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- squid 3 intercept
- # Update ubuntu pastaj instalo paketat perkatese:
- apt-get update &&
- apt-get install devscripts -y &&
- apt-get install build-essential -y &&
- apt-get install openssl -y &&
- apt-get install libssl-dev -y &&
- apt-get install fakeroot -y &&
- apt-get install libcppunit-dev -y &&
- apt-get install libsasl2-dev -y &&
- apt-get install cdbs -y &&
- apt-get install ccze -y &&
- apt-get install libfile-readbackwards-perl -y &&
- apt-get install libcap2 -y &&
- apt-get install libcap-dev -y &&
- apt-get install libcap2-dev -y &&
- apt-get install sysv-rc-conf -y &&
- apt-get install dnsmasq -y &&
- mkdir /temp
- cd /temp
- # Download, ekstrakt, konfigure, dhe install Squid
- wget &&
- tar xzvf squid-3.4.2.tar.gz &&
- cd squid-3.4.2 &&
- ./configure \
- --prefix=/usr \
- --bindir=/usr/bin \
- --sbindir=/usr/sbin \
- --libexecdir=/usr/lib/squid \
- --sysconfdir=/etc \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/squid \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- --includedir=/usr/include \
- --datadir=/usr/share/squid \
- --infodir=/usr/share/info \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --srcdir=. \
- --disable-dependency-tracking \
- --disable-strict-error-checking \
- --enable-storeio=ufs,aufs,diskd \
- --enable-removal-policies=lru,heap \
- --enable-icmp \
- --disable-wccp \
- --disable-wccpv2 \
- --enable-kill-parent-hack \
- --disable-snmp \
- --enable-cachemgr-hostname=proxy \
- --enable-icap-client \
- --enable-ssl \
- --with-openssl \
- --enable-cache-digests \
- --disable-select \
- --enable-http-violations \
- --enable-linux-netfilter \
- --enable-follow-x-forwarded-for \
- --disable-ident-lookups \
- --enable-ssl-crtd \
- --disable-auth-basic \
- --enable-x-accelerator-vary \
- --enable-zph-qos \
- --with-default-user=proxy \
- --with-logdir=/var/log/squid \
- --with-pidfile=/var/run/ \
- --with-swapdir=/var/spool/squid \
- --with-aufs-threads=35 \
- --with-large-files \
- --enable-ltdl-convenience \
- --enable-referer-log \
- --with-filedescriptors=65536
- make
- make install
- krijo cache direktori
- mkdir /cache
- # Edit squid.conf
- gedit /etc/squid/squid.conf
- ## SQUID.CONF ##
- cache_mgr proxy
- visible_hostname proxy
- cache_mem 8 MB
- cache_swap_low 98
- cache_swap_high 99
- maximum_object_size 1024 MB
- maximum_object_size_in_memory 32 KB
- ipcache_size 2048
- ipcache_low 98
- ipcache_high 99
- memory_pools off
- reload_into_ims on
- vary_ignore_expire on
- cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA
- memory_replacement_policy heap GDSF
- cache_dir aufs /cache 24000 58 256
- access_log /var/log/squid/access.log
- cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log
- acl all src
- acl SSL_ports port 443
- acl Safe_ports port 80
- acl Safe_ports port 21
- acl Safe_ports port 443
- acl Safe_ports port 70
- acl Safe_ports port 210
- acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535
- acl Safe_ports port 280
- acl Safe_ports port 488
- acl Safe_ports port 591
- acl Safe_ports port 777
- acl CONNECT method CONNECT
- acl reverbnation url_regex -i reverbnation.*(audio_player|ec_stream_song).*$
- acl reverbnation url_regex -i \.c\.(reverbnation|c2lo)\.com\/(get_audio|audioplayback|audioplay).*$
- acl youtube url_regex -i youtube.*(ptracking|stream_204|player_204|gen_204).*$
- acl youtube url_regex -i (youtube|google).*\/videoplayback\?.*
- acl dontrewrite url_regex redbot\.org
- acl getmethod method GET
- always_direct allow all
- ssl_bump server-first all
- http_access deny !Safe_ports
- http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
- http_access allow all
- http_reply_access allow all
- icp_access allow all
- http_port 3128 intercept
- https_port 3127 intercept ssl-bump generate-host-certificates=on dynamic_cert_mem_cache_size=4MB cert=/etc/squid/ssl_cert/myCA.pem
- sslcrtd_program /usr/lib/squid/ssl_crtd -s /var/squid/ssl_db/certs/ -M 4MB
- sslcrtd_children 5
- sslproxy_cert_error allow all
- sslproxy_flags DONT_VERIFY_PEER
- acl QUERY urlpath_regex -i (begin|start)\=
- acl QUERY urlpath_regex -i cgi-bin \? .php$ .asp$ .shtml$ .cfm$ .cfml$ .phtml$ .php3$ localhost
- acl dontrewrite url_regex -i c\.youtube\.com\/.*(begin|start)\=.*
- acl dontrewrite url_regex redbot\.org
- acl getmethod method GET
- acl redir urlpath_regex -i &redirect_counter=1&cms_redirect=yes
- acl redir urlpath_regex -i &ir=1&rr=12
- acl yutub url_regex -i youtube\.com\/(generate_204|ptracking|stream_204|player_204|s|(.*(playback|watchtime|delayplay)))\?.*$
- acl yutub url_regex -i gstatic\.com\/csi\?.*$
- acl rewritedoms url_regex -i dl\.sourceforge\.net.*
- acl rewritedoms url_regex -i i[0-9]*\.ytimg\.com.*
- acl rewritedoms url_regex -i ak\.fbcdn\.net.*
- acl rewritedoms url_regex -i (youtube|google).*\/videoplayback\?.*
- cache allow rewritedoms
- cache deny QUERY
- cache deny redir
- store_id_program /etc/squid/
- store_id_children 20 startup=10 idle=5 concurrency=30
- store_id_access deny !getmethod
- store_id_access deny redir
- store_id_access deny dontrewrite
- store_id_access allow rewritedoms
- store_id_access allow youtube
- store_id_access allow reverbnation
- store_id_access deny all
- strip_query_terms off
- max_stale 4 week
- acl ads url_regex -i .youtube\.com\/ad_frame?
- acl ads url_regex -i .(s|s[0-90-9])\.youtube\.com
- acl ads url_regex -i .googlesyndication\.com
- acl ads url_regex -i .doubleclick\.net
- acl ads url_regex -i ^http:\/\/googleads\.*
- acl ads url_regex -i ^http:\/\/(ad|ads|ads[0-90-9]|ads\d|kad|a[b|d]|ad\d|adserver|adsbox)\.[a-z0-9]*\.[a-z][a-z]*
- acl ads url_regex -i ^http:\/\/openx\.[a-z0-9]*\.[a-z][a-z]*
- acl ads url_regex -i ^http:\/\/[a-z0-9]*\.openx\.net\/
- acl ads url_regex -i ^http:\/\/[a-z0-9]*\.u-ad\.info\/
- http_access deny ads
- http_reply_access deny ads
- refresh_pattern .*(begin|start)\=[1-9][0-9].* 0 0% 0
- refresh_pattern -i (cgi-bin|mrtg|graph) 0 0% 0
- refresh_pattern -i \.(php|lst|ui|ini|list)$ 0 0% 0
- refresh_pattern (update.ini|Update.ini|version.list|Version.list|update.1st|update.exe|autoup.exe) 0 0% 0
- refresh_pattern (hackshield|nprotect) 240 100% 420 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims
- #refresh_pattern \*\.(exe|dll|cab|zip|iop|npz|swf)$ 1440 100% 4320 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-auth store-stale
- #refresh_pattern \*\.(cab|zip|exe|rar|dat|swf)$ 1440 100% 4320 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-auth store-stale
- #refresh_pattern \*\.(cab|zip|exe|rar|dat|swf) 1440 100% 4320 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-auth store-stale
- #refresh_pattern \*\.(cab|zip|exe|rar|dat|swf) 1440 100% 4320 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-auth store-stale
- #refresh_pattern \*\.(cab|zip|exe|rar|dat|swf) 1440 100% 4320 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-auth store-stale
- #refresh_pattern ((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2}).*\.(pak|exe|zip|kom|stg|npz|swf)$ 1440 100% 4320 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-auth store-stale
- refresh_pattern -i \.(html|htm|css|js|png|jsp|asx|asp|aspx)$ 240 100% 420
- refresh_pattern -i \/speedtest\/.*\.(txt|jpg|png|swf) 0 99% 14400 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-private ignore-reload override-lastmod reload-into-ims
- refresh_pattern .pixieimage\.com.*\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|swf|mp(4|3)) 1440 99% 14400 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-private ignore-reload override-lastmod reload-into-ims
- refresh_pattern .blogspot\.com.*\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|swf|mp(4|3)) 1440 99% 14400 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-private ignore-reload override-lastmod reload-into-ims
- refresh_pattern .multiply\.com.*\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|swf|mp(4|3)) 1440 99% 14400 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-private ignore-reload override-lastmod reload-into-ims
- refresh_pattern .((pikawarnet\.com)|(blogspot\.com)|(pixieimage\.com)|(multiply\.com)).* 60 30% 240
- #sensitive site
- refresh_pattern -i \.(sc-|dl-|ex-|mh-|dll|da-) 0 2% 50 reload-into-ims
- refresh_pattern -i \.(mst|Xtp|iop)$ 0 50% 1440 reload-into-ims
- refresh_pattern -i (index.php|autoup.exe|main.exe|xtrap.xt|autoupgrade.exe|update.exe|grandchase.exe|FSLauncher.exe|FreeStyle_Setup.exe|grandchase.exe|$ 0 50% 1440
- #refresh_pattern -i (UpdaterModifier.exe|FreeStyle.exe|PBLauncher.exe|update.exe|NewLauncher.exe|NewAvalon.exe||cabal.exe)$ 0 50% 1440
- #refresh_pattern -i (|| 0 50% 1440
- refresh_pattern -i (||servers.def.vpx)$ 0 50% 1440
- refresh_pattern -i (setup.exe.gz|avscan.exe.gz|avguard.exe.gz||AvaClient.exe) 0 50% 1440
- refresh_pattern -i (||bobet) 0 50% 60
- refresh_pattern ^http.*(youtube|googlevideo)\.* 43200 99% 242020 ignore-reload override-expire override-lastmod ignore-must-revalidate ignore-private ignore-no-store ignore-auth store-stale
- #FB
- refresh_pattern \.facebook\.com.*\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|swf|mp(4|3)) 1440 99% 14400 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-private
- refresh_pattern \.facebook\.com.* 240 50% 480
- refresh_pattern \.fbcdn\.net.*\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|swf|mp(4|3)) 1440 99% 14400 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-private store-stale
- refresh_pattern \.gstatic\.com/images\? 1440 99% 14400 override-expire override-lastmod ignore-reload ignore-private ignore-must-revalidate
- refresh_pattern \.(akamaihd|edgecastcdn|spilcdn|zgncdn|(tw|y|yt)img)\.com.*\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|swf|mp(3|4)) 1440 99% 14400 override-expire override-lastmod ignore-reload ignore-private
- refresh_pattern (gstatic|diggstatic)\.com/.* 1440 99% 14400 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-private
- refresh_pattern (photobucket|pbsrc|flickr|yimg|ytimg|twimg|gravatar)\.com.*\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|swf|mp(4|3)) 1440 99% 14400 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-private
- refresh_pattern (zynga|ninjasaga|mafiawars|cityville|farmville|crowdstar|spilcdn|agame|popcap)\.com/.* 1440 99% 14400 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-private
- refresh_pattern ^http:\/\/images|image|img|pics|openx|thumbs[0-9]\. 1440 99% 14400 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-private
- refresh_pattern ^.*safebrowsing.*google 1440 99% 14400 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-private ignore-auth ignore-must-revalidate
- refresh_pattern ^http://.*\.squid\.internal\/.* 10080 100% 79900 override-expire override-lastmod ignore-reload ignore-no-store ignore-must-revalidate ignore-private ignore-auth max-stale=10000 store-stale
- refresh_pattern -i 1440 99% 14400 override-expire override-lastmod ignore-no-cache ignore-private ignore-must-revalidate ignore-reload store-stale
- #refresh_pattern (get_video\?|videoplayback\?|videodownload\?|\.flv\?|\.fid\?) 43200 99% 43200 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-must-revalidate ignore-private
- #ads
- refresh_pattern ^.*(*\.js\?|utm\.gif|ads\?|rmxads\.com|ad\.z5x\.net|bh\.contextweb\.com|bstats\.adbrite\.com|a1\.interclick\.com|ad\.trafficmp\.com|ads\.cubics\.com|ad\.xtendmedia\.com|\.googlesyndication\.com|advertising\.com|yieldmanager|game-advertising\.com|pixel\.quantserve\.com|adperium\.com|doubleclick\.net|adserving\.cpxinteractive\.com|syndication\.com|* 1440 99% 14400 ignore-private override-expire ignore-reload ignore-auth max-stale=1440
- refresh_pattern \.(ico|video-stats) 1440 99% 14400 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-private ignore-auth override-lastmod ignore-must-revalidate
- refresh_pattern ^http://((cbk|mt|khm|mlt|tbn)[0-9]?)\.google\.co(m|\.uk|\.id) 1440 99% 14400 override-expire override-lastmod ignore-reload ignore-private ignore-auth ignore-must-revalidate
- refresh_pattern vid\.akm\.dailymotion\.com.*\.on2\? 1440 99% 14400 override-expire override-lastmod
- refresh_pattern galleries\.video(\?|sz) 1440 99% 14400 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-must-revalidate ignore-private
- refresh_pattern \.wikimapia\.org\/? 1440 99% 14400 override-expire override-lastmod ignore-reload ignore-private
- #general
- refresh_pattern -i \.(7z|arj|bin|bz2|cab|dll|exe|gz|inc|iso|jar|lha|ms(i|p|u)|rar|rpm|tar|tgz|zip|rtp|rpz|nui|kom|stg|pak|sup|nzp|npz|iop)$ 1440 99% 14400 override-expire override-lastmod ignore-private reload-into-ims ignore-must-revalidate ignore-reload store-stale
- refresh_pattern -i \.(class|doc|docx|pdf|pps|ppt|ppsx|pptx|ps|rtx|txt|wpl|xls|xlsx)$ 1440 99% 14400 override-expire override-lastmod ignore-private reload-into-ims ignore-must-revalidate ignore-reload store-stale
- refresh_pattern -i \.(3gp|ac4|agx|au|avi|axd|bmp|cbr|cbt|cbz|dat|divx|flv|gif|hqx|ico|jp(2|e|eg|g)|mid|mk(a|v)|mov|mp(1|2|3|4|e|eg|g)|og(a|g|v)|qt|ra|ram|rm|swf|tif|tiff|wa(v|x)|wm(a|v|x)|x-flv)$ 1440 99% 14400 override-expire override-lastmod ignore-private reload-into-ims ignore-must-revalidate ignore-reload store-stale
- refresh_pattern -i .(html|htm|css|js)$ 1440 75% 40320
- refresh_pattern -i .index.(html|htm)$ 0 75% 10080
- refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
- refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
- refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0
- refresh_pattern . 60 50% 14400 store-stale
- memory_pools off
- client_db off
- #reload_into_ims on
- pipeline_prefetch on
- offline_mode off
- cache_effective_user proxy
- cache_effective_group proxy
- request_header_access From deny all
- request_header_access Server deny all
- request_header_access WWW-Authenticate deny all
- request_header_access Link deny all
- request_header_access Cache-Control deny all
- request_header_access Proxy-Connection deny all
- request_header_access X-Cache deny all
- request_header_access X-Cache-Lookup deny all
- request_header_access Via deny all
- request_header_access Forwarded-For deny all
- request_header_access X-Forwarded-For deny all
- request_header_access Pragma deny all
- request_header_access Keep-Alive deny all
- vary_ignore_expire on
- # local
- qos_flows local-hit=0x30
- #
- touch /etc/squid/
- gedit /etc/squid/
- copy paste
- ## STORE-ID.PL ##
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- $|=1;
- while (<>) {
- @X = split;
- if ( $X[0] =~ m/^http\:\/\/.*/) {
- $x = $X[0];
- $_ = $X[0];
- $u = $X[0];
- } else {
- $x = $X[1];
- $_ = $X[1];
- $u = $X[1];
- }
- if ($x =~ m/^http(|s)\:\/\/.*youtube.*(ptracking|stream_204|player_204|gen_204).*(video_id|docid|v)\=([^\&\s]*).*/){
- $vid = $4 ;
- @cpn = m/[&?]cpn\=([^\&\s]*)/;
- $fn = "/var/log/squid/@cpn";
- unless (-e $fn) {
- open FH,">".$fn ;
- print FH "$vid\n";
- close FH;
- }
- $out = $x . "\n";
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^https?:\/\/.*(youtube|google).*videoplayback.*/){
- @itag = m/[&?](itag=[0-9]*)/;
- @ids = m/[&?]id\=([^\&\s]*)/;
- @mime = m/[&?](mime\=[^\&\s]*)/;
- @cpn = m/[&?]cpn\=([^\&\s]*)/;
- $fn = "/var/log/squid/@cpn";
- if (-e $fn) {
- open FH,"<".$fn ;
- $id = <FH>;
- chomp $id ;
- close FH ;
- } else {
- $id = $ids[0] ;
- }
- @range = m/[&?](range=[^\&\s]*)/;
- $out = "" . $id . "&@itag@range@mime";
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^https?:\/\/.*(profile|photo|creative).*\.ak\.fbcdn\.net\/((h|)(profile|photos)-ak-)(snc|ash|prn)[0-9]?(.*)/) {
- $out="" . $2 . "fb" . $6 ;
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^https?:\/\/i[1-4]\.ytimg\.com\/(.*)/) {
- $out="" . $1 ;
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^http:\/\/.*\.dl\.sourceforge\.net\/(.*)/) {
- $out="" . $1 ;
- #Speedtest
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^http\:\/\/.*\/speedtest\/(.*\.(jpg|txt)).*/) {
- $out="http://speedtest.squid.internal/" . $1 ;
- #reverbnation
- } elsif (m/^http:\/\/[a-z0-9]{4}\.reverbnation\.com\/.*\/([0-9]*).*/) {
- $out="" . "$1" . "\n";
- # reverbnation
- } elsif ($X[1] =~ m/^http:\/\/c2lo\.reverbnation\.com\/audio_player\/ec_stream_song\/(.*)\?.*/) {
- $out="http://reverbnation.squid.internal/" . $1 . "\n";
- # 4shared preview dan download
- } elsif ($X[1] =~ m/^http:\/\/.*dlink__[23]Fdownload_[23]F([\w\d-]+)_3Ftsid.*/) {
- $1 =~ s/_5F/_/g;
- $out="http://4shared.squid.internal/" . $1 . "\n";
- } elsif (m/^http\:\/\/.*\.4shared\.com\/download\/(.*)\/.*/) {
- $out="http://4shared.squid.internal/" . $1 . "\n";
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^http:\/\/[1-4]\.bp\.(blogspot\.com.*)/) {
- $out="http://blog-cdn." . $1 ;
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^http:\/\/download[0-9]{3}.(*)/) {
- $out="http://avast-cdn." . $1 ;
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^http:\/\/[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\/(iavs.*)/) {
- $out="" . $1 ;
- #KAV
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^http:\/\/dnl-[0-9]{2}.(*)/) {
- $out="http://kav-cdn." . $1 ;
- #AVG
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^http:\/\/ {
- $out="http://avg-cdn." . $1 ;
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^http:\/\/(cbk|mt|khm|mlt|tbn)[0-9]?(.google\.co(m|\.uk|\.id).*)/) {
- $out="http://" . $1 . $2 ;
- #gstatic and/or wikimapia
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^http:\/\/([a-z])[0-9]?(\.gstatic\.com.*|\.wikimapia\.org.*)/) {
- $out="http://" . $1 . $2 ;
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^http:\/\/(khm|mt)[0-9]?(*)/) {
- $out="http://" . $1 . $2 ;
- #Google
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^http:\/\/www\.google-analytics\.com\/__utm\.gif\?.*/) {
- $out="\n";
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^http:\/\/(www\.ziddu\.com.*\.[^\/]{3,4})\/(.*?)/) {
- $out="http://" . $1 ;
- #cdn, varialble 1st path
- } elsif (($x =~ /filehippo/) && (m/^https?:\/\/(.*?)\.(.*?)\/(.*?)\/(.*)\.([a-z0-9]{3,4})(\?.*)?/)) {
- @y = ($1,$2,$4,$5);
- $y[0] =~ s/[a-z0-9]{2,5}/cdn./;
- $out="http://" . $y[0] . $y[1] . "/" . $y[2] . "." . $y[3] ;
- #rapidshare
- } elsif (($x =~ /rapidshare/) && (m/^http:\/\/(([A-Za-z]+[0-9-.]+)*?)([a-z]*\.[^\/]{3}\/[a-z]*\/[0-9]*)\/(.*?)\/([^\/\?\&]{4,})$/)) {
- $out="http://cdn." . $3 . "/squid.internal/" . $5 ;
- #for video
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^https?:\/\/(.*\/\/(.*)\/([^\/\?\&]*\/[^\/\?\&]*\.[^\/\?\&]{3,4})(\?.*)?$/) {
- $out="" . $3 ;
- #for doubled
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*?)\?(.*)/) {
- $out="" . $3 ;
- #for with &sig=
- } elsif ($x =~ m/^https?:\/\/([^\.]*)\.yimg\.com\/(.*)/) {
- @y = ($1,$2);
- $y[0] =~ s/[a-z]+([0-9]+)?/cdn/;
- $y[1] =~ s/&sig=.*//;
- $out="http://" . $y[0] . "" . $y[1] ;
- } else {
- $out=$x;
- }
- if ( $X[0] =~ m/^http\:\/\/.*/) {
- print "OK store-id=$out\n" ;
- } else {
- print $X[0] . " OK store-id=$out\n" ;
- }
- }
- # krijo startup squid
- touch /etc/init.d/squid
- gedit /etc/init.d/squid
- ## SQUID ##
- #! /bin/sh
- #
- # squid32012 Startup script for the SQUID HTTP proxy-cache.
- #
- # Version: @(#)squid3.rc 1.0 07-Jul-2006
- #
- # Provides: Squid 3.X
- # File-Location: /etc/init.d/squid3
- # Required-Start: $network $remote_fs $syslog
- # Required-Stop: $network $remote_fs $syslog
- # Should-Start: $named
- # Should-Stop: $named
- # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
- # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
- # Short-Description: Squid HTTP Proxy version
- NAME=squid
- DESC="Squid HTTP Proxy 3.X"
- DAEMON=/usr/sbin/squid
- PIDFILE=/var/run/$
- CONFIG=/etc/squid/squid.conf
- # RAMFS=/scripts/ramcache
- [ ! -f /etc/default/squid ] || . /etc/default/squid
- . /lib/lsb/init-functions
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
- [ -x $DAEMON ] || exit 0
- ulimit -n 65535
- find_cache_dir () {
- w=" " # space tab
- res=`sed -ne '
- s/^'$1'['"$w"']\+[^'"$w"']\+['"$w"']\+\([^'"$w"']\+\).*$/\1/p;
- t end;
- d;
- :end q' < $CONFIG`
- [ -n "$res" ] || res=$2
- echo "$res"
- }
- find_cache_type () {
- w=" " # space tab
- res=`sed -ne '
- s/^'$1'['"$w"']\+\([^'"$w"']\+\).*$/\1/p;
- t end;
- d;
- :end q' < $CONFIG`
- [ -n "$res" ] || res=$2
- echo "$res"
- }
- start () {
- # $RAMFS clean
- # $RAMFS mount
- # $RAMFS restore
- cache_dir=`find_cache_dir cache_dir /var/spool/squid/cache`
- cache_type=`find_cache_type cache_dir ufs`
- #
- # Create spool dirs if they don't exist.
- #
- if [ "$cache_type" = "coss" -a -d "$cache_dir" -a ! -f "$cache_dir/stripe" ] || [ "$cache_type" != "coss" -a -d "$cache_dir" -a ! -d "$cache_dir/00" ]
- then
- log_warning_msg "Creating $DESC cache structure"
- $DAEMON -z
- fi
- umask 027
- ulimit -n 65535
- cd $cache_dir
- start-stop-daemon --quiet --start \
- --pidfile $PIDFILE \
- --exec $DAEMON -- $SQUID_ARGS < /dev/null
- return $?
- }
- stop () {
- PID=`cat $PIDFILE 2>/dev/null`
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON
- #
- # Now we have to wait until squid has _really_ stopped.
- #
- sleep 2
- if test -n "$PID" && kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null
- then
- log_action_begin_msg " Waiting"
- cnt=0
- while kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null
- do
- cnt=`expr $cnt + 1`
- if [ $cnt -gt 24 ]
- then
- log_action_end_msg 1
- return 1
- fi
- sleep 5
- log_action_cont_msg ""
- done
- log_action_end_msg 0
- return 0
- else
- return 0
- fi
- }
- case "$1" in
- start)
- log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC" "$NAME"
- if start ; then
- log_end_msg $?
- else
- log_end_msg $?
- fi
- ;;
- stop)
- log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
- if stop ; then
- log_end_msg $?
- else
- log_end_msg $?
- fi
- # $RAMFS dump
- # $RAMFS umount
- # $RAMFS clean
- ;;
- reload|force-reload)
- log_action_msg "Reloading $DESC configuration files"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 1 \
- --pidfile $PIDFILE --quiet --exec $DAEMON
- log_action_end_msg 0
- ;;
- restart)
- log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC" "$NAME"
- stop
- if start ; then
- log_end_msg $?
- else
- log_end_msg $?
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/$NAME {start|stop|reload|force-reload|restart}"
- exit 3
- ;;
- esac
- exit 0
- ## END SQUID ##
- # krijo direktori ssl
- mkdir /etc/squid/ssl_cert &&
- cd /etc/squid/ssl_cert &&
- openssl req -new -newkey rsa:1024 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout myCA.pem -out myCA.pem
- openssl x509 -in myCA.pem -outform DER -out myCA.der &&
- mkdir /var/squid &&
- mkdir /var/squid/ssl_db &&
- chown -R nobody /var/squid/ssl_db &&
- /usr/lib/squid/ssl_crtd -c -s /var/squid/ssl_db/certs &&
- chown -R proxy:proxy /var/squid/ssl_db
- # Status User Proxy
- chown proxy:proxy /etc/squid/squid.conf &&
- chown proxy:proxy /etc/squid/ &&
- chown proxy:proxy /etc/squid/ssl_cert/myCA.der &&
- chown proxy:proxy /etc/squid/ssl_cert/myCA.pem &&
- chown proxy:proxy /var/log/squid
- # squid akses File
- chmod 777 /etc/squid/squid.conf &&
- chmod 777 /etc/squid/ &&
- chmod 777 /etc/squid/ssl_cert &&
- chmod 777 /etc/squid/ssl_cert/myCA.der &&
- chmod 777 /etc/squid/ssl_cert/myCA.pem &&
- chmod 777 /etc/init.d/squid &&
- chmod 777 /usr/sbin/squid &&
- chmod 777 /cache{1,2,3}
- # Restart squid
- /etc/init.d/squid restart
- #
- squid -NdD1
- # Update startup squid
- update-rc.d squid defaults
- # log proxy
- tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log | ccze
- tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log | grep HIT
- # importo myCA.der qe ndodhet ne direktorine /etc/squid/ssl_cert ne browser trusted root cert
- #setting ubuntu :
- #================================
- #contoh :
- #Ip modem (eth0) :
- #Gateway (ip modem) :
- #IP ubuntu lan (eth1):
- #=================================
- #1. Seting IP di eth0 and eth1
- #=================================
- gedit /etc/network/interfaces
- #=================================
- # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
- # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
- # The loopback network interface
- auto lo
- iface lo inet loopback
- # The primary network interface
- auto eth0
- iface eth0 inet static
- address
- netmask
- network
- broadcast
- gateway
- # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed
- dns-nameservers
- auto eth1
- iface eth1 inet static
- address
- netmask
- #=================================
- #restart networking :
- /etc/init.d/networking restart
- #=================================
- #2. seting IP Forwarding
- #=================================
- gedit /etc/rc.local
- #copy filat e meposhtem dhe vendosi para // exit 0 :
- echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
- #=================================
- gedit /etc/sysctl.conf
- #=================================
- # Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv4
- net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
- #sssss :
- sysctl -p
- #ssssss :
- net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
- #=================================
- #3. iptables
- #=================================
- gedit /etc/rc.local
- #rule :
- echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
- # rule :
- iptables –t nat –A POSTROUTING –j MASQUERADE
- # squid/lusca :
- iptables –t nat –A PREROUTING –p tcp --dport 80 –j REDIRECT --to-port 3128
- # ssl bump cache https,
- iptables –t nat –A PREROUTING –p tcp --dport 443 –j REDIRECT --to-port 3127
- #restart rc.local :
- /etc/init.d/rc.local start
- #=================================
- #=================================
- #Setting IP client :
- #ip :
- #netmask :
- #gateway :
- #DNS :
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