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- // Coloque em: public OnGameModeInit
- CreateObject(972, -2317.9733886719, -1607.8778076172, 481.92987060547, 0, 0, 5.95263671875, 300.0);
- CreateObject(972, -2333.5573730469, -1582.4885253906, 481.92987060547, 0, 0, 97.262329101563, 300.0);
- CreateObject(972, -2342.1125488281, -1607.5842285156, 481.92987060547, 0, 0, 186.58666992188, 300.0);
- CreateObject(972, -2322.4345703125, -1589.484375, 481.92987060547, 0, 0, 29.772521972656, 300.0);
- CreateObject(972, -2315.3129882813, -1634.2191162109, 481.92987060547, 0, 0, 5.95263671875, 300.0);
- CreateObject(972, -2339.2004394531, -1632.3326416016, 481.92987060547, 0, 0, 186.58703613281, 300.0);
- CreateObject(8650, -2316.6611328125, -1618.7884521484, 474.04272460938, 90, 90, 7.93994140625, 300.0);
- CreateObject(8650, -2328.5708007813, -1620.1850585938, 488.14788818359, 180, 180, 97.262329101563, 300.0);
- CreateObject(8650, -2328.5256347656, -1620.2603759766, 486.49984741211, 179.99450683594, 179.99450683594, 97.261962890625, 300.0);
- CreateObject(972, -2315.8947753906, -1624.5148925781, 481.92987060547, 0, 0, 5.9490966796875, 300.0);
- CreateObject(8650, -2314.5227050781, -1618.5999755859, 474.04272460938, 90, 90, 7.9376220703125, 300.0);
- CreateObject(8650, -2318.1958007813, -1618.8737792969, 474.04272460938, 90, 90, 5.9549560546875, 300.0);
- CreateObject(972, -2344.6188964844, -1584.1512451172, 481.92987060547, 0, 0, 186.58630371094, 300.0);
- CreateObject(972, -2330.990234375, -1642.7630615234, 481.92987060547, 0, 0, 275.91064453125, 300.0);
- CreateObject(972, -2325.4072265625, -1642.2864990234, 481.92987060547, 0, 0, 275.90515136719, 300.0);
- CreateObject(7657, -2333.6726074219, -1620.9918212891, 484.42767333984, 0, 0, 7.93994140625, 300.0);
- // coloque no final do GM.
- Comando:
- CMD:x1 (playerid,params[]){
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid))
- {
- }
- if (GetPlayerState(playerid) == 2)
- {
- new tmpcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
- SetVehiclePos(tmpcar, -2326.8809,-1636.9822,483.7031); LinkVehicleToInterior(tmpcar, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- SetPlayerInterior(playerid,0);
- SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid,0);
- SetPlayerPos(playerid,-2326.8809,-1636.9822,483.7031);
- SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,226.0);
- }
- MSGPLAYER(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, "Teleportado com sucesso ! teleporte: Arena X1");
- }
- return 1;
- }
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