

Jul 14th, 2018
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  1. --define the class
  2. ACF_defineGunClass("SBC", {
  3. spread = 0.35,
  4. name = "Smooth-Bore Cannon",
  5. desc = "High velocity guns that tradeoff accuracy for faster shell velocity. Fire slower and are heavier due to more reinforced cannon barrels than their counterparts",
  6. muzzleflash = "120mm_muzzleflash_noscale",
  7. rofmod = 2.5,
  8. sound = "weapons/ACF_Gun/cannon_new.wav",
  9. soundDistance = "Cannon.Fire",
  10. soundNormal = " "
  11. } )
  13. --add a gun to the class
  15. ACF_defineGun("100mmSBC", {
  16. name = "100mm Smoothbore Cannon",
  17. desc = "100mm Smoothbore, a great cannon for a light tank or tank destroyer",
  18. model = "models/tankgun_old/tankgun_100mm.mdl",
  19. gunclass = "SBC",
  20. caliber = 10.0,
  21. weight = 3500,
  22. year = 1960,
  23. round = {
  24. maxlength = 93,
  25. propweight = 20
  26. }
  27. } )
  29. ACF_defineGun("120mmSBC", {
  30. name = "120mm Smoothbore Cannon",
  31. desc = "120mm Smoothbore, powerful general purpose main battle tank cannon",
  32. model = "models/tankgun_old/tankgun_120mm.mdl",
  33. gunclass = "SBC",
  34. caliber = 12.0,
  35. weight = 8000,
  36. year = 1970,
  37. round = {
  38. maxlength = 110,
  39. propweight = 30
  40. }
  41. } )
  43. ACF_defineGun("140mmSBC", {
  44. name = "140mm Smoothbore Cannon",
  45. desc = "140mm Smoothbore, heavy railgun like cannon spawned out of a hatred of 60 tons",
  46. model = "models/tankgun_old/tankgun_140mm.mdl",
  47. gunclass = "SBC",
  48. caliber = 14.0,
  49. weight = 12000,
  50. year = 1995,
  51. round = {
  52. maxlength = 127,
  53. propweight = 60
  54. }
  55. } )
  57. --[[
  58. ACF_defineGun("170mmC", {
  59. name = "170mm Cannon",
  60. desc = "The 170mm fires a gigantic shell with ginormous penetrative capability, but has a glacial reload speed and an extremely hefty weight.",
  61. model = "models/tankgun/tankgun_170mm.mdl",
  62. gunclass = "C",
  63. caliber = 17.0,
  64. weight = 12350,
  65. year = 1990,
  66. round = {
  67. maxlength = 154,
  68. propweight = 34
  69. }
  70. } )
  71. ]]--
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