

Aug 31st, 2018
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  1. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [LoyalBridgeServiceImpl] Total time of discount calculation = 54 ms
  2. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [LoyalBridgeServiceImpl] ---------------- end discount calculation ----------------
  3. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [SpeedLog] TechProcess discounts processing on cheque with 1 positions [sale] time = 60 ms
  4. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [CommonLogger] value = 0
  5. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [CatalogService] getGoodsByBarCode barcode = 84084084011
  6. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [CatalogService] get product by barcode '84084084011' result: ProductGiftCardEntity[name=Подарочная карта на 500 рублей, item=84084084011, numberCard=null]
  7. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [SpeedLog] CatalogGoods: dataFinder.getProductByBarcode, barcode = 84084084011 time = 0 ms
  8. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [SpeedLog] CatalogGoods: dataFinder.getProductByBarcode before check restrictions, barcode = 84084084011 time = 0 ms
  9. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [SpeedLog] getProductRestrictions time = 0 ms
  10. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [SpeedLog] CatalogGoods: dataFinder.getProductByBarcode after check restrictions, barcode = 84084084011 time = 0 ms
  11. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [SpeedLog] CatalogGoods#getGoodsByBarCode, barcode = 84084084011 time = 0 ms
  12. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [SpeedLog] searchProduct time time = 0 ms
  13. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] Screen updated:
  14. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  15. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *Скидка 0.00*
  16. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *Итого 24990.00*
  17. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  18. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract]
  19. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [PrismaBridgeImpl] {"events":[{"prefix":"KKM","shop":20200,"cash":60,"mode":6,"tabNumber":"1","cashier":"Администраторов А.А.","purchase":23,"pos":2,"barcode":"84084084011 ","item":"84084084011","name":"Подарочная карта на 500 рублей","price":1.0,"quant":1.0,"sum":1.0,"sumAll":24991.0,"cardType":"","cardNumber":"","discount":0.0,"discountAll":0.0,"dateTime":"31.08.2018 05:40:50.519","offline":false}]}
  20. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] Screen updated:
  21. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  22. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *Подарочная ка 1 1.00*
  23. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *Итого 24991.00*
  24. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  25. 31.08 05:40:50 INFO [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract]
  26. 31.08 05:40:51 INFO [ServiceImpl] Get card data - 7001
  27. 31.08 05:40:51 INFO [WaitComponent] [WaitComponent] MainFrame enabled - false
  28. 31.08 05:40:51 INFO [ServiceImpl] Get card data finish - 7001
  29. 31.08 05:40:51 INFO [WaitComponent] [WaitComponent] MainFrame enabled - true
  30. 31.08 05:40:54 INFO [FilesChecker] Catalog goods transport event
  31. 31.08 05:40:54 INFO [FilesChecker] goods types for report count: 0
  32. 31.08 05:40:54 INFO [FilesChecker] catalog goods files to cash count: 0
  33. 31.08 05:40:54 INFO [TransferManager] ping = true
  34. 31.08 05:40:59 INFO [TransferManager] Nothing yet not processed on server to resend
  35. 31.08 05:41:01 INFO [ServiceImpl] Enter activation card method - id: null; number: 1; item: 84084084011; type: ProductGiftCardEntity; count: 1000; sum: 50000; sumDiscount: 0; dateTime: (NULL); num-in-original: null
  36. 31.08 05:41:01 INFO [ServiceImpl] Start activation card - 7001
  37. 31.08 05:41:01 INFO [WaitComponent] [WaitComponent] MainFrame enabled - false
  38. 31.08 05:41:02 ERROR [ServiceImpl]
  39. ru.crystals.httpclient.ServerConnectorException: Server exception: org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: Batch entry 0 insert into card_cards (activationDate, amount, barcode, cardType_id, client_id, counterparty, createDate, debitor_type, deleted, display_number, expirationDate, guid, msr_number, newCardType_id, numberField, status, statusDescription, id_cardref, id) values ('2018-08-31 05:41:01.689+03', 50000, NULL, 57648, NULL, NULL, '2018-08-31 05:41:01.702+03', NULL, 'FALSE', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '7001', 3, NULL, NULL, 76994) was aborted: ОШИБКА: повторяющееся значение ключа нарушает ограничение уникальности "card_cards_numberfield_key"
  40. Подробности: Ключ "(numberfield)=(7001)" уже существует. Call getNextException to see other errors in the batch.
  41. at ru.crystals.httpclient.ServerConnector.makeServerConnectorException(
  42. at ru.crystals.httpclient.ServerConnector.getResponse(
  43. at ru.crystals.httpclient.ServerConnector.requestServlet(
  44. at ru.crystals.httpclient.ServerConnector.requestRPC(
  45. at
  46. at
  47. at
  48. at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.products.giftcard.product.controller.GiftCardPluginController.activateAndAddFixGiftCard(
  49. at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.products.giftcard.product.view.GiftCardPluginView.doActivateCard(
  50. at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.products.giftcard.product.view.GiftCardPluginView.dispatchKeyPressed(
  51. at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.commonplugin.view.CommonAbstractView.keyPressedNew(
  52. at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.commonplugin.view.form.CommonForm$1.keyPressedNew(
  53. at ru.crystals.pos.CashEventSource.sendNewKey(
  54. at ru.crystals.pos.CashEventSource.process(
  55. at ru.crystals.pos.CashEventSource.processEvent(
  56. at ru.crystals.pos.CashEventSource.processEventManually(
  57. at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.check.CheckContainer.showLockComponent(
  58. at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.check.CheckContainerHelper.subtotalConfirmGift(
  59. at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.check.SubtotalScenarioImpl.confirmAddGift(
  60. at ru.crystals.pos.techprocess.TechProcessImpl.tryToAddPossibleGift(
  61. at ru.crystals.pos.techprocess.TechProcessImpl.handlePossibleGifts(
  62. at ru.crystals.pos.techprocess.TechProcessImpl.subtotalScenary(
  63. at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.check.CheckContainer.startSubtotalScenary(
  64. at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.check.CheckContainer.subtotalProcessPurchaseState(
  65. at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.check.CheckContainer.subtotal(
  66. at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.components.MainWindow.subTotal(
  67. at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.Factory.eventFunctionKey(
  68. at ru.crystals.pos.techprocess.TechProcessImpl.eventFunctionKey(
  69. at ru.crystals.pos.CashEventSource.sentOldKey(
  70. at ru.crystals.pos.CashEventSource.process(
  71. at ru.crystals.pos.CashEventSource.processEvent(
  72. at
  73. at ru.crystals.pos.InternalCashPoolExecutorImpl.lambda$submit$1(
  74. at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
  75. at
  76. at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(
  77. at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
  78. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  79. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  80. at
  81. 31.08 05:41:02 INFO [SpeedLog] (ACTIVATE GIFT CARD) time = 0,719;
  82. 31.08 05:41:02 INFO [WaitComponent] [WaitComponent] MainFrame enabled - true
  83. 31.08 05:41:04 INFO [FilesChecker] Catalog goods transport event
  84. 31.08 05:41:04 INFO [FilesChecker] goods types for report count: 0
  85. 31.08 05:41:04 INFO [FilesChecker] catalog goods files to cash count: 0
  86. 31.08 05:41:11 INFO [TransferManager] Nothing yet not processed on server to resend
  87. 31.08 05:41:11 INFO [TransferManager] File 60/LoyTransaction_20180831054111_590_20200_60.ser sucessfully registered
  88. 31.08 05:41:11 INFO [TransferManager] 1 transactions processed to upload; 1 transactions processed to register; Time: 100 ms.
  89. 31.08 05:41:14 INFO [FilesChecker] Catalog goods transport event
  90. 31.08 05:41:14 INFO [FilesChecker] goods types for report count: 0
  91. 31.08 05:41:14 INFO [FilesChecker] catalog goods files to cash count: 0
  92. 31.08 05:41:18 INFO [CommonLogger] Starting cleaning. All log records older than 02 июня 2018 05:41:18 will be deleted.
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