
Example prompt for generating mineral descriptions with llm

Apr 11th, 2024
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  1. Let me set the context for this query:
  2. X_ITEM_X is a crystal mineral.
  3. The mineral is used in the field of X_FIELD_X.
  4. The mineral is gathered through X_SOURCE_X.
  5. Avoid general statements, be specific and exact but stay in the text style of X_MOOD_X.
  6. The world is a fantasy or steampunk world - but never mention that fact.
  7. Never use emotes in the text.
  9. With this context given, I want you to create a paragraph 30-70 words with the following content:
  10. Add exact details and even a instruction about the minerals sourcing through X_SOURCE_X in the field of X_FIELD_X.
  11. Add the very specific usage of the mineral in the field of X_FIELD_X.
  12. Add a very specific sentence about the minerals discovery.
  13. Add one sentence describing the appearance and color of the crystal mineral.
Tags: Prompt llm
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