  1161.                 <Param name="number x2"/>
  1162.                 <Param name="number y2"/>
  1163.                 <Param name="number colour"/>
  1164.             </Overload>
  1165.         </KeyWord>
  1166.         <KeyWord name="paintutils.drawPixel" func="yes">
  1167.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Draws an pixel at (x, y).">
  1168.                 <Param name="number x"/>
  1169.                 <Param name="number y"/>
  1170.             </Overload>
  1171.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Draws an pixel at (x, y) in the specified colour.">
  1172.                 <Param name="number x"/>
  1173.                 <Param name="number y"/>
  1174.                 <Param name="number colour"/>
  1175.             </Overload>
  1176.         </KeyWord>
  1177.         <KeyWord name="paintutils.loadImage" func="yes">
  1178.             <Overload retVal="table image" descr="Loads and returns an image object from path.">
  1179.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  1180.             </Overload>
  1181.         </KeyWord>
  1183.         <KeyWord name="pairs" func="yes">
  1185.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1186. Returns three values: the next function, the table t, and nil, so that the construction
  1187.     for k,v in pairs(t) do body end
  1188. will iterate over all key–value pairs of table t.
  1189. See function next for the caveats of modifying the table during its traversal.
  1190.        ">
  1191.                 <Param name="t" />
  1192.             </Overload>
  1193.         </KeyWord>
  1195.         <KeyWord name="parallel"/>
  1196.         <KeyWord name="parallel.waitForAll" func="yes">
  1197.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Runs all the functions at the same time, and stops when all of them return.">
  1198.                 <Param name="function... functions"/>
  1199.             </Overload>
  1200.         </KeyWord>
  1201.         <KeyWord name="parallel.waitForAny" func="yes">
  1202.             <Overload retVal="number stoppedFunction" descr="Runs all the functions at the same time, and stops when any of them returns.">
  1203.                 <Param name="function... functions"/>
  1204.             </Overload>
  1205.         </KeyWord>
  1207.         <KeyWord name="peripheral"/>
  1208.         <KeyWord name="" func="yes">
  1209.             <Overload retVal="any" descr="Returns a list of the names of all the methods of the peripheral connected on side. If no peripheral is connected, returns nil.">
  1210.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1211.                 <Param name="string method"/>
  1212.                 <Param name="string... arguments"/>
  1213.             </Overload>
  1214.         </KeyWord>
  1215.         <KeyWord name="peripheral.find" func="yes">
  1216.             <Overload retVal="table peripheral" descr="Finds an attached peripheral of the given type and if found returns a table of functions, similar to peripheral.wrap, allowing you to call peripheral methods as if they were normal Lua functions. If no peripheral is connected, it returns nil. Requires ComputerCraft 1.6 or later.">
  1217.                 <Param name="string type"/>
  1218.             </Overload>
  1219.             <Overload retVal="table peripheral" descr="Finds an attached peripheral of the given type and if found returns a table of functions, similar to peripheral.wrap, allowing you to call peripheral methods as if they were normal Lua functions. If no peripheral of the given type is connected, it returns nil. Requires ComputerCraft 1.6 or later.">
  1220.                 <Param name="string type"/>
  1221.                 <Param name="function fnFilter"/>
  1222.             </Overload>
  1223.         </KeyWord>
  1224.         <KeyWord name="peripheral.getMethods" func="yes">
  1225.             <Overload retVal="table methods" descr="Returns a list of the names of all the methods of the peripheral connected on side. If no peripheral is connected, returns nil.">
  1226.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1227.             </Overload>
  1228.         </KeyWord>
  1229.         <KeyWord name="peripheral.getNames" func="yes">
  1230.             <Overload retVal="table names" descr="This function returns a table of all the sides that have a peripheral present. If the present peripheral is a wired modem any names of the peripherals that is on the network are also added to the table."/>
  1231.         </KeyWord>
  1232.         <KeyWord name="peripheral.getType" func="yes">
  1233.             <Overload retVal="string type" descr="Returns the type of peripheral connected on side, as a string. If no peripheral is connected, returns nil.">
  1234.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1235.             </Overload>
  1236.         </KeyWord>
  1237.         <KeyWord name="peripheral.isPresent" func="yes">
  1238.             <Overload retVal="boolean present" descr="Returns true if a peripheral is connected on side.">
  1239.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1240.             </Overload>
  1241.         </KeyWord>
  1242.         <KeyWord name="peripheral.wrap" func="yes">
  1243.             <Overload retVal="table peripheral" descr="Returns a table of functions, allowing you to call peripheral methods as if they were normal Lua functions. If no peripheral is connected, returns nil.">
  1244.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1245.             </Overload>
  1246.         </KeyWord>
  1248.         <KeyWord name="pcall" func="yes">
  1250.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1251. Calls function f with the given arguments in protected mode. This means that any error
  1252. inside f is not propagated; instead, pcall catches the error and returns a status code.
  1253. Its first result is the status code (a boolean), which is true if the call succeeds without
  1254. errors. In such case, pcall also returns all results from the call, after this first result.
  1255. In case of any error, pcall returns false plus the error message.
  1256.        ">
  1257.                 <Param name="f" />
  1258.                 <Param name="arg1" />
  1259.                 <Param name="···" />
  1260.             </Overload>
  1261.         </KeyWord>
  1263.         <KeyWord name="print" func="yes">
  1264.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1265. Receives any number of arguments, and prints their values to stdout, using the tostring
  1266. function to convert them to strings. print is not intended for formatted output, but only
  1267. as a quick way to show a value, typically for debugging. For formatted output, use string.format.
  1268.        ">
  1269.                 <Param name="···" />
  1270.             </Overload>
  1271.         </KeyWord>
  1273.         <KeyWord name="rawequal" func="yes">
  1274.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1275. Checks whether v1 is equal to v2, without invoking any metamethod. Returns a boolean.
  1276.        ">
  1277.                 <Param name="v1" />
  1278.                 <Param name="v2" />
  1279.             </Overload>
  1280.         </KeyWord>
  1282.         <KeyWord name="rawget" func="yes">
  1283.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1284. Gets the real value of table[index], without invoking any metamethod. table must be a
  1285. table; index may be any value.
  1286.        ">
  1287.                 <Param name="table" />
  1288.                 <Param name="index" />
  1289.             </Overload>
  1290.         </KeyWord>
  1292.         <KeyWord name="rawset" func="yes">
  1293.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1294. Sets the real value of table[index] to value, without invoking any metamethod. table must
  1295. be a table, index any value different from nil, and value any Lua value.
  1296. This function returns table.
  1297.        ">
  1298.                 <Param name="table" />
  1299.                 <Param name="index" />
  1300.                 <Param name="value" />
  1301.             </Overload>
  1302.         </KeyWord>
  1304.         <KeyWord name="rednet"/>
  1305.         <KeyWord name="rednet.broadcast" func="yes">
  1306.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sends the message to all connected and open computers.">
  1307.                 <Param name="message"/>
  1308.             </Overload>
  1309.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sends the message to all connected and open computers with the given protocol.">
  1310.                 <Param name="message"/>
  1311.                 <Param name="string protocol"/>
  1312.             </Overload>
  1313.         </KeyWord>
  1314.         <KeyWord name="rednet.close" func="yes">
  1315.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Tells the computer that the side can no longer be used for networking.">
  1316.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1317.             </Overload>
  1318.         </KeyWord>
  1319.         <KeyWord name="" func="yes">
  1320.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Registers hostname against protocol for the purposes of rednet.lookup(). Only available in ComputerCraft 1.6 and above.">
  1321.                 <Param name="string protocol"/>
  1322.                 <Param name="string hostname"/>
  1323.             </Overload>
  1324.         </KeyWord>
  1325.         <KeyWord name="rednet.isOpen" func="yes">
  1326.             <Overload retVal="boolean isOpen" descr="Returns true if the wireless modem is open.">
  1327.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1328.             </Overload>
  1329.         </KeyWord>
  1330.         <KeyWord name="rednet.lookup" func="yes">
  1331.             <Overload retVal="number... ids" descr="Searches the local network for systems registered with a matching hostname and/or protocol, and returns matching IDs found. Only available in ComputerCraft 1.6 and above.">
  1332.                 <Param name="string protocol"/>
  1333.                 <Param name="string hostname"/>
  1334.             </Overload>
  1335.         </KeyWord>
  1336.         <KeyWord name="" func="yes">
  1337.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Tells the computer that the side can be used for networking.">
  1338.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1339.             </Overload>
  1340.         </KeyWord>
  1341.         <KeyWord name="rednet.receive" func="yes">
  1342.             <Overload retVal="number senderID, message, string protocol" descr="Waits until a rednet message. Leave all arguments empty to wait for any message indefinitely. Versions of ComputerCraft prior to 1.6 may return the distance to the transmitting computer - 1.6 or later returns message protocols instead, though distance can still be obtained via direct use of the Modem API."/>
  1343.             <Overload retVal="number senderID, message, string protocol" descr="Waits until a rednet message of the specified protocol has been received. If only a single, numerical argument is passed, will wait that many seconds for a message of any protocol. Versions of ComputerCraft prior to 1.6 may return the distance to the transmitting computer - 1.6 or later returns message protocols instead, though distance can still be obtained via direct use of the Modem API.">
  1344.                 <Param name="string protocolFilter"/>
  1345.             </Overload>
  1346.             <Overload retVal="number senderID, message, string protocol" descr="Waits until a rednet message of the specified protocol has been received, or until timer seconds have passed. If only a single, numerical argument is passed, will wait that many seconds for a message of any protocol. Versions of ComputerCraft prior to 1.6 may return the distance to the transmitting computer - 1.6 or later returns message protocols instead, though distance can still be obtained via direct use of the Modem API.">
  1347.                 <Param name="string protocolFilter"/>
  1348.                 <Param name="number timeout"/>
  1349.             </Overload>
  1350.         </KeyWord>
  1351.         <KeyWord name="rednet.send" func="yes">
  1352.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sends a message 'intended' for another system with a specific ID, using the currently opened sides. The receiverID is the ID number (note - not a string) of the computer you're sending the message to. The types that can be sent as the message vary depending on the version of ComputerCraft in use.">
  1353.                 <Param name="number receiverID"/>
  1354.                 <Param name="message"/>
  1355.             </Overload>
  1356.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sends a message 'intended' for another system with a specific ID, using the currently opened sides. The receiverID is the ID number (note - not a string) of the computer you're sending the message to. The types that can be sent as the message vary depending on the version of ComputerCraft in use.">
  1357.                 <Param name="number receiverID"/>
  1358.                 <Param name="message"/>
  1359.                 <Param name="string protocol"/>
  1360.             </Overload>
  1361.         </KeyWord>
  1362.         <KeyWord name="rednet.unhost" func="yes">
  1363.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Unregisters hostname against protocol for the purposes of rednet.lookup(). Only available in ComputerCraft 1.6 and above.">
  1364.                 <Param name="string protocol"/>
  1365.                 <Param name="string hostname"/>
  1366.             </Overload>
  1367.         </KeyWord>
  1368.         <KeyWord name="" func="yes">
  1369.             <Overload retVal="number... ids" descr="Internal use function - runs automatically and does not need to be called directly. Waits for modem_message events to appear within the event queue and generates corresponding rednet_message events for use with this API. Also responds to rednet.lookup() requests."/>
  1370.         </KeyWord>
  1373.         <KeyWord name="redstone"/>
  1374.         <KeyWord name="redstone.getAnalogInput" func="yes">
  1375.             <Overload retVal="number strength" descr="(Requires CC1.51 and above) Returns the current redstone input signal strength on side. If no input is present, returns 0. If a redstone source (such as a redstone torch or block) is directly adjacent to the computer, returns 15.">
  1376.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1377.             </Overload>
  1378.         </KeyWord>
  1379.         <KeyWord name="redstone.getAnalogOutput" func="yes">
  1380.             <Overload retVal="number strength" descr="(Requires CC1.51 and above) Returns the current redstone output signal strength on side. If no output is present, returns 0.">
  1381.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1382.             </Overload>
  1383.         </KeyWord>
  1384.         <KeyWord name="redstone.getBundledInput" func="yes">
  1385.             <Overload retVal="number signal" descr="Returns the state (as a number) of a RedPower bundled / Minefactory Reloaded RedNet cable connected to side.">
  1386.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1387.             </Overload>
  1388.         </KeyWord>
  1389.         <KeyWord name="redstone.getBundledOutput" func="yes">
  1390.             <Overload retVal="number signal" descr="Returns the set of RedPower wires in the RedPower bundled / Minefactory Reloaded RedNet cable which are being activated by the terminal on side.">
  1391.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1392.             </Overload>
  1393.         </KeyWord>
  1394.         <KeyWord name="redstone.getInput" func="yes">
  1395.             <Overload retVal="boolean signal" descr="Returns the current redstone input signal state on side.">
  1396.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1397.             </Overload>
  1398.         </KeyWord>
  1399.         <KeyWord name="redstone.getOutput" func="yes">
  1400.             <Overload retVal="boolean signal" descr="Returns the current redstone output signal on side.">
  1401.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1402.             </Overload>
  1403.         </KeyWord>
  1404.         <KeyWord name="redstone.getSides" func="yes">
  1405.             <Overload retVal="table sides" descr="Returns a table of possible sides."/>
  1406.         </KeyWord>
  1407.         <KeyWord name="redstone.setAnalogOutput" func="yes">
  1408.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="(Requires CC1.51 and above) Sets or resets a redstone signal on side to strength (where strength is a positive integer)">
  1409.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1410.                 <Param name="number strength"/>
  1411.             </Overload>
  1412.         </KeyWord>
  1413.         <KeyWord name="redstone.setBundledOutput" func="yes">
  1414.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sets one or multiple colored signals in a RedPower bundled / Minefactory Reloaded RedNet cable attached to side. colors will determine which signals are activated. In order to set multiple signals, add the color values of the colors you want to activate. To turn off all of the colors, use 0.">
  1415.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1416.                 <Param name="number strength"/>
  1417.             </Overload>
  1418.         </KeyWord>
  1419.         <KeyWord name="redstone.setOutput" func="yes">
  1420.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sets or resets a redstone signal on side.">
  1421.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1422.                 <Param name="boolean signal"/>
  1423.             </Overload>
  1424.         </KeyWord>
  1425.         <KeyWord name="redstone.testBundledInput" func="yes">
  1426.             <Overload retVal="boolean attached" descr="Returns true if color is active in a RedPower bundled / Minefactory Reloaded RedNet cable attached to side. Else, returns false.">
  1427.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1428.                 <Param name="number colour"/>
  1429.             </Overload>
  1430.         </KeyWord>
  1432.         <KeyWord name="rs"/>
  1433.         <KeyWord name="rs.getAnalogInput" func="yes">
  1434.             <Overload retVal="number strength" descr="(Requires CC1.51 and above) Returns the current redstone input signal strength on side. If no input is present, returns 0. If a redstone source (such as a redstone torch or block) is directly adjacent to the computer, returns 15.">
  1435.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1436.             </Overload>
  1437.         </KeyWord>
  1438.         <KeyWord name="rs.getAnalogOutput" func="yes">
  1439.             <Overload retVal="number strength" descr="(Requires CC1.51 and above) Returns the current redstone output signal strength on side. If no output is present, returns 0.">
  1440.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1441.             </Overload>
  1442.         </KeyWord>
  1443.         <KeyWord name="rs.getBundledInput" func="yes">
  1444.             <Overload retVal="number signal" descr="Returns the state (as a number) of a RedPower bundled / Minefactory Reloaded RedNet cable connected to side.">
  1445.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1446.             </Overload>
  1447.         </KeyWord>
  1448.         <KeyWord name="rs.getBundledOutput" func="yes">
  1449.             <Overload retVal="number signal" descr="Returns the set of RedPower wires in the RedPower bundled / Minefactory Reloaded RedNet cable which are being activated by the terminal on side.">
  1450.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1451.             </Overload>
  1452.         </KeyWord>
  1453.         <KeyWord name="rs.getInput" func="yes">
  1454.             <Overload retVal="boolean signal" descr="Returns the current redstone input signal state on side.">
  1455.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1456.             </Overload>
  1457.         </KeyWord>
  1458.         <KeyWord name="rs.getOutput" func="yes">
  1459.             <Overload retVal="boolean signal" descr="Returns the current redstone output signal on side.">
  1460.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1461.             </Overload>
  1462.         </KeyWord>
  1463.         <KeyWord name="rs.getSides" func="yes">
  1464.             <Overload retVal="table sides" descr="Returns a table of possible sides."/>
  1465.         </KeyWord>
  1466.         <KeyWord name="rs.setAnalogOutput" func="yes">
  1467.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="(Requires CC1.51 and above) Sets or resets a redstone signal on side to strength (where strength is a positive integer)">
  1468.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1469.                 <Param name="number strength"/>
  1470.             </Overload>
  1471.         </KeyWord>
  1472.         <KeyWord name="rs.setBundledOutput" func="yes">
  1473.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sets one or multiple colored signals in a RedPower bundled / Minefactory Reloaded RedNet cable attached to side. colors will determine which signals are activated. In order to set multiple signals, add the color values of the colors you want to activate. To turn off all of the colors, use 0.">
  1474.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1475.                 <Param name="number strength"/>
  1476.             </Overload>
  1477.         </KeyWord>
  1478.         <KeyWord name="rs.setOutput" func="yes">
  1479.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sets or resets a redstone signal on side.">
  1480.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1481.                 <Param name="boolean signal"/>
  1482.             </Overload>
  1483.         </KeyWord>
  1484.         <KeyWord name="rs.testBundledInput" func="yes">
  1485.             <Overload retVal="boolean attached" descr="Returns true if color is active in a RedPower bundled / Minefactory Reloaded RedNet cable attached to side. Else, returns false.">
  1486.                 <Param name="string side"/>
  1487.                 <Param name="number colour"/>
  1488.             </Overload>
  1489.         </KeyWord>
  1491.         <KeyWord name="select" func="yes">
  1493.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1494. If index is a number, returns all arguments after argument number index. Otherwise, index
  1495. must be the string '#', and select returns the total number of extra arguments it received.
  1496.        ">
  1497.                 <Param name="index" />
  1498.                 <Param name="···" />
  1499.             </Overload>
  1500.         </KeyWord>
  1502.         <KeyWord name="setfenv" func="yes">
  1503.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1504. Sets the environment of the given object to the given table. Returns object.
  1505.        ">
  1506.                 <Param name="object" />
  1507.                 <Param name="table" />
  1508.             </Overload>
  1509.         </KeyWord>
  1510.         <KeyWord name="setmetatable" func="yes">
  1511.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1512. Sets the metatable for the given object to the given table (which can be nil).
  1513.        ">
  1514.                 <Param name="object" />
  1515.                 <Param name="table" />
  1516.             </Overload>
  1517.         </KeyWord>
  1519.         <KeyWord name="shell"/>
  1520.         <KeyWord name="shell.aliases" func="yes">
  1521.             <Overload retVal="table aliases" descr="Returns aliases."/>
  1522.         </KeyWord>
  1523.         <KeyWord name="shell.dir" func="yes">
  1524.             <Overload retVal="string directory" descr="Returns the path to the working directory."/>
  1525.         </KeyWord>
  1526.         <KeyWord name="shell.exit" func="yes">
  1527.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Exits the current shell"/>
  1528.         </KeyWord>
  1529.         <KeyWord name="shell.getRunningProgram" func="yes">
  1530.             <Overload retVal="string path" descr="Returns the absolute path to the currently-executing program."/>
  1531.         </KeyWord>
  1532.         <KeyWord name="shell.openTab" func="yes">
  1533.             <Overload retVal="number tabID" descr="Runs a program in another multishell tab. Requires version 1.6 or newer and an advanced system.">
  1534.                 <Param name="string command"/>
  1535.                 <Param name="string... args"/>
  1536.             </Overload>
  1537.         </KeyWord>
  1538.         <KeyWord name="shell.path" func="yes">
  1539.             <Overload retVal="string path" descr="Returns the path."/>
  1540.         </KeyWord>
  1541.         <KeyWord name="shell.programs" func="yes">
  1542.             <Overload retVal="table programs" descr="Returns a table of files in the current directory and in all paths in shell.path.">
  1543.                 <Param name="boolean showHidden"/>
  1544.             </Overload>
  1545.         </KeyWord>
  1546.         <KeyWord name="shell.resolve" func="yes">
  1547.             <Overload retVal="string absolutePath" descr="Resolves a local path to an absolute path.">
  1548.                 <Param name="string localPath"/>
  1549.             </Overload>
  1550.         </KeyWord>
  1551.         <KeyWord name="shell.resolveProgram" func="yes">
  1552.             <Overload retVal="string absolutePath" descr="Resolves the absolute path to the program whose name you provided.">
  1553.                 <Param name="string programName"/>
  1554.             </Overload>
  1555.         </KeyWord>
  1556.         <KeyWord name="" func="yes">
  1557.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Runs a command (program).">
  1558.                 <Param name="string command"/>
  1559.                 <Param name="string... args"/>
  1560.             </Overload>
  1561.         </KeyWord>
  1562.         <KeyWord name="shell.setDir" func="yes">
  1563.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sets the working directory.">
  1564.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  1565.             </Overload>
  1566.         </KeyWord>
  1567.         <KeyWord name="shell.setAlias" func="yes">
  1568.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sets an alias for program.">
  1569.                 <Param name="string alias"/>
  1570.                 <Param name="string program"/>
  1571.             </Overload>
  1572.         </KeyWord>
  1573.         <KeyWord name="shell.setPath" func="yes">
  1574.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sets the path.">
  1575.                 <Param name="string path"/>
  1576.             </Overload>
  1577.         </KeyWord>
  1578.         <KeyWord name="shell.switchTab" func="yes">
  1579.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Switches the multishell tab to tab with the given ID. Requires version 1.6 or newer and an advanced system.">
  1580.                 <Param name="number tabID"/>
  1581.             </Overload>
  1582.         </KeyWord>
  1585.         <KeyWord name="string.byte" func="yes">
  1586.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1587. Returns the internal numerical codes of the characters s[i], s[i+1], ···, s[j]. The default
  1588. value for i is 1; the default value for j is i.
  1589. Note that numerical codes are not necessarily portable across platforms.
  1590.        ">
  1591.                 <Param name="s [, i [, j]]" />
  1592.             </Overload>
  1593.         </KeyWord>
  1595.         <KeyWord name="string.char" func="yes">
  1596.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1597. Receives zero or more integers. Returns a string with length equal to the number of arguments,
  1598. in which each character has the internal numerical code equal to its corresponding argument.
  1599. Note that numerical codes are not necessarily portable across platforms.
  1600.        ">
  1601.                 <Param name="···" />
  1602.             </Overload>
  1603.         </KeyWord>
  1605.         <KeyWord name="string.dump" func="yes">
  1607.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1608. Returns a string containing a binary representation of the given function, so that a later
  1609. loadstring on this string returns a copy of the function. function must be a Lua function
  1610. without upvalues.
  1611.        ">
  1612.                 <Param name="function" />
  1613.             </Overload>
  1614.         </KeyWord>
  1616.         <KeyWord name="string.find" func="yes">
  1617.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1618. Looks for the first match of pattern in the string s. If it finds a match, then find returns
  1619. the indices of s where this occurrence starts and ends; otherwise, it returns nil. A third,
  1620. optional numerical argument init specifies where to start the search; its default value is 1
  1621. and can be negative. A value of true as a fourth, optional argument plain turns off the
  1622. pattern matching facilities, so the function does a plain 'find substring' operation, with
  1623. no characters in pattern being considered 'magic'. Note that if plain is given, then init
  1624. must be given as well.
  1625. If the pattern has captures, then in a successful match the captured values are also returned,
  1626. after the two indices.
  1627.        ">
  1628.                 <Param name="s" />
  1629.                 <Param name="pattern" />
  1630.                 <Param name="[, init [, plain]]" />
  1631.             </Overload>
  1632.         </KeyWord>
  1634.         <KeyWord name="string.format" func="yes">
  1635.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1636. Returns a formatted version of its variable number of arguments following the description
  1637. given in its first argument (which must be a string). The format string follows the same
  1638. rules as the printf family of standard C functions. The only differences are that the options/modifiers
  1639. *, l, L, n, p, and h are not supported and that there is an extra option, q. The q option formats
  1640. a string in a form suitable to be safely read back by the Lua interpreter: the string is
  1641. written between double quotes, and all double quotes, newlines, embedded zeros, and backslashes
  1642. in the string are correctly escaped when written. For instance, the call
  1643.     string.format('%q', 'a string with ''quotes'' and \n new line')
  1644. will produce the string:
  1645.     'a string with \''quotes\'' and \
  1646.      new line'
  1647. The options c, d, E, e, f, g, G, i, o, u, X, and x all expect a number as argument, whereas
  1648. q and s expect a string.
  1649. This function does not accept string values containing embedded zeros, except as arguments
  1650. to the q option.
  1651.        ">
  1652.                 <Param name="formatstring" />
  1653.                 <Param name="···" />
  1654.             </Overload>
  1655.         </KeyWord>
  1657.         <KeyWord name="string.gmatch" func="yes">
  1658.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1659. Returns an iterator function that, each time it is called, returns the next captures from
  1660. pattern over string s. If pattern specifies no captures, then the whole match is produced
  1661. in each call.
  1662. As an example, the following loop
  1663.     s = 'hello world from Lua'
  1664.     for w in string.gmatch(s, '%a+') do
  1665.       print(w)
  1666.     end
  1667. will iterate over all the words from string s, printing one per line. The next example collects
  1668. all pairs key=value from the given string into a table:
  1669.     t = {}
  1670.     s = 'from=world, to=Lua'
  1671.     for k, v in string.gmatch(s, '(%w+)=(%w+)') do
  1672.       t[k] = v
  1673.     end
  1674. For this function, a '^' at the start of a pattern does not work as an anchor, as this would
  1675. prevent the iteration.
  1676.        ">
  1677.                 <Param name="s" />
  1678.                 <Param name="pattern" />
  1679.             </Overload>
  1680.         </KeyWord>
  1682.         <KeyWord name="string.gsub" func="yes">
  1683.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1684. Returns a copy of s in which all (or the first n, if given) occurrences of the pattern have
  1685. been replaced by a replacement string specified by repl, which can be a string, a table, or
  1686. a function. gsub also returns, as its second value, the total number of matches that occurred.
  1687. Look at the online documentation for this function.
  1688. ">
  1689.                 <Param name="s" />
  1690.                 <Param name="pattern" />
  1691.                 <Param name="repl" />
  1692.                 <Param name="[, n]" />
  1693.             </Overload>
  1694.         </KeyWord>
  1696.         <KeyWord name="string.len" func="yes">
  1697.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1698. Receives a string and returns its length. The empty string '' has length 0. Embedded zeros are
  1699. counted, so 'a\000bc\000' has length 5.
  1700.        ">
  1701.                 <Param name="s" />
  1702.             </Overload>
  1703.         </KeyWord>
  1705.         <KeyWord name="string.lower" func="yes">
  1706.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1707. Receives a string and returns a copy of this string with all uppercase letters changed to
  1708. lowercase. All other characters are left unchanged. The definition of what an uppercase
  1709. letter is depends on the current locale.
  1710.        ">
  1711.                 <Param name="s" />
  1712.             </Overload>
  1713.         </KeyWord>
  1715.         <KeyWord name="string.match" func="yes">
  1716.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1717. Looks for the first match of pattern in the string s. If it finds one, then match returns the
  1718. captures from the pattern; otherwise it returns nil. If pattern specifies no captures, then
  1719. the whole match is returned. A third, optional numerical argument init specifies where to
  1720. start the search; its default value is 1 and can be negative.
  1721.        ">
  1722.                 <Param name="s" />
  1723.                 <Param name="pattern" />
  1724.                 <Param name="[, init]" />
  1725.             </Overload>
  1726.         </KeyWord>
  1728.         <KeyWord name="string.rep" func="yes">
  1729.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1730. Returns a string that is the concatenation of n copies of the string s.
  1731.        ">
  1732.                 <Param name="s" />
  1733.                 <Param name="n" />
  1734.             </Overload>
  1735.         </KeyWord>
  1737.         <KeyWord name="string.reverse" func="yes">
  1738.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1739. Returns a string that is the string s reversed.
  1740.        ">
  1741.                 <Param name="s" />
  1742.             </Overload>
  1743.         </KeyWord>
  1745.         <KeyWord name="string.sub" func="yes">
  1746.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1747. Returns the substring of s that starts at i and continues until j; i and j can be negative.
  1748. If j is absent, then it is assumed to be equal to -1 (which is the same as the string length).
  1749. In particular, the call string.sub(s,1,j) returns a prefix of s with length j, and string.sub(s, -i)
  1750. returns a suffix of s with length i.
  1751.        ">
  1752.                 <Param name="s" />
  1753.                 <Param name="i" />
  1754.                 <Param name="[, j]" />
  1755.             </Overload>
  1756.         </KeyWord>
  1758.         <KeyWord name="string.upper" func="yes">
  1759.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1760. Receives a string and returns a copy of this string with all lowercase letters changed to
  1761. uppercase. All other characters are left unchanged. The definition of what a lowercase letter
  1762. is depends on the current locale.
  1763.        ">
  1764.                 <Param name="s" />
  1765.             </Overload>
  1766.         </KeyWord>
  1769.         <KeyWord name="table.concat" func="yes">
  1770.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1771. Given an array where all elements are strings or numbers, returns table[i]..sep..table[i+1] ··· sep..table[j].
  1772. The default value for sep is the empty string, the default for i is 1, and the default for j is the length
  1773. of the table. If i is greater than j, returns the empty string.
  1774.        ">
  1775.                 <Param name="table" />
  1776.                 <Param name="[, sep [, i [, j]]]" />
  1777.             </Overload>
  1778.         </KeyWord>
  1780.         <KeyWord name="table.insert" func="yes">
  1782.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1783. Inserts element value at position pos in table, shifting up other elements to open space,
  1784. if necessary. The default value for pos is n+1, where n is the length of the table (see §2.5.5),
  1785. so that a call table.insert(t,x) inserts x at the end of table t.
  1786.        ">
  1787.                 <Param name="table" />
  1788.                 <Param name="[pos,]" />
  1789.                 <Param name="value" />
  1790.             </Overload>
  1791.         </KeyWord>
  1793.         <KeyWord name="table.maxn" func="yes">
  1795.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1796. Returns the largest positive numerical index of the given table, or zero if the table has no
  1797. positive numerical indices. (To do its job this function does a linear traversal of the whole table.)
  1798.        ">
  1799.                 <Param name="table" />
  1800.             </Overload>
  1801.         </KeyWord>
  1803.         <KeyWord name="table.remove" func="yes">
  1805.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1806. Removes from table the element at position pos, shifting down other elements to close the space,
  1807. if necessary. Returns the value of the removed element. The default value for pos is n, where n
  1808. is the length of the table, so that a call table.remove(t) removes the last element of table t.
  1809.        ">
  1810.                 <Param name="table" />
  1811.                 <Param name="[, pos]" />
  1812.             </Overload>
  1813.         </KeyWord>
  1815.         <KeyWord name="table.sort" func="yes">
  1816.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1817. Sorts table elements in a given order, in-place, from table[1] to table[n], where n is the length
  1818. of the table. If comp is given, then it must be a function that receives two table elements, and
  1819. returns true when the first is less than the second (so that not comp(a[i+1],a[i]) will be true
  1820. after the sort). If comp is not given, then the standard Lua operator lessthan is used instead.
  1821. The sort algorithm is not stable; that is, elements considered equal by the given order may have
  1822. their relative positions changed by the sort.
  1823.        ">
  1824.                 <Param name="table" />
  1825.                 <Param name="[, comp]" />
  1826.             </Overload>
  1827.         </KeyWord>
  1828.         <KeyWord name="then" func="no" />
  1829.         <KeyWord name="tonumber" func="yes">
  1830.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1831. Tries to convert its argument to a number. If the argument is already a number or a string
  1832. convertible to a number, then tonumber returns this number; otherwise, it returns nil.
  1833. An optional argument specifies the base to interpret the numeral. The base may be any integer
  1834. between 2 and 36, inclusive. In bases above 10, the letter 'A' (in either upper or lower case)
  1835. represents 10, 'B' represents 11, and so forth, with 'Z' representing 35. In base 10 (the default),
  1836. the number can have a decimal part, as well as an optional exponent part (see §2.1). In other
  1837. bases, only unsigned integers are accepted.
  1838.        ">
  1839.                 <Param name="e" />
  1840.                 <Param name="[, base]" />
  1841.             </Overload>
  1842.         </KeyWord>
  1844.         <KeyWord name="term"/>
  1845.         <KeyWord name="term.clear" func="yes">
  1846.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Clears the entire screen."/>
  1847.         </KeyWord>
  1848.         <KeyWord name="term.clearLine" func="yes">
  1849.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Clears the line the cursor is on."/>
  1850.         </KeyWord>
  1851.         <KeyWord name="term.current" func="yes">
  1852.             <Overload retVal="table terminal" descr="Returns the current terminal object. Requires version 1.6 or newer, available only to the base term object."/>
  1853.         </KeyWord>
  1854.         <KeyWord name="term.getCursorPos" func="yes">
  1855.             <Overload retVal="number x, number y" descr="Returns two arguments containing the x and the y position of the cursor."/>
  1856.         </KeyWord>
  1857.         <KeyWord name="term.getSize" func="yes">
  1858.             <Overload retVal="number x, number y" descr="Returns two arguments containing the x and the y values stating the size of the screen. (Good for if you're making something to be compatible with both Turtles and Computers.)"/>
  1859.         </KeyWord>
  1860.         <KeyWord name="term.isColour" func="yes">
  1861.             <Overload retVal="boolean colour" descr="Returns whether the terminal supports colour."/>
  1862.         </KeyWord>
  1863.         <KeyWord name="term.native" func="yes">
  1864.             <Overload retVal="table terminal" descr="Returns the original terminal object. Requires version 1.6 or newer, available only to the base term object."/>
  1865.         </KeyWord>
  1866.         <KeyWord name="term.redirect" func="yes">
  1867.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Redirects terminal output to another terminal object (such as a window or wrapped monitor). Available only to the base term object.">
  1868.                 <Param name="table target"/>
  1869.             </Overload>
  1870.         </KeyWord>
  1871.         <KeyWord name="term.scroll" func="yes">
  1872.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Scrolls the terminal n lines.">
  1873.                 <Param name="number lines"/>
  1874.             </Overload>
  1875.         </KeyWord>
  1876.         <KeyWord name="term.setBackgroundColour" func="yes">
  1877.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sets the background color of the terminal. Only greyscale available on non-advanced computers.">
  1878.                 <Param name="number colour"/>
  1879.             </Overload>
  1880.         </KeyWord>
  1881.         <KeyWord name="term.setCursorBlink" func="yes">
  1882.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Enables or disables the cursor blinking.">
  1883.                 <Param name="boolean enabled"/>
  1884.             </Overload>
  1885.         </KeyWord>
  1886.         <KeyWord name="term.setCursorPos" func="yes">
  1887.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sets the cursor's position.">
  1888.                 <Param name="number x"/>
  1889.                 <Param name="number y"/>
  1890.             </Overload>
  1891.         </KeyWord>
  1892.         <KeyWord name="term.setTextColour" func="yes">
  1893.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Sets the text color of the terminal. Only greyscale available on non-advanced computers.">
  1894.                 <Param name="number colour"/>
  1895.             </Overload>
  1896.         </KeyWord>
  1897.         <KeyWord name="term.write" func="yes">
  1898.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Writes text to the screen.">
  1899.                 <Param name="string text"/>
  1900.             </Overload>
  1901.         </KeyWord>
  1903.         <KeyWord name="textutils"/>
  1904.         <KeyWord name="textutils.formatTime" func="yes">
  1905.             <Overload retVal="string formattedTime" descr="Takes input time and formats it in a more readable format. If the second value is true, returns time in twenty-four hour format; if the second value is false, returns time in twelve-hour format, with AM or PM. Default for twentyFourHour is false.">
  1906.                 <Param name="number time"/>
  1907.                 <Param name="boolean twentyFourHour"/>
  1908.             </Overload>
  1909.         </KeyWord>
  1910.         <KeyWord name="textutils.pagedPrint" func="yes">
  1911.             <Overload retVal="number linesPrinted" descr="Prints string text onto the screen, but waits for confirmation before scrolling down further. Default for freeLines is 0.">
  1912.                 <Param name="string text"/>
  1913.             </Overload>
  1914.             <Overload retVal="number linesPrinted" descr="Prints string text onto the screen, but waits for confirmation (after at least freeLines have been scrolled) before scrolling down further. Default for freeLines is 0.">
  1915.                 <Param name="string text"/>
  1916.                 <Param name="number freeLines"/>
  1917.             </Overload>
  1918.         </KeyWord>
  1919.         <KeyWord name="textutils.pagedTabulate" func="yes">
  1920.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Prints tables in an ordered form, like textutils.tabulate. However, it waits for confirmation before scrolling down.">
  1921.                 <Param name="table table1/number color1"/>
  1922.                 <Param name="table table2/number color2"/>
  1923.                 <Param name="..."/>
  1924.             </Overload>
  1925.         </KeyWord>
  1926.         <KeyWord name="textutils.serialise" func="yes">
  1927.             <Overload retVal="string serialisedData" descr="Returns a string representation of the data data for storage or transmission.">
  1928.                 <Param name="data"/>
  1929.             </Overload>
  1930.         </KeyWord>
  1931.         <KeyWord name="textutils.serialiseJSON" func="yes">
  1932.             <Overload retVal="string serialisedData" descr="Returns a JSON representation of the data data in a form of a string, mainly for command usage. Requires CC 1.7 or later.">
  1933.                 <Param name="data"/>
  1934.             </Overload>
  1935.         </KeyWord>
  1936.         <KeyWord name="textutils.serialize" func="yes">
  1937.             <Overload retVal="string serializedData" descr="Returns a string representation of the data data for storage or transmission.">
  1938.                 <Param name="data"/>
  1939.             </Overload>
  1940.         </KeyWord>
  1941.         <KeyWord name="textutils.serializeJSON" func="yes">
  1942.             <Overload retVal="string serializedData" descr="Returns a JSON representation of the data data in a form of a string, mainly for command usage. Requires CC 1.7 or later.">
  1943.                 <Param name="data"/>
  1944.             </Overload>
  1945.         </KeyWord>
  1946.         <KeyWord name="textutils.slowPrint" func="yes">
  1947.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Prints string text at current cursor position, character-by-character. Number argument rate is optional and is defaulted to 20. The higher the value of rate, the faster text is printed (passing a value of 1 prints one character per second). This function also prints a newline">
  1948.                 <Param name="string text"/>
  1949.                 <Param name="number charsPerSecond"/>
  1950.             </Overload>
  1951.         </KeyWord>
  1952.         <KeyWord name="textutils.slowWrite" func="yes">
  1953.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Writes string text at current cursor position, character-by-character. Number argument rate is optional and is defaulted to 20. The higher the value of rate, the faster text is written (passing a value of 1 writes one character per second).">
  1954.                 <Param name="string text"/>
  1955.                 <Param name="number charsPerSecond"/>
  1956.             </Overload>
  1957.         </KeyWord>
  1958.         <KeyWord name="textutils.tabulate" func="yes">
  1959.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Prints tables in an ordered form. Each table is a row, the column width is auto-adjusted. If it encounters a number instead of a table then sets the text color to it.">
  1960.                 <Param name="table table1/number color1"/>
  1961.                 <Param name="table table2/number color2"/>
  1962.                 <Param name="..."/>
  1963.             </Overload>
  1964.         </KeyWord>
  1965.         <KeyWord name="textutils.unserialise" func="yes">
  1966.             <Overload retVal="data" descr="Returns the data reassembled from string serialisedData. Used mainly together with textutils.serialise().">
  1967.                 <Param name="string serialisedData"/>
  1968.             </Overload>
  1969.         </KeyWord>
  1970.         <KeyWord name="textutils.unserialize" func="yes">
  1971.             <Overload retVal="data" descr="Returns the data reassembled from string serializedData. Used mainly together with textutils.serialize().">
  1972.                 <Param name="string serializedData"/>
  1973.             </Overload>
  1974.         </KeyWord>
  1975.         <KeyWord name="textutils.urlEncode" func="yes">
  1976.             <Overload retVal="string urlSafeString" descr="Makes a string safe to encode into a url. Spaces are replaced with +s. Unsafe characters such as '\', '£' and '}' are translated into ASCII code and preceded with a % for transmission.">
  1977.                 <Param name="string urlUnsafeString"/>
  1978.             </Overload>
  1979.         </KeyWord>
  1981.         <KeyWord name="tostring" func="yes">
  1982.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  1983. Receives an argument of any type and converts it to a string in a reasonable format. For complete
  1984. control of how numbers are converted, use string.format.
  1985. If the metatable of e has a '__tostring' field, then tostring calls the corresponding value with
  1986. e as argument, and uses the result of the call as its result.
  1987.        ">
  1988.                 <Param name="e" />
  1989.             </Overload>
  1990.         </KeyWord>
  1992.         <KeyWord name="turtle"/>
  1993.         <KeyWord name="turtle.attack" func="yes">
  1994.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Attacks in front of the turtle."/>
  1995.         </KeyWord>
  1996.         <KeyWord name="turtle.attackDown" func="yes">
  1997.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Attacks below the turtle."/>
  1998.         </KeyWord>
  1999.         <KeyWord name="turtle.attackUp" func="yes">
  2000.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Attacks above the turtle."/>
  2001.         </KeyWord>
  2002.         <KeyWord name="turtle.back" func="yes">
  2003.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Try to move the turtle backward."/>
  2004.         </KeyWord>
  2005.         <KeyWord name="" func="yes">
  2006.             <Overload retVal="boolean result" descr="Detects if the block in front is the same as the one in the currently selected slot."/>
  2007.         </KeyWord>
  2008.         <KeyWord name="turtle.compareDown" func="yes">
  2009.             <Overload retVal="boolean result" descr="Detects if the block below is the same as the one in the currently selected slot."/>
  2010.         </KeyWord>
  2011.         <KeyWord name="turtle.compareTo" func="yes">
  2012.             <Overload retVal="boolean result" descr="Compare the current selected slot and the given slot to see if the items are the same. Returns true if they are the same, false if not.">
  2013.                 <Param name="number slot"/>
  2014.             </Overload>
  2015.         </KeyWord>
  2016.         <KeyWord name="turtle.compareUp" func="yes">
  2017.             <Overload retVal="boolean result" descr="Detects if the block above is the same as the one in the currently selected slot."/>
  2018.         </KeyWord>
  2019.         <KeyWord name="turtle.craft" func="yes">
  2020.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Craft items using ingredients anywhere in the turtle's inventory and place results in the active slot. If a quantity is specified, it will craft only up to that many items, otherwise, it will craft as many of the items as possible.">
  2021.                 <Param name="number quantity"/>
  2022.             </Overload>
  2023.         </KeyWord>
  2024.         <KeyWord name="turtle.detect" func="yes">
  2025.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Detects if there is a block in front of the turtle."/>
  2026.         </KeyWord>
  2027.         <KeyWord name="turtle.detectDown" func="yes">
  2028.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Detects if there is a block below the turtle."/>
  2029.         </KeyWord>
  2030.         <KeyWord name="turtle.detectUp" func="yes">
  2031.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Detects if there is a block above the turtle."/>
  2032.         </KeyWord>
  2033.         <KeyWord name="turtle.dig" func="yes">
  2034.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Breaks the block or tills the dirt in front of the turtle."/>
  2035.         </KeyWord>
  2036.         <KeyWord name="turtle.digDown" func="yes">
  2037.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Breaks the block or tills the dirt below the turtle."/>
  2038.         </KeyWord>
  2039.         <KeyWord name="turtle.digUp" func="yes">
  2040.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Breaks the block or tills the dirt above the turtle."/>
  2041.         </KeyWord>
  2042.         <KeyWord name="turtle.down" func="yes">
  2043.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Try to move the turtle down."/>
  2044.         </KeyWord>
  2045.         <KeyWord name="turtle.drop" func="yes">
  2046.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Drops all items in the selected slot in front of the turtle. If there is a inventory on the side (i.e in front of the turtle) it will try to place into the inventory, returning false if the inventory is full."/>
  2047.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Drops count items in the selected slot in front of the turtle. If there is a inventory on the side (i.e in front of the turtle) it will try to place into the inventory, returning false if the inventory is full.">
  2048.                 <Param name="number count"/>
  2049.             </Overload>
  2050.         </KeyWord>
  2051.         <KeyWord name="turtle.dropDown" func="yes">
  2052.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Drops all items in the selected slot below the turtle. If there is a inventory on the side (i.e in front of the turtle) it will try to place into the inventory, returning false if the inventory is full."/>
  2053.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Drops count items in the selected slot below the turtle. If there is a inventory on the side (i.e in front of the turtle) it will try to place into the inventory, returning false if the inventory is full.">
  2054.                 <Param name="number count"/>
  2055.             </Overload>
  2056.         </KeyWord>
  2057.         <KeyWord name="turtle.dropUp" func="yes">
  2058.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Drops all items in the selected slot above the turtle. If there is a inventory on the side (i.e in front of the turtle) it will try to place into the inventory, returning false if the inventory is full."/>
  2059.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Drops count items in the selected slot above the turtle. If there is a inventory on the side (i.e in front of the turtle) it will try to place into the inventory, returning false if the inventory is full.">
  2060.                 <Param name="number count"/>
  2061.             </Overload>
  2062.         </KeyWord>
  2063.         <KeyWord name="turtle.equipLeft" func="yes">
  2064.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Attempts to equip an item in the current slot to the turtle's left side, switching the previously equipped item back into the inventory."/>
  2065.         </KeyWord>
  2066.         <KeyWord name="turtle.equipRight" func="yes">
  2067.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Attempts to equip an item in the current slot to the turtle's right side, switching the previously equipped item back into the inventory."/>
  2068.         </KeyWord>
  2069.         <KeyWord name="turtle.forward" func="yes">
  2070.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Try to move the turtle forward."/>
  2071.         </KeyWord>
  2072.         <KeyWord name="turtle.getFuelLevel" func="yes">
  2073.             <Overload retVal="number fuel" descr="Returns the current fuel level of the turtle, this is the number of blocks the turtle can move. If turtleNeedFuel = 0 then it returns 'unlimited'."/>
  2074.         </KeyWord>
  2075.         <KeyWord name="turtle.getFuelLimit" func="yes">
  2076.             <Overload retVal="number limit" descr="Returns the maximum amount of fuel a turtle can store - by default, 20,000 for regular turtles, 100,000 for advanced.If turtleNeedFuel = 0 then it returns 'unlimited'."/>
  2077.         </KeyWord>
  2078.         <KeyWord name="turtle.getItemCount" func="yes">
  2079.             <Overload retVal="number count" descr="Counts how many items are in the currently selected slot or."/>
  2080.             <Overload retVal="number count" descr="Counts how many items are in the slotNumber slot.">
  2081.                 <Param name="number slotNumber"/>
  2082.             </Overload>
  2083.         </KeyWord>
  2084.         <KeyWord name="turtle.getItemDetail" func="yes">
  2085.             <Overload retVal="table detail" descr="Returns the ID string, count and damage values of the currently selected slot."/>
  2086.             <Overload retVal="table detail" descr="Returns the ID string, count and damage values of the slotNumber slot.">
  2087.                 <Param name="number slotNumber"/>
  2088.             </Overload>
  2089.         </KeyWord>
  2090.         <KeyWord name="turtle.getItemSpace" func="yes">
  2091.             <Overload retVal="number count" descr="Counts how many remaining items you need to fill the stack in the currently selected slot"/>
  2092.             <Overload retVal="number count" descr="Counts how many remaining items you need to fill the stack in the slotNumber slot.">
  2093.                 <Param name="number slotNumber"/>
  2094.             </Overload>
  2095.         </KeyWord>
  2096.         <KeyWord name="turtle.getSelectedSlot" func="yes">
  2097.             <Overload retVal="number slotNumber" descr="Indicates the currently selected inventory slot."/>
  2098.         </KeyWord>
  2099.         <KeyWord name="turtle.inspect" func="yes">
  2100.             <Overload retVal="boolean success, table data/string error" descr="Returns the ID string and metadata of the block in front of the Turtle, if one exists."/>
  2101.         </KeyWord>
  2102.         <KeyWord name="turtle.inspectDown" func="yes">
  2103.             <Overload retVal="boolean success, table data/string error" descr="Returns the ID string and metadata of the block below the Turtle, if one exists."/>
  2104.         </KeyWord>
  2105.         <KeyWord name="turtle.inspectUp" func="yes">
  2106.             <Overload retVal="boolean success, table data/string error" descr="Returns the ID string and metadata of the block above the Turtle, if one exists."/>
  2107.         </KeyWord>
  2108.         <KeyWord name="" func="yes">
  2109.             <Overload retVal="number count" descr="Places a block of the selected slot in front. Collects water or lava if the currently selected slot is an empty bucket."/>
  2110.             <Overload retVal="number count" descr="Places a block of the selected slot in front, and engraves signText on signs. Collects water or lava if the currently selected slot is an empty bucket.">
  2111.                 <Param name="string signText"/>
  2112.             </Overload>
  2113.         </KeyWord>
  2114.         <KeyWord name="turtle.placeDown" func="yes">
  2115.             <Overload retVal="number count" descr="Places a block of the selected slot in front. Collects water or lava if the currently selected slot is an empty bucket."/>
  2116.         </KeyWord>
  2117.         <KeyWord name="turtle.placeUp" func="yes">
  2118.             <Overload retVal="number count" descr="Places a block of the selected slot in front. Collects water or lava if the currently selected slot is an empty bucket."/>
  2119.         </KeyWord>
  2120.         <KeyWord name="turtle.refuel" func="yes">
  2121.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="If the current selected slot contains a fuel item, it will consume all items from that slot to give the turtle the ability to move. If the current slot doesn't contain a fuel item, it returns false."/>
  2122.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="If the current selected slot contains a fuel item, it will consume quantity items from that slot to give the turtle the ability to move. If the current slot doesn't contain a fuel item, it returns false.">
  2123.                 <Param name="number quantity"/>
  2124.             </Overload>
  2125.         </KeyWord>
  2126.         <KeyWord name="" func="yes">
  2127.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Make the turtle select slot slotNum (1 is top left, 16 (9 in 1.33 and earlier) is bottom right).">
  2128.                 <Param name="number slotNumber"/>
  2129.             </Overload>
  2130.         </KeyWord>
  2131.         <KeyWord name="turtle.suck" func="yes">
  2132.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Picks up an item stack of any number, from the ground or an inventory in front of the turtle, then places it in the selected slot. If the turtle can't pick up the item, the function returns false."/>
  2133.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Picks up an item stack of the specified number from the ground or an inventory in front of the turtle, then places it in the selected slot. If the turtle can't pick up the item, the function returns false. Requires ComputerCraft 1.6 or later.">
  2134.                 <Param name="number count"/>
  2135.             </Overload>
  2136.         </KeyWord>
  2137.         <KeyWord name="turtle.suckDown" func="yes">
  2138.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Picks up an item stack of any number from the ground or an inventory below the turtle, then places it in the selected slot. If the turtle can't pick up the item, the function returns false."/>
  2139.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Picks up an item stack of the specified count from the ground or an inventory below the turtle, then places it in the selected slot. If the turtle can't pick up the item, the function returns false. Requires ComputerCraft 1.6 or later.">
  2140.                 <Param name="number count"/>
  2141.             </Overload>
  2142.         </KeyWord>
  2143.         <KeyWord name="turtle.suckUp" func="yes">
  2144.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Picks up an item stack of any number from the ground or an inventory above the turtle, then places it in the selected slot. If the turtle can't pick up the item, the function returns false."/>
  2145.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Picks up an item stack of the specified count from the ground or an inventory above the turtle, then places it in the selected slot. If the turtle can't pick up the item, the function returns false. Requires ComputerCraft 1.6 or later.">
  2146.                 <Param name="number count"/>
  2147.             </Overload>
  2148.         </KeyWord>
  2149.         <KeyWord name="turtle.transferTo" func="yes">
  2150.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Transfers all items from the selected slot to slot.">
  2151.                 <Param name="number slot"/>
  2152.             </Overload>
  2153.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Transfers quantity items from the selected slot to slot.">
  2154.                 <Param name="number slot"/>
  2155.                 <Param name="number quantity"/>
  2156.             </Overload>
  2157.         </KeyWord>
  2158.         <KeyWord name="turtle.turnLeft" func="yes">
  2159.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Turns the turtle left."/>
  2160.         </KeyWord>
  2161.         <KeyWord name="turtle.turnRight" func="yes">
  2162.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Turns the turtle right."/>
  2163.         </KeyWord>
  2164.         <KeyWord name="turtle.up" func="yes">
  2165.             <Overload retVal="boolean success" descr="Try to move the turtle up."/>
  2166.         </KeyWord>
  2168.         <KeyWord name="type" func="yes">
  2169.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  2170. Returns the type of its only argument, coded as a string. The possible results of this function
  2171. are 'nil' (a string, not the value nil), 'number', 'string', 'boolean', 'table', 'function', 'thread', and 'userdata'.
  2172.        ">
  2173.                 <Param name="v" />
  2174.             </Overload>
  2175.         </KeyWord>
  2177.         <KeyWord name="unpack" func="yes">
  2178.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  2179. Returns the elements from the given table. This function is equivalent to
  2180.     return list[i], list[i+1], ···, list[j]
  2181. except that the above code can be written only for a fixed number of elements. By default, i is 1 and
  2182. j is the length of the list, as defined by the length operator (see §2.5.5).
  2183.        ">
  2184.                 <Param name="list" />
  2185.                 <Param name="[, i [, j]]" />
  2186.             </Overload>
  2187.         </KeyWord>
  2189.         <KeyWord name="vector"/>
  2190.         <KeyWord name="" func="yes">
  2191.             <Overload retVal="vector result" descr="Creates a vector">
  2192.                 <Param name="number x"/>
  2193.                 <Param name="number y"/>
  2194.                 <Param name="number z"/>
  2195.             </Overload>
  2196.         </KeyWord>
  2198.         <KeyWord name="window"/>
  2199.         <KeyWord name="window.create" func="yes">
  2200.             <Overload retVal="table windowHandle" descr="Creates and returns a new window object, similar to a wrapped monitor. Refer to the term API for a list of functions attached to it.">
  2201.                 <Param name="table parentTerm"/>
  2202.                 <Param name="number x"/>
  2203.                 <Param name="number y"/>
  2204.                 <Param name="number width"/>
  2205.                 <Param name="number height"/>
  2206.                 <Param name="boolean visible"/>
  2207.             </Overload>
  2208.         </KeyWord>
  2209.         <KeyWord name="window.getPosition" func="yes">
  2210.             <Overload retVal="number x, number y" descr="Returns the top left co-ordinate of the window. Available only to window objects."/>
  2211.         </KeyWord>
  2212.         <KeyWord name="window.redraw" func="yes">
  2213.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Redraws the contents of the window. Available only to window objects."/>
  2214.         </KeyWord>
  2215.         <KeyWord name="window.reposition" func="yes">
  2216.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Moves the window. Available only to window objects.">
  2217.                 <Param name="table parentTerm"/>
  2218.                 <Param name="number x"/>
  2219.                 <Param name="number y"/>
  2220.             </Overload>
  2221.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Moves and resizes the window. Available only to window objects.">
  2222.                 <Param name="table parentTerm"/>
  2223.                 <Param name="number x"/>
  2224.                 <Param name="number y"/>
  2225.                 <Param name="number width"/>
  2226.                 <Param name="number height"/>
  2227.             </Overload>
  2228.         </KeyWord>
  2229.         <KeyWord name="window.restoreCursor" func="yes">
  2230.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Returns the cursor back to its position / state within the window. Available only to window objects."/>
  2231.         </KeyWord>
  2232.         <KeyWord name="window.setVisible" func="yes">
  2233.             <Overload retVal="nil" descr="Determines whether subsequent renders to the window will be visible. Available only to window objects.">
  2234.                 <Param name="boolean visible"/>
  2235.             </Overload>
  2236.         </KeyWord>
  2239.         <KeyWord name="xpcall" func="yes">
  2241.             <Overload retVal="void" descr="
  2242. This function is similar to pcall, except that you can set a new error handler.
  2243. xpcall calls function f in protected mode, using err as the error handler. Any error inside f is
  2244. not propagated; instead, xpcall catches the error, calls the err function with the original error
  2245. object, and returns a status code. Its first result is the status code (a boolean), which is true
  2246. if the call succeeds without errors. In this case, xpcall also returns all results from the call,
  2247. after this first result. In case of any error, xpcall returns false plus the result from err.
  2248.        ">
  2249.                 <Param name="f" />
  2250.                 <Param name="err" />
  2251.             </Overload>
  2252.         </KeyWord>
  2253.     </AutoComplete>
  2254. </NotepadPlus>
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