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- <?php
- /*
- Knockdown tournament simple manager PHP
- Random pairing
- Changes
- -v230407d - Minor fix
- -v230407c - First working version
- -
- Note: Online random item list generator :
- ToDO:
- -implement swiss_pairing
- - Show game history in the end - maybe with tabs
- ok -Front end text area to enter list of teams
- ok -List of teams is entered in the terams[] array and then they are paired and returned to frontend
- ok -Each paired team has a checkbox for the winner
- ok -Submit form get only the winners and puts them again in the teams[] array to do a next random pairing
- */
- $debug=false;
- if ($debug) {echo "<h3>";print_r($_REQUEST) ;echo " </h3>"; }
- $random_pair_for_all_rounds=false; //false for only use random pair in the first round
- $swiss_pairing=true; //NOTE swiss_pairing ignores random
- $round=0;
- if(@$_REQUEST['round']==1 ) $round=1;
- if(@$_REQUEST['round']>1 ) {
- //if($debug)echo "round".$_REQUEST['round'];
- $round=$_REQUEST['round'];
- //if($debug)echo "round got from form:$round";
- }
- /*
- //Filter request :
- $args=array(
- 'onename' => array(
- )
- );
- $_REQUEST=filter_input_array( INPUT_POST, $args );
- */
- echo "<h3> Round : $round </h3>";
- function name_checkbox_create($teams,$index){
- return "<b>".$teams[$index ]."</b> [Won? : <input type='checkbox' name=winner[] value='".$teams[$index ]."'' >]";
- }
- function swiss_pair($teams){
- echo "<h3>Using Swiss Pairing! (note: ignores points)</h3>";
- $number_of_teams = count($teams);
- $teams_swiss=array();
- $counter=0;
- for($i=0;$i<($number_of_teams/2);$i++) {
- $teams_swiss[$counter]=$teams[$i];
- $counter++;
- $teams_swiss[$counter]=$teams[$i+($number_of_teams/2)];
- $counter++;
- }
- return $teams_swiss;
- }
- function generate_pairing($teams) {
- global $round,$random_pair_for_all_rounds,$swiss_pairing;
- $number_of_teams = count($teams);
- // Shuffle the teams
- if(($round==1 || $random_pair_for_all_rounds ) && !$swiss_pairing ) shuffle($teams);// You get a shuffled array
- $nextround=$round+1;
- if($number_of_teams%2==1) {$teams[] = "Bye"; }// Bye is always the last entry echo
- if ($swiss_pairing) $teams=swiss_pair($teams);
- //echo '<form action="tournament.php" method=POST id="usrform">
- echo '<form action="" method=POST id="usrform">
- <input type="hidden" name=round value='.$nextround.'>';
- // Pair the adjacent teams
- $pairing_table="";
- for ( $index = 0; $index < $number_of_teams; $index +=2) {
- // Pair $teams[$index ] with $teams[$index +1]
- //For RoboJSbattle it could generate a match link for each pair eg ?index.html?bot1=$teams[$index ]&bot2=$teams[$index+1]
- $pairing_table .= name_checkbox_create($teams,$index) . "-> " . name_checkbox_create($teams,$index+1) ." <br>"; //Print with checkboxes
- } //end of for
- echo $pairing_table;
- echo '<input type="submit">';
- }
- //First page
- if($round==0 ){
- echo 'Enter list of names (one name per line). Pairing is random.<br>
- <!-- <form action="tournament.php" method=POST id="usrform"> -->
- <form action="" method=POST id="usrform">
- <input type="hidden" name=round value=1>
- <textarea rows=10 name="initialteamlist" form="usrform">
- name1
- name2
- name3
- name4
- name5
- name6
- name7
- name8
- </textarea>
- <input type="submit">
- </form>
- ';
- }
- //$ids = explode(PHP_EOL, $input);
- if($round==1 ){
- echo "<h2>First Round</h2>";
- $teamtext_filtered = preg_replace('/\n+/', "\n", trim($_REQUEST['initialteamlist']));
- //$teamtext_filtered = preg_replace("/(^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]+)[\s\t]*[\r\n]+/", "\n", trim($_REQUEST['initialteamlist']));
- //$teams = explode(PHP_EOL,$teamtext_filtered );
- $teams = explode("\n",$teamtext_filtered );
- generate_pairing($teams);
- }
- if($round>1 ){
- echo "<h2>Next Round</h2>";
- $teams=$_REQUEST['winner'];
- if ($debug) {echo "<h3>ROUND>1 : ";print_r($teams) ;echo " </h3>"; }
- if(count($teams)>1 )generate_pairing($teams); //here we need checkboxes
- }
- /*
- $teams[] = "Austria";
- $teams[] = "Hungary";
- $teams[] = "Czech Republic";
- $teams[] = "New Zealang";
- $teams[] = "France";
- $teams[] = "Belgium";
- $teams[] = "Estonia";
- $teams[] = "Iceland";
- */
- ?>
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