

Dec 3rd, 2014
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  1. <ChloeAFK> Dirus: ordered 2 ssds and some other stuff to go to fated in
  2. october.. shipped 2nd, arrived the 3rd..
  3. <ChloeAFK> Dirus: didn't arrive at fated's, POD says delievred and signed for
  4. by "henry"
  5. <ChloeAFK> Dirus: shipped basicly saying we've signed someone else's name to
  6. steal the item.
  7. 06:15PM <Dirus> Oh geez. Let me guess, no Henry in the building?
  8. <ChloeAFK> Dirus: in fated's home? No I think he'd notice..
  9. 06:15PM <Dirus> That's bullshit Chloe.
  10. <ChloeAFK> Dirus: in the building, according to the landlords, none of the 67
  11. flats has a tennent called henry
  12. <ChloeAFK> Dirus: logisitcs manager of the sender has offered to "come to
  13. grimsby and sort me out"
  14. 06:16PM <Dirus> As in, really, or a threat?
  15. <ChloeAFK> Dirus: as in a threat.
  16. 06:16PM <Chompy> wow
  17. 06:16PM <Dirus> Damn. Are you allowed one party recordings of calls?
  18. <ChloeAFK> Dirus: so I'm pondering rolling down there next week, and asking
  19. them to ask their logisitics manager if he wants to make good on
  20. the threat
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