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- InitSRAM:
- move.b #1,($A130F1).l ; Enable SRAM writing
- lea ($200001).l,a1 ; Load SRAM memory into a1
- movep.l 0(a1),d0 ; Get the existing string at the start of SRAM
- move.l #$5352414D,d1 ; Write the string "SRAM" to d1
- cmp.l d0,d1 ; Was it already in SRAM?
- beq.s @Continue ; If so, skip
- movep.l d1,0(a1) ; Write string "SRAM"
- ; Insert your values to be initialized, start with 8(a1).
- @Continue:
- move.b #0,($A130F1).l ; Disable SRAM writing
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