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- --[[*********************************************
- gui library
- by GopherAtl
- do whatever you want, just don't be a dick. Give
- me credit whenever you redistribute, modified or
- otherwise.
- For the latest updates and documentations, check
- out the github repo and it's wiki at
- --***********************************************]]
- local event=require("event")
- local component=require("component")
- local term=require("term")
- local computer=require("computer")
- local shell=require("shell")
- local process=require("process")
- local filesystem=require("filesystem")
- local keyboard=require("keyboard")
- local unicode=require("unicode")
- local gfxbuffer=require("gfxbuffer")
- local doubleClickThreshold=.25
- local gml={VERSION="1.0"}
- local defaultStyle=nil
- --clipboard is global between guis and gui sessions, as long as you don't reboot.
- local clipboard=nil
- local validElements = {
- ["*"]=true,
- gui=true, --top gui container
- label=true, --text labels, non-focusable (naturally), non-readable
- button=true, --buttons, text label, clickable
- textfield=true, --single-line text input, can scroll left-right, never has scrollbar, just scrolls with cursor
- scrollbar=true, --scroll bar, scrolls. Can be horizontal or vertical.
- textbox=true, --multi-line text input, line wraps, scrolls up-down, has scroll bar if needed
- listbox=true, --list, vertical stack of labels with a scrollbar
- }
- local validStates = {
- ["*"]=true,
- enabled=true,
- disabled=true,
- checked=true,
- focus=true,
- empty=true,
- selected=true,
- }
- local validDepths = {
- ["*"]=true,
- [1]=true,
- [4]=true,
- [8]=true,
- }
- local screen = {
- posX=1, posY=1,
- bodyX=1,bodyY=1,
- hidden=false,
- isHidden=function() return false end,
- renderTarget=component.gpu
- }
- screen.width,screen.height=component.gpu.getResolution()
- screen.bodyW,screen.bodyH=screen.width,screen.height
- --**********************
- --utility functions
- function round(v)
- return math.floor(v+.5)
- end
- --**********************
- --api functions
- function gml.loadStyle(name)
- --search for file
- local fullname=name
- if name:match(".gss$") then
- name=name:match("^(.*)%.gss$")
- else
- fullname=name..".gss"
- end
- local filepath
- --search for styles in working directory, running program directory, /lib /usr/lib. Just because.
- local dirs={shell.getWorkingDirectory(),process.running():match("^(.*/).+$"), "/lib/", "/usr/lib/"}
- if dirs[1]~="/" then
- dirs[1]=dirs[1].."/"
- end
- for i=1,#dirs do
- if filesystem.exists(dirs[i]..fullname) and not filesystem.isDirectory(dirs[i]..fullname) then
- filepath=dirs[i]..fullname
- break
- end
- end
- if not filepath then
- error("Could not find gui stylesheet \"""\"",2)
- end
- --found it, open and parse
- local file=assert(,"r"))
- local text=file:read("*all")
- file:close()
- text=text:gsub("/%*.-%*/",""):gsub("\r\n","\n")
- local styleTree={}
- --util method used in loop later when building styleTree
- local function descend(node,to)
- if node[to]==nil then
- node[to]={}
- end
- return node[to]
- end
- for selectorStr, body in text:gmatch("%s*([^{]*)%s*{([^}]*)}") do
- --parse the selectors!
- local selectors={}
- for element in selectorStr:gmatch("([^,^%s]+)") do
- --could have a !depth modifier
- local depth,state,class, temp
- temp,depth=element:match("(%S+)!(%S+)")
- element=temp or element
- temp,state=element:match("(%S+):(%S+)")
- element=temp or element
- temp,class=element:match("(%S+)%.(%S+)")
- element=temp or element
- if element and validElements[element]==nil then
- error("Encountered invalid element "..element.." loading style "
- end
- if state and validStates[state]==nil then
- error("Encountered invalid state "..state.." loading style "
- end
- if depth and validDepths[tonumber(depth)]==nil then
- error("Encountered invalid depth "..depth.." loading style "
- end
- selectors[#selectors+1]={element=element or "*",depth=tonumber(depth) or "*",state=state or "*",class=class or "*"}
- end
- local props={}
- for prop,val in body:gmatch("(%S*)%s*:%s*(.-);") do
- if tonumber(val) then
- val=tonumber(val)
- elseif val:match("U%+%x+") then
- val=unicode.char(tonumber("0x"..val:match("U%+(.*)")))
- elseif val:match("^%s*[tT][rR][uU][eE]%s*$") then
- val=true
- elseif val:match("^%s*[fF][aA][lL][sS][eE]%s*$") then
- val=false
- elseif val:match("%s*(['\"]).*(%1)%s*") then
- _,val=val:match("%s*(['\"])(.*)%1%s*")
- else
- error("invalid property value '"..val.."'!")
- end
- props[prop]=val
- end
- for i=1,#selectors do
- local sel=selectors[i]
- local node=styleTree
- node=descend(node,sel.depth)
- node=descend(node,sel.state)
- node=descend(node,sel.class)
- node=descend(node,sel.element)
- --much as I'd like to save mem, dupe selectors cause merges, which, if
- --instances are duplicated in the final style tree, could result in spraying
- --props in inappropriate places
- for k,v in pairs(props) do
- node[k]=v
- end
- end
- end
- return styleTree
- end
- --**********************
- --internal style-related utility functions
- local function tableCopy(t1)
- local copy={}
- for k,v in pairs(t1) do
- if type(v)=="table" then
- copy[k]=tableCopy(v)
- else
- copy[j]=v
- end
- end
- end
- local function mergeStyles(t1, t2)
- for k,v in pairs(t2) do
- if t1[k]==nil then
- t1[k]=tableCopy(v)
- elseif type(t1[k])=="table" then
- if type(v)=="table" then
- tableMerge(t1[k],v)
- else
- error("inexplicable error in mergeStyles - malformed style table, attempt to merge "..type(v).." with "..type(t1[k]))
- end
- elseif type(v)=="table" then
- error("inexplicable error in mergeStyles - malformed style table, attempt to merge "..type(v).." with "..type(t1[k]))
- else
- t1[k]=v
- end
- end
- end
- function getAppliedStyles(element)
- local
- assert(styleRoot)
- --descend, unless empty, then back up... so... wtf
- local depth,state,class,elementType=element.renderTarget.getDepth(),element.state or "*",element.class or "*", element.type
- local nodes={styleRoot}
- local function filterDown(nodes,key)
- local newNodes={}
- for i=1,#nodes do
- if key~="*" and nodes[i][key] then
- newNodes[#newNodes+1]=nodes[i][key]
- end
- if nodes[i]["*"] then
- newNodes[#newNodes+1]=nodes[i]["*"]
- end
- end
- return newNodes
- end
- nodes=filterDown(nodes,depth)
- nodes=filterDown(nodes,state)
- nodes=filterDown(nodes,class)
- nodes=filterDown(nodes,elementType)
- return nodes
- end
- function extractProperty(element,styles,property)
- if element[property] then
- return element[property]
- end
- for j=1,#styles do
- local v=styles[j][property]
- if v~=nil then
- return v
- end
- end
- end
- local function extractProperties(element,styles,...)
- local props={...}
- --nodes is now a list of all terminal branches that could possibly apply to me
- local vals={}
- for i=1,#props do
- vals[#vals+1]=extractProperty(element,styles,props[i])
- if #vals~=i then
- for k,v in pairs(styles[1]) do print('"'..k..'"',v,k==props[i] and "<-----!!!" or "") end
- error("Could not locate value for style property "..props[i].."!")
- end
- end
- return table.unpack(vals)
- end
- local function findStyleProperties(element,...)
- local props={...}
- local nodes=getAppliedStyles(element)
- return extractProperties(element,nodes,...)
- end
- --**********************
- --drawing and related functions
- local function parsePosition(x,y,width,height,maxWidth, maxHeight)
- width=math.min(width,maxWidth)
- height=math.min(height,maxHeight)
- if x=="left" then
- x=1
- elseif x=="right" then
- x=maxWidth-width+1
- elseif x=="center" then
- x=math.max(1,math.floor((maxWidth-width)/2))
- elseif x<0 then
- x=maxWidth-width+2+x
- elseif x<1 then
- x=1
- elseif x+width-1>maxWidth then
- x=maxWidth-width+1
- end
- if y=="top" then
- y=1
- elseif y=="bottom" then
- y=maxHeight-height+1
- elseif y=="center" then
- y=math.max(1,math.floor((maxHeight-height)/2))
- elseif y<0 then
- y=maxHeight-height+2+y
- elseif y<1 then
- y=1
- elseif y+height-1>maxHeight then
- y=maxHeight-height+1
- end
- return x,y,width,height
- end
- --draws a frame, based on the relevant style properties, and
- --returns the effective client area inside the frame
- local function drawBorder(element,styles)
- local screenX,screenY=element:getScreenPosition()
- local borderFG, borderBG,
- border,borderLeft,borderRight,borderTop,borderBottom,
- borderChL,borderChR,borderChT,borderChB,
- borderChTL,borderChTR,borderChBL,borderChBR =
- extractProperties(element,styles,
- "border-color-fg","border-color-bg",
- "border","border-left","border-right","border-top","border-bottom",
- "border-ch-left","border-ch-right","border-ch-top","border-ch-bottom",
- "border-ch-topleft","border-ch-topright","border-ch-bottomleft","border-ch-bottomright")
- local width,height=element.width,element.height
- local bodyX,bodyY=screenX,screenY
- local bodyW,bodyH=width,height
- local gpu=element.renderTarget
- if border then
- gpu.setBackground(borderBG)
- gpu.setForeground(borderFG)
- --as needed, leave off top and bottom borders if height doesn't permit them
- if borderTop and bodyW>1 then
- bodyY=bodyY+1
- bodyH=bodyH-1
- --do the top bits
- local str=(borderLeft and borderChTL or borderChT)..borderChT:rep(bodyW-2)..(borderRight and borderChTR or borderChB)
- gpu.set(screenX,screenY,str)
- end
- if borderBottom and bodyW>1 then
- bodyH=bodyH-1
- --do the top bits
- local str=(borderLeft and borderChBL or borderChB)..borderChB:rep(bodyW-2)..(borderRight and borderChBR or borderChB)
- gpu.set(screenX,screenY+height-1,str)
- end
- if borderLeft then
- bodyX=bodyX+1
- bodyW=bodyW-1
- for y=bodyY,bodyY+bodyH-1 do
- gpu.set(screenX,y,borderChL)
- end
- end
- if borderRight then
- bodyW=bodyW-1
- for y=bodyY,bodyY+bodyH-1 do
- gpu.set(screenX+width-1,y,borderChR)
- end
- end
- end
- return bodyX,bodyY,bodyW,bodyH
- end
- --calculates the body coords of an element based on it's true coords
- --and border style properties
- local function calcBody(element)
- local x,y,w,h=element.posX,element.posY,element.width,element.height
- local border,borderTop,borderBottom,borderLeft,borderRight =
- findStyleProperties(element,"border","border-top","border-bottom","border-left","border-right")
- if border then
- if borderTop then
- y=y+1
- h=h-1
- end
- if borderBottom then
- h=h-1
- end
- if borderLeft then
- x=x+1
- w=w-1
- end
- if borderRight then
- w=w-1
- end
- end
- return x,y,w,h
- end
- local function correctForBorder(element,px,py)
- px=px-(element.bodyX and element.bodyX-element.posX or 0)
- py=py-(element.bodyY and element.bodyY-element.posY or 0)
- return px,py
- end
- local function frameAndSave(element)
- local t={}
- local x,y,width,height=element.posX,element.posY,element.width,element.height
- local pcb=term.getCursorBlink()
- local curx,cury=term.getCursor()
- local pfg,pbg=element.renderTarget.getForeground(),element.renderTarget.getBackground()
- local rtg=element.renderTarget.get
- --preserve background
- for ly=1,height do
- t[ly]={}
- local str, cfg, cbg=rtg(x,y+ly-1)
- for lx=2,width do
- local ch, fg, bg=rtg(x+lx-1,y+ly-1)
- if fg==cfg and bg==cbg then
- else
- t[ly][#t[ly]+1]={str,cfg,cbg}
- str,cfg,cbg=ch,fg,bg
- end
- end
- t[ly][#t[ly]+1]={str,cfg,cbg}
- end
- local styles=getAppliedStyles(element)
- local bodyX,bodyY,bodyW,bodyH=drawBorder(element,styles)
- local fillCh,fillFG,fillBG=extractProperties(element,styles,"fill-ch","fill-color-fg","fill-color-bg")
- local blankRow=fillCh:rep(bodyW)
- element.renderTarget.setForeground(fillFG)
- element.renderTarget.setBackground(fillBG)
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- element.renderTarget.fill(bodyX,bodyY,bodyW,bodyH,fillCh)
- return {curx,cury,pcb,pfg,pbg, t}
- end
- local function restoreFrame(renderTarget,x,y,prevState)
- local curx,cury,pcb,pfg,pbg, behind=table.unpack(prevState)
- for ly=1,#behind do
- local lx=x
- for i=1,#behind[ly] do
- local str,fg,bg=table.unpack(behind[ly][i])
- renderTarget.setForeground(fg)
- renderTarget.setBackground(bg)
- renderTarget.set(lx,ly+y-1,str)
- lx=lx+unicode.len(str)
- end
- end
- term.setCursor(curx,cury)
- renderTarget.setForeground(pfg)
- renderTarget.setBackground(pbg)
- renderTarget.flush()
- term.setCursorBlink(pcb)
- end
- local function elementHide(element)
- if element.visible then
- element.visible=false
- element.gui:redrawRect(element.posX,element.posY,element.width,1)
- end
- element.hidden=true
- end
- local function elementShow(element)
- element.hidden=false
- if not element.visible then
- element:draw()
- end
- end
- local function drawLabel(label)
- if not label:isHidden() then
- local screenX,screenY=label:getScreenPosition()
- local fg, bg=findStyleProperties(label,"text-color","text-background")
- label.renderTarget.setForeground(fg)
- label.renderTarget.setBackground(bg)
- label.renderTarget.set(screenX,screenY,label.text:sub(1,label.width)..(" "):rep(label.width-#label.text))
- label.visible=true
- end
- end
- local function drawButton(button)
- if not button:isHidden() then
- local styles=getAppliedStyles(button)
- local gpu=button.renderTarget
- local fg,bg,
- fillFG,fillBG,fillCh=
- findStyleProperties(button,
- "text-color","text-background",
- "fill-color-fg","fill-color-bg","fill-ch")
- local bodyX,bodyY,bodyW,bodyH=drawBorder(button,styles)
- gpu.setBackground(fillBG)
- gpu.setForeground(fillFG)
- local bodyRow=fillCh:rep(bodyW)
- for i=1,bodyH do
- gpu.set(bodyX,bodyY+i-1,bodyRow)
- end
- --now center the label
- gpu.setBackground(bg)
- gpu.setForeground(fg)
- --calc position
- local text=button.text
- local textX=bodyX
- local textY=bodyY+math.floor((bodyH-1)/2)
- if #text>bodyW then
- text=text:sub(1,bodyW)
- else
- textX=bodyX+math.floor((bodyW-#text)/2)
- end
- gpu.set(textX,textY,text)
- end
- end
- local function drawTextField(tf)
- if not tf:isHidden() then
- local textFG,textBG,selectedFG,selectedBG=
- findStyleProperties(tf,"text-color","text-background","selected-color","selected-background")
- local screenX,screenY=tf:getScreenPosition()
- local gpu=tf.renderTarget
- --grab the subset of text visible
- local text=tf.text
- local visibleText=text:sub(tf.scrollIndex,tf.scrollIndex+tf.width-1)
- visibleText=visibleText..(" "):rep(tf.width-#visibleText)
- --this may be split into as many as 3 parts - pre-selection, selection, and post-selection
- --if there is any selection at all...
- if tf.state=="focus" and not tf.dragging then
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- end
- if tf.selectEnd~=0 then
- local visSelStart, visSelEnd, preSelText,selText,postSelText
- visSelStart=math.max(1,tf.selectStart-tf.scrollIndex+1)
- visSelEnd=math.min(tf.width,tf.selectEnd-tf.scrollIndex+1)
- selText=visibleText:sub(visSelStart,visSelEnd)
- if visSelStart>1 then
- preSelText=visibleText:sub(1,visSelStart-1)
- end
- if visSelEnd<tf.width then
- postSelText=visibleText:sub(visSelEnd+1,tf.width)
- end
- gpu.setForeground(selectedFG)
- gpu.setBackground(selectedBG)
- gpu.set(screenX+visSelStart-1,screenY,selText)
- if preSelText or postSelText then
- gpu.setForeground(textFG)
- gpu.setBackground(textBG)
- if preSelText then
- gpu.set(screenX,screenY,preSelText)
- end
- if postSelText then
- gpu.set(screenX+visSelEnd,screenY,postSelText)
- end
- end
- else
- --no selection, just draw
- gpu.setForeground(textFG)
- gpu.setBackground(textBG)
- gpu.set(screenX,screenY,visibleText)
- end
- if tf.state=="focus" and not tf.dragging then
- term.setCursor(screenX+tf.cursorIndex-tf.scrollIndex,screenY)
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- end
- end
- end
- local function drawScrollBarH(bar)
- if not bar:isHidden() then
- local leftCh,rightCh,btnFG,btnBG,
- barCh, barFG, barBG,
- gripCh, gripFG, gripBG =
- findStyleProperties(bar,
- "button-ch-left","button-ch-right","button-color-fg","button-color-bg",
- "bar-ch","bar-color-fg","bar-color-bg",
- "grip-ch-h","grip-color-fg","grip-color-bg")
- local gpu=bar.renderTarget
- local screenX,screenY=bar:getScreenPosition()
- local w,gs,ge=bar.width,bar.gripStart+screenX,bar.gripEnd+screenX
- --buttons
- gpu.setBackground(btnBG)
- gpu.setForeground(btnFG)
- gpu.set(screenX,screenY,leftCh)
- gpu.set(screenX+w-1,screenY,rightCh)
- --scroll area
- gpu.setBackground(barBG)
- gpu.setForeground(barFG)
- gpu.set(screenX+1,screenY,barCh:rep(w-2))
- --grip
- gpu.setBackground(gripBG)
- gpu.setForeground(gripFG)
- gpu.set(gs,screenY,gripCh:rep(ge-gs+1))
- end
- end
- local function drawScrollBarV(bar)
- if not bar:isHidden() then
- local upCh,dnCh,btnFG,btnBG,
- barCh, barFG, barBG,
- gripCh, gripFG, gripBG =
- findStyleProperties(bar,
- "button-ch-up","button-ch-down","button-color-fg","button-color-bg",
- "bar-ch","bar-color-fg","bar-color-bg",
- "grip-ch-v","grip-color-fg","grip-color-bg")
- local gpu=bar.renderTarget
- local screenX,screenY=bar:getScreenPosition()
- local h,gs,ge=bar.height,bar.gripStart+screenY,bar.gripEnd+screenY
- --buttons
- gpu.setBackground(btnBG)
- gpu.setForeground(btnFG)
- gpu.set(screenX,screenY,upCh)
- gpu.set(screenX,screenY+h-1,dnCh)
- --scroll area
- gpu.setBackground(barBG)
- gpu.setForeground(barFG)
- for screenY=screenY+1,gs-1 do
- gpu.set(screenX,screenY,barCh)
- end
- for screenY=ge+1,screenY+h-2 do
- gpu.set(screenX,screenY,barCh)
- end
- --grip
- gpu.setBackground(gripBG)
- gpu.setForeground(gripFG)
- for screenY=gs,ge do
- gpu.set(screenX,screenY,gripCh)
- end
- end
- end
- --**********************
- --object creation functions and their utility functions
- local function loadHandlers(gui)
- local handlers=gui.handlers
- for i=1,#handlers do
- event.listen(handlers[i][1],handlers[i][2])
- end
- end
- local function unloadHandlers(gui)
- local handlers=gui.handlers
- for i=1,#handlers do
- event.ignore(handlers[i][1],handlers[i][2])
- end
- end
- local function guiAddHandler(gui,eventType,func)
- checkArg(1,gui,"table")
- checkArg(2,eventType,"string")
- checkArg(3,func,"function")
- gui.handlers[#gui.handlers+1]={eventType,func}
- if gui.running then
- event.listen(eventType,func)
- end
- end
- local function cleanup(gui)
- --remove handlers
- unloadHandlers(gui)
- --hide gui, redraw beneath?
- if gui.prevTermState then
- restoreFrame(gui.renderTarget,gui.posX,gui.posY,gui.prevTermState)
- gui.prevTermState=nil
- end
- end
- local function contains(element,x,y)
- local ex,ey,ew,eh=element.posX,element.posY,element.width,element.height
- return x>=ex and x<=ex+ew-1 and y>=ey and y<=ey+eh-1
- end
- local function runGui(gui)
- gui.running=true
- --draw gui background, preserving underlying screen
- gui.prevTermState=frameAndSave(gui)
- gui.hidden=false
- --drawing components
- local firstFocusable, prevFocusable
- for i=1,#gui.components do
- if not gui.components[i].hidden then
- if gui.components[i].focusable and not gui.components[i].hidden then
- if firstFocusable==nil then
- firstFocusable=gui.components[i]
- else
- gui.components[i].tabPrev=prevFocusable
- prevFocusable.tabNext=gui.components[i]
- end
- prevFocusable=gui.components[i]
- end
- gui.components[i]:draw()
- end
- end
- if firstFocusable then
- firstFocusable.tabPrev=prevFocusable
- prevFocusable.tabNext=firstFocusable
- if not gui.focusElement and not gui.components[i].hidden then
- gui.focusElement=gui.components[i]
- gui.focusElement.state="focus"
- end
- end
- if gui.focusElement and gui.focusElement.gotFocus then
- gui.focusElement.gotFocus()
- end
- loadHandlers(gui)
- --run the gui's onRun, if any
- if gui.onRun then
- gui.onRun()
- end
- local function getComponentAt(tx,ty)
- for i=1,#gui.components do
- local c=gui.components[i]
- if not c:isHidden() and c:contains(tx,ty) then
- return c
- end
- end
- end
- local lastClickTime, lastClickPos, lastClickButton, dragButton, dragging=0,{0,0},nil,nil,false
- local draggingObj=nil
- while true do
- gui.renderTarget:flush()
- local e={event.pull()}
- if e[1]=="gui_close" then
- break
- elseif e[1]=="touch" then
- --figure out what was touched!
- local tx, ty, button=e[3],e[4],e[5]
- if gui:contains(tx,ty) then
- tx=tx-gui.bodyX+1
- ty=ty-gui.bodyY+1
- lastClickPos={tx,ty}
- local tickTime=computer.uptime()
- dragButton=button
- local target=getComponentAt(tx,ty)
- clickedOn=target
- if target then
- if target.focusable and target~=gui.focusElement then
- gui:changeFocusTo(clickedOn)
- end
- if lastClickPos[1]==tx and lastClickPos[2]==ty and lastClickButton==button and
- tickTime - lastClickTime<doubleClickThreshold then
- if target.onDoubleClick then
- target:onDoubleClick(tx-target.posX+1,ty-target.posY+1,button)
- end
- elseif target.onClick then
- target:onClick(tx-target.posX+1,ty-target.posY+1,button)
- end
- end
- lastClickTime=tickTime
- lastClickButton=button
- end
- elseif e[1]=="drag" then
- --if we didn't click /on/ something to start this drag, we do nada
- if clickedOn then
- local tx,ty=e[3],e[4]
- tx=tx-gui.bodyX+1
- ty=ty-gui.bodyY+1
- --is this is the beginning of a drag?
- if not dragging then
- if clickedOn.onBeginDrag then
- draggingObj=clickedOn:onBeginDrag(lastClickPos[1]-clickedOn.posX+1,lastClickPos[2]-clickedOn.posY+1,dragButton)
- dragging=true
- end
- end
- --now do the actual drag bit
- --draggingObj is for drag proxies, which are for drag and drop operations like moving files
- if draggingObj and draggingObj.onDrag then
- draggingObj:onDrag(tx,ty)
- end
- --
- if clickedOn and clickedOn.onDrag then
- tx,ty=tx-clickedOn.posX+1,ty-clickedOn.posY+1
- clickedOn:onDrag(tx,ty)
- end
- end
- elseif e[1]=="drop" then
- local tx,ty=e[3],e[4]
- tx=tx-gui.bodyX+1
- ty=ty-gui.bodyY+1
- if draggingObj and draggingObj.onDrop then
- local dropOver=getComponentAt(tx,ty)
- draggingObj:onDrop(tx,ty,dropOver)
- end
- if clickedOn and clickedOn.onDrop then
- tx,ty=tx-clickedOn.posX+1,ty-clickedOn.posY+1
- clickedOn:onDrop(tx,ty,dropOver)
- end
- draggingObj=nil
- dragging=false
- elseif e[1]=="key_down" then
- local char,code=e[3],e[4]
- --tab
- if code==15 and gui.focusElement then
- local newFocus=gui.focusElement
- if keyboard.isShiftDown() then
- repeat
- newFocus=newFocus.tabPrev
- until newFocus.hidden==false
- else
- repeat
- newFocus=newFocus.tabNext
- until newFocus.hidden==false
- end
- if newFocus~=gui.focusElement then
- gui:changeFocusTo(newFocus)
- end
- elseif char==3 then
- --copy!
- if gui.focusElement and gui.focusElement.doCopy then
- clipboard=gui.focusElement:doCopy() or clipboard
- end
- elseif char==22 then
- --paste!
- if gui.focusElement.doPaste and type(clipboard)=="string" then
- gui.focusElement:doPaste(clipboard)
- end
- elseif char==24 then
- --cut!
- if gui.focusElement.doCut then
- clipboard=gui.focusElement:doCut() or clipboard
- end
- elseif gui.focusElement and gui.focusElement.keyHandler then
- gui.focusElement:keyHandler(char,code)
- end
- end
- end
- running=false
- cleanup(gui)
- if gui.onExit then
- gui.onExit()
- end
- end
- local function baseComponent(gui,x,y,width,height,type,focusable)
- local c={
- visible=false,
- hidden=false,
- gui=gui,
- focusable=focusable,
- type=type,
- renderTarget=gui.renderTarget,
- }
- c.isHidden=function(c)
- return c.hidden or c.gui:isHidden()
- end
- c.posX, c.posY, c.width, c.height =
- parsePosition(x, y, width, height, gui.bodyW, gui.bodyH)
- c.getScreenPosition=function(element)
- local e=element
- local x,y=e.posX,e.posY
- while e.gui and e.gui~=screen do
- e=e.gui
- x=x+e.bodyX-1
- y=y+e.bodyY-1
- end
- return x,y
- end
- c.hide=elementHide
- c.contains=contains
- return c
- end
- local function addLabel(gui,x,y,width,labelText)
- local label=baseComponent(gui,x,y,width,1,"label",false)
- label.text=labelText
- label.draw=drawLabel
- gui:addComponent(label)
- return label
- end
- local function addButton(gui,x,y,width,height,buttonText,onClick)
- local button=baseComponent(gui,x,y,width,height,"button",true)
- button.text=buttonText
- button.onClick=onClick
- button.draw=drawButton
- button.keyHandler=function(button,char,code)
- if code==28 then
- button:onClick(0,0,-1)
- end
- end
- gui:addComponent(button)
- return button
- end
- local function updateSelect(tf, prevCI )
- if tf.selectEnd==0 then
- --begin selecting
- tf.selectOrigin=prevCI
- end
- if tf.cursorIndex==tf.selectOrigin then
- tf.selectEnd=0
- elseif tf.cursorIndex>tf.selectOrigin then
- tf.selectStart=tf.selectOrigin
- tf.selectEnd=tf.cursorIndex-1
- else
- tf.selectStart=tf.cursorIndex
- tf.selectEnd=tf.selectOrigin-1
- end
- end
- local function removeSelectedTF(tf)
- tf.text=tf.text:sub(1,tf.selectStart-1)
- tf.cursorIndex=tf.selectStart
- tf.selectEnd=0
- end
- local function insertTextTF(tf,text)
- if tf.selectEnd~=0 then
- tf:removeSelected()
- end
- tf.text=tf.text:sub(1,tf.cursorIndex-1)
- tf.cursorIndex=tf.cursorIndex+#text
- if tf.cursorIndex-tf.scrollIndex+1>tf.width then
- local ts=tf.scrollIndex+math.floor(tf.width/3)
- if tf.cursorIndex-ts+1>tf.width then
- ts=tf.cursorIndex-tf.width+math.floor(tf.width/3)
- end
- tf.scrollIndex=ts
- end
- end
- local function addTextField(gui,x,y,width,text)
- local tf=baseComponent(gui,x,y,width,1,"textfield",true)
- tf.text=text or ""
- tf.cursorIndex=1
- tf.scrollIndex=1
- tf.selectStart=1
- tf.selectEnd=0
- tf.draw=drawTextField
- tf.insertText=insertTextTF
- tf.removeSelected=removeSelectedTF
- tf.doPaste=function(tf,text)
- tf:insertText(text)
- tf:draw()
- end
- tf.doCopy=function(tf)
- if tf.selectEnd~=0 then
- return tf.text:sub(tf.selectStart,tf.selectEnd)
- end
- return nil
- end
- tf.doCut=function(tf)
- local text=tf:doCopy()
- tf:removeSelected()
- tf:draw()
- return text
- end
- tf.onClick=function(tf,tx,ty,button)
- tf.selectEnd=0
- tf.cursorIndex=math.min(tx+tf.scrollIndex-1,#tf.text+1)
- tf:draw()
- end
- tf.onBeginDrag=function(tf,tx,ty,button)
- --drag events are in gui coords, not component, so correct
- if button==0 then
- tf.selectOrigin=math.min(tx+tf.scrollIndex,#tf.text+1)
- tf.dragging=tf.selectOrigin
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- end
- end
- tf.onDrag=function(tf,tx,ty)
- if tf.dragging then
- local dragX=tx
- local prevCI=tf.cursorIndex
- tf.cursorIndex=math.max(math.min(dragX+tf.scrollIndex-1,#tf.text+1),1)
- if prevCI~=cursorIndex then
- updateSelect(tf,tf.selectOrigin)
- tf:draw()
- end
- if dragX<1 or dragX>tf.width then
- --it's dragging outside.
- local dragMagnitude=dragX-1
- if dragMagnitude>=0 then
- dragMagnitude=dragX-tf.width
- end
- local dragDir=dragMagnitude<0 and -1 or 1
- dragMagnitude=math.abs(dragMagnitude)
- local dragStep, dragRate
- if dragMagnitude>5 then
- dragRate=.1
- dragStep=dragMagnitude/5*dragDir
- else
- dragRate=(6-dragMagnitude)/10
- dragStep=dragDir
- end
- if tf.dragTimer then
- event.cancel(tf.dragTimer)
- end
- tf.dragTimer=event.timer(dragRate,function()
- assert(tf.gui.running)
- tf.cursorIndex=math.max(math.min(tf.cursorIndex+dragStep,#tf.text+1),1)
- if tf.cursorIndex<tf.scrollIndex then
- tf.scrollIndex=tf.cursorIndex
- elseif tf.cursorIndex>tf.scrollIndex+tf.width-2 then
- tf.scrollIndex=tf.cursorIndex-tf.width+1
- end
- updateSelect(tf,tf.selectOrigin)
- tf:draw()
- end, math.huge)
- else
- if tf.dragTimer then
- event.cancel(tf.dragTimer)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- tf.onDrop=function(tf)
- if tf.dragging then
- tf.dragging=nil
- if tf.dragTimer then
- event.cancel(tf.dragTimer)
- end
- local screenX,screenY=tf:getScreenPosition()
- term.setCursor(screenX+tf.cursorIndex-tf.scrollIndex,screenY)
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- end
- end
- tf.keyHandler=function(tfclear,char,code)
- local screenX,screenY=tf:getScreenPosition()
- local dirty=false
- if not keyboard.isControl(char) then
- tf:insertText(unicode.char(char))
- dirty=true
- elseif code==28 and tf.tabNext then
- gui:changeFocusTo(tf.tabNext)
- elseif code==keyboard.keys.left then
- local prevCI=tf.cursorIndex
- if tf.cursorIndex>1 then
- tf.cursorIndex=tf.cursorIndex-1
- if tf.cursorIndex<tf.scrollIndex then
- tf.scrollIndex=math.max(1,tf.scrollIndex-math.floor(tf.width/3))
- dirty=true
- else
- term.setCursor(screenX+tf.cursorIndex-tf.scrollIndex,screenY)
- end
- term.setCursor(screenX+tf.cursorIndex-tf.scrollIndex,screenY)
- end
- if keyboard.isShiftDown() then
- updateSelect(tf,prevCI)
- dirty=true
- elseif tf.selectEnd~=0 then
- tf.selectEnd=0
- dirty=true
- end
- elseif code==keyboard.keys.right then
- local prevCI=tf.cursorIndex
- if tf.cursorIndex<#tf.text+1 then
- tf.cursorIndex=tf.cursorIndex+1
- if tf.cursorIndex>=tf.scrollIndex+tf.width then
- tf.scrollIndex=tf.scrollIndex+math.floor(tf.width/3)
- dirty=true
- else
- term.setCursor(screenX+tf.cursorIndex-tf.scrollIndex,screenY)
- end
- end
- if keyboard.isShiftDown() then
- updateSelect(tf,prevCI)
- dirty=true
- elseif tf.selectEnd~=0 then
- tf.selectEnd=0
- dirty=true
- end
- elseif code==keyboard.keys.home then
- local prevCI=tf.cursorIndex
- if tf.cursorIndex~=1 then
- tf.cursorIndex=1
- if tf.scrollIndex~=1 then
- tf.scrollIndex=1
- dirty=true
- else
- term.setCursor(screenX+tf.cursorIndex-tf.scrollIndex,screenY)
- end
- end
- if keyboard.isShiftDown() then
- updateSelect(tf,prevCI)
- dirty=true
- elseif tf.selectEnd~=0 then
- tf.selectEnd=0
- dirty=true
- end
- elseif code==keyboard.keys["end"] then
- local prevCI=tf.cursorIndex
- if tf.cursorIndex~=#tf.text+1 then
- tf.cursorIndex=#tf.text+1
- if tf.scrollIndex+tf.width-1<=tf.cursorIndex then
- tf.scrollIndex=tf.cursorIndex-tf.width+1
- dirty=true
- else
- term.setCursor(screenX+tf.cursorIndex-tf.scrollIndex,screenY)
- end
- end
- if keyboard.isShiftDown() then
- updateSelect(tf,prevCI)
- dirty=true
- elseif tf.selectEnd~=0 then
- tf.selectEnd=0
- dirty=true
- end
- elseif code==keyboard.keys.back then
- if tf.selectEnd~=0 then
- tf:removeSelected()
- dirty=true
- elseif tf.cursorIndex>1 then
- tf.text=tf.text:sub(1,tf.cursorIndex-2)
- tf.cursorIndex=tf.cursorIndex-1
- if tf.cursorIndex<tf.scrollIndex then
- tf.scrollIndex=math.max(1,tf.scrollIndex-math.floor(tf.width/3))
- end
- dirty=true
- end
- elseif code==keyboard.keys.delete then
- if tf.selectEnd~=0 then
- tf:removeSelected()
- dirty=true
- elseif tf.cursorIndex<=#tf.text then
- tf.text=tf.text:sub(1,tf.cursorIndex-1)
- dirty=true
- end
- end
- if dirty then
- tf:draw()
- end
- end
- tf.gotFocus=function()
- --we may want to scroll here, cursor to end of text on gaining focus
- local effText=tf.text
- if #effText>tf.width then
- tf.scrollIndex=#effText-tf.width+3
- else
- tf.scrollIndex=1
- end
- tf.cursorIndex=#effText+1
- tf:draw()
- end
- tf.lostFocus=function()
- tf.scrollIndex=1
- tf.selectEnd=0
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- tf:draw()
- end
- gui:addComponent(tf)
- return tf
- end
- local function updateScrollBarGrip(sb)
- local gripStart,gripEnd
- local pos,max,length=sb.scrollPos,sb.scrollMax,sb.length
- --grip size
- -- gripSize / height-2 == height / scrollMax
- local gripSize=math.max(1,math.min(math.floor(math.min(1,length / (max+length-2)) * (length-2)),length-2))
- if gripSize==length-2 then
- --grip fills everything
- sb.gripStart=1
- sb.gripEnd=length-2
- else
- --grip position
- pos=round((pos-1)/(max-1)*(length-2-gripSize))+1
- --from pos and size, figure gripStart and gripEnd
- sb.gripStart=pos
- sb.gripEnd=pos+gripSize-1
- end
- end
- local function scrollBarBase(gui,x,y,width,height,scrollMax,onScroll)
- local sb=baseComponent(gui,x,y,width,height,"scrollbar",false)
- sb.scrollMax=scrollMax or 1
- sb.scrollPos=1
- sb.length=math.max(sb.width,sb.height)
- assert(sb.length>2,"Scroll bars must be at least 3 long.")
- sb.onScroll=onScroll
- updateScrollBarGrip(sb)
- sb._onClick=function(sb,tpos,button)
- local newPos=sb.scrollPos
- if tpos==1 then
- --up button
- newPos=math.max(1,sb.scrollPos-1)
- elseif tpos==sb.length then
- newPos=math.min(sb.scrollMax,sb.scrollPos+1)
- elseif tpos<sb.gripStart then
- --before grip, scroll up a page
- newPos=math.max(1,sb.scrollPos-sb.length+1)
- elseif tpos>sb.gripEnd then
- --before grip, scroll up a page
- newPos=math.min(sb.scrollMax,sb.scrollPos+sb.length-1)
- end
- if newPos~=sb.scrollPos then
- sb.scrollPos=newPos
- updateScrollBarGrip(sb)
- sb:draw()
- if sb.onScroll then
- sb:onScroll(sb.scrollPos)
- end
- end
- end
- sb._onBeginDrag=function(sb,tpos,button)
- if button==0 and sb.length>3 and (sb.length/sb.scrollMax<1) then
- sb.dragging=true
- sb.lastDragPos=tpos
- end
- end
- sb._onDrag=function(sb,tpos)
- if sb.dragging then
- local py=sb.lastDragPos
- local dif=tpos-py
- if dif~=0 then
- --calc the grip position for this y position
- --first clamp to range of scroll area
- local scroll=math.min(math.max(tpos,2),sb.length-1)-2
- --scale to 0-1
- scroll=scroll/(sb.length-3)
- --scale to maxScroll
- scroll=round(scroll*(sb.scrollMax-1)+1)
- --see if this is different from our current scroll position
- if scroll~=sb.scrollPos then
- --it is. We actually scrolled, then.
- sb.scrollPos=scroll
- updateScrollBarGrip(sb)
- sb:draw()
- if onScroll then
- sb:onScroll()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- sb.onDrop=function(sb)
- sb.dragging=false
- end
- return sb
- end
- local function addScrollBarV(gui,x,y,height,scrollMax, onScroll)
- local sb=scrollBarBase(gui,x,y,1,height,scrollMax,onScroll)
- sb.draw=drawScrollBarV
- sb.onClick=function(sb,tx,ty,button) sb:_onClick(ty,button) end
- sb.onBeginDrag=function(sb,tx,ty,button) sb:_onBeginDrag(ty,button) end
- sb.onDrag=function(sb,tx,ty,button) sb:_onDrag(ty,button) end
- gui:addComponent(sb)
- return sb
- end
- local function addScrollBarH(gui,x,y,width,scrollMax,onScroll)
- local sb=scrollBarBase(gui,x,y,width,1,scrollMax,onScroll)
- sb.draw=drawScrollBarH
- sb.onClick=function(sb,tx,ty,button) sb:_onClick(tx,button) end
- sb.onBeginDrag=function(sb,tx,ty,button) sb:_onBeginDrag(tx,button) end
- sb.onDrag=function(sb,tx,ty,button) sb:_onDrag(tx,button) end
- gui:addComponent(sb)
- return sb
- end
- local function compositeBase(gui,x,y,width,height,objType,focusable)
- local comp=baseComponent(gui,x,y,width,height,objType,focusable)
- comp.bodyX,comp.bodyY,comp.bodyW,comp.bodyH=calcBody(comp)
- comp.components={}
- function comp.addComponent(obj,component)
- obj.components[#obj.components+1]=component
- end
- return comp
- end
- local function scrollListBox(sb)
- local lb=sb.listBox
- for i=1,#lb.labels do
- local listI=sb.scrollPos+i-1
- local l=lb.labels[i]
- if listI<=#lb.list then
- l.state=lb.selectedLabel==listI and "selected" or nil
- l.text=lb.list[listI]
- else
- l.state=nil
- l.text=""
- end
- l:draw()
- end
- end
- local function clickListBox(lb,tx,ty,button)
- if tx==lb.width then
- lb.scrollBar:_onClick(ty,button)
- else
- tx,ty=correctForBorder(lb,tx,ty)
- if ty>=1 and ty<=lb.bodyH then
- --ty is now index of the label clicked on
- --but is it valid?
- if ty<=#lb.list then
- lb:select(ty+lb.scrollBar.scrollPos-1)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function listBoxSelect(lb,index)
- if index<1 or index>#lb.list then
- error("index out of range to listBoxSelect",2)
- end
- local prevSelected=lb.selectedLabel
- if index==prevSelected then
- return
- end
- lb.selectedLabel=index
- --do I need to scroll?
- local scrolled=false
- local scrollIndex=lb.scrollBar.scrollPos
- if index<scrollIndex then
- scrollIndex=index
- scrolled=true
- elseif index>scrollIndex+lb.bodyH-1 then
- scrollIndex=index-lb.bodyH+1
- scrolled=true
- end
- if scrolled then
- --update scroll position
- lb.scrollBar.scrollPos=scrollIndex
- scrollListBox(lb.scrollBar)
- else
- if prevSelected>=scrollIndex and prevSelected<=scrollIndex+lb.bodyH-1 then
- local pl=lb.labels[prevSelected-scrollIndex+1]
- pl.state=nil
- pl:draw()
- end
- local l=lb.labels[index-scrollIndex+1]
- l.state="selected"
- l:draw()
- end
- if lb.onChange then
- lb:onChange(prevSelected,index)
- end
- end
- local function getListBoxSelected(lb)
- return lb.list[lb.selectedLabel]
- end
- local function updateListBoxList(lb,newList)
- lb.list=newList
- lb.scrollBar.scrollPos=1
- lb.scrollBar.scrollMax=math.max(1,#newList-lb.bodyH+1)
- updateScrollBarGrip(lb.scrollBar)
- lb.selectedLabel=1
- scrollListBox(lb.scrollBar)
- lb:draw()
- end
- local function addListBox(gui,x,y,width,height,list)
- local lb=compositeBase(gui,x,y,width,height,"listbox",true)
- lb.list=list
- lb.scrollBar=addScrollBarV(lb,lb.bodyW,lb.bodyY,lb.bodyH,math.max(1,#list-lb.bodyH+1),scrollListBox)
- lb.scrollBar.class="listbox"
- lb.scrollBar.listBox=lb
- lb.scrollBar.posY=0
- lb.scrollBar.height=lb.height
- lb.scrollBar.length=lb.height
- lb.selectedLabel=1
- updateScrollBarGrip(lb.scrollBar)
- lb.labels={}
- lb.list=list
- lb.onBeginDrag=function(lb,tx,ty,button) if tx==lb.width then lb.scrollBar:_onBeginDrag(ty,button) end end
- lb.onDrag=function(lb,...) lb.scrollBar:onDrag(...) end
- lb.onDrop=function(lb,...) lb.scrollBar:onDrop(...) end
- for i=1,lb.bodyH do
- lb.labels[i]=addLabel(lb,1,i,lb.bodyW-1,list[i] or "")
- lb.labels[i].class="listbox"
- end
- lb.labels[1].state="selected"
- lb.getSelected=getListBoxSelected
- lb.keyHandler=function(lb,char,code)
- if code==keyboard.keys.up then
- if lb.selectedLabel>1 then
- lb:select(lb.selectedLabel-1)
- end
- elseif code==keyboard.keys.down then
- if lb.selectedLabel<#lb.list then
- lb:select(lb.selectedLabel+1)
- end
- elseif code==keyboard.keys.enter and lb.onEnter then
- lb:onEnter()
- end
- end
- lb.updateList=updateListBoxList
- lb.onClick=clickListBox
- lb.draw=function(lb)
- if not lb:isHidden() then
- local styles=getAppliedStyles(lb)
- drawBorder(lb,styles)
- lb.scrollBar:draw()
- for i=1,#lb.labels do
- lb.labels[i]:draw()
- end
- end
- end
- gui:addComponent(lb)
- return lb
- end
- function gml.create(x,y,width,height,renderTarget)
- local newGui=compositeBase(screen,x,y,width,height,"gui",false)
- newGui.handlers={}
- newGui.hidden=true
- newGui.renderTarget=gfxbuffer.create(renderTarget)
- local running=false
- function newGui.close()
- computer.pushSignal("gui_close")
- end
- function newGui.addComponent(obj,component)
- newGui.components[#obj.components+1]=component
- if obj.focusElement==nil and component.focusable then
- component.state="focus"
- obj.focusElement=component
- end
- end
- newGui.addHandler=guiAddHandler
- function newGui.redrawRect(gui,x,y,w,h)
- local fillCh,fillFG,fillBG=findStyleProperties(newGui,"fill-ch","fill-color-fg","fill-color-bg")
- local blank=(fillCh):rep(w)
- gui.renderTarget.setForeground(fillFG)
- gui.renderTarget.setBackground(fillBG)
- x=x+newGui.bodyX-1
- for y=y+newGui.bodyY-1,y+h+newGui.bodyY-2 do
- gui.renderTarget.set(x,y,blank)
- end
- end
- function newGui.changeFocusTo(gui,target)
- if gui.focusElement then
- gui.focusElement.state=nil
- if gui.focusElement.lostFocus then
- gui.focusElement.lostFocus()
- elseif not gui.hidden then
- gui.focusElement:draw()
- end
- end
- gui.focusElement=target
- target.state="focus"
- if target.gotFocus then
- target.gotFocus()
- elseif not gui.hidden then
- target:draw()
- end
- end
- newGui.contains=contains
- newGui.addLabel=addLabel
- newGui.addButton=addButton
- newGui.addTextField=addTextField
- newGui.addScrollBarV=addScrollBarV
- newGui.addScrollBarH=addScrollBarH
- newGui.addListBox=addListBox
- newGui.draw=function(gui)
- local styles=getAppliedStyles(gui)
- local bodyX,bodyY,bodyW,bodyH=drawBorder(gui,styles)
- local fillCh,fillFG,fillBG=extractProperties(gui,styles,"fill-ch","fill-color-fg","fill-color-bg")
- gui.renderTarget.setForeground(fillFG)
- gui.renderTarget.setBackground(fillBG)
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- gui.renderTarget.fill(bodyX,bodyY,bodyW,bodyH,fillCh)
- for i=1,#gui.components do
- gui.components[i]:draw()
- gui.renderTarget:flush()
- end
- end
- return newGui
- end
- --**********************
- defaultStyle=gml.loadStyle("default")
- return gml
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