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- /**
- * BLOCK: Kadence Advanced Btn Single.
- *
- * Editor for Advanced Btn
- */
- // @TODO after `npm run build` replace `dist/blocks-singlebtn.js` and `dist/blocks-advancedbtn.js` in production
- import {
- KadenceColorOutput,
- getPreviewSize,
- showSettings,
- getSpacingOptionOutput,
- mouseOverVisualizer,
- getFontSizeOptionOutput,
- typographyStyle,
- getBorderStyle,
- setBlockDefaults,
- getBorderColor,
- getUniqueId,
- getInQueryBlock,
- getPostOrFseId
- } from '@kadence/helpers';
- import {
- PopColorControl,
- TypographyControls,
- ResponsiveMeasurementControls,
- SmallResponsiveControl,
- ResponsiveRangeControls,
- IconRender,
- HoverToggleControl,
- ResponsiveBorderControl,
- KadenceIconPicker,
- KadencePanelBody,
- URLInputControl,
- KadenceWebfontLoader,
- BackgroundTypeControl,
- KadenceRadioButtons,
- URLInputInline,
- ResponsiveAlignControls,
- GradientControl,
- BoxShadowControl,
- DynamicTextControl,
- InspectorControlTabs,
- KadenceBlockDefaults,
- ResponsiveMeasureRangeControl,
- SpacingVisualizer,
- CopyPasteAttributes,
- } from '@kadence/components';
- import classnames from 'classnames';
- import { times, filter, map, uniqueId } from 'lodash';
- const defaultBtns = {
- text: '',
- link: '',
- target: '_self',
- color: '',
- background: '',
- borderRadius: ['', '', '', ''],
- colorHover: '',
- backgroundHover: '',
- icon: '',
- iconSide: 'right',
- iconHover: false,
- noFollow: false,
- sponsored: false,
- download: false,
- gradient: '',
- gradientHover: '',
- btnStyle: 'basic',
- sizePreset: 'standard',
- backgroundType: 'solid',
- backgroundHoverType: 'solid',
- width: [ '', '', '' ],
- widthType:'auto',
- borderStyle:[ {
- top: [ '', '', '' ],
- right: [ '', '', '' ],
- bottom: [ '', '', '' ],
- left: [ '', '', '' ],
- unit: 'px'
- } ],
- borderHoverStyle:[ {
- top: [ '', '', '' ],
- right: [ '', '', '' ],
- bottom: [ '', '', '' ],
- left: [ '', '', '' ],
- unit: 'px'
- } ],
- displayShadow: false,
- displayHoverShadow: false,
- shadow: [ {
- color: '#000000',
- opacity: 0.2,
- spread: 0,
- blur: 2,
- hOffset: 1,
- vOffset: 1,
- inset: false
- } ],
- shadowHover: [ {
- color: '#000000',
- opacity: 0.4,
- spread: 0,
- blur: 3,
- hOffset: 2,
- vOffset: 2,
- inset: false
- } ],
- typography: {
- type: 'array',
- default: [ {
- 'size': [ '', '', '' ],
- 'sizeType': 'px',
- 'lineHeight': [ '', '', '' ],
- 'lineType': 'px',
- 'letterSpacing': [ '', '', '' ],
- 'letterType': 'px',
- 'family': '',
- 'google': false,
- 'style': '',
- 'weight': '',
- 'variant': '',
- 'subset': '',
- 'loadGoogle': true,
- 'textTransform': ''
- } ]
- },
- inheritStyles: '',
- iconSize: [ '', '', '' ],
- iconPadding: [ '', '', '', '' ],
- iconTabletPadding: [ '', '', '', '' ],
- iconMobilePadding: [ '', '', '', '' ],
- iconPaddingUnit: 'px',
- onlyIcon: [ false, '', '' ],
- iconColor: '',
- iconColorHover: '',
- iconSizeUnit: 'px',
- label: '',
- marginUnit: 'px',
- margin: [ '', '', '', '' ],
- tabletMargin: [ '', '', '', '' ],
- mobileMargin: [ '', '', '', '' ],
- paddingUnit: 'px',
- padding: [ '', '', '', '' ],
- tabletPadding: [ '', '', '', '' ],
- mobilePadding: [ '', '', '', '' ],
- borderStyle: [{}],
- };
- import metadata from './block.json';
- /**
- * Internal block libraries
- */
- import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
- import { useDispatch, useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
- import {
- cog,
- pages,
- chevronRight,
- chevronLeft,
- plus,
- close,
- code,
- link as linkIcon,
- } from '@wordpress/icons';
- import { displayShortcut, isKeyboardEvent } from '@wordpress/keycodes';
- import {
- Fragment,
- useEffect,
- useState,
- } from '@wordpress/element';
- import {
- RichText,
- InspectorControls,
- BlockControls,
- AlignmentToolbar,
- InspectorAdvancedControls,
- JustifyContentControl,
- BlockVerticalAlignmentControl,
- useBlockProps,
- store as blockEditorStore,
- } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
- import {
- Dashicon,
- TabPanel,
- Button,
- PanelRow,
- RangeControl,
- TextControl,
- ToolbarGroup,
- ButtonGroup,
- SelectControl,
- ToggleControl,
- DropdownMenu,
- MenuGroup,
- MenuItem,
- ToolbarButton,
- Icon,
- } from '@wordpress/components';
- import {
- addFilter,
- applyFilters,
- } from '@wordpress/hooks';
- export default function KadenceButtonEdit( props ) {
- const { attributes, setAttributes, className, isSelected, context, clientId, name } = props;
- const {
- uniqueID,
- text,
- link,
- target,
- sponsored,
- download,
- noFollow,
- sizePreset,
- padding,
- tabletPadding,
- mobilePadding,
- paddingUnit,
- color,
- background,
- backgroundType,
- gradient,
- colorHover,
- backgroundHover,
- backgroundHoverType,
- gradientHover,
- borderStyle,
- tabletBorderStyle,
- mobileBorderStyle,
- borderHoverStyle,
- tabletBorderHoverStyle,
- mobileBorderHoverStyle,
- typography,
- borderRadius,
- tabletBorderRadius,
- mobileBorderRadius,
- borderRadiusUnit,
- borderHoverRadius,
- tabletBorderHoverRadius,
- mobileBorderHoverRadius,
- borderHoverRadiusUnit,
- icon,
- iconSide,
- iconHover,
- width,
- widthUnit,
- widthType,
- displayShadow,
- shadow,
- displayHoverShadow,
- shadowHover,
- inheritStyles,
- iconSize,
- iconPadding,
- tabletIconPadding,
- mobileIconPadding,
- iconPaddingUnit,
- onlyIcon,
- iconColor,
- iconColorHover,
- label,
- marginUnit,
- margin,
- iconSizeUnit,
- tabletMargin,
- mobileMargin,
- kadenceAOSOptions,
- kadenceAnimation,
- hideLink,
- inQueryBlock,
- } = attributes;
- // Support rank math content analysis.
- const rankMathContent = link !== '' ? '<a href="' + link + '">' + text + '</a>' : text;
- addFilter( 'rank_math_content', 'kadence/advbtn', (content) => {
- const kadencePattern = new RegExp( `<\\!-- wp:kadence/singlebtn.*\\b${ text }\\b.*?/-->`, 'g')
- const allContent = content.replace( kadencePattern, rankMathContent )
- return allContent
- }, 11 )
- const { updateBlockAttributes } = useDispatch( blockEditorStore );
- const { btnsBlock, rootID } = useSelect(
- ( select ) => {
- const { getBlockRootClientId, getBlocksByClientId } = select( blockEditorStore );
- const rootID = getBlockRootClientId( clientId );
- const btnsBlock = getBlocksByClientId( rootID );
- return {
- btnsBlock: ( undefined !== btnsBlock ? btnsBlock : '' ),
- rootID: ( undefined !== rootID ? rootID : '' ),
- };
- },
- [ clientId ]
- );
- const updateParentBlock = ( key, value ) => {
- updateBlockAttributes( rootID, { [key]: value } );
- }
- const { addUniqueID } = useDispatch( 'kadenceblocks/data' );
- const { isUniqueID, isUniqueBlock, previewDevice, parentData } = useSelect(
- ( select ) => {
- return {
- isUniqueID: ( value ) => select( 'kadenceblocks/data' ).isUniqueID( value ),
- isUniqueBlock: ( value, clientId ) => select( 'kadenceblocks/data' ).isUniqueBlock( value, clientId ),
- previewDevice: select( 'kadenceblocks/data' ).getPreviewDeviceType(),
- parentData: {
- rootBlock: select( 'core/block-editor' ).getBlock( select( 'core/block-editor' ).getBlockHierarchyRootClientId( clientId ) ),
- postId: select( 'core/editor' )?.getCurrentPostId() ? select( 'core/editor' )?.getCurrentPostId() : '',
- reusableParent: select('core/block-editor').getBlockAttributes( select('core/block-editor').getBlockParentsByBlockName( clientId, 'core/block' ).slice(-1)[0] ),
- editedPostId: select( 'core/edit-site' ) ? select( 'core/edit-site' ).getEditedPostId() : false
- }
- };
- },
- [ clientId ]
- );
- const marginMouseOver = mouseOverVisualizer();
- const paddingMouseOver = mouseOverVisualizer();
- useEffect( () => {
- setBlockDefaults( 'kadence/singlebtn', attributes);
- const postOrFseId = getPostOrFseId( props, parentData );
- let uniqueId = getUniqueId( uniqueID, clientId, isUniqueID, isUniqueBlock, postOrFseId );
- if ( uniqueId !== uniqueID ) {
- attributes.uniqueID = uniqueId;
- setAttributes( { uniqueID: uniqueId } );
- addUniqueID( uniqueId, clientId );
- } else {
- addUniqueID( uniqueID, clientId );
- }
- setAttributes( { inQueryBlock: getInQueryBlock( context, inQueryBlock ) } );
- }, [] );
- const [ activeTab, setActiveTab ] = useState( 'general' );
- const [ isEditingURL, setIsEditingURL ] = useState( false );
- useEffect( () => {
- if ( ! isSelected ) {
- setIsEditingURL( false );
- }
- }, [ isSelected ] );
- function startEditing( event ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- setIsEditingURL( true );
- }
- const saveTypography = ( value ) => {
- const newUpdate = ( item, index ) => {
- if ( 0 === index ) {
- item = { ...item, ...value };
- }
- return item;
- } );
- setAttributes( {
- typography: newUpdate,
- } );
- };
- const saveShadow = ( value ) => {
- const newUpdate = ( item, index ) => {
- if ( 0 === index ) {
- item = { ...item, ...value };
- }
- return item;
- } );
- setAttributes( {
- shadow: newUpdate,
- } );
- };
- const saveShadowHover = ( value ) => {
- const newItems = ( item, thisIndex ) => {
- if ( 0 === thisIndex ) {
- item = { ...item, ...value };
- }
- return item;
- } );
- setAttributes( {
- shadowHover: newItems,
- } );
- }
- const btnSizes = [
- { value: 'small', label: __( 'SM' , 'kadence-blocks') },
- { value: 'standard', label: __( 'MD', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- { value: 'large', label: __( 'LG', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- { value: 'xlarge', label: __( 'XL', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- ];
- const btnWidths = [
- { value: 'auto', label: __( 'Auto', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- { value: 'fixed', label: __( 'Fixed', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- { value: 'full', label: __( 'Full', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- ];
- const defineWidthType = ( type ) => {
- if ( 'full' === type ) {
- //updateParentBlock( 'forceFullwidth', true );
- setAttributes( { widthType: type } );
- } else {
- //updateParentBlock( 'forceFullwidth', false );
- setAttributes( { widthType: type } );
- }
- };
- const buttonStyleOptions = [
- { value: 'fill', label: __( 'Fill', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- { value: 'outline', label: __( 'Outline', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- { value: 'inherit', label: __( 'Theme', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- ];
- const previewMarginTop = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== margin?.[0] ? margin[0] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletMargin?.[0] ? tabletMargin[0] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobileMargin?.[0] ? mobileMargin[0] : '' ) );
- const previewMarginRight = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== margin?.[1] ? margin[1] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletMargin?.[1] ? tabletMargin[1] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobileMargin?.[1] ? mobileMargin[1] : '' ) );
- const previewMarginBottom = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== margin?.[2] ? margin[2] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletMargin?.[2] ? tabletMargin[2] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobileMargin?.[2] ? mobileMargin[2] : '' ) );
- const previewMarginLeft = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== margin?.[3] ? margin[3] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletMargin?.[3] ? tabletMargin[3] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobileMargin?.[3] ? mobileMargin[3] : '' ) );
- const previewMarginUnit = ( marginUnit ? marginUnit : 'px' );
- const previewPaddingTop = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== padding?.[0] ? padding[0] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletPadding?.[0] ? tabletPadding[0] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobilePadding?.[0] ? mobilePadding[0] : '' ) );
- const previewPaddingRight = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== padding?.[1] ? padding[1] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletPadding?.[1] ? tabletPadding[1] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobilePadding?.[1] ? mobilePadding[1] : '' ) );
- const previewPaddingBottom = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== padding?.[2] ? padding[2] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletPadding?.[2] ? tabletPadding[2] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobilePadding?.[2] ? mobilePadding[2] : '' ) );
- const previewPaddingLeft = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== padding?.[3] ? padding[3] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletPadding?.[3] ? tabletPadding[3] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobilePadding?.[3] ? mobilePadding[3] : '' ) );
- const previewRadiusTop = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== borderRadius ? borderRadius[ 0 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletBorderRadius ? tabletBorderRadius[ 0 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobileBorderRadius ? mobileBorderRadius[ 0 ] : '' ) );
- const previewRadiusRight = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== borderRadius ? borderRadius[ 1 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletBorderRadius ? tabletBorderRadius[ 1 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobileBorderRadius ? mobileBorderRadius[ 1 ] : '' ) );
- const previewRadiusBottom = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== borderRadius ? borderRadius[ 2 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletBorderRadius ? tabletBorderRadius[ 2 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobileBorderRadius ? mobileBorderRadius[ 2 ] : '' ) );
- const previewRadiusLeft = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== borderRadius ? borderRadius[ 3 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletBorderRadius ? tabletBorderRadius[ 3 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobileBorderRadius ? mobileBorderRadius[ 3 ] : '' ) );
- const previewIconSize = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== iconSize?.[0] ? iconSize[0] : '' ), ( undefined !== iconSize?.[1] ? iconSize[1] : '' ), ( undefined !== iconSize?.[2] ? iconSize[2] : '' ) );
- const previewIconPaddingTop = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== iconPadding?.[0] ? iconPadding[0] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletIconPadding?.[0] ? tabletIconPadding[0] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobileIconPadding?.[0] ? mobileIconPadding[0] : '' ) );
- const previewIconPaddingRight = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== iconPadding?.[1] ? iconPadding[1] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletIconPadding?.[1] ? tabletIconPadding[1] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobileIconPadding?.[1] ? mobileIconPadding[1] : '' ) );
- const previewIconPaddingBottom = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== iconPadding?.[2] ? iconPadding[2] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletIconPadding?.[2] ? tabletIconPadding[2] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobileIconPadding?.[2] ? mobileIconPadding[2] : '' ) );
- const previewIconPaddingLeft = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== iconPadding?.[ 3 ] ? iconPadding[ 3 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletIconPadding?.[ 3 ] ? tabletIconPadding[ 3 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobileIconPadding?.[ 3 ] ? mobileIconPadding[ 3 ] : '' ) );
- const previewFixedWidth = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== width?.[0] ? width[0] : '' ), ( undefined !== width?.[1] ? width[1] : undefined ), ( undefined !== width?.[2] ? width[2] : undefined ) );
- const previewBorderTopStyle = getBorderStyle( previewDevice, 'top', borderStyle, tabletBorderStyle, mobileBorderStyle );
- const previewBorderRightStyle = getBorderStyle( previewDevice, 'right', borderStyle, tabletBorderStyle, mobileBorderStyle );
- const previewBorderBottomStyle = getBorderStyle( previewDevice, 'bottom', borderStyle, tabletBorderStyle, mobileBorderStyle );
- const previewBorderLeftStyle = getBorderStyle( previewDevice, 'left', borderStyle, tabletBorderStyle, mobileBorderStyle );
- const previewBorderTopColor = getBorderColor( previewDevice, 'top', borderStyle, tabletBorderStyle, mobileBorderStyle );
- const previewBorderRightColor = getBorderColor( previewDevice, 'right', borderStyle, tabletBorderStyle, mobileBorderStyle );
- const previewBorderBottomColor = getBorderColor( previewDevice, 'bottom', borderStyle, tabletBorderStyle, mobileBorderStyle );
- const previewBorderLeftColor = getBorderColor( previewDevice, 'left', borderStyle, tabletBorderStyle, mobileBorderStyle );
- const inheritBorder = [ borderStyle, tabletBorderStyle, mobileBorderStyle ];
- const previewBorderHoverTopStyle = getBorderStyle( previewDevice, 'top', borderHoverStyle, tabletBorderHoverStyle, mobileBorderHoverStyle, inheritBorder );
- const previewBorderHoverRightStyle = getBorderStyle( previewDevice, 'right', borderHoverStyle, tabletBorderHoverStyle, mobileBorderHoverStyle, inheritBorder );
- const previewBorderHoverBottomStyle = getBorderStyle( previewDevice, 'bottom', borderHoverStyle, tabletBorderHoverStyle, mobileBorderHoverStyle, inheritBorder );
- const previewBorderHoverLeftStyle = getBorderStyle( previewDevice, 'left', borderHoverStyle, tabletBorderHoverStyle, mobileBorderHoverStyle, inheritBorder );
- const previewBorderHoverTopColor = getBorderColor( previewDevice, 'top', borderHoverStyle, tabletBorderHoverStyle, mobileBorderHoverStyle, inheritBorder );
- const previewBorderHoverRightColor = getBorderColor( previewDevice, 'right', borderHoverStyle, tabletBorderHoverStyle, mobileBorderHoverStyle, inheritBorder );
- const previewBorderHoverBottomColor = getBorderColor( previewDevice, 'bottom', borderHoverStyle, tabletBorderHoverStyle, mobileBorderHoverStyle, inheritBorder );
- const previewBorderHoverLeftColor = getBorderColor( previewDevice, 'left', borderHoverStyle, tabletBorderHoverStyle, mobileBorderHoverStyle, inheritBorder );
- const previewHoverRadiusTop = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== borderHoverRadius ? borderHoverRadius[ 0 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletBorderHoverRadius ? tabletBorderHoverRadius[ 0 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobileBorderHoverRadius ? mobileBorderHoverRadius[ 0 ] : '' ) );
- const previewHoverRadiusRight = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== borderHoverRadius ? borderHoverRadius[ 1 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletBorderHoverRadius ? tabletBorderHoverRadius[ 1 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobileBorderHoverRadius ? mobileBorderHoverRadius[ 1 ] : '' ) );
- const previewHoverRadiusBottom = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== borderHoverRadius ? borderHoverRadius[ 2 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletBorderHoverRadius ? tabletBorderHoverRadius[ 2 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobileBorderHoverRadius ? mobileBorderHoverRadius[ 2 ] : '' ) );
- const previewHoverRadiusLeft = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== borderHoverRadius ? borderHoverRadius[ 3 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== tabletBorderHoverRadius ? tabletBorderHoverRadius[ 3 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== mobileBorderHoverRadius ? mobileBorderHoverRadius[ 3 ] : '' ) );
- const previewAlign = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== btnsBlock?.[0]?.attributes?.hAlign ? btnsBlock?.[0]?.attributes?.hAlign : '' ), ( undefined !== btnsBlock?.[0]?.attributes?.thAlign ? btnsBlock?.[0]?.attributes?.thAlign : '' ), ( undefined !== btnsBlock?.[0]?.attributes?.mhAlign ? btnsBlock?.[0]?.attributes?.mhAlign : '' ) );
- const previewVertical = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== btnsBlock?.[0]?.attributes?.vAlign ? btnsBlock?.[0]?.attributes?.vAlign : '' ), ( undefined !== btnsBlock?.[0]?.attributes?.tvAlign ? btnsBlock?.[0]?.attributes?.tvAlign : '' ), ( undefined !== btnsBlock?.[0]?.attributes?.mvAlign ? btnsBlock?.[0]?.attributes?.mvAlign : '' ) );
- const previewOnlyIcon = getPreviewSize( previewDevice, ( undefined !== onlyIcon?.[0] ? onlyIcon[0] : '' ), ( undefined !== onlyIcon?.[1] ? onlyIcon[1] : undefined ), ( undefined !== onlyIcon?.[2] ? onlyIcon[2] : undefined ) );
- let btnbg;
- // let btnGrad;
- // let btnGrad2;
- if ( undefined !== backgroundType && 'gradient' === backgroundType ) {
- btnbg = gradient;
- // btnGrad = ( 'transparent' === background || undefined === background ? 'rgba(255,255,255,0)' : KadenceColorOutput( background ) );
- // btnGrad2 = ( undefined !== gradient && undefined !== gradient[ 0 ] && '' !== gradient[ 0 ] ? KadenceColorOutput( gradient[ 0 ], ( undefined !== gradient && gradient[1] !== undefined ? gradient[ 1 ] : 1 ) ) : KadenceColorOutput( '#999999', ( undefined !== gradient && gradient[1] !== undefined ? gradient[1] : 1 ) ) );
- // if ( undefined !== gradient && 'radial' === gradient[ 4 ] ) {
- // btnbg = `radial-gradient(at ${( undefined === gradient[ 6 ] ? 'center center' : gradient[ 6 ] )}, ${btnGrad} ${( undefined === gradient[ 2 ] ? '0' : gradient[ 2 ] )}%, ${btnGrad2} ${( undefined === gradient[ 3 ] ? '100' : gradient[ 3 ] )}%)`;
- // } else if ( undefined === gradient || 'radial' !== gradient[ 4 ] ) {
- // btnbg = `linear-gradient(${( undefined !== gradient && undefined !== gradient[ 5 ] ? gradient[ 5 ] : '180' )}deg, ${btnGrad} ${( undefined !== gradient && undefined !== gradient[ 2 ] ? gradient[ 2 ] : '0' )}%, ${btnGrad2} ${( undefined !== gradient && undefined !== gradient[ 3 ] ? gradient[ 3 ] : '100' )}%)`;
- // }
- } else {
- btnbg = ( 'transparent' === background || undefined === background ? undefined : KadenceColorOutput( background ) );
- }
- const nonTransAttrs = [ 'hideLink', 'link', 'target', 'download', 'text', 'sponsor' ];
- const btnClassName = classnames( {
- 'kt-button' : true,
- [ `kt-button-${uniqueID}` ] : true,
- [ `kb-btn-global-${inheritStyles}` ] : inheritStyles,
- 'wp-block-button__link' : inheritStyles && 'inherit' === inheritStyles,
- [ `kb-btn-has-icon` ] : icon,
- [ `kt-btn-svg-show-${( !iconHover ? 'always' : 'hover' )}` ] : icon,
- [ `kb-btn-only-icon` ] : previewOnlyIcon,
- [ `kt-btn-size-${( sizePreset ? sizePreset : 'standard' )}` ] : true,
- } );
- const classes = classnames( {
- className : className,
- [ `kb-single-btn-${uniqueID}` ] : true,
- [ `kt-btn-width-type-${( widthType ? widthType : 'auto' )}` ] : true,
- } );
- const blockProps = useBlockProps( {
- className: classes,
- style: {
- width : ( undefined !== widthType && 'fixed' === widthType && '%' === ( undefined !== widthUnit ? widthUnit : 'px' ) && '' !== previewFixedWidth ? previewFixedWidth + ( undefined !== widthUnit ? widthUnit : 'px' ) : undefined ),
- },
- } );
- let btnRad = '0';
- let btnBox = '';
- let btnBox2 = '';
- const btnbgHover = ( 'gradient' === backgroundHoverType ? gradientHover : KadenceColorOutput( backgroundHover ) );
- if ( undefined !== displayHoverShadow && displayHoverShadow && undefined !== shadowHover?.[0] && undefined !== shadowHover?.[0].inset && false === shadowHover?.[0].inset ) {
- btnBox = `${( undefined !== shadowHover?.[0].inset && shadowHover[0].inset ? 'inset ' : '' ) + ( undefined !== shadowHover?.[0].hOffset ? shadowHover[0].hOffset : 0 ) + 'px ' + ( undefined !== shadowHover?.[0].vOffset ? shadowHover[0].vOffset : 0 ) + 'px ' + ( undefined !== shadowHover?.[0].blur ? shadowHover[0].blur : 14 ) + 'px ' + ( undefined !== shadowHover?.[0].spread ? shadowHover[0].spread : 0 ) + 'px ' + KadenceColorOutput( ( undefined !== shadowHover?.[0].color ? shadowHover[0].color : '#000000' ), ( undefined !== shadowHover?.[0].opacity ? shadowHover[0].opacity : 1 ) ) }`;
- btnBox2 = 'none';
- btnRad = '0';
- }
- if ( undefined !== displayHoverShadow && displayHoverShadow && undefined !== shadowHover?.[0] && undefined !== shadowHover?.[0].inset && true === shadowHover?.[0].inset ) {
- btnBox2 = `${( undefined !== shadowHover?.[0].inset && shadowHover[0].inset ? 'inset ' : '' ) + ( undefined !== shadowHover?.[0].hOffset ? shadowHover[0].hOffset : 0 ) + 'px ' + ( undefined !== shadowHover?.[0].vOffset ? shadowHover[0].vOffset : 0 ) + 'px ' + ( undefined !== shadowHover?.[0].blur ? shadowHover[0].blur : 14 ) + 'px ' + ( undefined !== shadowHover?.[0].spread ? shadowHover[0].spread : 0 ) + 'px ' + KadenceColorOutput( ( undefined !== shadowHover?.[0].color ? shadowHover[0].color : '#000000' ), ( undefined !== shadowHover?.[0].opacity ? shadowHover[0].opacity : 1 ) ) }`;
- btnRad = ( undefined !== borderRadius ? borderRadius : '3' );
- btnBox = 'none';
- }
- const previewTypographyCSS = typographyStyle( typography, `.editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-kadence-advancedbtn .kb-single-btn-${uniqueID} .kt-button-${uniqueID}`, previewDevice );
- const renderCSS = (
- <style>
- { ( '' !== previewTypographyCSS ? previewTypographyCSS : '' ) }
- {`.kb-single-btn-${uniqueID} .kt-button-${uniqueID}.kb-btn-global-outline {`}
- {( ! previewBorderTopStyle && previewBorderTopColor ? 'border-top-color:' + previewBorderTopColor + ';' : '' )}
- {( ! previewBorderRightStyle && previewBorderRightColor ? 'border-right-color:' + previewBorderRightColor + ';' : '' )}
- {( ! previewBorderLeftStyle && previewBorderLeftColor ? 'border-left-color:' + previewBorderLeftColor + ';' : '' )}
- {( ! previewBorderBottomStyle && previewBorderBottomColor ? 'border-bottom-color:' + previewBorderBottomColor + ';' : '' )}
- {'}'}
- {`.kb-single-btn-${uniqueID} .kt-button-${uniqueID}.kb-btn-global-outline:hover {`}
- {( ! previewBorderHoverTopStyle && previewBorderHoverTopColor ? 'border-top-color:' + previewBorderHoverTopColor + ';' : '' )}
- {( ! previewBorderHoverRightStyle && previewBorderHoverRightColor ? 'border-right-color:' + previewBorderHoverRightColor + ';' : '' )}
- {( ! previewBorderHoverLeftStyle && previewBorderHoverLeftColor ? 'border-left-color:' + previewBorderHoverLeftColor + ';' : '' )}
- {( ! previewBorderHoverBottomStyle && previewBorderHoverBottomColor ? 'border-bottom-color:' + previewBorderHoverBottomColor + ';' : '' )}
- {'}'}
- {`.kb-single-btn-${uniqueID} .kt-button-${uniqueID}:hover {`}
- {( colorHover ? 'color:' + KadenceColorOutput( colorHover ) + '!important;' : '' )}
- {( btnBox ? 'box-shadow:' + btnBox + '!important;' : '' )}
- {( previewBorderHoverTopStyle ? 'border-top:' + previewBorderHoverTopStyle + '!important;' : '' )}
- {( previewBorderHoverRightStyle ? 'border-right:' + previewBorderHoverRightStyle + '!important;' : '' )}
- {( previewBorderHoverLeftStyle ? 'border-left:' + previewBorderHoverLeftStyle + '!important;' : '' )}
- {( previewBorderHoverBottomStyle ? 'border-bottom:' + previewBorderHoverBottomStyle + '!important;' : '' )}
- {( '' !== previewHoverRadiusTop ? 'border-top-left-radius:' + previewHoverRadiusTop + ( borderHoverRadiusUnit ? borderHoverRadiusUnit : 'px' ) + '!important;' : '' )}
- {( '' !== previewHoverRadiusRight ? 'border-top-right-radius:' + previewHoverRadiusRight + ( borderHoverRadiusUnit ? borderHoverRadiusUnit : 'px' ) + '!important;' : '' )}
- {( '' !== previewHoverRadiusLeft ? 'border-bottom-left-radius:' + previewHoverRadiusLeft + ( borderHoverRadiusUnit ? borderHoverRadiusUnit : 'px' ) + '!important;' : '' )}
- {( '' !== previewHoverRadiusBottom ? 'border-bottom-right-radius:' + previewHoverRadiusBottom + ( borderHoverRadiusUnit ? borderHoverRadiusUnit : 'px' ) + '!important;' : '' )}
- {'}'}
- {( iconColorHover ? `.kb-single-btn-${uniqueID} .kt-button-${uniqueID}:hover .kt-btn-svg-icon { color:${KadenceColorOutput( iconColorHover )} !important;}` : '' )}
- {`.kb-single-btn-${uniqueID} .kt-button-${uniqueID}::before {`}
- {( btnbgHover ? 'background:' + btnbgHover + ';' : '' )}
- {( btnBox2 ? 'box-shadow:' + btnBox2 + ';' : '' )}
- {( btnRad ? 'border-radius:' + btnRad + 'px;' : '' )}
- {'}'}
- </style>
- );
- return (
- <div {...blockProps}>
- {renderCSS}
- <BlockControls>
- <ToolbarGroup>
- <JustifyContentControl
- value={ previewAlign }
- onChange={ value => {
- if ( previewDevice === 'Mobile' ) {
- updateParentBlock( 'mhAlign', ( value ? value : '' ) );
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- updateParentBlock( 'thAlign', ( value ? value : '' ) );
- } else {
- updateParentBlock( 'hAlign', ( value ? value : 'center' ) );
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- value={previewVertical}
- onChange={ value => {
- if ( previewDevice === 'Mobile' ) {
- updateParentBlock( 'mvAlign', ( value ? value : '' ) );
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- updateParentBlock( 'tvAlign', ( value ? value : '' ) );
- } else {
- updateParentBlock( 'vAlign', ( value ? value : 'center' ) );
- }
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- { ! hideLink && (
- <ToolbarGroup>
- <ToolbarButton
- name="link"
- icon={ linkIcon }
- title={ __( 'Link', 'kadence-blocks' ) }
- shortcut={ displayShortcut.primary( 'k' ) }
- onClick={ startEditing }
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- </ToolbarGroup>
- ) }
- <CopyPasteAttributes
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- excludedAttrs={ nonTransAttrs }
- defaultAttributes={ metadata['attributes'] }
- blockSlug={ metadata['name'] }
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- />
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- { ! hideLink && isSelected && isEditingURL && (
- <URLInputInline
- url={link}
- onChangeUrl={value => {
- setAttributes( { link: value } );
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- additionalControls={true}
- changeTargetType={true}
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- setAttributes( { target: value } );
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- setAttributes( { noFollow: value } );
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- setAttributes( { sponsored: value } );
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- onChangeDownload={value => {
- setAttributes( { download: value } );
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- dynamicAttribute={'link'}
- allowClear={true}
- isSelected={ isSelected }
- attributes={ attributes }
- setAttributes={ setAttributes }
- name={ name }
- clientId={ clientId }
- context={ context }
- />
- ) }
- {showSettings( 'allSettings', 'kadence/advancedbtn' ) && (
- <>
- <InspectorControls>
- <InspectorControlTabs
- panelName={'singlebtn'}
- setActiveTab={( value ) => setActiveTab( value )}
- activeTab={ activeTab}
- />
- {( activeTab === 'general' ) &&
- <>
- <KadencePanelBody
- title={__( 'Button Settings', 'kadence-blocks' ) }
- initialOpen={true}
- panelName={'kb-adv-single-btn'}
- >
- { ! hideLink && (
- <URLInputControl
- label={__( 'Button Link', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- url={link}
- onChangeUrl={value => {
- setAttributes( { link: value });
- }}
- additionalControls={true}
- changeTargetType={true}
- opensInNewTab={( undefined !== target ? target : '' )}
- onChangeTarget={value => {
- setAttributes( { target: value });
- }}
- linkNoFollow={( undefined !== noFollow ? noFollow : false )}
- onChangeFollow={value => {
- setAttributes( { noFollow: value });
- }}
- linkSponsored={( undefined !== sponsored ? sponsored : false )}
- onChangeSponsored={value => {
- setAttributes( { sponsored: value });
- }}
- linkDownload={( undefined !== download ? download : false )}
- onChangeDownload={value => {
- setAttributes( { download: value });
- }}
- dynamicAttribute={'link'}
- allowClear={true}
- isSelected={ isSelected }
- attributes={ attributes }
- setAttributes={ setAttributes }
- name={ name }
- clientId={ clientId }
- context={ context }
- />
- )}
- <KadenceRadioButtons
- value={ inheritStyles }
- options={ buttonStyleOptions }
- hideLabel={false}
- label={__( 'Button Inherit Styles', 'kadence-blocks' ) }
- onChange={ value => {
- setAttributes( {
- inheritStyles: value,
- } );
- }}
- />
- {showSettings( 'sizeSettings', 'kadence/advancedbtn' ) && (
- <>
- <KadenceRadioButtons
- value={ sizePreset }
- options={ btnSizes }
- hideLabel={false}
- label={__( 'Button Size', 'kadence-blocks' ) }
- onChange={ value => {
- setAttributes( {
- sizePreset: value,
- } );
- }}
- />
- <KadenceRadioButtons
- value={ widthType }
- options={ btnWidths }
- hideLabel={false}
- label={__( 'Button Width', 'kadence-blocks' ) }
- onChange={ value => {
- setAttributes( {
- widthType: value,
- } );
- }}
- />
- {'fixed' === widthType && (
- <div className="kt-inner-sub-section">
- <ResponsiveRangeControls
- label={__( 'Fixed Width', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- value={( undefined !== width?.[ 0 ] ? width[ 0 ] : undefined )}
- onChange={value => {
- setAttributes( { width: [ value, ( undefined !== width?.[1] ? width[1] : '' ), ( undefined !== width?.[2] ? width[2] : '' ) ] } );
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- onChangeTablet={value => {
- setAttributes( { width: [ ( undefined !== width?.[ 0 ] ? width[ 0 ] : '' ), value, ( undefined !== width?.[2] ? width[2] : '' ) ] } );
- }}
- mobileValue={( undefined !== width?.[2] ? width[2] : undefined )}
- onChangeMobile={value => {
- setAttributes( { width: [ ( undefined !== width?.[ 0 ] ? width[ 0 ] : '' ), ( undefined !== width?.[1] ? width[1] : '' ), value ] } );
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- setAttributes( { widthUnit: value } );
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- units={[ 'px', '%' ]}
- />
- </div>
- )}
- </>
- )}
- </KadencePanelBody>
- </>
- }
- {( activeTab === 'style' ) &&
- <>
- { showSettings( 'colorSettings', 'kadence/advancedbtn' ) && (
- <KadencePanelBody
- title={__( 'Button Styles', 'kadence-blocks' ) }
- initialOpen={true}
- panelName={'kb-adv-single-btn-styles'}
- >
- <HoverToggleControl
- hover={
- <>
- <PopColorControl
- label={__( 'Color Hover', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- value={( colorHover ? colorHover : '' )}
- default={''}
- onChange={value => setAttributes( { colorHover: value } )}
- />
- <BackgroundTypeControl
- label={ __( 'Hover Type', 'kadence-blocks' ) }
- type={ backgroundHoverType ? backgroundHoverType : 'normal' }
- onChange={ value => setAttributes( { backgroundHoverType: value } ) }
- allowedTypes={ [ 'normal', 'gradient' ] }
- />
- { 'gradient' === backgroundHoverType && (
- <GradientControl
- value={ gradientHover }
- onChange={ value => setAttributes( { gradientHover: value } ) }
- gradients={ [] }
- />
- ) }
- { 'normal' === backgroundHoverType && (
- <PopColorControl
- label={__( 'Background Color', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- value={( backgroundHover ? backgroundHover : '' )}
- default={''}
- onChange={value => setAttributes( { backgroundHover: value } )}
- />
- )}
- <ResponsiveBorderControl
- label={__( 'Border', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- value={borderHoverStyle}
- tabletValue={tabletBorderHoverStyle}
- mobileValue={mobileBorderHoverStyle}
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- onChangeTablet={( value ) => setAttributes( { tabletBorderHoverStyle: value } )}
- onChangeMobile={( value ) => setAttributes( { mobileBorderHoverStyle: value } )}
- />
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- label={__( 'Border Radius', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- value={borderHoverRadius}
- tabletValue={tabletBorderHoverRadius}
- mobileValue={mobileBorderHoverRadius}
- onChange={( value ) => setAttributes( { borderHoverRadius: value } )}
- onChangeTablet={( value ) => setAttributes( { tabletBorderHoverRadius: value } )}
- onChangeMobile={( value ) => setAttributes( { mobileBorderHoverRadius: value } )}
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- units={[ 'px', 'em', 'rem', '%' ]}
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- max={(borderHoverRadiusUnit === 'em' || borderHoverRadiusUnit === 'rem' ? 24 : 500)}
- step={(borderHoverRadiusUnit === 'em' || borderHoverRadiusUnit === 'rem' ? 0.1 : 1)}
- min={ 0 }
- isBorderRadius={ true }
- allowEmpty={true}
- />
- <BoxShadowControl
- label={__( 'Box Shadow', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- enable={( undefined !== displayHoverShadow ? displayHoverShadow : false )}
- color={( undefined !== shadowHover && undefined !== shadowHover[ 0 ] && undefined !== shadowHover[ 0 ].color ? shadowHover[ 0 ].color : '#000000' )}
- colorDefault={'#000000'}
- onArrayChange={( color, opacity ) => {
- saveShadowHover( { color: color, opacity: opacity } );
- }}
- opacity={( undefined !== shadowHover && undefined !== shadowHover[ 0 ] && undefined !== shadowHover[ 0 ].opacity ? shadowHover[ 0 ].opacity : 0.2 )}
- hOffset={( undefined !== shadowHover && undefined !== shadowHover[ 0 ] && undefined !== shadowHover[ 0 ].hOffset ? shadowHover[ 0 ].hOffset : 0 )}
- vOffset={( undefined !== shadowHover && undefined !== shadowHover[ 0 ] && undefined !== shadowHover[ 0 ].vOffset ? shadowHover[ 0 ].vOffset : 0 )}
- blur={( undefined !== shadowHover && undefined !== shadowHover[ 0 ] && undefined !== shadowHover[ 0 ].blur ? shadowHover[ 0 ].blur : 14 )}
- spread={( undefined !== shadowHover && undefined !== shadowHover[ 0 ] && undefined !== shadowHover[ 0 ].spread ? shadowHover[ 0 ].spread : 0 )}
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- onEnableChange={value => {
- setAttributes( {
- displayHoverShadow: value,
- } );
- }}
- onColorChange={value => {
- saveShadowHover( { color: value } );
- }}
- onOpacityChange={value => {
- saveShadowHover( { opacity: value } );
- }}
- onHOffsetChange={value => {
- saveShadowHover( { hOffset: value } );
- }}
- onVOffsetChange={value => {
- saveShadowHover( { vOffset: value } );
- }}
- onBlurChange={value => {
- saveShadowHover( { blur: value } );
- }}
- onSpreadChange={value => {
- saveShadowHover( { spread: value } );
- }}
- onInsetChange={value => {
- saveShadowHover( { inset: value } );
- }}
- />
- </>
- }
- normal={
- <>
- <PopColorControl
- label={__( 'Color', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- value={( color ? color : '' )}
- default={''}
- onChange={value => setAttributes( { color: value } )}
- />
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- label={ __( 'Type', 'kadence-blocks' ) }
- type={ backgroundType ? backgroundType : 'normal' }
- onChange={ value => setAttributes( { backgroundType: value } ) }
- allowedTypes={ [ 'normal', 'gradient' ] }
- />
- { 'gradient' === backgroundType && (
- <GradientControl
- value={ gradient }
- onChange={ value => setAttributes( { gradient: value } ) }
- gradients={ [] }
- />
- ) }
- { 'normal' === backgroundType && (
- <PopColorControl
- label={__( 'Background Color', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- value={( background ? background : '' )}
- default={''}
- onChange={value => setAttributes( { background: value } )}
- />
- ) }
- <ResponsiveBorderControl
- label={__( 'Border', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- value={borderStyle}
- tabletValue={tabletBorderStyle}
- mobileValue={mobileBorderStyle}
- onChange={( value ) => setAttributes( { borderStyle: value } )}
- onChangeTablet={( value ) => setAttributes( { tabletBorderStyle: value } )}
- onChangeMobile={( value ) => setAttributes( { mobileBorderStyle: value } )}
- />
- <ResponsiveMeasurementControls
- label={__( 'Border Radius', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- value={borderRadius}
- tabletValue={tabletBorderRadius}
- mobileValue={mobileBorderRadius}
- onChange={( value ) => setAttributes( { borderRadius: value } )}
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- step={(borderRadiusUnit === 'em' || borderRadiusUnit === 'rem' ? 0.1 : 1)}
- min={ 0 }
- isBorderRadius={ true }
- allowEmpty={true}
- />
- <BoxShadowControl
- label={__( 'Box Shadow', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- enable={( undefined !== displayShadow ? displayShadow : false )}
- color={( undefined !== shadow && undefined !== shadow[ 0 ] && undefined !== shadow[ 0 ].color ? shadow[ 0 ].color : '#000000' )}
- colorDefault={'#000000'}
- onArrayChange={( color, opacity ) => {
- saveShadow( { color: color, opacity: opacity } );
- }}
- opacity={( undefined !== shadow && undefined !== shadow[ 0 ] && undefined !== shadow[ 0 ].opacity ? shadow[ 0 ].opacity : 0.2 )}
- hOffset={( undefined !== shadow && undefined !== shadow[ 0 ] && undefined !== shadow[ 0 ].hOffset ? shadow[ 0 ].hOffset : 0 )}
- vOffset={( undefined !== shadow && undefined !== shadow[ 0 ] && undefined !== shadow[ 0 ].vOffset ? shadow[ 0 ].vOffset : 0 )}
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- inset={( undefined !== shadow && undefined !== shadow[ 0 ] && undefined !== shadow[ 0 ].inset ? shadow[ 0 ].inset : false )}
- onEnableChange={value => {
- setAttributes( {
- displayShadow: value,
- } );
- }}
- onColorChange={value => {
- saveShadow( { color: value } );
- }}
- onOpacityChange={value => {
- saveShadow( { opacity: value } );
- }}
- onHOffsetChange={value => {
- saveShadow( { hOffset: value } );
- }}
- onVOffsetChange={value => {
- saveShadow( { vOffset: value } );
- }}
- onBlurChange={value => {
- saveShadow( { blur: value } );
- }}
- onSpreadChange={value => {
- saveShadow( { spread: value } );
- }}
- onInsetChange={value => {
- saveShadow( { inset: value } );
- }}
- />
- </>
- }
- />
- </KadencePanelBody>
- )}
- {showSettings( 'iconSettings', 'kadence/advancedbtn' ) && (
- <KadencePanelBody
- title={__( 'Icon Settings', 'kadence-blocks' ) }
- initialOpen={false}
- panelName={'kb-adv-single-btn-icons'}
- >
- <div className="kt-select-icon-container">
- <KadenceIconPicker
- value={icon}
- onChange={value => {
- setAttributes( { icon: value } );
- }}
- allowClear={ true }
- />
- </div>
- <SmallResponsiveControl
- label={__( 'Icon and Text Display', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- desktopChildren={<SelectControl
- value={( undefined !== onlyIcon?.[ 0 ] && onlyIcon[ 0 ] ? 'true' : 'false' )}
- options={[
- { value: 'false', label: __( 'Show Icon and Text', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- { value: 'true', label: __( 'Show Only Icon', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- ]}
- onChange={value => {
- setAttributes( { onlyIcon: [ ( value === 'true' ? true : false ), ( undefined !== onlyIcon?.[1] ? onlyIcon[1] : '' ), ( undefined !== onlyIcon?.[2] ? onlyIcon[2] : '' ) ] } );
- }}
- />}
- tabletChildren={<SelectControl
- value={( undefined !== onlyIcon?.[1] && onlyIcon[1] ? 'true' : ( undefined !== onlyIcon?.[1] && false === onlyIcon[1] ? 'false' : '' ) )}
- options={[
- { value: '', label: __( 'Inherit', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- { value: 'false', label: __( 'Show Icon and Text', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- { value: 'true', label: __( 'Show Only Icon', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- ]}
- onChange={value => {
- let newValue = value;
- if ( value === 'true' ) {
- newValue = true;
- } else if ( value === 'false' ) {
- newValue = false;
- }
- setAttributes( { onlyIcon: [ ( undefined !== onlyIcon?.[0] ? onlyIcon[0] : '' ), newValue, ( undefined !== onlyIcon?.[2] ? onlyIcon[2] : '' ) ] } );
- }}
- />}
- mobileChildren={<SelectControl
- value={( undefined !== onlyIcon?.[2] && onlyIcon[2] ? 'true' : ( undefined !== onlyIcon?.[2] && false === onlyIcon[2] ? 'false' : '' ) )}
- options={[
- { value: '', label: __( 'Inherit', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- { value: 'false', label: __( 'Show Icon and Text', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- { value: 'true', label: __( 'Show Only Icon', 'kadence-blocks' ) },
- ]}
- onChange={value => {
- let newValue = value;
- if ( value === 'true' ) {
- newValue = true;
- } else if ( value === 'false' ) {
- newValue = false;
- }
- setAttributes( { onlyIcon: [ ( undefined !== onlyIcon?.[0] ? onlyIcon[0] : '' ), ( undefined !== onlyIcon?.[1] ? onlyIcon[1] : '' ), newValue ] } );
- }}
- />}
- />
- <SelectControl
- label={__( 'Icon Location', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- value={iconSide}
- options={[
- { value: 'right', label: __( 'Right' ) },
- { value: 'left', label: __( 'Left' ) },
- ]}
- onChange={value => {
- setAttributes( { iconSide: value } );
- }}
- />
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- label={__( 'Icon Size', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- value={( undefined !== iconSize?.[0] ? iconSize[0] : '' )}
- onChange={value => {
- setAttributes( { iconSize: [ value, ( undefined !==iconSize[1] ? iconSize[1] : '' ), ( undefined !== iconSize?.[2] && iconSize[2] ?iconSize[2] : '' ) ] } );
- }}
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- setAttributes( { iconSize: [ ( undefined !== iconSize?.[0] ? iconSize[0] : '' ), value, ( undefined !== iconSize?.[2] ? iconSize[2] : '' ) ] } );
- }}
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- onChangeMobile={( value ) => {
- setAttributes( { iconSize: [ ( undefined !== iconSize?.[0] ? iconSize[0] : '' ), ( undefined !== iconSize?.[1] ? iconSize[1] : '' ), value ] } );
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- onUnit={( value ) => {
- setAttributes( { iconSizeUnit: value });
- }}
- units={[ 'px', 'em', 'rem' ]}
- />
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- label={__( 'Icon Color', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- value={(iconColor ? iconColor : '' )}
- default={''}
- onChange={value => {
- setAttributes( { iconColor: value });
- }}
- swatchLabel2={__( 'Hover Color', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- value2={(iconColorHover ?iconColorHover : '' )}
- default2={''}
- onChange2={value => {
- setAttributes( { iconColorHover: value });
- }}
- />
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- label={__( 'Icon Padding', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- value={undefined !== iconPadding ? iconPadding : [ '', '', '', '' ]}
- tabletValue={undefined !== tabletIconPadding ? tabletIconPadding : [ '', '', '', '' ]}
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- units={[ 'px', 'em', 'rem' ]}
- onUnit={( value ) => setAttributes( { iconPaddingUnit: value } )}
- />
- </KadencePanelBody>
- )}
- { showSettings( 'fontSettings', 'kadence/advancedbtn' ) && (
- <KadencePanelBody
- title={__( 'Typography Settings', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- initialOpen={false}
- panelName={'kb-adv-btn-font-family'}
- >
- <TypographyControls
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- onFontSizeType={( value ) => saveTypography( { sizeType: value } )}
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- onFontFamily={( value ) => saveTypography( { family: value } )}
- onFontChange={( select ) => {
- saveTypography( {
- family: select.value,
- google:,
- } );
- }}
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- googleFont={typography[0].google}
- onGoogleFont={( value ) => saveTypography( { google: value } )}
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- onFontStyle={( value ) => saveTypography( { style: value } )}
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- onFontSubset={( value ) => saveTypography( { subset: value } )}
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- </KadencePanelBody>
- )}
- </>
- }
- {( activeTab === 'advanced' ) && (
- <>
- {showSettings('marginSettings', 'kadence/advancedbtn') && (
- <>
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- onUnit={( value ) => setAttributes( { paddingUnit: value } )}
- onMouseOver={ paddingMouseOver.onMouseOver }
- onMouseOut={ paddingMouseOver.onMouseOut }
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- value={margin}
- onChange={( value ) => setAttributes( { margin: value } )}
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- onChangeTablet={( value ) => setAttributes( { tabletMargin: value } )}
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- onUnit={( value ) => setAttributes( { marginUnit: value } )}
- onMouseOver={ marginMouseOver.onMouseOver }
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- />
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- label={ __( 'Add Aria Label', 'kadence-blocks' )}
- value={ ( label ? label : '' )}
- onChange={( value ) => setAttributes( { label: value })}
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- </KadencePanelBody>
- <div className="kt-sidebar-settings-spacer"></div>
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- )}
- <KadenceBlockDefaults attributes={ attributes } defaultAttributes={ metadata['attributes'] } blockSlug={ metadata['name'] } excludedAttrs={ nonTransAttrs } />
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- )}
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- )}
- <div
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- data-aos-easing={( kadenceAOSOptions && kadenceAOSOptions[ 0 ] && kadenceAOSOptions[ 0 ].easing ? kadenceAOSOptions[ 0 ].easing : undefined )}
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- paddingLeft : ( '' !== previewPaddingLeft ? getSpacingOptionOutput( previewPaddingLeft, paddingUnit) : undefined ),
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- marginRight : ( '' !== previewMarginRight ? getSpacingOptionOutput( previewMarginRight, previewMarginUnit ) : undefined ),
- marginBottom : ('' !== previewMarginBottom ? getSpacingOptionOutput( previewMarginBottom, previewMarginUnit ) : undefined ),
- marginLeft : ('' !== previewMarginLeft ? getSpacingOptionOutput( previewMarginLeft, previewMarginUnit ) : undefined ),
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- background : ( undefined !== btnbg ? btnbg : undefined ),
- color : ( undefined !== color ? KadenceColorOutput( color ) : undefined ),
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- {icon && 'left' === iconSide && (
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- }}/>
- )}
- <RichText
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- keepPlaceholderOnFocus
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- {icon && 'left' !== iconSide && (
- <IconRender className={`kt-btn-svg-icon kt-btn-svg-icon-${icon} kt-btn-side-${iconSide}`} name={icon} size={'1em'} style={{
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- paddingLeft : ( previewIconPaddingLeft ? getSpacingOptionOutput( previewIconPaddingLeft, iconPaddingUnit ) : undefined ),
- }}/>
- )}
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- forceShow={ paddingMouseOver.isMouseOver }
- spacing={ [ getSpacingOptionOutput( previewPaddingTop, paddingUnit ), getSpacingOptionOutput( previewPaddingRight, paddingUnit ), getSpacingOptionOutput( previewPaddingBottom, paddingUnit ), getSpacingOptionOutput( previewPaddingLeft, paddingUnit ) ] }
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- spacing={ [ getSpacingOptionOutput( previewMarginTop, previewMarginUnit ), getSpacingOptionOutput( previewMarginRight, previewMarginUnit ), getSpacingOptionOutput( previewMarginBottom, previewMarginUnit ), getSpacingOptionOutput( previewMarginLeft, previewMarginUnit ) ] }
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- { typography?.[ 0 ]?.google && (
- <KadenceWebfontLoader typography={ typography } clientId={ clientId } id={ 'typography' } />
- ) }
- </div>
- </div>
- );
- }
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