Gamebuster Changelog

Feb 15th, 2015
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  1. v1.6.0.3/(2.2):
  2. ====Additions
  3. *Updated to skript 2.2
  4. *added /puddle debug
  5. *added /puddle debug to /puddle help
  6. ====Fixes
  7. *Fixed puddles forming in any biome
  8. *Fixed "puddles list all" showing the world twice, instead of the world and location.
  9. ====Removals
  10. *removed /pdebug
  12. v1.6.0.0:
  13. ====Added Features
  14. *Added help parameter to /puddles, you can now do /puddles help
  15. *It also has detailed descriptions for how the commands function
  16. *You can now set which worlds have puddles enabled
  17. */puddle enable/disable is the command
  18. *"/puddles worlds" added, it lists all worlds, and worlds that puddles are disabled in are red, and enabled ones are green
  19. ====Changes
  20. */puddletest has been changed to "/puddle test"
  21. *Puddles are stored differently now, if you are using an older version, before you update, do "/puddles clear all", if you don't, older puddles will not persist and it will be weird.
  22. ====Fixes:
  23. *Puddles created with /create now persist
  26. v1.4.0.3:
  27. ====Added Features
  28. *Added /puddletest command - Tells you if a puddle can be placed at your feet, and if it cannot, it tells you why. (Blocks that stop a puddle from forming flash red to the command sender for a few seconds)
  29. You can now set what types of blocks can be replaced (Finally!)
  30. *Pdebug now tells you what type of block is replaced
  31. ====Fixes:
  32. *Fix for block updates that occur at the same tick as a puddle is placed causing the puddle to instantly disappear
  33. *Pdebug now has insufficient permissions message
  34. ====Removals:
  35. */weather removed, it was horrible and didn't work correctly.
  36. */t removed, it was a leftover debug command
  38. v1.3.0:
  39. ====Added Features
  40. *Added /weather command (the vanilla one doesn't work for me) It works just like the vanilla one
  41. *Abillity to customize the radius for which puddles spawn around players
  42. *Abillity to customize what blocks puddles can fall on
  43. *Abillity to customize what blocks puddles can spawn under
  44. *Ability to customize what biomes puddles can spawn in
  45. ====Fixes
  46. *Fixed puddles staying in mid air if you break the block under them
  48. v1.0.1:
  49. *Removed a leftover debugging command
  50. *Removed /rain
  52. v1.0.0:
  53. *Added /puddles command
  54. **Can view locations of puddles in a world/all with /puddles list [<world | all>]
  55. **Can clear all puddles in a world/all worlds with /puddles clear [<world | all>]
  56. *Puddles now only form in biomes that can rain
  57. **Puddles form below the snow line in all extreme hills biomes
  58. *Puddles evaporate at different speeds depending on the time of day and the current weather
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