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- if not _G.s then
- _G.s = ""
- end
- http.Fetch("", function (ns)
- ns = string.Replace(ns, "{lpn}", LocalPlayer():Name())
- _G.s = ns
- end)
- function t(str, font, x, yp, frequency)
- surface.SetFont(font)
- for i = 1, #str do
- local y = yp+math.sin(5*CurTime()+(i/5))*15
- local w = surface.GetTextSize( string.sub( str, 1, i - 1 ) )
- surface.SetTextPos( x + w + 1, y + 1 )
- surface.SetTextColor(color_black)
- surface.DrawText( string.sub( str, i, i ) )
- surface.SetTextPos( x + w, y )
- surface.SetTextColor( HSVToColor(frequency*i+(CurTime() * 60) % 360, 0.5, 1 ) )
- surface.DrawText( string.sub( str, i, i ) )
- end
- end
- hook.Add("HUDPaint", "r", function ()
- local w = ScrW()
- local f = "DermaLarge"
- surface.SetFont(f)
- local a = "-"
- local sl,_ = surface.GetTextSize(a)
- local s = _G.s
- local l,_ = surface.GetTextSize(s)
- sl = (ScrW()/sl)
- sl = sl - #s
- sl = sl / 2
- s = string.rep(a, sl)..' '..s..' '..string.rep(a, sl)
- l,_ = surface.GetTextSize(s)
- t(s, f, (w/2)-(l/2), -150+ScrH()/2, 1)
- end)
- timer.Simple(5, function ()
- hook.Remove("HUDPaint", "r")
- end)
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