

Apr 16th, 2023
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  1. The dragon says "There is no need to argue with me. You are weak and your body is a mere flesh vessel. I will devour you and leave you for the scavengers to find."
  2. "I am not from this realm, surely you have more use for me. I used to live on higher plane Syntropos. If you help me return there, I can't even imagine what I am capable of."
  3. "I would prefer to eat you now. I will devour you and leave you for the scavengers to find."
  4. I think about how much I hate to be eaten. I think I could take the dragon if I had some time to prepare. I raise my hands and summon 120-cell. I close my eyes and concentrate on it. I say "You are making a mistake."
  5. As I am closer to Syntropos on this plane the power of 120-cell increases but the power of the dragon seems to increase as well. The power of 120-cell is so strong too strong and I can feel this fragile body scorch to dust. I try to stop the destruction and I feel a surge of magic around me. I try to resist it but I'm powerless. The magic surrounds me and I feel like I am being pulled apart. I try to scream but I can't.
  6. I open my eyes and see Kura standing over me. The golem has been destroyed. I see Kura holding the broken remains of the construct. He says "I did it." I don't seem to get a sound out of my mouth. My body is scorched from the event, I can barely move as most of my body is terribly damaged and I am set with level 3 exhaustion. I tell Kura telepathically "There was a black dragon." He looks at me dumbfounded "You disappeared for few seconds for us." I think to myself that it must have been few minutes for me.
  7. He asks "What happened?"
  8. I tell him "I was sent to an other plane by accident, something I likely caused."
  9. "Did you happen to send yourself to another plane?"
  10. "Yes. I did."
  11. "And you didn't die?"
  12. "I died twice. But the third time I escaped, I can not talk anything but telepathically, my body is worn by the blast whatever happened."
  13. As I lay on the ground half dead I turn to Vereis and telepathically say "You better pay us well."
  14. Vereis says "You were right. I will pay you well."
  15. I struggle up with help of Kura. I look around and see a large cavern with a statue that towers above everything else. I see a staircase leading to the top. I hear a voice call my name by Kura.
  17. This is the second part of the story, continue the story in more proper fantasy novel writing style
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