

Jun 21st, 2021 (edited)
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Lua 6.11 KB | None | 0 0
  1. local ColorAdmin=0xFF0000
  2. local ColorTrueMod=0x0000FF
  3. local ColorMod=0xFF0000
  4. local ColorHelper=0x33CC00
  6. local PSY={}
  7. local admins={}
  8. local truemoderators={}
  9. local moderators={}
  10. local helpers={}
  12. local computer = require("computer")
  13. local term = require("term")
  14. local event = require("event")
  15. local serialization = require('serialization')
  16. local fs = require("filesystem")
  17. local component = require("component")
  18. local gpu = component.gpu
  19. local glass = component.openperipheral_bridge
  20. local running=true
  21. xresolution=60
  22. yresolution=30
  23. gpu.setResolution(xresolution,yresolution) gpu.setBackground(0x000000) gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) gpu.fill(1,1,xresolution,yresolution," ")
  24. gpu.set((xresolution/2-(string.len("Online"))/2),2,"Онлайн")
  25. status1=" online" status2=" offline"
  27. function readLists()
  28. if fs.exists("/Status/PSY.txt") then
  29. local file ="/Status/PSY.txt", "r")
  30. local data = file:read("*a")
  31. PSY = serialization.unserialize(data)
  32. file:close()
  33. end
  34. if fs.exists("/Status/Admins.txt") then
  35. local file ="/Status/Admins.txt", "r")
  36. local data = file:read("*a")
  37. admins = serialization.unserialize(data)
  38. file:close()
  39. end
  40. if fs.exists("/Status/TrueModerators.txt") then
  41. local file ="/Status/TrueModerators.txt", "r")
  42. local data = file:read("*a")
  43. truemoderators = serialization.unserialize(data)
  44. file:close()
  45. end
  46. if fs.exists("/Status/Moderators.txt") then
  47. local file ="/Status/Moderators.txt", "r")
  48. local data = file:read("*a")
  49. moderators = serialization.unserialize(data)
  50. file:close()
  51. end
  52. if fs.exists("/Status/Helpers.txt") then
  53. local file ="/Status/Helpers.txt", "r")
  54. local data = file:read("*a")
  55. helpers = serialization.unserialize(data)
  56. file:close()
  57. end
  58. end
  60. function writeLists()
  61. local file ="/Status/PSY.txt", "w")
  62. local data = serialization.serialize(PSY)
  63. file:write(data)
  64. file:close()
  65. local file ="/Status/Admins.txt", "w")
  66. local data = serialization.serialize(admins)
  67. file:write(data)
  68. file:close()
  69. local file ="/Status/TrueModerators.txt", "w")
  70. local data = serialization.serialize(truemoderators)
  71. file:write(data)
  72. file:close()
  73. local file ="/Status/Moderators.txt", "w")
  74. local data = serialization.serialize(moderators)
  75. file:write(data)
  76. file:close()
  77. local file ="/Status/Helpers.txt", "w")
  78. local data = serialization.serialize(helpers)
  79. file:write(data)
  80. file:close()
  81. end
  83. readLists()
  85. function inserting(com)
  86. a=com
  87. if string.find(a,"Admin") ~= nil then b=string.gsub(a,"Admin","") table.insert(admins,1,b) gpu.fill(1,5,xresolution,yresolution," ")
  88. elseif string.find(a,"PSY") ~= nil then b=string.gsub(a,"PSY","") table.insert(PSY,1,b) gpu.fill(1,5,xresolution,yresolution," ")
  89. elseif string.find(a,"TrueMod") ~= nil then b=string.gsub(a,"TrueMod","") table.insert(truemoderators,1,b) gpu.fill(1,5,xresolution,yresolution," ")
  90. elseif string.find(a,"Mod") ~= nil then b=string.gsub(a,"Mod","") table.insert(moderators,1,b) gpu.fill(1,5,xresolution,yresolution," ")
  91. elseif string.find(a,"Helper") ~= nil then b=string.gsub(a,"Helper","") table.insert(helpers,1,b) gpu.fill(1,5,xresolution,yresolution," ")
  92. elseif string.find(a,"RemoveP") ~= nil then b=string.gsub(a,"RemoveP","") for P=1, #PSY do if PSY[P]==b then table.remove(PSY,P) gpu.fill(1,4,xresolution,yresolution," ") end end
  93. elseif string.find(a,"RemoveA") ~= nil then b=string.gsub(a,"RemoveA","") for admin=1, #admins do if admins[admin]==b then table.remove(admins,admin) gpu.fill(1,5,xresolution,yresolution," ") end end
  94. elseif string.find(a,"RemoveT") ~= nil then b=string.gsub(a,"RemoveT","") for truemod=1, #truemoderators do if truemoderators[truemod]==b then table.remove(truemoderators,truemod) gpu.fill(1,5,xresolution,yresolution," ") end end
  95. elseif string.find(a,"RemoveM") ~= nil then b=string.gsub(a,"RemoveM","") for mod=1, #moderators do if moderators[mod]==b then table.remove(moderators,mod) gpu.fill(1,5,xresolution,yresolution," ") end end
  96. elseif string.find(a,"RemoveH") ~= nil then b=string.gsub(a,"RemoveH","") for help=1, #helpers do if helpers[help]==b then table.remove(helpers,help) gpu.fill(1,5,xresolution,yresolution," ") end end end
  97. end
  99. function list(_,_,nick,_,com)
  100. if com == "STOP" then running=false
  101. elseif com ~= nil and com ~="STOP" then inserting(com) end
  102. end
  104. function Draw(color,group,statusnumber,y)
  105. if y==a then linenumber=a elseif y==t then linenumber=t elseif y==m then linenumber=m elseif y==h then linenumber=h elseif y==p then linenumber=p end
  106. gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF)
  107. gpu.set(1,linenumber,'[')
  108. gpu.set(string.len(group)+2,linenumber,']')
  109. gpu.setForeground(color)
  110. gpu.set(2,linenumber,group)
  111. gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF)
  112. gpu.set(string.len(group)+4,linenumber,'- ' .. name)
  113. if statusnumber==1 then gpu.setForeground(0x00FF00) gpu.set(xresolution-string.len(status1),linenumber,status1) else gpu.setForeground(0x1a1a1a) gpu.set(xresolution-string.len(status2),linenumber,status2) end
  114. end
  115. while running do
  116. p=4 a=p+#PSY t=p+#admins+#PSY m=p+#admins+#truemoderators+#PSY h=p+#admins+#truemoderators+#moderators+#PSY
  117. event.listen("glasses_chat_command",list)
  118. for i = 1, #PSY do
  119. name=PSY
  120. p=p+1
  121. if computer.addUser(name) ~= nil then Draw(ColorAdmin,'PSY',1,p) else Draw(ColorAdmin,'PSY',0,p) end computer.removeUser(name)
  122. end
  123. for i = 1, #admins do
  124. name=admins
  125. a=a+1
  126. if computer.addUser(name) ~= nil then Draw(ColorAdmin,'Admin',1,a) else Draw(ColorAdmin,'Admin',0,a) end computer.removeUser(name)
  127. end
  128. for i = 1, #truemoderators do
  129. name=truemoderators
  130. t=t+1
  131. if computer.addUser(name) ~= nil then Draw(ColorTrueMod,'TrueMod',1,t) else Draw(ColorTrueMod,'TrueMod',0,t) end computer.removeUser(name)
  132. end
  133. for i = 1, #moderators do
  134. name=moderators
  135. m=m+1
  136. if computer.addUser(name) ~= nil then Draw(ColorMod,'Mod',1,m) else Draw(ColorMod,'Mod',0,m) end computer.removeUser(name)
  137. end
  138. for i = 1, #helpers do
  139. name=helpers
  140. h=h+1
  141. if computer.addUser(name) ~= nil then Draw(ColorHelper,'Helper',1,h) else Draw(ColorHelper,'Helper',0,h) end computer.removeUser(name)
  142. end
  143. os.sleep(0.5)
  144. end
  145. gpu.setResolution(110,55) gpu.setBackground(0x262626) gpu.setForeground(0x00FF00) gpu.fill(1,1,110,55," ") term.setCursor(1,1)
  146. writeLists()
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